RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
User id of the authenticated user. Will be deprecated in future
Unique user name of the authenticated user
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
The unique identifier for Service - this is equivalent to jurisdiction_id in Open311. As the platform intends to be multi tenanted - this is always required
Transaction Amount, preferably rounded off to two decimal places
Unique bill ID associated with the transaction
Module business code for which the transaction is being initiated, ex PT, WS, PGR etc
Unique identifier in the module for which the transaction is being initiated
Brief description for which the transaction is being carried out.
Gateway to be used, from the available list, such as PAYTM, PHONEPE.
URL to which control has to be redirected to from the gateway
Transaction ID of the payment, generated by the gateway service
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
UUID for the user.
The unique username used of the user - this will be used for user login. This needs to be unique within the tenant.
The full name of the user.
Mobile number of the user
Email address of the user
Current status of the transaction
Brief status message for the transaction
Transaction ID returned by the gateway, for reference
Mode of payment used at the gateway
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status code
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status message
Receipt ID generated for this payment
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
User id of the authenticated user. Will be deprecated in future
Unique user name of the authenticated user
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
The unique identifier for Service - this is equivalent to jurisdiction_id in Open311. As the platform intends to be multi tenanted - this is always required
Transaction Amount, preferably rounded off to two decimal places
Unique bill ID associated with the transaction
Module business code for which the transaction is being initiated, ex PT, WS, PGR etc
Unique identifier in the module for which the transaction is being initiated
Brief description for which the transaction is being carried out.
Gateway to be used, from the available list, such as PAYTM, PHONEPE.
URL to which control has to be redirected to from the gateway
Transaction ID of the payment, generated by the gateway service
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
UUID for the user.
The unique username used of the user - this will be used for user login. This needs to be unique within the tenant.
The full name of the user.
Mobile number of the user
Email address of the user
Current status of the transaction
Brief status message for the transaction
Transaction ID returned by the gateway, for reference
Mode of payment used at the gateway
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status code
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status message
Receipt ID generated for this payment
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Details of the payment object.
The unique identifier for Service - this is equivalent to jurisdiction_id in Open311. As the platform intends to be multi tenanted - this is always required
Transaction Amount, preferably rounded off to two decimal places
Unique bill ID associated with the transaction
Module business code for which the transaction is being initiated, ex PT, WS, PGR etc
Unique identifier in the module for which the transaction is being initiated
Brief description for which the transaction is being carried out.
Gateway to be used, from the available list, such as PAYTM, PHONEPE.
URL to which control has to be redirected to from the gateway
Transaction ID of the payment, generated by the gateway service
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
UUID for the user.
The unique username used of the user - this will be used for user login. This needs to be unique within the tenant.
The full name of the user.
Mobile number of the user
Email address of the user
Current status of the transaction
Brief status message for the transaction
Transaction ID returned by the gateway, for reference
Mode of payment used at the gateway
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status code
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status message
Receipt ID generated for this payment
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Details of the payment object.
The unique identifier for Service - this is equivalent to jurisdiction_id in Open311. As the platform intends to be multi tenanted - this is always required
Transaction Amount, preferably rounded off to two decimal places
Unique bill ID associated with the transaction
Module business code for which the transaction is being initiated, ex PT, WS, PGR etc
Unique identifier in the module for which the transaction is being initiated
Brief description for which the transaction is being carried out.
Gateway to be used, from the available list, such as PAYTM, PHONEPE.
URL to which control has to be redirected to from the gateway
Transaction ID of the payment, generated by the gateway service
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
UUID for the user.
The unique username used of the user - this will be used for user login. This needs to be unique within the tenant.
The full name of the user.
Mobile number of the user
Email address of the user
Current status of the transaction
Brief status message for the transaction
Transaction ID returned by the gateway, for reference
Mode of payment used at the gateway
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status code
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status message
Receipt ID generated for this payment
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified