The Process Quality Management (PQM) anomaly finder service helps in monitoring anomalies in process quality and notifies the concerned user groups.
The following masters need to be created as part of this module:
List of services that PQM service depends on:
User-event service api will get the notification for the anomaly .
Deploy the latest build if the service is not there in the environment “egov-user-event-db:v1.2.0-32caf0d992-25” .
Add the changes which are required . For this kindly refer the below pr.
Path: deploy-as-code/helm/charts/core-services/egov-user-event/Chart.yaml
File: Refer the pr for the changes
Note: For the test not submitted notification, the notification will only be sent when the frequency of a test standard is greater than the manualTestPendingEscalationDays from Plant Config Master
Alert notification format needs to add in localisation.
Link to collection
Event (In-App) Notification
Anomaly topic for when a test fails
Anomaly topic for when test result not submitted
Save anomaly topic
Find Anomaly
User Technical Document
MDMS Technical Document
Localisation Technical Document
Persister Technical Document
API Contract
Postman Collection