Pre -requirements for publishing the app bundle to play store
This page provides the requirements that should be met to publish the app bundle to Google Play Store.
Before publishing an app bundle to the Google Play Store, ensure that the following requirements are met:
App Content and Policies:
Ensure the app complies with Google Play Store policies, including content guidelines, restricted content, and advertising policies.
Ensure the app's content does not infringe on intellectual property rights or violate any legal restrictions.
Privacy and Data Handling:
Implement appropriate privacy measures to protect user data and comply with privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR).
Communicate your app's data handling practices and obtain user consent when necessary.
Have Terms & Conditions and Privacy documents handy
Write an engaging and informative app description that accurately represents your app's functionality and benefits.
Choose relevant and compelling promotional graphics, including an app icon and feature graphic.
Store Policies and Agreements:
Review and accept the Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement.
Familiarize yourself with the Google Play Store policies and ensure your app complies with them.
Developer Account: Create a Google Play Developer account and complete the registration process
Choose the appropriate pricing and distribution options for your app, such as free, paid, or freemium models.
Select the countries or regions where you want to make your app available.
Release Management:
Consider using the Google Play Console's release management tools to monitor and control your app's releases.
Remember to carefully review the Google Play Store's guidelines, documentation, and recommendations for publishing apps to ensure a smooth and successful deployment process.
Steps to generate APKs and App bundles for Android applications
Follow the steps on this page to build the APK and IPA for deploying in Play Store and App-store.
Follow the Flutter Installation and setup Guide and Run the Application till the Flutter pub is set up.
Run the below command in your terminal from theroot of the project to generate the APK
flutter build apk --release
Prior knowledge of generating unique key store files for your application ( Reference links: Generating key store for your Android application)
Changing the App name
Changing App Logo (Ref Link: Changing app logo in Flutter)
Prior knowledge of app bundle creation for publishing in the Play Store
Terms and Conditions and Privacy Documents for your application
Note: The generated key store file needs to be added to the Android/app folder of your project. This is needed for publishing the next version of your application.
Add a file inside your Android folder which is a reference to your key store file. Below is the sample file.
Run the below command in your terminal from the root of the project to generate the App bundle to publish in the play store.
flutter build app bundle
This page runs you through the steps to build the web application and deploy in respective environment.
Follow the instructions to set up the job pipeline. Ignore the steps not applicable to the front end.
Instructions here are provided assuming CD/CI has been set up using the DIGIT ci-as-code module.
Before setting up the job pipeline, make sure each project has a docker folder in the root folder of the project. The cirrusci flutter docker tag must be mentioned for building the application through Jenkins. Check the image below for reference.
The global assets inside the .env file should be loaded from the environment assets.
Note: The global assets file needs to be in JSON format for Flutter
Follow the sample config added in yaml files of the respective environment to load the global assets of works_shg_app.
Congrats!!! We are now ready to build and deploy the application on the web.
dev yaml file :
Go to the Jenkins page. Click on your project to build under the folder path mentioned below.
For reference, if works_shg_app need to be build, Go to path
Go to the Jenkins page. Click on the desired environment you want to deploy the build
Path ref: