This release will let the user - who is a System Administrator - set up campaigns on the HCM App and will reduce the current setup time for a given campaign from about 15 days to about 2-3 days.
Update Dates
Updating Dates for upcoming or ongoing campaign
Timeline view for campaign creation process
Usablity Fixes on Excel Templates
MDMS Data on User and Facility Sheets as Dropdowns
Some of the known issues(Change Requests have been created) related to this release are:
Redirecting user from Date change confirmation screen to "Campaign Summary" screen
Seeing updated dates on Campaign Summary screen
Allowing users to configure app features (Checklist).
Allowing users to update the Ongoing Campaign Data
We have introduced a new service project-factory and console web to streamline the campaign setup process.
Project factory enhanced to support the timeline view of processes.
The console web application will have the support to extend/update dates for an ongoing campaign.
The Console now shows the timeline view of processes going on in the creation of a campaign.
HCM Admin Console v0.2
0.2 tag added
0.2 tag added
0.2 tag added
we added the seed data as part of release kit
Configuration and devops details
project-factory values
project-factory persister
For MDMS-V2 changes, refer to the file below for MDMS schema and data that needs to be added for health - HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE service:
1.1) Add HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE.dateWithBoundary schema
"type": "object",
"title": "Generated schema for Root",
"$schema": "",
"required": [
"x-unique": [
"properties": {
"dateWithBoundary": {
"type": "boolean"
1.2) Add commonUiConfig.LoginConfig schema
"type": "object",
"title": "Generated schema for Root",
"$schema": "",
"required": [
"x-unique": [
"properties": {
"texts": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"header": {
"type": "string"
"submitButtonLabel": {
"type": "string"
"secondaryButtonLabel": {
"type": "string"
"title": {
"type": "string"
"inputs": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"key": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"disable": {
"type": "boolean"
"component": {
"type": "string"
"populators": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"error": {
"type": "string"
"mdmsConfig": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"select": {
"type": "string"
"masterName": {
"type": "string"
"moduleName": {
"type": "string"
"localePrefix": {
"type": "string"
"optionsKey": {
"type": "string"
"validation": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"required": {
"type": "boolean"
"customProps": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"module": {
"type": "string"
"isMandatory": {
"type": "boolean"
"withoutLabel": {
"type": "boolean"
1.3) Update Schema of commonUiConfig.PrivacyPolicy
"type": "object",
"title": "Generated schema for Root",
"$schema": "",
"required": [
"x-unique": [
"properties": {
"header": {
"type": "string"
"module": {
"type": "string"
"contents": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"header": {
"type": "string"
"descriptions": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"text": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string"
"isBold": {
"type": "boolean"
"subDescriptions": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"text": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string"
"isBold": {
"type": "boolean"
"isSpaceRequired": {
"type": "boolean"
1.4) Update Schema of HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE.baseTimeout
"type": "object",
"title": "Generated schema for Root",
"$schema": "",
"required": [
"x-unique": [
"properties": {
"maxTime": {
"type": "number"
"baseTimeOut": {
"type": "number"
"timelineRefetch": {
"type": "number"
2.1) Add data for HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE.dateWithBoundary data
"dateWithBoundary": true
2.2) Add data for commonUiConfig.LoginConfig
"texts": {
"header": "CORE_COMMON_LOGIN",
"submitButtonLabel": "CORE_COMMON_CONTINUE",
"secondaryButtonLabel": "CORE_COMMON_FORGOT_PASSWORD"
"title": "login",
"inputs": [
"key": "username",
"type": "text",
"populators": {
"name": "username",
"validation": {
"required": true
"isMandatory": true
"key": "password",
"type": "password",
"populators": {
"name": "password",
"validation": {
"required": true
"isMandatory": true
"key": "city",
"type": "dropdown",
"label": "CORE_COMMON_CITY",
"disable": false,
"populators": {
"name": "city",
"mdmsConfig": {
"select": "(data)=>{ return Array.isArray(data['tenant'].tenants) && Digit.Utils.getUnique(data['tenant'].tenants).map(ele=>({code:ele.code,name:Digit.Utils.locale.getTransformedLocale('TENANT_TENANTS_'+ele.code)}))}",
"masterName": "tenants",
"moduleName": "tenant",
"localePrefix": "TENANT_TENANTS"
"optionsKey": "name"
"isMandatory": true
"key": "check",
"type": "component",
"disable": false,
"component": "PrivacyComponent",
"populators": {
"name": "check"
"customProps": {
"module": "HCM"
"isMandatory": false,
"withoutLabel": true
2.3) Add data for commonUiConfig.PrivacyPolicy
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER",
"module": "HCM",
"contents": [
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_1_SUB_1",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_1_SUB_1_DESC_1",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_1_SUB_1_DESC_2",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_1_SUB_1_DESC_3",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_1_SUB_1_DESC_4",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_1_SUB_1_DESC_5",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_1_SUB_1_DESC_6",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_1_SUB_1_DESC_7",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_2_SUB_2",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_2_SUB_2_DESC_1",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_2_SUB_2_DESC_2",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_2_SUB_2_DESC_3",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_2_SUB_2_DESC_4",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"subDescriptions": [
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_2_SUB_2_DESC_5",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_3_SUB_3",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_3_SUB_3_DESC_1",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_3_SUB_3_DESC_2",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_4_SUB_4",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_4_SUB_4_DESC_1",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"subDescriptions": [
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_4_SUB_4_DESC_2",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_5_SUB_5",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_5_SUB_5_DESC_1",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"subDescriptions": [
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "points",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_6_SUB_1",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_6_SUB_6_DESC_1",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_6_SUB_6_DESC_2",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_6_SUB_6_DESC_3",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_6_SUB_6_DESC_4",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_7_SUB_1",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_7_SUB_7_DESC_1",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_7_SUB_7_DESC_2",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_7_SUB_7_DESC_3",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_7_SUB_7_DESC_4",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_8_SUB_1",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_8_SUB_8_DESC_1",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_8_SUB_8_DESC_2",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_8_SUB_8_DESC_3",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_8_SUB_8_DESC_4",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
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"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_9_SUB_9_DESC_1",
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"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_9_SUB_9_DESC_2",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_9_SUB_9_DESC_3",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"subDescriptions": [
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_9_SUB_9_DESC_4",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"subDescriptions": [
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_9_SUB_9_DESC_5",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"subDescriptions": [
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"type": "null",
"isBold": false,
"isSpaceRequired": true
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_10_SUB_10",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_10_SUB_10_DESC_1",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_10_SUB_10_DESC_2",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_11_SUB_11",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_11_SUB_11_DESC_1",
"type": "null",
"isBold": false
"header": "PRIVACY_HEADER_12_SUB_12",
"descriptions": [
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_12_SUB_12_DESC_1",
"type": "step",
"isBold": false
"text": "PRIVACY_HEADER_12_SUB_12_DESC_2",
"type": "step",
"isBold": false
2.4) Add data for HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE.basetimeout
"baseTimeOut": 50,
"maxTime": 5000,
"timelineRefetch" : 3000
2.5) Update data for HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE.ReadMeConfig
"type": "facilityWithBoundary",
"texts": [
"isHeaderBold": true,
"inSheet": false,
"inUiInfo": true,
"descriptions": [
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isHeaderBold": true,
"inSheet": true,
"inUiInfo": true,
"descriptions": [
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": false
"isStepRequired": false
"isStepRequired": false
"isHeaderBold": true,
"inSheet": true,
"inUiInfo": true,
"descriptions": [
"isStepRequired": false
"isStepRequired": false
"isStepRequired": false
"type": "userWithBoundary",
"texts": [
"isHeaderBold": true,
"inSheet": false,
"inUiInfo": true,
"descriptions": [
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isHeaderBold": true,
"inSheet": true,
"inUiInfo": true,
"descriptions": [
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isHeaderBold": true,
"inSheet": true,
"inUiInfo": true,
"descriptions": [
"isStepRequired": false
"isStepRequired": false
"type": "boundary",
"texts": [
"isHeaderBold": true,
"inSheet": false,
"inUiInfo": true,
"descriptions": [
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isHeaderBold": true,
"inSheet": true,
"inUiInfo": true,
"descriptions": [
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isStepRequired": true
"isHeaderBold": true,
"inSheet": true,
"inUiInfo": true,
"descriptions": [
"isStepRequired": false
"isStepRequired": false
"isStepRequired": false
2.4) Update data for HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE.hierarchyConfig
"hierarchy": "ADMIN",
"lowestHierarchy": "Post Administrative",
"splitBoundariesOn" : "District",
"isActive": true
"hierarchy": "Workbench",
"lowestHierarchy": "Post Administrative",
"splitBoundariesOn" : "District",
"isActive": false
"id": 2030,
"url": "/project-factory/v1/project-type/getProcessTrack",
"name": "Project Type progress track",
"enabled": true,
"leftIcon": "dynamic:ContractIcon",
"displayName": "Project Type progress track",
"orderNumber": -1,
"serviceCode": "project-factory"
"id": 2031,
"url": "/health-project/v1/_search",
"enabled": true,
"leftIcon": "dynamic:ContractIcon",
"orderNumber": 0,
"serviceCode": "project"
"id": 2032,
"url": "/health-project/v1/_update",
"name": "Health Project Update",
"enabled": true,
"leftIcon": "dynamic:ContractIcon",
"displayName": "Health Project Update",
"orderNumber": 0,
"serviceCode": "project"
Changes are being tracked in the Excel sheet: