Updates an existing payment transaction, to be used only by payment gateways to update status of payments. Verifies the authenticity of the request with the payment gateway. Forward all query params received from payment gateway
Details of the payment response obtained from the payment gateway.
Wrapper for Request Info
Payment Status transaction updated successfully
The unique identifier for Service - this is equivalent to jurisdiction_id in Open311. As the platform intends to be multi tenanted - this is always required
Transaction Amount, preferably rounded off to two decimal places
Unique bill ID associated with the transaction
Module business code for which the transaction is being initiated, ex PT, WS, PGR etc
Unique identifier in the module for which the transaction is being initiated
Brief description for which the transaction is being carried out.
Gateway to be used, from the available list, such as PAYTM, PHONEPE.
URL to which control has to be redirected to from the gateway
Transaction ID of the payment, generated by the gateway service
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
UUID for the user.
The unique username used of the user - this will be used for user login. This needs to be unique within the tenant.
The full name of the user.
Mobile number of the user
Email address of the user
Current status of the transaction
Brief status message for the transaction
Transaction ID returned by the gateway, for reference
Mode of payment used at the gateway
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status code
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status message
Receipt ID generated for this payment
Initiates a new payment transaction, on successful validation, a redirect is issued to the payment gateway.
Details of the payment and RequestInfo meta data.
Details of the payment object.
The unique identifier for Service - this is equivalent to jurisdiction_id in Open311. As the platform intends to be multi tenanted - this is always required
Transaction Amount, preferably rounded off to two decimal places
Unique bill ID associated with the transaction
Module business code for which the transaction is being initiated, ex PT, WS, PGR etc
Unique identifier in the module for which the transaction is being initiated
Brief description for which the transaction is being carried out.
Gateway to be used, from the available list, such as PAYTM, PHONEPE.
URL to which control has to be redirected to from the gateway
Transaction ID of the payment, generated by the gateway service
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
UUID for the user.
The unique username used of the user - this will be used for user login. This needs to be unique within the tenant.
The full name of the user.
Mobile number of the user
Email address of the user
Current status of the transaction
Brief status message for the transaction
Transaction ID returned by the gateway, for reference
Mode of payment used at the gateway
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status code
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status message
Receipt ID generated for this payment
Payment Initiated successfully, gateway redirection triggered.