MUKTA Dashboard comes with around 21 KPIs visulization covering the action items, tracking the status of attendance, expendutire and payments.
Number of estimates that are created in the selected time period but have breached their SLA is respective workflow statuses.
Ex. Estimate created on Jan 15 (timeline selected is Jan 12-18), SLA is 5 days for one particular state. From Jan 21 on-wards till date this will be counted as SLA breach.
Parallel there could be other estimates in other workflow statuses too which have their respective SLA breaches.
All these will be accumulated to form SLA breach of Estimates.
If estimate is moved to next workflow state, this count will go down until the breach happens again.
All SLA breaches below KPIs follow same Logic.
Includes only until contract issuance. Contract Acceptance by SHG breach is not counted as SLA breach for this metric.
Muster roll approval breaches SLA.
Only for Purchase Bills in V1.
Leadboard: Information in tabular form.
Serial Number
Show Max 5 in default table view.
If there are less than 5 rows (Pilot use-case) show only that number of rows. Don't show empty rows
List of ULBs.
Project delayed
The same KPI definition from Action Items.
Pending bills
The same KPI definition from Action Items.
WO not issued
The same KPI definition from Action Items.
Muster rolls not created
The same KPI definition from Action Items.
Only three statuses will be shown for projects.
Created - All projects that are created in selected time period
In progress - Number of Projects that are created in the selected time period but Work Order(Contract) is not closed yet (Which means project is officially not closed)
Closed - Projects that are created in the selected time period and Work Order is closed in the past already
No Hover Text
Only three statuses will be shown for Estimates.
Created - All estimates that are created in selected time period
Yet to Approve - Number of Estimates that are created in the selected time period but estimate is not finally approved (Didn't reach final status)
Approved - Number of Estimates that are created in the selected time period and approved in the past
No Hover Text
Five statuses will be shown for Contracts.
Created - All Contracts that are created in selected time period
Yet to Approve - Number of contracts that are created in the selected time period but contract is not finally approved (Didn't reach final status)
Yet to Accept - Number of contracts that are created in the selected time period but not Accepted by CBO as of Date
In Progress - Number of contracts that are created in the selected time period and Accepted by CBO in the past but not closed yet, irrespective of contract closure date.
Closed - Number of contracts that are created in the selected time period and closed in the past
No Hover Text
Only three statuses will be shown for Muster Rolls.
Submitted - All MRs that are created and Submitted (Combined action) in selected time period
Yet to Approve - Number of MRs that are created in the selected time period but Approval is pending (Didn't reach final status)
Approved - Number of Estimates that are created in the selected time period and approved in the past
No Hover Text
Default line chart component
Behavior same with respect to filters
Amount Paid by Bill Type Aggregated by Months.
IF JIT integration is done by the time you are reading this, KPI should be the actual Amount transferred (Response from JIT) by Bill Type aggregated by Months.
IF JIT Is not done by now, Bill Final State (Payment done)by Bill Type aggregated by Months.
On Hover show: All 3 KPIs in that vertical column with actual Amounts
Payments are the same as represented in the bar chart and filtered only by wage bill.
On Hover show: Month and Actual Amount
The number of Approved Person Days considered in Muster rolls created for Wage seeker Bills amounting to above KPI.
On Hover Show: Month and Actual Person Days
Table showing payments made to Wage Seekers by gender in the selected time period. Considers wage bills where final approval status and beneficiary status reflect payment done.
Average days of employment - Average Approved Days by gender from muster rolls created in a selected time frame.
Average Payment - Average Payment made by gender in the selected time period where the status of beneficiary turned to paid.
This is an Umbrella story for MUKTA Dashboard. Gives high level description details along with standard components.
V1 Dashboard has 25 KPIs - 8 Simple numbers and 17 in Charts Design
Should filter the dashboard data by selected District.
Multi select should be enabled.
Should filter the dashboard data by selected District.
Multi select should be enabled.
Should be drilled down from District that is selected.
Cr, Lac, Unit as per DIGIT standard
Email, Whatsapp as per DIGIT standard
JPEG as per DIGIT Standard
Define a single role called “MUKTA Dashboard Viewer” whoever has that access should have Dashboard link on left navigation menu and home page card links.
Use same dashboard Icon as per DIGIT standard.
Clicking on link will land user directly on dashboard Home with no filters applied.
All filters, Denominations, Share and Download options to work as standard and expected.
All Cards will by default have menu individually(three dots). This will download image or share that card in that visualization to JPEG (Default DIGIT behavior)
Count of Projects where WO start date is in the selected date range and WO end date + X days is less than todays date. Let X be configurable.
For ex. Selected time period is Jan 1 to Jan 15. WO start date is Jan 7th, end date is Jan 31, X is 7. From 8Feb onwards if project closure is not done, this project is considered delayed.
On Hover show “ Contract created in the selected time period but not closed till date”
Count of Bills that are created (Automatically or manually) in the selected date range and but current status(as of today) is not Paid/Payment done (Whichever is final state of Bill)
Considers all types of Bills
Show Amount as well of these bills as designed in mockup
On Hover show “ Bills created in the selected time period but payment is not done as of today”
Number of Projects that are created in the selected time period and Work Orders are not yet created. (PS: Both are create dates only though text says issued.)
On Hover show text “ Projects created but Work Orders not created”
Count of weeks across all work orders that are in progress (Accepted by SHG) but Muster Roll is not created.
If Contract start date is Jan1st (Mon) and user hasn't created muster rolls until Jan 31, Number of Muster rolls not created are 4 for this project. If User Submits any 2 of them on Feb 1st, then remaining 2 should be shown.
On hover show “Work weeks completed but muster rolls not submitted to ULBs”
Projects that are created in the selected time period by project type
Show total project count within the PIE.
Switching to Amount should show same split by Amount instead of Count
Default Action on Hover
By Bill Type
Amount Billed (created) by Bill Type in the selected time frame. May not be approved or may be rejected also in that time-frame.
Show total Amount in the PIE
Switching to number should give number of bills the above KPI refers to while calculating amount.