Only three statuses will be shown for projects.
Created - All projects that are created in selected time period
In progress - Number of Projects that are created in the selected time period but Work Order(Contract) is not closed yet (Which means project is officially not closed)
Closed - Projects that are created in the selected time period and Work Order is closed in the past already
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Only three statuses will be shown for Estimates.
Created - All estimates that are created in selected time period
Yet to Approve - Number of Estimates that are created in the selected time period but estimate is not finally approved (Didn't reach final status)
Approved - Number of Estimates that are created in the selected time period and approved in the past
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Five statuses will be shown for Contracts.
Created - All Contracts that are created in selected time period
Yet to Approve - Number of contracts that are created in the selected time period but contract is not finally approved (Didn't reach final status)
Yet to Accept - Number of contracts that are created in the selected time period but not Accepted by CBO as of Date
In Progress - Number of contracts that are created in the selected time period and Accepted by CBO in the past but not closed yet, irrespective of contract closure date.
Closed - Number of contracts that are created in the selected time period and closed in the past
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Only three statuses will be shown for Muster Rolls.
Submitted - All MRs that are created and Submitted (Combined action) in selected time period
Yet to Approve - Number of MRs that are created in the selected time period but Approval is pending (Didn't reach final status)
Approved - Number of Estimates that are created in the selected time period and approved in the past
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