iFIX Adapter enables existing or new source systems to integrate seamlessly with iFIX. iFIX Adapter has been developed as a reference implementation for developers of source systems who want to integrate their departmental system with iFIX.
iFix Adapter works as a mediator between iFIX and its clients. This system will receive requests from the client system and converts the data into the iFIX fiscal event or associated formats.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
PSQL server is running
Following services should be up and running:
Client Service Like mgramseva-ifix-adapter
Target service IFIX- fiscal-event-service
Target Service IFIX-keycloak
iFIX client requests pushed to IFIX
Auth token is fetched from keycloak and cached. Token will be re-fetched 5 minutes before expiry
Every push to iFIX is recoded with http status
status series 200 series considered success
status 400 are marked client error and reported back to client
status 500 resubmitted by scheduler
Update the keycloak credentials client-id and secrets in the environment file
Map the coa in HeadCodeToCoaMapping.yml
Map project in ProjectMapping.yml
Deploy the latest version of ifix-reference-adapter
Update Key cloak credentials in dev.yaml, qa.yaml, prod.yaml according to environment
Ifix-Adapter is a system that works as a mediator between iFIX and its clients. This system will receive requests from the client system and convert the data in the iFIX required format This document contains the details on how to set up the iFIX-adapter service and describes the functionalities it supports. It supports multiple events (Event Array) in a single request.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
PSQL server is running
Following services should be up and running:
Client Service Like mgramseva-ifix-adapter
Target service IFIX- fiscal-event-service
Target Service IFIX-keycloak
Adapter master data service
IFIX client requests are pushed to IFIX.
The authentication token is fetched from keycloak and cached. Token is re-fetched 5 minutes before expiry.
project_id from request data is getting treated as Department Entity Code to fetch Department Entity.
COA Code fetched from COA Mapping table by client code and cached it in Redis Server.
Every push to IFIX is recorded in the table with HTTP status
status series 200 considered success
status 400 are marked client error
It collects projectId form request data and treats it as department_entity_code and calls search API to Department Entity Service. It always expects it will receive only one Department Entity against a single department_entity_code, if it finds multiple raise an error message.
One project can have multiple department entities but vice-versa cannot be true. In case of multiple projects for one department entity - the system will raise an error message.
Deploy the latest version of the ifix-reference-adapter.
Map clientcode, ifixcoacode, ifixid in ifix_adapter_coa_map table
“clientcode” is the tax head like “WATER_CHARGES” or ‘10011’ used in IFIX client like mgramseva
“ifixcoacode” is the 16 digit glcode in IFIX. 16 digit code is mapped then this can be ported to any environment like dev to qa ,or qa to uat or from uat to prod. Prefer mapping ifixcoacode
example is INSERT INTO public.ifix_adapter_coa_map(id, clientcode, ifixcoacode, ifixid, tenantid) VALUES (1,'10101', '0215-01-102-00-00-01', '6cbcb4a1-2431-4f78-89d7-b4f0565aba37', 'pb');
set this value to the clients top level tenant_id
Adapter master data service maintains information on Department, Expenditure and Projects. We can create these details and search for the same details based on the given parameters/request data.
Current version : 1.0.0
Before we proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met
Java 8
MongoDB instance
Required service dependency - Department entity service
It creates secure endpoints for the master data service. The access token is required to create any master data. The subsequent sections on this page discuss the service details maintained by the master data service.
Maintains the create and search department details. The following information is passed while creating the department - the Government ID, department code, department name, parent department if any. Searching the department details is on given parameters like IDs, Government ID, department code, department name.
Maintains the expenditure details And provide create and search functionality. For creating the expenditure, the following details are required - the Government ID, the department ID, code, name, type (can be "SCHEME", "NON_SCHEME") details. While searching the expenditure details, pass the given parameters like IDs, Government IDs, names, code.
Maintains the project details and provide create and search functionality. The following details are required to create the project - Government, name, code, expenditure ID, the department entity ID(s), location IDs. While searching, pass the IDs, Government ID, name, code, expenditure ID, location ID.
No environment-specific variables are required for the environment (migration).
Update the DB and URI configurations in the dev.yaml, qa.yaml, prod.yaml file.
Project Create API creates the project when the Master data details (COA, Government, Expenditure, Department) and Department Entity have been created. COA And Government have to be created in iFIX core Master data service.
Project Create API takes the below attributes in request :
tenantId: This is the Id that will be defined while creating the Ifix core Master Government Service.
expenditureId: This is the Id that will be generated while creating the Adapter Master Expenditure Service.
code: This is the project code that needs to be created.
name: This is the project name that needs to be created.
For reference, Below is a Dummy project create example:
Request :
Ifix-Adapter is a system that works as a mediator between iFix and its clients. This system will receive requests from the client system and convert the data in the Ifix required format. This document contains the details about how to set up ifix-adapter service and describes the functionalities it provides.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
PSQL server is running
Following services should be up and running:
Client Service Like mgramseva-ifix-adapter
Target service IFIX- fiscal-event-service
Target Service IFIX-keycloak
IFIX master-data-service
IFIX client requests are pushed to IFIX
The authentication token is fetched from keycloak and cached. Token will be re-fetched 5 minutes before expiry
project id is fetched from IFIX and cached
COA id fetched from IFIX and cached
Every push to IFIX is recorded in the table with HTTP status
status series 200 considered success
status 400 are marked client error and reported back to the client
status 500 resubmitted by the scheduler
Deploy the latest version of ifix-reference-adapter
Map clientcode, ifixcoacode, ifixid in ifix_adapter_coa_map table
“clientcode” is the tax head like “WATER_CHARGES” or ‘10011’ used in IFIX client like mgramseva
“ifixcoacode” is the 16 digit glcode in IFIX. 16 digit code is mapped then this can be ported to any environment like dev to qa ,or qa to uat or from uat to prod. Prefer mapping ifixcoacode
Another way is to map the IFIX COA ID itself. Since these are generated ids you cant port to other environments. ID mapping has to be done for every environment.
Preference is given to COA Code, if it is null ID will be used
example is INSERT INTO public.ifix_adapter_coa_map( id, clientcode, ifixcoacode, ifixid, tenantid) VALUES (1,'10101', '0215-01-102-00-00-01', '6cbcb4a1-2431-4f78-89d7-b4f0565aba37', 'pb');
If client “project code” and IFIX project code are the same then no need for mapping. If it is different then map clientprojectcode, ifixprojectid in ifix_adapter_project_map table. Ideally, you should keep both codes the same for getting meaningful data on the dashboard. This way you don't have to do any mapping for project code for any environment. But if for any reason you have different project codes in IFIX and its client or has multiple projects having the same project code then only go for this mapping. The adapter will first check in the IFIX for the supplied “projectCode”, If found it will use it and caches it. If multiple projects or not found it will look into this table for mapping
example is INSERT INTO public.ifix_adapter_project_map( id, clientprojectcode, ifixprojectid, tenantid) VALUES (1, '7374', 'e42db9bb-8427-40a6-9939-4f2189d032bf','pb');
set this value to the clients top level tenantid
Post infra setup (Kubernetes Cluster), there starts the deployment process.
Pipeline as code is a practice of defining deployment pipelines through source code, such as Git. Pipeline as code is part of a larger “as code” movement that includes infrastructure as code. Teams can configure builds, tests, and deployment in code that is trackable and stored in a centralized source repository. Teams can use a declarative YAML approach or a vendor-specific programming language, such as Jenkins and Groovy, but the premise remains the same.
A pipeline as code file specifies the stages, jobs, and actions for a pipeline to perform. Because the file is versioned, changes in pipeline code can be tested in branches with the corresponding application release.
The pipeline as code model of creating continuous integration pipelines is an industry best practice, but deployment pipelines used to be created very differently.
The deployment process has got 2 stages and 2 modes. We can see the modes first and then the stages.
Essentially, iFix adapter deployment means that we need to generate Kubernetes manifests for each individual service. We use the tool called helm, which is an easy, effective and customizable packaging and deployment solution. So depending on where and which env you initiate the deployment there are 2 modes that you can deploy.
From Local machine - whatever we are trying in this sample exercise so far.
Advanced: Setup CI/CD System like Jenkins - Depending on how you want to setup your CI/CD and the expertise the steps will vary, however here you can find how we eGov has set up a exemplar CI/CD on Jenkins and the pipelines are created automatically without any manual intervention.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Follow the steps below to create the Adapter Master Data. Individual Adapter Service documents can be accessed here.
Enter valid details along with Tenant ID to create the Department. Once the tenant ID is created, the user receives a response with an ID and related details. This ID is the Department ID.
Enter valid details along with Tenant ID to create the Expenditure. Once the tenant ID is created, the user receives a response with an ID and related details. This ID is the Expenditure ID.
Enter valid hierarchy details of the Master Department to create Department Hierarchy. Check this document for more information.
Provide valid details to create Department Entity. Check this document for more information.
On successful completion of steps 1 to 4, enter valid details to create a project. Check this document for more information.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
iFix Adapter
Essentially, there are 2 stages that should allow you to use the full potential of DeploymentConfig and pipeline-as-code.
Stage 1: Clone the DevOps , choose your iFix product branch as iFix-adapter.
Prepare an <> master config file, you can name this file as you wish which will have the following configurations, this env file need to be in line with your cluster name.
each service global, local env variables
credentials, secrets (You need to encrypt using and create a <env>-secret.yaml separately)
Number of replicas/scale of individual services (Depending on whether dev or prod)
mdms, config repos (Master Data, ULB, Tenant details, Users, etc)
sms g/w, email g/w, payment g/w
GMap key (In case you are using Google Map services in your PGR, PT, TL, etc)
S3 Bucket for Filestore
URL/DNS on which the DIGIT will be exposed
SSL Certificate for the above URL
End-points configs (Internal/external)
Stage 2: Run the iFix_Adapter_setup deployment script and simply answer the questions that it asks.
iFix Adapter
Post infra setup (Kubernetes Cluster), We start with deploying the Jenkins and kaniko-cache-warmer.
Sub Domain to expose CI/CD URL
(username and password)
SSL Certificate for the sub-domain
Prepare an <> master config file and <>, you can name this file as you wish which will have the following configurations.
credentials, secrets (You need to encrypt using and create a ci-secret.yaml separately)
Check and Update details (like github Oauth app clientId and clientSecret, GitHub user details gitReadSshPrivateKey and gitReadAccessToken etc..)
To create Jenkins namespace mark this true
Add your env's kubconfigs under kubConfigs like
KubeConfig env's name and deploymentJobs name from ci.yaml should be the same
Update the and repo name with your forked repo name and provide read-only access to github user to those repo's.
SSL Certificate for the sub-domain
You have launched the Jenkins. You can access the same through your sub-domain which you configured in ci.yaml.
The Jenkins CI pipeline is configured and managed 'as code'.
Example URL - https://<Jenkins_domain>
Since there are many services and the development code is part of various git repos, you need to understand the concept of cicd-as-service which is open-sourced. This page also guides you through the process of creating a CI/CD pipeline.
As a developer - To integrate any new service/app to the CI/CD below is the starting point:
Once the desired service is ready for the integration: decide the service name, type of service, whether DB migration is required or not. While you commit the source code of the service to the git repository, the following file should be added with the relevant details which are mentioned below:
Build-config.yml –It is present under the build directory in each repository
This file contains the below details which are used for creating the automated Jenkins pipeline job for your newly created service.
While integrating a new service/app, the above content needs to be added in the build-config.yml file of that app repository. For example: If we are onboarding a new service called egov-test, then the build-config.yml should be added as mentioned below.
If a job requires multiple images to be created (DB Migration) then it should be added as below,
Note - If a new repository is created then the build-config.yml should be created under the build folder and then the config values are added to it.
The git repository URL is then added to the Job Builder parameters
When the Jenkins Job => job builder is executed the CI Pipeline gets created automatically based on the above details in build-config.yml. Eg: egov-test job will be created under the core-services folder in Jenkins because the “build-config was edited under core-services” And it should be the “master” branch only. Once the pipeline job is created, it can be executed for any feature branch with build parameters (Specifying which branch to be built – master or any feature branch).
As a result of the pipeline execution, the respective app/service docker image will be built and pushed to the Docker repository.
If git repository URL is available build the Job-Builder Job
If the git repository URL is not available ask the Devops team to add it.
The services deployed and managed on a Kubernetes cluster in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, etc. Here, we use helm charts to manage and generate the Kubernetes manifest files and use them for further deployment to the respective Kubernetes cluster. Each service is created as charts which will have the below-mentioned files in them.
To deploy a new service, we need to create the helm chart for it. The chart should be created under the charts/helm directory in iFix-DevOps repository.
We have an automatic helm chart generator utility that needs to be installed on the local machine, the utility prompts for user inputs about the newly developed service (app specifications) for creating the helm chart. The requested chart with the configuration values (created based on the inputs provided) will be created for the user.
Name of the service? test-service Application Type? NA Kubernetes health checks to be enabled? Yes Flyway DB migration container necessary? No, Expose service to the internet? Yes, Route through API gateway [zuul] No Context path? hello
The generated chart will have the following files.
This chart can also be modified further based on user requirements.
The Deployment of manifests to the Kubernetes cluster is made very simple and easy. We have Jenkins Jobs for each state and are environment-specific. We need to provide the image name or the service name in the respective Jenkins deployment job.
Enter a caption for this image (optional)
Enter a caption for this image (optional)
The deployment Jenkins job internally performs the following operations,
Reads the image name or the service name given and finds the chart that is specific to it.
Generates the Kubernetes manifests files from the chart using the helm template engine.
Execute the deployment manifest with the specified docker image(s) to the Kubernetes cluster.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
departmentEntityIds: This is the Department Entity Ids. If we have to create a project at hierarchy level 1 then we need to pass the Department Entity Id of that corresponding level. It depends on the Department hierarchy level on which the project has to be created and hence the same level Department Entity You can pass a list of departmentEntityIds and can create the same project.
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Update Key cloak credentials in dev.yaml,qa.yaml,prod.yaml according to the environment The credentials are “keycloak.credentials.clientid
and “keycloak.credentials.clientsecret
” Example is given in and
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Job Builder – Job Builder is a Generic Jenkins job that creates the Jenkins pipeline automatically which are then used to build the application, create the docker image of it and push the image to the docker repository. The Job Builder job requires the git repository URL as a parameter. It clones the respective git repository and reads the file for each git repository and uses it to create the service build job.
Check git repository URL is available in
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Environment Variables
Topic in which client requests are put. From this further listen and posting happens
Host name of the key cloak authentication token provider
key cloak authentication token url
userid of for authentication token
password for authentication token
host name of IFIX server
Host name of the redis server
top level tenant id of the client
dialect for JPA. you can change this to oracle or my sql etc
will generate the required tables in the respective database . This feature is used instead of flyway to get database in-dependency
Api Swagger document
Api for receiving data from client (mgram). This is the only api present in adapter
Environment Variables | Description |
| Topic in which client requests are put . From this further listen and posting happens |
| Host name of the key cloak authentication token provider |
| key cloak authentication token url |
| userid of for authentication token |
| password for authentication token |
| host name of IFIX server |
| IFIX post URL |
| Host name of the redis server |
| top level tenant id of the client |
| url for COA search in IFIX |
| Url for the project code search in IFIX |
| dialect for JPA. you can change this to oracle or my sql etc |
| will generate the required tables in the respective database . This feature is used instead of flyway to get database in-dependency |
API | Description |
events/v1/_push | API for receiving data from the client (mgram). This is the only API present in the adapter |
Title | Link |
/department/v1/_create |
/department/v1/_search |
Title | Link |
/expenditure/v1/_create |
/expenditure/v1/_search |
Title | Link |
/project/v1/_create |
/project/v1/_search |
Title | Link |
Swagger Yaml |
Postman collection |
Link |
Api Swagger document |
Postman |