Across state/block
State/Block employees can search all employees across the state/block.
State users have to select the applicable block to search for the employee in that block.
State users can select one role or select all roles to see all users in the selected block.
Further, the drill-down state user can select the concerned panchayat in the block along with the concerned scheme in that block. If nothing is selected it includes all panchayat and scheme within the block.
Block Users can search all employees under the block he/she is mapped to. To search user click on “Search Department User”.
Once clicked -
The block user can select the Panchayat within the block to which the employee is mapped.
Users can further drill down to the scheme once they select a panchayat. It will display the list of schemes under the selected panchayat.
Block users can select roles in the roles dropdown field. Users can select all or select concerned roles.
The search result can be downloaded/viewed on the screen.
Visible details of Employee
Employee Name
Type Of user
Designation 5.Mobile Number
Employee can be searched by name, employee ID and Number.
State User search Employee Search by name, employee ID and Number.
Block-based search is available for state users.
Search based on employee status
Block User Search Employee
Search Employee By name, employee ID and Number.
The search screen will show the below details
Employee Id
Employee Name
Mobile Number
Type of user
Role-based search is also available for block users -
We have search option for inactive/ active users -
Employee details can be updated using the Edit employee details option.
State users - can edit block user details
Block users - can edit field user details
Search user by name (Fuzzy search) , Mobile number or Employee ID
Block user can also search user by roles.
Click on the user you want to edit.
Click on take action Button to edit the user.
The options on the action button can be used to Deactivate / Edit the employee.
Fill in the required details and deactivate the user.
Activate an deactivated employee.
Note: Other than
Mobile Number and
Primary Scheme - the Primary tenant cannot be removed.
Other details can be modified.
The Create Employee feature in the HRMS application enables users to add employee details.
State user is created the very first time with the desired Role as STATE_ADMIN, HRMS_ADMIN, MDMS_ADMIN Using API of create Employee in Egov-hrms.
Click on “Create Block user” and add the employee details.
Employee Name
Name of the employee
Male, Female, Transgender
Mobile Number
Employee mobile number
Email ID
Alpha Numeric
Email ID of employee
Block List
List of Block Configured in MDMS tenant file
Scheme List
List of Scheme under selected Block
Once created the Employee Creation Successful Screen is deployed it generates a unique Employee Code.
The employee gets a message to log in with one-time login credentials.
“Dear, You've been invited to mGramSeva Application of Assam. Please login using https://naljalseva.jjm.gov.in/uat/mgramseva/login. Username: Password:”
Block users can log into HRMS and Create Other field Users, namely Revenue Collector, Chairmen or Secretary.
Homepage of Block Users - Block users can select the scheme from the dropdown list and add field users to the selected scheme.
Click on Create Employee to create the field Employee.
By default, the selected scheme in the dropdown will be preselected in the jurisdiction details. This is the primary scheme meaning you cannot remove this scheme from the user once it is created Block User can add other schemes to the same Employee by clicking on Add Jurisdiction.
Employee Name
Name of the employee
Male, Female, Transgender
Mobile Number
Employee mobile number
Email ID
Alpha Numeric
Email ID of employee
Type of User
Type of user (DWSS)
List of designations for the selected user type
List of boundary/scheme mapped to the logged in block user
List of available roles - 1. Revenue collector 2. Chairmen 3. Secretary
The below screen is displayed upon successful creation of user -
A message will trigger to the employee with a one-time login credentials -
“Dear , You've been invited to mGramSeva Application of Assam. Please login using https://naljalseva.jjm.gov.in/uat/mgramseva/login. Username: Password:”
Only Block Users can update the Penalty Master of a Scheme.
Ensure the user selects the correct scheme to modify from the Scheme dropdown.
Click on the Penalty Master configuration you want to Edit/Disable.
Rate -> In percentage 10 means 10%, 20 Means 20% of the water charge configured Type -> fixed Amount -> Not required From FY -> 2023-24 Subtype -> Current Month Minimum amount -> not required Flat amount -> not required (it is used for a flat amount of Penalty) Starting Date -> From the date the penalty ID is applicable Applicable After days -> days after demand generation the penalty is applicable
The Rollout Dashboard option is available to all State Users.
This is the dashboard that gives you a view of the total connections across active users and the total demand generated across the whole state.
Here we have options to select the date range within which you want to see the data. Further, there is a drill down where we can select districts, blocks, panchayat and schemes as well.
The state dashboard option is available to State Users logged in to HRMS.
Clicking on the State dashboard option displays the state dashboard in Kibana.
The screen provides options to select the date range for which you want to see the data. Further, there is a drill down where we can select districts, blocks, panchayat and schemes as well.
The login, reset and forgot password feature enables users to access the HRMS application.
On successful User/employee Creation, the users receive a link via SMS. Clicking on this link redirects the users to the login page of the HRMS app. The users can log in from this screen or even reset their password in case they are logging in for the first time.We also Provide Forget password option in this screen.
The link in the SMS redirects users to this screen which is the first screen which is the language selection screen. The user selects the preferred language and clicks on Continue. English and Assamese are the supported languages with English as the default language. Localization in the screens is displayed based on the language selected.
The user enters the User ID, which is the registered mobile number of the user, and the system-generated password. Clicking on the Continue button logs in the user.
The user is redirected to the password reset screen where they enter the OTP received on the registered mobile number. The next screen prompts the user to enter a new password and then confirm the same. This is similar to the first-time login screen. Clicking on Submit displays the acknowledgement screen. Clicking on the Continue to Login button on the acknowledgement screen takes the user to the login page.
The user is redirected to the home page of the application which displays the menu options based on the mapped user role
State Admin
Block Admin
Upon selection of the scheme the user is mapped to -
The Forgot Password link navigates the user to the password reset screen.
Only Block Users can update the rate master of a Scheme.
Make sure in the dropdown of the block, the user selects the concerned scheme to modify.
Once clicked on “rate master” it will redirect to the rate master screen.
A list of Rate masters can be seen in different configurations -
Residential / non-metered
Residential / metered
Commercial / non-metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Commercial / Metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Public Sector / Non-metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Public sector/ Metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Mixed / Metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Mixed / Non-metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Click on the rate master configuration you want to edit/disable.
Click on edit.
“From” is the starting of unit “To” is end of unit “Rate” is rate defined within that slab
For example if from is 0 and to is 5 and rate is 5 . consumer 3unit than the rate Will be 3*5= 15 rs
By default, state configuration is shown in the rate master if no rates are defined for a particular tenant. How to know this
If you try to edit the rate master shown it will throw you an error.