All Gram Panchayats have a monthly billing cycle for water charges. The generate bulk demand feature schedules the system to generate demand and raise bills for non-metered connections.
The Scheduler automatically triggers on the “X” date of every month to generate demand and raise bills for non-metered connections.
Metered connections do not fall under bulk demand generation -
For the first month of go-live, it is only the arrears and no demand that is generated hence there is no bill to collect payments.
From the second month (X date of Month 2) onwards, demand is generated.
Once the demand is generated, a notification is triggered to all mGramSeva users based on the roles.
Details of Notification -
“Demand for dd/MM/YYYY - dd/MM/YYYY has been raised. X bill (s) has been raised and sent to <X/TotalConsumer>households"
Details of SMS Notification
“Dear, Demand for Billing Cycle 01/10/2024-31/10/2024 has been generated for Testing. Kindly plan for the collection of Water Charges for this period - https://naljalseva.jjm.gov.in/assam/mgramseva/home. DWSS JJM Assam
Each non-metered household gets notifications -
SMS Notification with Bill PDF
'Dear, a new water bill for Billing Cycle 1/10/2024 - 31/10/2024 has been generated for Consumer ID for Rs.30.0. Click to download the latest bill. DWSS JJM Assam.
SMS notification with a payment link -
This is disabled as of now we can enable or disable sms in https://github.com/ddws-org/Naljal-DevOps/blob/LTS-upgrade/deploy-as-code/helm/environments/naljal-uat.yaml#L388
Dear “username”, A new water bill has been generated against <Connection ID>. Please pay the bill online to avoid late payment charges <link>.
Revenue collectors can see a new card (Updated card from month 2 onwards) with information related to demand and payment collection on the HH Details screen.
There is also a demand collection tile/card on the home screen. "Generate Bill"
This is used in cases when the scheduler is not run (due to technical errors) and the Gram Panchayat wants to run it manually.
The system does nothing if the manual demand generation is done in the middle of the billing cycle for which demand has already been generated.
Manual demand generation helps only when the scheduler has not generated a demand for a billing cycle.
To explore the Demand Generation Logic refer to Bulk Demand Generation for Non-Metered.
In the Bulk Demand screen -
Service Category: Defaulted to Water Charges (Module)
Service Type: Defaulted to “Non-Metered”
Billing Year: Dropdown with the list of the financial years from the master
Billing Cycle: Dropdown with the list of billing cycles for the selected financial year
Clicking on Generate Demand triggers the demand for the given billing cycle based on the logic defined above.
Last Bill Month of demand generated - Once the demand is generated for any connection it falls under this category and it shows the number of consumers by month whose demand is generated for that month Last Bill Month of demand not generated - When we create a consumer and we have not generated even one demand that consumer will fall in this category. It will show the number of consumers month-wise for whom demand is not generated. We also provide the option to see the consumer list and edit screen from there for whom not a single demand is generated in the system.
Successful demand generation -
The users receive a link via SMS. Clicking on this link redirects the users to the login page of the NalJalSeva app. The users can log in from this screen or even reset their password in case they are logging in for the first time.
The section provides specific screen design and configuration details below.
The link in the SMS redirects users to this screen which is the first screen which is the language selection screen. The user selects the preferred language and clicks on Continue. English and Assamese are the supported languages with English as the default language. Localization in the screens is displayed based on the language selected.
On the login screen -
Enter the user ID, which is the registered mobile number of the user
Enter the system-generated password. Click on the Continue button to log in.
Click on the Forgot Password link on the login screen. This navigates the user to the password reset screen.
Enter the registered Mobile Number and the OTP received on the mobile number.
The user is redirected to the password reset screen where they enter the OTP received on the registered mobile number. The next screen prompts the user to enter a new password and then confirm the same. This is similar to the first-time login screen. Clicking on Submit displays the acknowledgement screen. Clicking on the Continue to Login button on the acknowledgement screen takes the user to the login page.
The user is redirected to the home page of the application which displays the menu options based on the mapped user role.
Click on the links below to explore the NalJalSeva workflows:
The View Consumer screen allows users to view the consumer details and linked information.
Users are redirected to the View Consumer screen from the home screen via
Collect payments → Search Screen → Consumer Details Screen
Download bills & receipts → Search screen → Consumer Details Screen
Dashboard → Collections → Click on Consumer ID
Household Register → Click on Consumer ID
The View Consumer screen contains all information related to household
The static household card displays the following details:
New Connection ID (also displayed as a heading)
Consumer name
Father's name
Phone number
Old connection ID
Address - Door Number, Street number, Ward (attached)
Property type
Service type
for metered connections - the meter number is displayed
If the bill is not generated (Post rollout until the first month), only the data card is shown, and no action is required.
Once the first demand is generated, a new consumer bill/card will be generated, and the following data points and actions will be displayed.
Billing cycle – the latest billing cycle
Amount -
Current Amount - fixed charges applicable to the billing cycle
Arrears - Arrears from the first month (From next month onwards this field displays any unpaid dues)
Total Amount - Sum of current amount and arrears
Action Items
Download or Share Bill -
Clicking on download bill prompts users to download the bill (Bill details are given in a separate user story)
Share bill (WhatsApp icon) opens sharing options to the phone OS and the user can share bills via WhatsApp.
Message to go in WhatsApp “Please find Bill for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 generated on dd/mm/yyyy” along with bill PDF.
Name of the PDF - “Bill ID”.
Collect Payment - The Collect Payment button takes the revenue collector to the payment collection screen.
After the first payment collection is done -
A receipt history block is visible only after the first payment transaction is completed through mGramSeva
A list of all the receipts is shown under this section as cards, with different data points as actions. Order of receipts is newest → oldest from top to bottom
Each receipt card contains
Receipt ID
Amount Paid
Paid Date
Download Receipt - Download the receipt in the Revenue Collector's phone as a PDF
Name of PDF - “Receipt ID”
Share (WhatsApp)
Message to go in WhatsApp “Please find the receipt for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 paid on dd/mm/yyyy” along with the receipt PDF
Role: GP Admin
Role: Collection Operator
Role: Revenue Bulk Demand Processing
Role: Expense Processing
Role: Dashboard Viewer
The Add Expense feature enables users to add expense details.
The expense entry for the O&M is captured on this screen.
On selecting the option “Add Expense Record” from the list of tiles/cards on the home page, the user is navigated to the expense entry screen. The screen displays the following fields.
Vendor Name
Text (With Suggestions dropdown)
Name of the Vendor. The suggestion list is shown as the user entry is done for every character. The new Name will also create a Vendor Register.
Type of Expense
Drop Down
Type of expense list From Master
Expense amount for the Bill
Bill Date
Date on which the bill is to be recorded in the registers. Validation - Before Current Date and after party Bill Date.
Party Bill Date
Date on which the Party/vendor bill was issued. Validation - Before the Bill Date.
Bill Paid
Radio Buttons
With option Yes/No. To update status if it is paid. If yes, “Paid Date” is captured.
Paid Date
Date on which the bill is paid. Displayed if the Bill paid option is selected as “Yes”. Validation - After Bill date and less than current Date.
Attach Documents
Doc Attachments
Option to upload documents (Max of 5). Supported files - PDF, JPEG, PNG. Should show required validation for other types of files.
On click, the consumer master gets created with the detail entered above. The new connection id also should get generated as per the configuration.
On Submitting, the Expense entry gets created with a Bill number assigned. The Bill number generated would be based on logic defined as - “EB-<FY>-<4 digits running seq No>”
On Successful creation of expense entry, an acknowledgement screen is shown “Expense Entry successful” along with the Bill Number.
The Update Consumer screen allows users to edit and update consumer information and details.
Users can search for the consumers using -
Consumer mobile number
Name of the consumer
New connection ID
The user details are fetched based on the input search criteria.
Users with permission to edit consumer records can click on the Edit Consumer info tile on the home screen. This navigates them to the consumer search screen.
Users can navigate to the Consumer Edit Screen from the search screen or the search results screen (Case when multiple search results are displayed).
On the successful load of the consumer edit screen, all data parameters of the consumer are shown (with editable and non-editable fields).
By Default - A new consumer ID is shown on the top of the screen and is non-editable.
The table below lists the editable field details -
New Consumer ID
Consumer ID is generated while user creation and is not editable
Consumer’s Name
bills, receipts, bill generation screens etc starts displaying the newly entered consumer name
Father’s Name
Phone number
Use Cases
After the phone number is changed, searching with the old/new phone number in the connection search screen leads to the same HH screen
SMS notifications are sent to the new mobile number of the user from the date of the change
Old Connection ID
Validated for unique IDs in the system for the GPWSC
Door Number
Street Number / Name
Ward Number / Name
Gram Panchayat Name
Property Type
Charges applicable as per rate master. Effects take place from the next billing cycle
Service Type
Effects take place from the next billing cycle
The last date of the current billing cycle is taken as the last meter reading date
Previous meter reading is captured while generating the demand
Meter Number
Previous meter reading Date
This field is not shown on screen after the first demand is generated
Previous Meter Reading
This field is not shown on the screen after the first demand is generated
Last Billing Cycle Billed
This field is not shown on the screen after the first demand is generated
Arrears as of Last Bill
This field is not shown on the screen after the first demand is generated. When changed the arrear demand is deleted and updated accordingly based on the selected service type.
Mark Connection as inactive
If a connection is marked inactive, it is not considered for demand generation for future billing cycles.
An inactive connection can be reactivated later from this screen.
In case there are arrears, demand is generated. If there are no arrears, demand is not generated.
Users can modify the arrear value. In such a case, demand is generated with the updated value.
Users can add arrear to the connection, for which arrear was zero at the time of creating the connection. In such a case, new demand is generated.
Clicking on the Submit button shows a nudge saying Details Submitted Successfully. Closing the nudge navigates the user back to the home screen.
The CTA is activated only when any field is changed or updated. Else, it is in an inactive state.
Once the demand is generated for metered and non-metered connections, revenue collectors come to this screen to collect payments.
Users can see the consumer billing information on the screen.
Clicking on View Details expands the card and shows more details. Clicking on the Hide Details collapses the card to show only the Connection ID, Consumer Name & Total Due Amount.
Payment amount - can either pay
The full amount, or
Custom amount - Users can enter the custom amount in the input field - this cannot be zero or greater than the total due amount.
Payment methods
Cash - select cash and proceed to payment takes the user to the successful collection screen
Online - The online payment option displays a Q/R code on the user screen that can be scanned by another phone to pay the due.
Post payment via any mode - payment success screen is shown
Receipt ID format - RB-dd/mm/yyyy-yy/running_sequence_number
User Actions
Download receipt - download the PDF version of the receipt with the receipt ID as the name of the PDF while downloading.
Share receipt via WhatsApp - opens the Phone OS sharing options.
back to home - takes the user back to the home screen.
SMS to Household
As soon as the amount is paid and the Revenue collector reaches the Payment success screen SMS is sent to Household.
SMS 1 - Dear ‘Username’, Paid Rs. X for water charges for bill period <Cycle>. Download receipt <link>
SMS 2 - Dear ‘Username’, Please leave a review on water supply at <GP> at <Link>
HH can leave a review for water charges. Refer Feedback - Post Payments
Details on the card
Connection ID
New Connection ID will be displayed here
Consumer Name
Consumer Name (Should take updated consumer name)
Bill ID number
ID of the Bill
Bill period
For non-metered connections
This is the latest billing cycle for which demand is generated
For metered connections
This is the new bill generated from the meter reading between the 2 most recent billing dates
Month <space> Financial Year
Previous meter reading date - New meter reading date
Water charges
Amount for the latest billing cycle
For metered, calculate charges as per rate master between the latest 2 billing dates
All old arrears accumulated for HH
Expansion should breakup of arrears by individual billing cycles/bill generation dates
Total Due amount
Net amount consumer has to pay
When an online payment method is selected, the “Collect Payment” option is disabled. Since the household scans the QR, the Revenue collector does not have control over the online process.
The partial amount cannot be greater than the full amount.
Unlike non-metered connections with a billing cycle for demand & bills generated automatically, a metered connection needs more inputs, which helps in volumetric billing.
A revenue collector can see a CTA to “Generate a new Bill” on the Household details screen.
Clicking “Generate a new Bill” takes users to the bill generation screen where new meter reading details are entered.
The field on the bill generation screen for metered connections is displayed in the table below.
Clicking on “Generate bill” takes the user to the bill generation successful screen.
Logic for Bill ID number - “RB - dd/mm/yyyy-yy/running_sequence_number”.
There are 3 user actions on the success screen
Download bill - Download bill as PDF (name of PDF is always the Bill ID by default)
Share bill on WhatsApp - Share bill as PDF on WhatsApp
Collect Payment - navigates the revenue collector to the payment collection screen
Share on WhatsApp opens the WhatsApp share popup with the option to choose contacts/groups. The bill is shared with the below text and attached PDF details -
Text “ Dear, water bill for 1 - 30 has been generated for consumer ID for Rs. 250. Click attached as PDF”
To find details on Demand Generation Logic refer to the Demand/Bill Generation for metered connection.
All 5 digits in the meter reading must be entered. Show error message “ Old Meter Reading entered is Invalid” or “ New Meter Reading entered is invalid” respectively.
The New Meter reading should be greater than the Old Meter Reading.
The meter reading date is by default set to <today's date> but the user has the option to change it.
Previous Meter reading
Only for first-time bill generation
New meter reading
For the first time and all consecutive bill generations
Previous meter reading units and previous meter reading dates will be taken from the last bill for new bill generation
Meter reading date
The default is the current date. Revenue collectors can change it to a previous date if required.
The SMS notification feature triggers messages to users for specific events and updates.
Various SMS notifications are sent to different users on different actions. Below is a consolidated list of all SMS notifications required.
On boarding - Creation login details
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, You've been invited to mGramSeva Application of Punjab. Please login using <Link>. Username: <Phone Number> Password: <Password>
On boarding - First time login OTP
EMP/GP Users
OTP for resetting password on mGramSeva is <OTP>
Forgot Password OTP
EMP/GP Users
OTP for resetting password on mGramSeva is <OTP>
Demand (Bulk)
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, Demand for Billing Cycle <Cycle> has been generated for <GPWSC>. Kindly plan for collection of water charges for this period. <Link>
1st of each month
Pending Collection Reminder
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> is pending collections against water charges at <GPWSC> as of <Date>. Click <Link> to see more details
On Collection Day
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> has been collected today <Date> against water charges from <number> consumers in Cash for <GPWSC>.
On Collection Day
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> has been collected today <Date> against water charges from <number> consumers Online for <GPWSC>.
New Calendar Month
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> has been collected in <previous month> against water charges & Rs. <Amount> has been spent as expenditure for <GPWSC>. Click <link> to see more details
EMP/GP Users
Please enter new expenditure bills online for <GPWSC>. Click <link> to make an expense entry now
Alternate Fortnight
EMP/GP Users
Expenditure bills for <GPWSC> are awaiting payment confirmation. Please click <link> and mark them as paid, if paid already
Demand (Bulk) - (NM & M)
Dear <user>, water bill for <cycle> has been generated for consumer id <new consumer id> for Rs. <Amount>. Click <link> to download latest bill.
Dear <user>, water bill for <cycle> has been generated for consumer id <new consumer id> for Rs. <Amount>. Click <link> to download latest bill. Please make payment to your GPWSC.
Demand (Bulk) - (NM & M)
Dear <user>, pending amount for water charges for consumer id <new consumer id> is Rs. <Amount>. Click <link> to pay online.
Bill Paid
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> has been paid for water charges for consumer id <new consumer id>. Pending Amount is Rs. <Amount>. Click <link> to download receipt
Feedback Collection
Dear <user>, Thank you for paying water charges. Please take this short survey and help us know more about water supply at <GPWSC>
Whatspp Message - Bill share
Whatsapp Message - Bill Payment
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> has been paid for water charges for consumer id <new consumer id>. Pending Amount is Rs. <Amount>. Click <link> to download receipt
The update expense feature allows users to modify and update expense details.
Expense modification is allowed based on the status of the payment as highlighted in the scenarios below.
Allows users to modify all the details except the Bill id. But the user has the option to mark the Bill as “Cancelled”.
Does not allow users to modify any details. But the user has the option to mark the Bill as “Cancelled”.
Naljalseva users can edit their basic information like name, add gender, email and change the password using the hamburger menu on any screen.
Users can click on the hamburger menu from any screen. A slider from the left opens up.
Users can -
Change Language
Edit profile
Changing language changes localization as per standards
Edit profile takes users to the next screen where changes can be made to the user profile
Name - Can be changed
Phone number - Cannot be changed
Gender - This field is not present by default. Whatever the user enters is stored and saved
Email ID - It is an empty field. User input is stored as the user’s email id
Change Password - This takes users to the password changing screen where the old password, new password and confirmed new password have to be entered as per given standards.
Dynamic password validation happens the same as in the registration flow.
Until all fields are entered, the primary CTA is disabled.
Changing the password shows a nudge to the user “Password updated successfully” and closing this nudge takes the user to the user profile screen.
Clicking on save shows a nudge to the user” Details saved successfully”. Upon closing, this user remains on the screen but the fields show as edited.
The View Household Register enables users to view household details.
Users can click on the Household Register on the home screen and navigate to this screen. This provides a single-view snapshot of all pending collections by consumers to date.
HouseHold Register
As of Date
As of <Todays Date>
Search by consumer name or connection id
Partial match should be allowed.
Default is “All” selected
User can switch to “Pending” or “Paid” view. Based on selection, results are displayed in the table
Download PDF
Download PDF should download PDF format of Household Register with name of document as HH_Register_<Date>
WhatsApp Share
Should trigger same PDF as Whatsapp share
Connection ID
New Connection ID of the consumer. If there is a metered connection, an “M” in ⭕️ is shown alongside connection ID
Name of the consumer - Similar to Revenue dashboard truncate it to 20 characters and show 3 dots
Pending Collections
Total pending collections of the consumer till date.
The table has sort options by all columns.
The sorted and filtered table, as in the screen view, is exported into the PDF format dynamically on printing.
Once you click on the ledger report of the consumer it opens the below screen -
Select the financial year and click on View to view a report of that financial year or Download to download the report of the selected year.
Clicking on the Back button takes the user back to the home screen.
There is an option to download bills without clicking on collect payment.
Bills and Receipts can be downloaded by clicking on the card/tile named Download Bills & Receipts on the home page.
Clicking on this card takes the user to the consumer search page. Searching by a phone number/ connection ID redirects to the Household Detail page.
The View Tabular Dashboard for expenses provides a view of all expenses incurred during the month.
Clicking on the Dashboard on the home screen navigates the user directly to the revenue dashboard of the current month. From here, the user can switch to the expenditure tab to get a view of expenses. This provides a tabular view of all expenses incurred in that month.
Following are the data points/actions needed on the screen:
Search Expense Bills
Search by Bill ID or Vendor
The Vendor Name should be a partial match. As the user starts typing a consumer name, respective vendors get filtered in the table displayed below
Bill ID should be a partial match. As the user starts typing a New Bill ID, respective Bills should get filtered in the table displayed below
Default is “All” View. Switching to Paid or Pending filters the table accordingly. Alongside the filter, how many Bills fall into that filter is shown in numbers
The table also has sort options for each column (ascending, descending)
Bill ID - Vendor Name
Bill ID is assigned to each bill while creating an expense entry record
Sort happens on the Bill ID
Expense Type
Under which expense head the bill is tagged to
Bill Date
Paid Date
If Bill is not paid, this should show pending in RED
The table on the screen is a horizontal scrollable one with the leftmost column fixed.
The Create Employee feature in the HRMS application enables users to add employee details.
State user is created the very first time with the desired Role as STATE_ADMIN, HRMS_ADMIN, MDMS_ADMIN Using API of create Employee in Egov-hrms.
Click on “Create Block user” and add the employee details.
Once created the Employee Creation Successful Screen is deployed it generates a unique Employee Code.
The employee gets a message to log in with one-time login credentials.
“Dear, You've been invited to mGramSeva Application of Assam. Please login using https://naljalseva.jjm.gov.in/uat/mgramseva/login. Username: Password:”
Block users can log into HRMS and Create Other field Users, namely Revenue Collector, Chairmen or Secretary.
Homepage of Block Users - Block users can select the scheme from the dropdown list and add field users to the selected scheme.
Click on Create Employee to create the field Employee.
By default, the selected scheme in the dropdown will be preselected in the jurisdiction details. This is the primary scheme meaning you cannot remove this scheme from the user once it is created Block User can add other schemes to the same Employee by clicking on Add Jurisdiction.
The below screen is displayed upon successful creation of user -
A message will trigger to the employee with a one-time login credentials -
“Dear , You've been invited to mGramSeva Application of Assam. Please login using https://naljalseva.jjm.gov.in/uat/mgramseva/login. Username: Password:”
Employee Name
Name of the employee
Male, Female, Transgender
Mobile Number
Employee mobile number
Email ID
Alpha Numeric
Email ID of employee
Block List
List of Block Configured in MDMS tenant file
Scheme List
List of Scheme under selected Block
Employee Name
Name of the employee
Male, Female, Transgender
Mobile Number
Employee mobile number
Email ID
Alpha Numeric
Email ID of employee
Type of User
Type of user (DWSS)
List of designations for the selected user type
List of boundary/scheme mapped to the logged in block user
List of available roles - 1. Revenue collector 2. Chairmen 3. Secretary
Employee details can be updated using the Edit employee details option.
State users - can edit block user details
Block users - can edit field user details
Search user by name (Fuzzy search) , Mobile number or Employee ID
Block user can also search user by roles.
Click on the user you want to edit.
Click on take action Button to edit the user.
The options on the action button can be used to Deactivate / Edit the employee.
Fill in the required details and deactivate the user.
Activate an deactivated employee.
Note: Other than
Mobile Number and
Primary Scheme - the Primary tenant cannot be removed.
Other details can be modified.
Employee can be searched by name, employee ID and Number.
State User search Employee Search by name, employee ID and Number.
Block-based search is available for state users.
Search based on employee status
Block User Search Employee
Search Employee By name, employee ID and Number.
The search screen will show the below details
Employee Id
Employee Name
Mobile Number
Type of user
Role-based search is also available for block users -
We have search option for inactive/ active users -
Across state/block
State/Block employees can search all employees across the state/block.
State users have to select the applicable block to search for the employee in that block.
State users can select one role or select all roles to see all users in the selected block.
Further, the drill-down state user can select the concerned panchayat in the block along with the concerned scheme in that block. If nothing is selected it includes all panchayat and scheme within the block.
Block Users can search all employees under the block he/she is mapped to. To search user click on “Search Department User”.
Once clicked -
The block user can select the Panchayat within the block to which the employee is mapped.
Users can further drill down to the scheme once they select a panchayat. It will display the list of schemes under the selected panchayat.
Block users can select roles in the roles dropdown field. Users can select all or select concerned roles.
The search result can be downloaded/viewed on the screen.
Visible details of Employee
Employee Name
Type Of user
Designation 5.Mobile Number
The login, reset and forgot password feature enables users to access the HRMS application.
On successful User/employee Creation, the users receive a link via SMS. Clicking on this link redirects the users to the login page of the HRMS app. The users can log in from this screen or even reset their password in case they are logging in for the first time.We also Provide Forget password option in this screen.
The link in the SMS redirects users to this screen which is the first screen which is the language selection screen. The user selects the preferred language and clicks on Continue. English and Assamese are the supported languages with English as the default language. Localization in the screens is displayed based on the language selected.
The user enters the User ID, which is the registered mobile number of the user, and the system-generated password. Clicking on the Continue button logs in the user.
The user is redirected to the password reset screen where they enter the OTP received on the registered mobile number. The next screen prompts the user to enter a new password and then confirm the same. This is similar to the first-time login screen. Clicking on Submit displays the acknowledgement screen. Clicking on the Continue to Login button on the acknowledgement screen takes the user to the login page.
The user is redirected to the home page of the application which displays the menu options based on the mapped user role
State Admin
Block Admin
Upon selection of the scheme the user is mapped to -
The Forgot Password link navigates the user to the password reset screen.
The view and download reports feature enables users to generate and download different types of reports linked to consumers, vendors, expenses, collections and ledgers at various levels.
Select the Financial year for which you want to see the report.
Billing Cycle - Select the billing cycle month for the applicable financial year.
Select the applicable report option to view or download specific reports.
This report consolidates the details of bills consumer-wise for the selected month.
Consumer Id
IMIS/OLd Connection Number
Created date 5.Penalty
Total Amount
Connection Id
IMIS/OLd Connection Number
Payment Method
Details -
Connection ID
Inactivation Date
Inactivated by
Details -
Connection Id
Name Of payee
Bill Registered Date
Expense From
Expense To
Application Status
Paid Date
Has Attachment
Canceled time
Cancelled By
Connection Id
Sr no.
Old Connection Id/IMIS no
Consumer Name
Consumer Entered Date
Previous Outstanding last Month (If Any)
Advance amount Received (if Any)
Bill generated for the month
Date of bill generated
Total Amount
Amount collected against total amount
Date of Amount collected
Remaining amount to be collected
Details -
Bill Id
Name Of payee
Mobile Number
Type of Expense
Only Block Users can update the rate master of a Scheme.
Make sure in the dropdown of the block, the user selects the concerned scheme to modify.
Once clicked on “rate master” it will redirect to the rate master screen.
A list of Rate masters can be seen in different configurations -
Residential / non-metered
Residential / metered
Commercial / non-metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Commercial / Metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Public Sector / Non-metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Public sector/ Metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Mixed / Metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Mixed / Non-metered (not used in Naljal yet)
Click on the rate master configuration you want to edit/disable.
Click on edit.
“From” is the starting of unit “To” is end of unit “Rate” is rate defined within that slab
For example if from is 0 and to is 5 and rate is 5 . consumer 3unit than the rate Will be 3*5= 15 rs
By default, state configuration is shown in the rate master if no rates are defined for a particular tenant. How to know this
If you try to edit the rate master shown it will throw you an error.
The Rollout Dashboard option is available to all State Users.
This is the dashboard that gives you a view of the total connections across active users and the total demand generated across the whole state.
Here we have options to select the date range within which you want to see the data. Further, there is a drill down where we can select districts, blocks, panchayat and schemes as well.
The state dashboard option is available to State Users logged in to HRMS.
Clicking on the State dashboard option displays the state dashboard in Kibana.
The screen provides options to select the date range for which you want to see the data. Further, there is a drill down where we can select districts, blocks, panchayat and schemes as well.
Only Block Users can update the Penalty Master of a Scheme.
Ensure the user selects the correct scheme to modify from the Scheme dropdown.
Click on the Penalty Master configuration you want to Edit/Disable.
Rate -> In percentage 10 means 10%, 20 Means 20% of the water charge configured Type -> fixed Amount -> Not required From FY -> 2023-24 Subtype -> Current Month Minimum amount -> not required Flat amount -> not required (it is used for a flat amount of Penalty) Starting Date -> From the date the penalty ID is applicable Applicable After days -> days after demand generation the penalty is applicable