Steps to model requirements for workflows, user stories
This document provides details on how to model the requirements for workflows, user stories and process indicators.
Given the requirements document from your business analyst, create a process model that looks as follows. It captures who (role) does what (activity) in what sequence to accomplish the outcome.
Start by identifying the users. The users could be citizens, vendors or employees. It is important to identify the roles the users are playing e.g. in the above the citizen is the "Applicant", Vendor is the "Verifier" and the Head of Department is the "Approver".
DIGIT Concepts
Tenant - DIGIT is a hierarchical multi-tenant system. The state can be a tenant. Departments can be the next-level tenant. So Punjab can be a tenant denoted by pb. The education department can be denoted by
Role - Role can be configured to provide a set of access to the user. The "Approver" Role allows users to approve or reject the application but does not allow the user to edit the application.
User - When a user is created in DIGIT, they are mapped to tenant and role. So they have access only to those data that belong to that Tenant and can perform only those activities as defined in the role.
Workflow - Workflow is defined as a set of states e.g. New, Submitted, Verified, Approved. At each stage, different roles can perform different actions e.g. Verifier can verify an application only when the application is in the "Submitted" state. Abstracting workflows allows DIGIT to configure different workflows for different tenants. For instance, if Jalandhar wants to configure additional roles and steps in the Birth Certificate process (as compared to Amritsar) then it will be possible to do so.
For each role draw a swim lane (grey horizontal bar in the above diagram) which contains all the activities (boxes and rhombus). The activities should ideally be expressed in a "Verb Noun" pattern e.g. pay charges, verify application and so on.
Activities can be elaborated in two ways - as a user story or a use case. User Stories are an informal way of expressing what the user wants e.g. “As a [persona], I [want to], [so that].”
As an Applicant, I want to be able to provide enter the form as quickly as possible. I want to know the process and when the certificate will be available to me.
Use Case is a more formal way of capturing exact steps and alternate flows the user can follow e.g.
The Applicant logs into the system by entering the user name and password. The applicant then enters the following fields - child's name, mother's name, father's name, date of birth, and place of birth. All these fields are mandatory.
If you are following an agile process then the user story-based approach works fine. Agile also works well when you are not clear about the end outcome and want to iterate. However, if you are clear about what you want and also want to avoid too much back & forth communication between the product and engineering team during development with predictable outcomes then go with the use case-based approach.
Identify the process performance indicators that an administrator may want to see to monitor and identify areas of improvement. For example, the administrator may want to see the following metrics and compare them over various time periods and administrative hierarchies.
Number of applications
Number of applications by status
Average time to deliver the applications
Average time by status
Average feedback
Number of complaints
Number of complaints by status
Average time to resolve complaints
Number of reopened complaints
For designers and architects
This section provides step by step guide on how to design services on DIGIT. Design is a process of identifying the various layers of abstractions and also unbundling each layer into reusable components. We will start by modelling the requirements into high-level process workflow. This helps us identify the actors and sequence of activities. From this, we can extract the roles, services and workflows. Roles and workflows are configured into DIGIT. DIGIT also comes with many services that can be reused.
The DIGIT design process covers the steps outlined below:
The outputs of the design phase are listed below:
Process Workflows
User Stories
Service Specifications (YAML)
Service Detailed Design (Class & Database Design)
Sequence Diagrams for each user story
User Navigation Model
User Interface Design
Dashboard Design
Engineering Plan
Develop Engineering Plan
Work in progress
Model Requirements
Model the Service Process Workflow
Elaborate User Stories
Elaborate Process Performance Indicators
Design Services
Identify Registries and Services
Extract the Workflow
Detail the Design for Registries and Services
Identify DIGIT Reusable Registries and Services
Develop Sequence Diagrams
Design User Interface
Design Transactional User Interface
Design Performance Dashboard
Browse through the following checklists before commencing development.
Steps to identify registries and services
This document provides the steps to identify the registries and other services. One needs to identify the common nouns and verbs. Broadly, nouns translate to registries/services and verbs translate to operations or APIs.
List the activities in a table and separate the nouns and the verbs as illustrated in the table below. The activities are generalized e.g. in verify application the word application refers to "Birth Certificate Application" hence generalize this to Verify Birth Certificate (we have dropped the term Application for brevity). Knowing the list of services available in DIGIT also helps - as you may call the activity "Pay Charges" instead of "Make Payment". This process may require a few iterations.
Activity | Generalized Activity | Verb | Noun |
Now transform the above verb and noun columns to the table below to identify the first set of services and their operations.
Service | Operation |
So we have now identified 2 services Birth Certificate and Notification. When we get into detailing the sequence diagrams, it is quite possible that a few more services may emerge e.g. Birth Certificate Charge Calculator - assume charge calculation logic varies between different cities hence it makes sense to externalize this outside Birth Certificate Service.
Workflows can be configured in DIGIT using the Workflow Service. Workflows must be extracted from the swim lane diagrams and converted into a sequence of states and specific activities a specific actor can perform on that state.
Workflows are a series of steps that moves a process from one state to another state through actions performed by different kind of Actors - Humans, Machines, Time-based events etc. to achieve a goal like onboarding an employee, approving an application or granting a resource etc.
DIGIT's workflow service is a simple state machine.
The workflow configuration can be used by any module which performs a sequence of operations on an application/Entity. It can be used to simulate and track processes in organisations to make them more efficient too and increase accountability.
The below table illustrates the process:
Workflow Table1
The above table needs to be translated into Workflow and MDMS service configurations.
At a high level, a workflow consists of:
Actions that can be taken in each state
Roles that can perform these actions.
Below is a sample workflow JSON template that can be customised.
The states in the first column of the table go into the states array in the workflow JSON. Each state has to be enumerated with the right attributes.
The actions in the third column of the table go into an actions
JSON array inside each state object. These are the actions that can be taken on any given state to move it to another state. Each action object in the array has the following attributes:
- name of the action
- the state this action leads to
- The roles that can take action on the state. These roles should be a subset of the roles in the second column of the table and need to map to the roles.json config in MDMS.
The workflow service needs to be configured with this JSON through a REST API call. See here for a hands-on example of how this is done. A sample workflow JSON with placeholders is defined in the file below. This can be used as a customisable template.
DIGIT comes with an MDMS (Master Data Management Service) that holds master data for a module.
MDMS is used to store data that is unchanging or slow changing. Examples of MDMS data are administrative hierarchies, revenue hierarchies, property types, trade license types etc.. Data that changes frequently and requires exposing CRUD APIs go into the database as registries.
Reference data is configured in GitHub in the forked MDMS repository. Each tenant is created as a folder under the data
folder. It is recommended that each module's reference data be stored under its own folder for easy reference.
The master data can be at the state level or city level. State-level configurations are stored in master-config.json
under the tenant folder. Set the isStateLevel
flag as true if these values cannot be overridden. Other subtenants can define their own modules and master names inside their sub-tenant folders.
Note that MDMS does not follow any inheritance rules between tenants and sub-tenants. i.e. a sub-tenant defining data inside their folders will NOT implicitly inherit master tenant data.
The folder names and the file names for the custom, module-related master data can be defined as per the user's needs. What has to remain the same is the module names and master names that are defined inside the JSON. These have to match with the master-config.json also where applicable. If there are mismatches here, MDMS will not find the required data.
The tenancy is configured under the tenant
folder. tenants.json
configures a list of tenants including state-level and city-level tenants. This is used by the front-end login screen to show a list of tenants. Back-end will still work without an explicit tenants.json file. Logos, shape files, lat long coordinates and other tenant information are to be configured here.
Sample tenant information can be referred to here.
A part of the MDMS configuration for access control can be extracted from the table above. All new services need to provide access control for the URIs they expose via role action mappings. A module needs to define roles, actions (URIs) and role-action mapping.
Note that this is only a part of the MDMS configuration. Any other configuration that the module requires has to be set up in MDMS separately.
Create a file called roles.json
. All the unique roles in the second column of the table need to go into the JSON in the following format below. This needs to be copied to the MDMS repository under the following path:
For this sample application, we will have two roles: EMPLOYEE and CITIZEN.
Add the URIs from the API spec in a file called actions-test.json
under the following path:
All URIs for the module need to be included here. The ACTION_ID needs to be unique and manually generated. Pick a unique ID series for your module.
Add the role action mapping in a file called roleactions.json
under the following path:
The detailed design consists of
External Service Interface
Internal Implementation
External Service Interface is expressed as in Open API Specification using tools like Swagger. You can open the sample Pet Store provided and modify it to your needs. Here is a sample API specification in YAML for the above example. This will require identifying the attributes of the Birth Certificate Object - this information will be available in the user stories or use cases. The YAML document thus created can be used to generate the initial service code as well as the service client.
Internal Implementation of the services consists of specifying the class diagram and database tables in which the state of the service i.e. Birth Certificate Object with be stored.
To identify the list of services, one way is to go through the list of below questions.
If users need to be authenticated, then User Service will be required.
If there is a need to restrict certain functionalities to certain users, then Role Service will be required. When adding an Employee to the system, roles can be added giving them appropriate access.
If reference data e.g. Gender - Male, Female, Others etc. needs to be configured, then Master Data Management Service will be required.
If information needs to be presented to users in multiple languages then Localization Service will be required.
All DIGIT services push data into a Kafka queue which is then picked up by the Persister Service which then writes it to the database. This shields the database from a large volume of writes and also provides the ability for the Indexer to enrich the data and push it to the Elastic Search for Decision Support Service (DSS) to display the dashboard. In addition, all changes to data are signed and logged into an audit log by the Signed Audit Service. This ensures non-repudiation. File Store Service is used to store files - depending on the private or public cloud - it can be configured to use the appropriate underlying technologies.
All workflows can be configured in the Workflow Service.
Users and Employees can be notified using SMS, Email and App Notification Service.
Telemetry Service provides the ability to track user activities to identify drop-offs. However, this requires the user interface developer to inject the telemetry instrumentation at appropriate points in code e.g. when a user starts a new application, when a user moves to a new section, when the user saves the application, or when a user makes a payment etc.
Now that we have identified the list of services, develop the sequence diagrams which show how all the services talk to each other to enact a use case or user story. A sequence diagram is illustrated below.
This page provides the details on designing the transactional user interface and performance dashboards.
Identify the points different roles interact with the system from the process model.
Activity | User Interface Required |
DIGIT UI design guidelines are available here.
FIGMA designs using the above Guidelines are available here. Feel free to copy and modify as per your needs.
DIGIT UI Accelerators available in React and Flutter implement these Guidelines as reusable components and UI frameworks. The entire source code is open and available here.
DIGIT Decision Support Dashboard (DSS) looks like below.
Each of the widgets corresponds to one service and that displays basic performance metrics for that service. This can be further drilled down to the below view for deeper analysis.
The performance metrics and dimensions identified of the service can be mapped to different available visualizations in DSS.
What is the state of the application? | Which role can act? | What actions can the role take? |
Metric | Dimension | Comparison | Visualisation |
Apply for Birth Certificate
Create Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate
Make Payment
Make Payment
Verify Application
Verify Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate
Approve Application
Approve Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate
Send Notification
Send Notification
Update Application
Update Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate
Download Certificate
Download Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate
Awaiting Verification
Mark Verified Ask for Clarification
Awaiting Clarification
Assign Approver
Awaiting Approval
Approve Reject
Apply for Birth Certificate
New Application UI Applicated Submitted UI
Make Payment
Payment UI Payment Successful UI
Verify Application
Verify Application UI Application Verified UI
Send Notification
Notification UI
Update Application
Edit Application UI Update Successful UI
Approve Application
Approve Application UI Application Approved/Rejected UI
Download Certificate
Download Birth Certificate UI Birth Certificate UI
Total Birth Certificate Applications
Previous Year
Average Time
Previous Year
Total Applications
By Location
Pie Chart
Total Applications
By Status
Pie Chart
Total Applications
By Week
Line Chart