Authorisation Management
DIGIT offers several API collections that help integrate services on the platform. The table below enlists the DIGIT Core Service APIs and the link to related service configuration docs.
API List | Description | Service Configuration Docs |
Create, Update, Search, Password Update, Reset Password
Create new roles, Update existing roles, Search for a list of roles based on role codes, Create new actions, Update existing actions, Map roles and features, Map roles and actions, Validate tenant actions & roles
Add employee, Update employee data, Generate count for list of active & inactive employees, Search for employees
Search list of boundaries, search geographical boundaries, Search for tenant id based on latitude and longitude
Localise messages, Update localised messages, Delete localised messages, Get messages by locale and tenant ID
Encrypt given values, Decrypt given values, Provide signature for given values, Verify signature, Deactivate keys for given tenant and generate new key
Index records, Reindex records, Start legacy index job to reindex records
Upload files to servers, Search file url based on tenantid and filestoreid, Search file url based on tenantid and tag name, Get metadata of file based on tenantID and filestoreID
Record payments in the system, Perform workflow actions on payment, Validate payment request, Search payment based on given search criteria
Create/Update master data, Get master data for listed tenantID or module
Generate new ID
Shorten URL, Redirects user to the original URL
Create/Update/Search new business service, Create new workflow entry, Get the list of workflows, Get count of applications
Create/Validate/Search OTP configuration entry
Create/Search pdf
Create new payment instruction / Update existing payment /Retrieve current status of payment
Decision support systems - manage and facilitate data ingest
Details for the authorization request + RequestInfo meta data.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
unique API ID
API version
response timestamp YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+/-nn:nn (timezone defaulted to +5.30)
api action like GET/POST/PUT/DELETE in case of http calls
device UUID from which API is called
API key (dynamic)
unique request message id, UUID, for handling API idempotency
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token
The uniqueue id field to find original url
user redirected to original url
url to be shortened
shortened url returned
Index request to index one record on an index
Reindex data from one index to another
Success response is calculated tax.
Initiate legacy index job to index data from DB fetched by calling some api
Success response is calculated tax.
validate OTP Configuration this end point is validate the otp respect to mobilenumber
required parameters have to be populated
this is the five digit otp number ,this is mandatory in validate end point should pass otp value in /otp/v1/_validate end point, in other end point it is read only
this is otp reference id, this is mandatory in search end point (/otp/v1/_search), and in other end point it is read only.
identity is username or mobile number. this is mandatory field in create and validate end point end point is(/otp/v1/_create, and /otp/v1/_validat) and optional field in /otp/v1/_search end point
Unique Identifier of the tenantId to which user primarily belongs and it is mandatory field in all the end points shoiuld pass this value
it return true or false this is optional or read only property in all end point,
Request acknowledged sucessfully
this is the five digit otp number ,this is mandatory in validate end point should pass otp value in /otp/v1/_validate end point, in other end point it is read only
this is otp reference id, this is mandatory in search end point (/otp/v1/_search), and in other end point it is read only.
identity is username or mobile number. this is mandatory field in create and validate end point end point is(/otp/v1/_create, and /otp/v1/_validat) and optional field in /otp/v1/_search end point
Unique Identifier of the tenantId to which user primarily belongs and it is mandatory field in all the end points shoiuld pass this value
it return true or false this is optional or read only property in all end point,
Returns all the messages by locale and tenantId.
Unique id for ulb.
locale for message.
Module name for message
An array of Messages
Code of message.
Description of Message.
module for message
locale for message
search the mobile number and otp using uuid ,uuid nothing but otp reference number
required parameters have to be populated
this is the five digit otp number ,this is mandatory in validate end point should pass otp value in /otp/v1/_validate end point, in other end point it is read only
this is otp reference id, this is mandatory in search end point (/otp/v1/_search), and in other end point it is read only.
identity is username or mobile number. this is mandatory field in create and validate end point end point is(/otp/v1/_create, and /otp/v1/_validat) and optional field in /otp/v1/_search end point
Unique Identifier of the tenantId to which user primarily belongs and it is mandatory field in all the end points shoiuld pass this value
it return true or false this is optional or read only property in all end point,
Request acknowledged sucessfully
this is the five digit otp number ,this is mandatory in validate end point should pass otp value in /otp/v1/_validate end point, in other end point it is read only
this is otp reference id, this is mandatory in search end point (/otp/v1/_search), and in other end point it is read only.
identity is username or mobile number. this is mandatory field in create and validate end point end point is(/otp/v1/_create, and /otp/v1/_validat) and optional field in /otp/v1/_search end point
Unique Identifier of the tenantId to which user primarily belongs and it is mandatory field in all the end points shoiuld pass this value
it return true or false this is optional or read only property in all end point,
create OTP Configuration this API is internaly call from v1/_send end point, this end point present in user-otp service no need of explicity call
required parameters have to be populated
this is the five digit otp number ,this is mandatory in validate end point should pass otp value in /otp/v1/_validate end point, in other end point it is read only
this is otp reference id, this is mandatory in search end point (/otp/v1/_search), and in other end point it is read only.
identity is username or mobile number. this is mandatory field in create and validate end point end point is(/otp/v1/_create, and /otp/v1/_validat) and optional field in /otp/v1/_search end point
Unique Identifier of the tenantId to which user primarily belongs and it is mandatory field in all the end points shoiuld pass this value
it return true or false this is optional or read only property in all end point,
Request acknowledged sucessfully
this is the five digit otp number ,this is mandatory in validate end point should pass otp value in /otp/v1/_validate end point, in other end point it is read only
this is otp reference id, this is mandatory in search end point (/otp/v1/_search), and in other end point it is read only.
identity is username or mobile number. this is mandatory field in create and validate end point end point is(/otp/v1/_create, and /otp/v1/_validat) and optional field in /otp/v1/_search end point
Unique Identifier of the tenantId to which user primarily belongs and it is mandatory field in all the end points shoiuld pass this value
it return true or false this is optional or read only property in all end point,
Create messages for different locale.
Message Object to create messages for different locale
Code of message.
Description of Message.
module for message
locale for message
Unique tenant id.
MessagesResponse as object
delete messages
Message Object to update messages for different locale
tenant id of message.
Code of message.
Description of Message.
module for message
locale for message
MessagesResponse as object
update messages for different locale.
Message Object to update messages for different locale
Locale of message.
Tenant of message.
Module of message..
Code of message
MessagesResponse as object
Code of message.
Description of Message.
module for message
locale for message
Creates/Updates the module master data json files on the github through UI input.
Details of the masterdata that is to be created/updated on github.
Unique id for for a tenant.
file path on git that is to be created/updated.
Master name to be created/updated.
content of be written on the file.
Designation created sucessfully.
content written on the file
Get list of masters for a perticulare module and tenantId.
Details of module and master which need to be search using MDMS .
Unique id for for a tenant.
Name of the module for which master are required.
Unique id for for a tenant.
Pass JsonPath predicate to get ther filtered data for a master.
Designation created sucessfully.
array of modules
Request for getting actions.
Unique identifier of the Action.
The Name of the Action.
The Name of the Action.
The string url for the action.
Unique identifier of the Parent.
Defines order for actions.
The Name which is used for displaying.
True if the action is required and False if the action is not required.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Defines service code.
Search action(s) successful
Unique identifier of the Action.
The Name of the Action.
The Name of the Action.
The string url for the action.
Unique identifier of the Parent.
Defines order for actions.
The Name which is used for displaying.
True if the action is required and False if the action is not required.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Defines service code.
Input to a decryption request may be an simple string OR an array OR a JSON Object. Every Object/Array will be navigated through to find simple strings, and those strings will be decrypted.
The response to a decryption request will have the same structure as the input.
Request has the name of the tenant for which the key needs to be rotated.
The tenantId for which the key needs to be changed.
Acknowldgement if the operation was successful.
Acknowledgement if the operation was successful.
Request contains the value and its signature.
The claim to be verified
The signature for the claim
Response returns if the provided signature is correct for the given value.
This will be true if the signature is correct according to the claim, otherwise false.
Request contains tenant id and the value that needs to be signed.
The key used for signing will be determined based on tenant id.
The value to be signed.
Response contains the value that has been signed and the value of signature.
The value that came with request.
The signature generated for the above value.
The request body can contain an array of Encryption Requests to support bulk encryption. The key for encryption will be decided based on the tenantId. Each tenant will have its own seperate key. The value to be encrypted can be simple string OR an array of string OR can be a JSON Object. In case the value is a JSON Object, all the values will get encrypted and keys will be left untouched.
Encryption Key will be decided based on tenant id.
Method to be used for encryption ( AES / RSA )
Value/s to be encrypted. Can be a string or object or array
The returned encrypted value will have the same structure as the input value.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
User id of the authenticated user. Will be deprecated in future
Unique user name of the authenticated user
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
The unique identifier for Service - this is equivalent to jurisdiction_id in Open311. As the platform intends to be multi tenanted - this is always required
Transaction Amount, preferably rounded off to two decimal places
Unique bill ID associated with the transaction
Module business code for which the transaction is being initiated, ex PT, WS, PGR etc
Unique identifier in the module for which the transaction is being initiated
Brief description for which the transaction is being carried out.
Gateway to be used, from the available list, such as PAYTM, PHONEPE.
URL to which control has to be redirected to from the gateway
Transaction ID of the payment, generated by the gateway service
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
UUID for the user.
The unique username used of the user - this will be used for user login. This needs to be unique within the tenant.
The full name of the user.
Mobile number of the user
Email address of the user
Current status of the transaction
Brief status message for the transaction
Transaction ID returned by the gateway, for reference
Mode of payment used at the gateway
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status code
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status message
Receipt ID generated for this payment
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
User id of the authenticated user. Will be deprecated in future
Unique user name of the authenticated user
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
The unique identifier for Service - this is equivalent to jurisdiction_id in Open311. As the platform intends to be multi tenanted - this is always required
Transaction Amount, preferably rounded off to two decimal places
Unique bill ID associated with the transaction
Module business code for which the transaction is being initiated, ex PT, WS, PGR etc
Unique identifier in the module for which the transaction is being initiated
Brief description for which the transaction is being carried out.
Gateway to be used, from the available list, such as PAYTM, PHONEPE.
URL to which control has to be redirected to from the gateway
Transaction ID of the payment, generated by the gateway service
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
UUID for the user.
The unique username used of the user - this will be used for user login. This needs to be unique within the tenant.
The full name of the user.
Mobile number of the user
Email address of the user
Current status of the transaction
Brief status message for the transaction
Transaction ID returned by the gateway, for reference
Mode of payment used at the gateway
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status code
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status message
Receipt ID generated for this payment
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Details of the payment object.
The unique identifier for Service - this is equivalent to jurisdiction_id in Open311. As the platform intends to be multi tenanted - this is always required
Transaction Amount, preferably rounded off to two decimal places
Unique bill ID associated with the transaction
Module business code for which the transaction is being initiated, ex PT, WS, PGR etc
Unique identifier in the module for which the transaction is being initiated
Brief description for which the transaction is being carried out.
Gateway to be used, from the available list, such as PAYTM, PHONEPE.
URL to which control has to be redirected to from the gateway
Transaction ID of the payment, generated by the gateway service
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
UUID for the user.
The unique username used of the user - this will be used for user login. This needs to be unique within the tenant.
The full name of the user.
Mobile number of the user
Email address of the user
Current status of the transaction
Brief status message for the transaction
Transaction ID returned by the gateway, for reference
Mode of payment used at the gateway
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status code
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status message
Receipt ID generated for this payment
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Details of the payment object.
The unique identifier for Service - this is equivalent to jurisdiction_id in Open311. As the platform intends to be multi tenanted - this is always required
Transaction Amount, preferably rounded off to two decimal places
Unique bill ID associated with the transaction
Module business code for which the transaction is being initiated, ex PT, WS, PGR etc
Unique identifier in the module for which the transaction is being initiated
Brief description for which the transaction is being carried out.
Gateway to be used, from the available list, such as PAYTM, PHONEPE.
URL to which control has to be redirected to from the gateway
Transaction ID of the payment, generated by the gateway service
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
UUID for the user.
The unique username used of the user - this will be used for user login. This needs to be unique within the tenant.
The full name of the user.
Mobile number of the user
Email address of the user
Current status of the transaction
Brief status message for the transaction
Transaction ID returned by the gateway, for reference
Mode of payment used at the gateway
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status code
Payment Gateway Specific RAW status message
Receipt ID generated for this payment
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Forward user sent message to Chatbot through GET request.
The receipient mobile number of message
The sender mobile number of message
Type of message ex:- text, image
If media_type is "text" then the actual message would be picked from this field
media data if meda_type other than text
message forwarded to chatbot sucessfully.
Forward user sent message to Chatbot through POST request
The receipient mobile number of message
The sender mobile number of message
Type of message ex:- text, image
If media_type is "text" then the actual message would be picked from this field
media data if meda_type other than text
message forwarded to chatbot sucessfully.
Generate pdf and return as binary response
tenantId for pdf
key to identify correct PDF configurarion
requestinfo object with input json for pdf
PDF created and returned in binary
Generate pdfs and return their filestoreids
tenantId for pdf
key to identify correct PDF configurarion
requestinfo object with input json for pdf
PDF successfully created and response sent back
filestoreids of PDFs from filestore service
jobid of pdf create reques
start time of job
end time of job
key to be used to pick pdf configs
documentype defined in pdf config
modulename defined in pdf config
Get details for already generated PDF
tenantId for pdf
search based on unique id of pdf job.
search based on unique id of a document
Whether single object or multiobject pdf required
requestinfo object
Pdf information successfully retrieved
filestoreids of PDFs from filestore service
jobid of pdf create reques
start time of job
end time of job
key to be used to pick pdf configs
documentype defined in pdf config
modulename defined in pdf config
Name of the workflow confguration.
Unique id for a tenant.
unique identifier of Application
Module name to which workflow application belongs
The list of businessIds
The unique Old license number for a Application.
Boolean flag to return history of the workflow
Number of records to be returned
Starting offset for returning search response
Parameter to carry Request metadata in the request body
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Application(s) Retrived Successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique process instance id (UUID)
Unique Identifier of ULB
Business service key.
Business id is a unique identifier of a task. eg(Propertyid, TLid, ServiceRequestid)
Actions are define for each business service.
Status will be populate by efengine for each action, if it is configured.
consumer can pass the comment on each action.
Documents can be attached with each of the action.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
1.Unique document type code from common master. 2. This is defined under mdms common master. 3. Object defination is defined under 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/egovernments/egov-services/master/docs/common/contracts/v1-1-1.yml#/definitions/DocumentType'
Unique file store id of uploaded document.
document number(eg.Pan number, aadhar number).
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Wf will return next possible action based on .
Date from when license is valid as epoch.
Status after action performed
Status before action performed
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
BusinessService code of the businessService
Unique id for a tenant.
Parameter to carry Request metadata in the request body
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Trade License(s) Retrived Successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Application status as in module
Boolean to describe if documents are mandatory
Boolean to describe if the workflow can be started from this state
Boolean to describe if the state is the last state of workflow
State Unique Identifier uuid
TenantId of the ULB
The uuid of the state on which action is to performed
The action to be performed
The uuid of the resultant state
Used for search result and create only
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Unique id for a tenant.
unique identifier of Application
Name of the workflow confguration.
Module name to which workflow application belongs
The list of businessIds
The unique Old license number for a Application.
Boolean flag to return history of the workflow
Number of records to be returned
Starting offset for returning search response
Parameter to carry Request metadata in the request body
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Application(s) Retrived Successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique process instance id (UUID)
Unique Identifier of ULB
Business service key.
Business id is a unique identifier of a task. eg(Propertyid, TLid, ServiceRequestid)
Actions are define for each business service.
Status will be populate by efengine for each action, if it is configured.
consumer can pass the comment on each action.
Documents can be attached with each of the action.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
1.Unique document type code from common master. 2. This is defined under mdms common master. 3. Object defination is defined under 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/egovernments/egov-services/master/docs/common/contracts/v1-1-1.yml#/definitions/DocumentType'
Unique file store id of uploaded document.
document number(eg.Pan number, aadhar number).
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Wf will return next possible action based on .
Date from when license is valid as epoch.
Status after action performed
Status before action performed
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Unique id for a tenant.
unique identifier of Application
Name of the workflow confguration.
Module name to which workflow application belongs
The list of businessIds
The unique Old license number for a Application.
Boolean flag to return history of the workflow
Number of records to be returned
Starting offset for returning search response
Parameter to carry Request metadata in the request body
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Application(s) Retrived Successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique process instance id (UUID)
Unique Identifier of ULB
Business service key.
Business id is a unique identifier of a task. eg(Propertyid, TLid, ServiceRequestid)
Actions are define for each business service.
Status will be populate by efengine for each action, if it is configured.
consumer can pass the comment on each action.
Documents can be attached with each of the action.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
1.Unique document type code from common master. 2. This is defined under mdms common master. 3. Object defination is defined under 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/egovernments/egov-services/master/docs/common/contracts/v1-1-1.yml#/definitions/DocumentType'
Unique file store id of uploaded document.
document number(eg.Pan number, aadhar number).
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Wf will return next possible action based on .
Date from when license is valid as epoch.
Status after action performed
Status before action performed
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Can be used only to add new state or action in the workflow. Can update any existing field. Removing of any state is not allowed as applications in that state will be in invalid state
Following Conditions are applied -
Details for the new BusinessService(s) + RequestInfo meta data.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Used for search result and create only
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Application status as in module
Boolean to describe if documents are mandatory
Boolean to describe if the workflow can be started from this state
Boolean to describe if the state is the last state of workflow
State Unique Identifier uuid
TenantId of the ULB
The uuid of the state on which action is to performed
The action to be performed
The uuid of the resultant state
Used for search result and create only
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
ReponseInfo withBusinessService(s) created successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Application status as in module
Boolean to describe if documents are mandatory
Boolean to describe if the workflow can be started from this state
Boolean to describe if the state is the last state of workflow
State Unique Identifier uuid
TenantId of the ULB
The uuid of the state on which action is to performed
The action to be performed
The uuid of the resultant state
Used for search result and create only
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
BusinessService code of the businessService
Unique id for a tenant.
Parameter to carry Request metadata in the request body
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Trade License(s) Retrived Successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Application status as in module
Boolean to describe if documents are mandatory
Boolean to describe if the workflow can be started from this state
Boolean to describe if the state is the last state of workflow
State Unique Identifier uuid
TenantId of the ULB
The uuid of the state on which action is to performed
The action to be performed
The uuid of the resultant state
Used for search result and create only
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Can be used only to add new state or action in the workflow. Can update any existing field. Removing of any state is not allowed as applications in that state will be in invalid state
Following Conditions are applied -
Details for the new BusinessService(s) + RequestInfo meta data.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Used for search result and create only
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Application status as in module
Boolean to describe if documents are mandatory
Boolean to describe if the workflow can be started from this state
Boolean to describe if the state is the last state of workflow
State Unique Identifier uuid
TenantId of the ULB
The uuid of the state on which action is to performed
The action to be performed
The uuid of the resultant state
Used for search result and create only
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
ReponseInfo withBusinessService(s) created successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Application status as in module
Boolean to describe if documents are mandatory
Boolean to describe if the workflow can be started from this state
Boolean to describe if the state is the last state of workflow
State Unique Identifier uuid
TenantId of the ULB
The uuid of the state on which action is to performed
The action to be performed
The uuid of the resultant state
Used for search result and create only
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Unique id for a tenant.
unique identifier of trade licence
Unique application number for a trade license application.
The list of businessIds
The unique Old license number for a Trade license.
Boolean flag to return history of the workflow
Parameter to carry Request metadata in the request body
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Trade License(s) Retrived Successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique process instance id (UUID)
Unique Identifier of ULB
Business service key.
Business id is a unique identifier of a task. eg(Propertyid, TLid, ServiceRequestid)
Actions are define for each business service.
Status will be populate by efengine for each action, if it is configured.
consumer can pass the comment on each action.
Documents can be attached with each of the action.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
1.Unique document type code from common master. 2. This is defined under mdms common master. 3. Object defination is defined under 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/egovernments/egov-services/master/docs/common/contracts/v1-1-1.yml#/definitions/DocumentType'
Unique file store id of uploaded document.
document number(eg.Pan number, aadhar number).
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Wf will return next possible action based on .
Date from when license is valid as epoch.
Status after action performed
Status before action performed
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Unique id for a tenant.
unique identifier of Application
Name of the workflow confguration.
Module name to which workflow application belongs
The list of businessIds
The unique Old license number for a Application.
Boolean flag to return history of the workflow
Number of records to be returned
Starting offset for returning search response
Parameter to carry Request metadata in the request body
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Business id is a unique identifier of a task. eg(Propertyid, TLid, ServiceRequestid)
The unique Old license number for a Application.
unique identifier of Application
Boolean flag to return history of the workflow
Date from which the operation is registered
Date to which the operation is registered
Starting offset for returning search response
Number of records to be returned
Used for search result and create only
Module name to which workflow application belongs
Application(s) Retrived Successfully
To create new workflow configuration(BuinessService) in the system. API supports bulk creation with max limit as defined in the BuinessService Request. Please note that either whole batch succeeds or fails, there's no partial batch success. To create one BuinessService, please pass array with one BuinessService object.
Following Conditions are applied -
Details for the new BusinessService(s) + RequestInfo meta data.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Used for search result and create only
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Application status as in module
Boolean to describe if documents are mandatory
Boolean to describe if the workflow can be started from this state
Boolean to describe if the state is the last state of workflow
State Unique Identifier uuid
TenantId of the ULB
The uuid of the state on which action is to performed
The action to be performed
The uuid of the resultant state
Used for search result and create only
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
ReponseInfo withBusinessService(s) created successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Application status as in module
Boolean to describe if documents are mandatory
Boolean to describe if the workflow can be started from this state
Boolean to describe if the state is the last state of workflow
State Unique Identifier uuid
TenantId of the ULB
The uuid of the state on which action is to performed
The action to be performed
The uuid of the resultant state
Used for search result and create only
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
To create new workflow configuration(BuinessService) in the system. API supports bulk creation with max limit as defined in the BuinessService Request. Please note that either whole batch succeeds or fails, there's no partial batch success. To create one BuinessService, please pass array with one BuinessService object.
Following Conditions are applied -
Details for the new BusinessService(s) + RequestInfo meta data.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Used for search result and create only
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Application status as in module
Boolean to describe if documents are mandatory
Boolean to describe if the workflow can be started from this state
Boolean to describe if the state is the last state of workflow
State Unique Identifier uuid
TenantId of the ULB
The uuid of the state on which action is to performed
The action to be performed
The uuid of the resultant state
Used for search result and create only
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
ReponseInfo withBusinessService(s) created successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
Unique Identifier of the Trade License (UUID)
Unique License Number of the Trade. This is unique in system for a tenant. This is mandatory but always be generated on the final approval. In Case of Legacy License User will enter the Old License Number.
Application status as in module
Boolean to describe if documents are mandatory
Boolean to describe if the workflow can be started from this state
Boolean to describe if the state is the last state of workflow
State Unique Identifier uuid
TenantId of the ULB
The uuid of the state on which action is to performed
The action to be performed
The uuid of the resultant state
Used for search result and create only
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
To create new workflow applicationin the system. API supports bulk creation with max limit as defined in the Trade License Request. Please note that either whole batch succeeds or fails, there's no partial batch success. To create one workflow(ProcessInstance) instance, please pass array with one workflow(ProcessInstance) object.
Following Conditions are applied -
Details for the new Workflow(s) + RequestInfo meta data.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Used for search result and create only
Unique process instance id (UUID)
Unique Identifier of ULB
Business service key.
Business id is a unique identifier of a task. eg(Propertyid, TLid, ServiceRequestid)
Actions are define for each business service.
Status will be populate by efengine for each action, if it is configured.
consumer can pass the comment on each action.
Documents can be attached with each of the action.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
1.Unique document type code from common master. 2. This is defined under mdms common master. 3. Object defination is defined under 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/egovernments/egov-services/master/docs/common/contracts/v1-1-1.yml#/definitions/DocumentType'
Unique file store id of uploaded document.
document number(eg.Pan number, aadhar number).
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Wf will return next possible action based on .
Date from when license is valid as epoch.
Status after action performed
Status before action performed
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
ReponseInfo with Workflow(s) created successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique process instance id (UUID)
Unique Identifier of ULB
Business service key.
Business id is a unique identifier of a task. eg(Propertyid, TLid, ServiceRequestid)
Actions are define for each business service.
Status will be populate by efengine for each action, if it is configured.
consumer can pass the comment on each action.
Documents can be attached with each of the action.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
1.Unique document type code from common master. 2. This is defined under mdms common master. 3. Object defination is defined under 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/egovernments/egov-services/master/docs/common/contracts/v1-1-1.yml#/definitions/DocumentType'
Unique file store id of uploaded document.
document number(eg.Pan number, aadhar number).
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Wf will return next possible action based on .
Date from when license is valid as epoch.
Status after action performed
Status before action performed
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
Unique id for a tenant.
unique identifier of Application
Name of the workflow confguration.
Module name to which workflow application belongs
The list of businessIds
The unique Old license number for a Application.
Boolean flag to return history of the workflow
Number of records to be returned
Starting offset for returning search response
Parameter to carry Request metadata in the request body
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
System Generated User id of the authenticated user.
Unique user name of the authenticated user
password of the user.
This will be the OTP.
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles for the primary tenant
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
array of additional tenantids authorized for the authenticated user
tenantid for the tenant
Roles assigned for a particular tenant - array of role codes/names
Unique name of the role
Unique code of the role
brief description of the role
Application(s) Retrived Successfully
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
Used for search result and create only
Unique process instance id (UUID)
Unique Identifier of ULB
Business service key.
Business id is a unique identifier of a task. eg(Propertyid, TLid, ServiceRequestid)
Actions are define for each business service.
Status will be populate by efengine for each action, if it is configured.
consumer can pass the comment on each action.
Documents can be attached with each of the action.
State Unique Identifier uuid
Unique Identifier of ULB
1.Unique document type code from common master. 2. This is defined under mdms common master. 3. Object defination is defined under 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/egovernments/egov-services/master/docs/common/contracts/v1-1-1.yml#/definitions/DocumentType'
Unique file store id of uploaded document.
document number(eg.Pan number, aadhar number).
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
The unique id an user.
The unique username used for user login.
Password for user login.
The salutation of user name. Example- Mr, Miss, Mrs
The full name of the user.
Gender of the user.
Mobile number ofuser the user
Email address of the user
Alternate contact number of the user
PAN number of the user
Aadhaar number of the user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
Permanent address pincode.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Data of bith of the user in dd/mm/yyyy format.
Date on which the password registered will expire.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password attempt. False if account is not locked.
List of roles that are attached to the user.
Unique identifier of the role.
The Name of the Role.
The Code of the Role.
The description of the Role.
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the role master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the role master data was last modified.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Name of user's father or husband.
Blood group of the user.
Any identification mark of the person.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Id of the user who created the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Unique Identifier of the tenant, Like AP, AP.Kurnool etc.
Wf will return next possible action based on .
Date from when license is valid as epoch.
Status after action performed
Status before action performed
Collection of audit related fields used by most models
username (preferred) or userid of the user that created the object
username (preferred) or userid of the user that last modified the object
epoch of the time object is created
epoch of the time object is last modified
The endpoint for uploading file in the system.
The file to upload.
Unique ulb identifier.
module name.
tag name.
Success response with filestoreid and tenantid.
filestore id of the particular file.
Unique ulb identifier.
Search file url.
Unique id for a tenant.
fileStore id.
Return file binary.
Search file url.
Unique id for a tenant.
Unique filestoreids.
List of urls to access the uploaded file which is map to particular fielstoreid.
Search file url.
Unique id for a tenant.
tag name.
List of urls to access the uploaded file which is map to particular tag name.
url to access the particular file belong to the tag.
contetnt type of file.
metadata of file.
Unique id for a tenant.
Unique fileStoreId.
Metadata of file map to particulare filestoreId.
file name.
contetnt type of file.
Unique ulb identifier.
file size.
Provides a list of boundary entities based on the provided search criteria.
unique id for a tenant.
unique list of boundary codes.
Successful Response.
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
read-only db entity uuid.
Unique tenant identifier.
code of the boundary.
Provides functionality to update relationships between boundaries.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
User id of the authenticated user. Will be deprecated in future
UUID of the user
Unique user name of the authenticated user
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles
TenantId for which the role is given
id of the role
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
Salutation of the authenticated user
Name of the authenticated user
Gender of the authenticated user
Alternate mobile number of the authenticated user
Alternate Contact number of the authenticated user
Pan details of the authenticated user
Aadhaar number of the authenticated user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password
Date when account is locked after several incorrect password
Name of user's father or husband.
Relationship of user with the guardian. "FATHER, MOTHER, HUSBAND OR OTHER"
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Blood group of the user.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Any identification mark of user.
Id of the user who created the record.
password of the user.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
Date of birth of the User
read-only db entity uuid.
Code of the boundary.
Unique tenant identifier.
Code of the hierarchy type for which boundary relationship is being created.
Boundary type from master data.
Parent boundary code.
Successful Response.
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
read-only db entity uuid.
Code of the boundary.
Unique tenant identifier.
Code of the hierarchy type for which boundary relationship is being created.
Boundary type from master data.
Parent boundary code.
Provides functionality to establish relationships between boundaries.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
User id of the authenticated user. Will be deprecated in future
UUID of the user
Unique user name of the authenticated user
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles
TenantId for which the role is given
id of the role
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
Salutation of the authenticated user
Name of the authenticated user
Gender of the authenticated user
Alternate mobile number of the authenticated user
Alternate Contact number of the authenticated user
Pan details of the authenticated user
Aadhaar number of the authenticated user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password
Date when account is locked after several incorrect password
Name of user's father or husband.
Relationship of user with the guardian. "FATHER, MOTHER, HUSBAND OR OTHER"
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Blood group of the user.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Any identification mark of user.
Id of the user who created the record.
password of the user.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
Date of birth of the User
read-only db entity uuid.
Code of the boundary.
Unique tenant identifier.
Code of the hierarchy type for which boundary relationship is being created.
Boundary type from master data.
Parent boundary code.
Successful Response.
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
read-only db entity uuid.
Code of the boundary.
Unique tenant identifier.
Code of the hierarchy type for which boundary relationship is being created.
Boundary type from master data.
Parent boundary code.
Provides functionality to create boundary data.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
User id of the authenticated user. Will be deprecated in future
UUID of the user
Unique user name of the authenticated user
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles
TenantId for which the role is given
id of the role
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
Salutation of the authenticated user
Name of the authenticated user
Gender of the authenticated user
Alternate mobile number of the authenticated user
Alternate Contact number of the authenticated user
Pan details of the authenticated user
Aadhaar number of the authenticated user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password
Date when account is locked after several incorrect password
Name of user's father or husband.
Relationship of user with the guardian. "FATHER, MOTHER, HUSBAND OR OTHER"
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Blood group of the user.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Any identification mark of user.
Id of the user who created the record.
password of the user.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
Date of birth of the User
read-only db entity uuid.
Unique tenant identifier.
code of the boundary.
Successful Response.
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
read-only db entity uuid.
Unique tenant identifier.
code of the boundary.
Provides functionality to update boundary data.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
User id of the authenticated user. Will be deprecated in future
UUID of the user
Unique user name of the authenticated user
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles
TenantId for which the role is given
id of the role
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
Salutation of the authenticated user
Name of the authenticated user
Gender of the authenticated user
Alternate mobile number of the authenticated user
Alternate Contact number of the authenticated user
Pan details of the authenticated user
Aadhaar number of the authenticated user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password
Date when account is locked after several incorrect password
Name of user's father or husband.
Relationship of user with the guardian. "FATHER, MOTHER, HUSBAND OR OTHER"
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Blood group of the user.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Any identification mark of user.
Id of the user who created the record.
password of the user.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
Date of birth of the User
read-only db entity uuid.
Unique tenant identifier.
code of the boundary.
Successful Response.
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
read-only db entity uuid.
Unique tenant identifier.
code of the boundary.
Provides boundary type hierarchy based on the provided search criteria.
Unique id for a tenant.
Search by hierarchy type.
Successful Response.
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
unique id of the boundary tenant.
Hierarchy type from master data
boundary type code.
unique code for parent boundary.
attribute that defines if the given boundary hierarchy is active or not
Provides functionality to search linked boundaries based on the provided search criteria
unique id for a tenant.
boundary type within the tenant boundary structure.
Type Of the BoundaryType Like REVENUE, ADMIN
boolean flag to inform the service if children need to be part of search.
boolean flag to inform the service if parents need to be part of search.
unique List of boundary codes.
Successful Response.
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
unique id of the boundary tenant.
Hierarchy type from master data
read-only db entity uuid.
Unique tenant identifier.
code of the boundary.
type of the boundary.
children boundaries of the current boundary
read-only db entity uuid.
Unique tenant identifier.
code of the boundary.
type of the boundary.
children boundaries of the current boundary
Provides functionality to define hierarchy.
RequestInfo should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestinfo as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseInfo in the response body to ensure correlation.
unique API ID
API version - for HTTP based request this will be same as used in path
time in epoch
API action to be performed like _create, _update, _search (denoting POST, PUT, GET) or _oauth etc
Device ID from which the API is called
API key (API key provided to the caller in case of server to server communication)
Unique request message id from the caller
UserId of the user calling
//session/jwt/saml token/oauth token - the usual value that would go into HTTP bearer token
This is acting ID token of the authenticated user on the server. Any value provided by the clients will be ignored and actual user based on authtoken will be used on the server.
Unique Identifier of the tenant to which user primarily belongs
User id of the authenticated user. Will be deprecated in future
UUID of the user
Unique user name of the authenticated user
mobile number of the autheticated user
email address of the authenticated user
List of all the roles
TenantId for which the role is given
id of the role
Unique name of the role
brief description of the role
Salutation of the authenticated user
Name of the authenticated user
Gender of the authenticated user
Alternate mobile number of the authenticated user
Alternate Contact number of the authenticated user
Pan details of the authenticated user
Aadhaar number of the authenticated user
Permanent address of the user.
City of the permanent address.
City of the correspondence address.
Permanent address pincode.
Correspondence address of the user.
True if the user is active and False if the user is inactive.
Value will be set to "en_IN".
System set value internally. For employee value will be always "EMPLOYEE". For citizen value will be "CITIZEN".
Set to True if account is locked after several incorrect password
Date when account is locked after several incorrect password
Name of user's father or husband.
Relationship of user with the guardian. "FATHER, MOTHER, HUSBAND OR OTHER"
Image to be loaded for the signature of the employee
Blood group of the user.
Image to be loaded for the photo of the user
Any identification mark of user.
Id of the user who created the record.
password of the user.
This is the UUID token that we genarate as part of OTP.
Id of the user who last modified the record.
Date on which the user master data was added into the system.
Date on which the user master data was last modified.
Date of birth of the User
unique id of the boundary tenant.
Hierarchy type from master data
boundary type code.
unique code for parent boundary.
attribute that defines if the given boundary hierarchy is active or not
Successful Response.
ResponseInfo should be used to carry metadata information about the response from the server. apiId, ver and msgId in ResponseInfo should always correspond to the same values in respective request's RequestInfo.
unique API ID
API version
response time in epoch
unique response message id (UUID) - will usually be the correlation id from the server
message id of the request
status of request processing - to be enhanced in futuer to include INPROGRESS
unique id of the boundary tenant.
Hierarchy type from master data
boundary type code.
unique code for parent boundary.
attribute that defines if the given boundary hierarchy is active or not