We have introduced a new service project-factory and console web to streamline the campaign setup process.
Project Factory
Project-factory helps users create the seed data necessary for the campaign creation process in DIGIT HCM. Additionally, it helps establish relationships between all the resources.
Depends on the Latest Health Services (Integrated with Boundary V2),
The console web application assists users with the initial boundary setup, campaign creation, delivery rule configuration, product creation, boundary target setting, facility creation and linking for each boundary, user creation, staff mapping for each boundary, and connecting with the project-factory service to create campaigns in DIGIT HCM.
v0.1: Release Notes
This release will let the user - who is a System Administrator - set up campaigns on the HCM App and will reduce the current setup time for a given campaign from about 15 days to about 2-3 days.
Release Highlights
Campaign name
The system admin can set the name of the campaign being created.
Campaign start and end dates
The system admin can set when the campaign starts and ends in the system.
Number of cycles, number of deliveries in each cycle, and dates for each cycle
The system admin can set the number of cycles and deliveries and dates for each cycle in the system.
Setting delivery rules for each delivery
Using the attributes and mathematical operators, the system admin can set the delivery rules for each delivery, and create eligibility criteria for all deliveries.
Selecting boundaries for campaign through UI
The user can select the boundaries where the campaign will be done through UI.
Setting targets at the lowest level of boundary data
A system admin can set the targets at the lowest level of boundary data by uploading target data on Excel template upload.
Creating facility data
A system admin can create or choose to reuse the existing facility data with the help of an Excel template upload.
Creating user data
A system admin can create the user data with the help of an Excel template upload.
Known Issues
Some of the known issues related to this release are:
Usability of the Excel templates: The usability of the Excel templates for setting targets, facility data, and user data could be improved as the inputs in the Excel from the users are not restricted in the sheet and could lead to errors.
Upcoming Release Features
Decentralising the data setup process.
Changing dates for ongoing campaigns from the Console.
The development is complete for all the features
that are part of the release.
The code freeze occurred on Jun 20
Test cases are documented by the QA team,
reviewed by product owners,
and test results are updated in the test cases sheet.
All test cases are reviewed by the Product Owner and results have been updated in the sheet. QA sign-off is given accordingly
The incremental demo of the features showcased
during the sprint showcase and feedback is incorporated.
If possible, list out the JIRA tickets for feedback.
Jagan and Team
We had the following incremental demos with the product owner:
HCM Campaign Screens Preview: April 10, 5:00 – 5:30pm
HCM Campaign Manager Demo: April 15, 2:00 – 3:00pm
End-to-End Flow of HCM Admin Console: April 29, 3:00 – 4:00pm
Final HCM Admin Console Demo: May 10, 4:00 – 4:45pm
Incremental Performance Improvement on HCM Admin Console Demo: Jun 11, 3:00 – 4.00pm
Performance Improvement Changes on HCM Admin Console Demo: Jun 14, 12:00 – 12:45pm
UI/UX audit review is completed along with
feedback incorporation for any changes in UI/UX.
@ AndrewJones
Incremental demos to the product owners are
completed as part of the sprint, and feedback is incorporated.
QA sign-off is completed by the QA team and communicated to
product owners. All the tickets’ QA sign-off
status is updated in JIRA.
QA sign-off was completed on May 9, 2024.
UI, and API technical documents are updated for the release along with the configuration documents.
UAT promotion and regression testing from the QA team is completed. The QA team has shared the UAT regression test cases with the product owners.
UAT sign-off was completed on May 23, 2024.
API automation scripts are updated for new APIs or changes to any
existing APIs for the release. API automation regression is completed on UAT; the automation test results are analysed and the necessary
actions are taken to fix the failure cases. Publish the list of failure use cases with a reason for failure and the resolution taken to fix these failures for the release.
The API backward compatibility testing is completed.
Not Applicable, since it is new service
The communication is shared with product owners for the completion of UAT promotion and regression by the QA team. The product owners have to give a product sign-off within one week of this communication.
UAT sign-off was completed on May 23, 2024.
The UAT product sign-off communication is received from product owners along with the release notes and user guides (if applicable).
The GIT tags and releases are created for the
code changes for the release.
Verify whether the release notes are updated.
Verify whether all the UAT builds are updated along with the GIT tag details.
Verify whether all MDMS, configurations, infra-ops configurations are updated.
In progress - review pending
Verify whether all test cases are up-to-date and updated
along with the necessary permissions to view the test cases sheet. The test cases sheet is verified by the test lead.
Verify whether the UAT credentials' sheet is
updated with the details of new users and roles, if any.
This should not go into Gitbook as this is internal to eGov.
Verify whether all the localisation data was
added in UAT, and updated in the release kits.
Verify whether the product release notes and user guides are updated and published.
The demo of the released features is done by the product team as part of a sprint/release showcase.
Technical and product workshops/demos are conducted by the engineering and product teams respectively to the
implementation team (implementation handover).
@Ankit Sharma
HCM Admin Console Final Handover to Impel TeamDate: May 30
Architect sign-off and technical quality report.
Verify Bug Bash has been completed
Bug bash done on 21 May 2024
Product roadmap and success metrics.
Adoption metrics.
Programme roll-out plan.
Implementation plan/checklist
Gate 2
June 20
The internal release communication along with all the release artefacts are shared by the engineering/ product teams.
To be shared post Gate 2
UI/UX audit done, and feedbacks incorporated
Verify whether all docs will be published to by the Technical Writer as part of the release.
HCM Admin Console Incremental HandoverDate: May 16
Date: Jun 21
Master Data Management Service (MDMS) & Configuration Updates
Configuration details
Service name
boundary persister
boundary persister
project-factory persister
project-factory persister
For MDMS-V2 changes, refer to the file below for MDMS schema and data that needs to be added for health - HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE service:
Refer here to get all the MDMSv2 schemas and data.