When a user clicks on a village name in the Population Data Table, they are directed to the Village Details Page, which provides detailed information about the selected village.
2.Header Information
Microplan Name: Displays the name of the microplan associated with the village.
Displays the Hierarchy of the village.
3.Security & Accessibility
Village Security: Provides an input field for entering security details about the village.
Master Details :
MDMS Data is fetched from: https://github.com/egovernments/egov-mdms-data/tree/UNIFIED-QA/data/mz/health/hcm-microplanning
Security Questions
Is your village prone to civil unrest like violent protests, riots, etc.? Captures the frequency of civil unrest occurrences using the following options:
All the time (At least once a month): Frequent civil unrest.
Often (At least once a year): Civil unrest occurs occasionally but is a notable concern.
Rarely (Once in 2–3 years): Rare civil unrest.
Never: No recorded instances of civil unrest.
How often do the security forces patrol the village? Measures the frequency of security patrols to ensure safety, with the following options:
Every day: Daily security patrols.
Often (At least once a week): Regular but less frequent patrols.
Rarely (Once in a month): Infrequent security patrols.
Never: No security patrols.
Village Accessibility: Allows entering accessibility details for the village.
Master Details :
MDMS Data is fetched from: https://github.com/egovernments/egov-mdms-data/tree/UNIFIED-QA/data/mz/health/hcm-microplanning
Village Road Condition: Captures the type of road infrastructure present in the village. The options include:
Concrete: Indicates the presence of a well-paved concrete road.
Gravel: Represents roads made of gravel.
Dirt: Denotes unpaved roads made of dirt or soil.
No Road: Indicates the absence of any road infrastructure.
Village Terrain: Specifies the geographical terrain of the village. The available options are:
Mountain: Villages located in mountainous areas.
Forest: Villages surrounded by dense forest areas.
Plain: Villages situated in flat, open landscapes.
Desert: Villages located in arid, desert regions.
The data displayed here can be reviewed, modified, and validated by the appropriate users, depending on their role.
Data Table:
Village Name
Uploaded Total Population
Uploaded Target Population
Confirmed Total Population
Confirmed Target Population
Gblebo Town
(Total population submitted)
(Target population submitted)
(Total population validated)
(Target population validated)
Note : The data inside table will change based on selected campaign.
Note : the data inside table will change based on selected campaign.
Edit Population Data: If needed, the confirmed population data can be modified.
Cancel: Discards any changes made to the population data.
Submit and Validate:
If the Root Population Data Approver (RPDA) is logged in, they can directly validate the data.
If the Population Data Approver (PDA) is logged in, the data will move to the "Pending for Approval" status and will need further validation by higher-level approvers.
5.Comment Logs
View Comment Logs: This feature displays the history of changes and comments made about the village's population data, enabling transparency and tracking.
To Update the census data
Search process history for this plan
The Population Data Validation and Approval screen is designed for population data approvers to ensure the accuracy and consistency of population data submitted for villages. This screen allows approvers to validate, correct, and approve data, ensuring the integrity of the data used for resource planning.
Role Code
Population Data Approver
Responsible for validating the population data, ensuring its accuracy, including the ability to edit data, approve, or send data back for correction.
Root Population Data Approver
Responsible for validating the population data, ensuring its accuracy, including the ability to edit data, approve, or send data back for correction.Has additional permissions, including the ability to finalize population data.
Header Section
Microplan Name: Displays the name of the current microplan being reviewed.
Logged-in User: Indicates the user role and account.
All values are dynamically updated based on the real-time census data.
These values are sourced directly from microplan-specific KPIs, which reflect any actions taken by data approvers.
As census data is reviewed, corrected, or approved, the values will change accordingly.
Filters and Search
Administrative Hierarchy and Area Selection: Dropdown menus for selecting specific administrative areas (e.g., district and village).
Search and Filter Options:
Workflow Status Filters:
Pending for validation
Pending for approval
Assigned to Filters:
Assigned to me
Assigned to all
Buttons: Apply Filter, Clear
Population Data Table
Village Name
Name of the village under review.
Uploaded Target Population
Target population submitted for the village.
Confirmed Target Population
Approved target population for the village.
Uploaded Total Population
Total population submitted for the village.
Confirmed Total Population
Approved total population for the village.
Action Buttons
Includes View Logs for historical data and other validation actions.
Action Buttons
View Logs: Displays historical changes and logs related to a specific village's data
4.1. Role-Based Permissions and Actions
Population Data Approver (PDA)
The Population Data Approver is responsible for validating population and editing data. Their responsibilities include:
Validating Data:
Cross-check the uploaded data with the confirmed population to ensure accuracy.
Editing Data:
Modify the village population data if discrepancies are found, with a reason logged for each change and the data is sent back for approval.
When No Data Is Assigned:
If no data is assigned to the PDA, a "Back" button is shown, allowing them to return to the previous screen.
Root Population Data Approver (RPDA)
The Root Population Data Approver has all the functionalities of a PDA and additional capabilities, to finalize population data. Their responsibilities include:
Editing Data:
Modify the village population data if discrepancies are found, with a reason logged for each change.
Approving or Sending Data for Correction:
Once the population data is validated, the RPDA can either approve it or send it back for correction if further issues are identified.
Approval Workflow:
If someone from the below hierarchy modifies and sends the data for approval, the RPDA can approve it. For example, if a province-level user sends the data back for approval, the RPDA will receive the application for approval and validation.
Finalizing Actions:
If all the villages within the selected microplan have been validated and no further changes are required, the RPDA will see a "Finalize Actions" button at the footer of the page.
The "Finalize Actions" button will lock the data and prevent further modifications once clicked, marking the end of the validation process for the selected microplan population data.
After finalizing the population data a success screen will be shown, indicating that population data is finalized.
Additional Notes
Once the population data reaches the national-level data approver and the validation is finalized, the system will disable all action buttons. The status will be set to "CENSUS_APPROVED" and no further changes can be made. At this point, users can only view the details of the data but will not be able to perform any additional actions, such as editing or approving the data.
Population supervisors will only see the boundaries in their inbox that fall under their jurisdiction.
Get chart data for a specific visualization
{ "aggregationRequestDto": { "visualizationType": "METRIC", "visualizationCode": "censusUploadedTargetPopulation", "filters": { "COUNTRY": ["MICROPLAN_MO"], "status": ["PENDING_FOR_VALIDATION"], "planConfigurationId": ["246cfc95-b4b0-43e8-b375-dd44333cc881"], "tenantId": ["mz"] }, "moduleLevel": "CENSUS" }, "headers": { "tenantId": "mz" } }
Search census data
{ "CensusSearchCriteria": { "tenantId": "mz", "source": "246cfc95-b4b0-43e8-b375-dd44333cc881", "status": "PENDING_FOR_VALIDATION", "assignee": "a7431b92-5db5-46b1-9b5b-33272ba8dbfc", "jurisdiction": ["MICROPLAN_MO"], "limit": 50, "offset": 0 } }
Search business services
Search plan employees
{ "PlanEmployeeAssignmentSearchCriteria": { "tenantId": "mz", "active": true, "planConfigurationId": "246cfc95-b4b0-43e8-b375-dd44333cc881", "role": ["POPULATION_DATA_APPROVER", "ROOT_POPULATION_DATA_APPROVER"], "employeeId": ["a7431b92-5db5-46b1-9b5b-33272ba8dbfc"], "limit": 5, "offset": 0 } }
Search project type by campaign ID
{ "CampaignDetails": { "tenantId": "mz", "ids": ["5b5a49ca-584c-4226-bbd6-98cddd95ef78"] } }
Search plan configuration details
{ "PlanConfigurationSearchCriteria": { "tenantId": "mz", "id": "246cfc95-b4b0-43e8-b375-dd44333cc881" } }