The primary purpose of this module is to streamline attendance review and payment processing workflows for health campaign workers. It ensures that supervisors can:
Access tools and functionalities tailored to their responsibilities.
Maintain clear separation between proximity- and campaign-specific workflows.
Facilitate accurate, timely payments for healthcare workers based on attendance.
This flow focuses on managing attendance records within a specific boundary assigned to the logged-in proximity supervisor.
Key Actions:
View attendance: Filter, search, and view attendance data.
Edit attendance: Modify attendance entries for accuracy.
Approve attendance: Validate and approve attendance registers for payment processing.
This flow supports campaign-wide bill generation.
Key Actions:
View registers: Access to view registers to generate bills.
Download reports: Export reports in Excel/PDF formats for stakeholder communication.
Generate bills: Create bills based on three boundary levels: Country, Province, and District.
If the boundary is set to a district, all the registers within that district will be consolidated into a single bill.
Allows supervisors to select a project and view or manage attendance registers associated with that project.
Interface Elements:
Project Selection
Dropdown to select the project
Action Buttons
- Back: Navigate to the previous page. - Next: Proceed to the attendance registers for the selected project.
User Actions Flow:
Select a Project: Choose a project from the dropdown list.
Proceed to Next Screen: Click "Next" to access the registers associated with the project.
The Proximity Supervisor Flow for managing attendance registers is designed to provide supervisors with a seamless experience for selecting projects, viewing associated attendance records, and managing the details effectively. The flow emphasizes ease of navigation, quick access to project and register information, and actionable steps to edit or approve attendance records.
Project Selection: Enables supervisors to pick a specific project to manage.
Registers Inbox: Displays filtered attendance registers for selected boundaries.
View Attendance: Provides detailed attendance information for campaigns and projects.
Edit Attendance: Allows supervisors to update attendee records.
Approve Attendance: Facilitates approval with clear validation and comment requirements.
manage attendance registers, approving and editing the attendance data
Each step in this flow ensures user-friendly interactions and adheres to the necessary validation rules and role-based permissions for supervisors and project managers.
Note: In Payments version 0.1, each user will be associated with only one project.
This screen allows Campaign Supervisors to:
Filter attendance registers based on boundaries (Country, Province, and District) tied to the selected project and aggregation level.
View the list of registers within the selected boundary.
Generate bills for the selected boundary if all registers are approved.
Filters Section
no of levels will vary based on the aggregation level selection:
Country: Dropdown menu to select the country (e.g., Mbazi Highlands).
Mandatory Field: Must be selected before applying filters.
Province: Dropdown menu to select the province (e.g., Nampula).
Mandatory Field: Must be selected before applying filters.
District: Dropdown menu to select the district (e.g., Murrupula).
Mandatory Field: Must be selected before applying filters.
Apply Button: Triggers the filter to display attendance registers for the selected boundary.
Register Inbox
Project Name: Displays the selected project name .
Aggregation Level: Displays the selected aggregation level (e.g., District level).
Register Status Summary:
Approved Registers: Shows the count of approved registers (e.g., 18).
Pending Registers: Shows the count of pending registers (e.g., 0).
Registers Table
Displays a tabular list of attendance registers for the filtered boundary, with the following columns:
Register ID
Unique identifier for each attendance register
Indicates the boundary associated with the register
Supervisor Name
Displays the name of the supervisor associated with the register
Number of Workers
Displays the total number of workers in the register
Action Section
Generate Bill Button:
Enabled State: If all registers are approved, this button becomes active, allowing users to trigger the bill generation process and bill is not already generated.
Disabled State: If any registers are pending approval, the button remains inactive.
User Actions Flow:
Filter Attendance Registers:
Mandatory Filters: The user must select a Country, Province, and District before clicking "Apply".
After clicking Apply, the attendance registers for the selected boundary are displayed.
View Attendance Registers:
The filtered registers are shown in a tabular format.
Generate Bill:
The Generate Bill button is enabled only if all the registers within the selected boundary are approved and bill is not generated already.
Clicking Generate Bill triggers the bill generation process:
A confirmation pop-up appears with the warning.
Cancel: Returns to the register list.
Proceed: Starts the bill generation process.
A toast message will be shown whether bill generation started or failed. and a info message will be displayed with same.
All If all registers within the selected boundary are approved Approved:
The Generate Bill button is enabled.
Upon clicking Generate Bill, an info message is displayed: "Bill generation in progress. Please wait."
Bill Already Generated:
If all registers within the selected boundary are approved but a bill has already been generated:
An info message is displayed: "Bill has already been generated for this boundary."
Pending Registers:
If some registers within the selected boundary are still pending approval:
An info message is displayed: "Bill cannot be generated until all the registers are approved."
Boundary Selection:
All three boundary levels (Country, Province, and District) are mandatory for filtering attendance registers.
Error toast massage if you click on apply without selecting all mandatory boundaries.
The system verifies the approval status of all registers in the selected boundary before enabling the Generate Bill button.
Retrieve attendance registers by boundary
Checks if bill is already generated or not
Trigger bill generation for selected boundary
The Campaign Supervisor Flow is designed to streamline the management of attendance registers and bill generation processes for supervisors overseeing specific projects and boundaries. This flow ensures efficient selection, filtering, and approval of registers and simplifies the generation and tracking of bills. It focuses on clear workflows, actionable feedback, and validation mechanisms to enhance usability and accuracy.
Project and Bill Aggregation Selection: Supervisors select a project and boundary aggregation level to narrow down the scope for attendance registers and billing.
Registers Filtering and Bill Generation: Enables supervisors to filter registers based on boundaries, view attendance data, and generate bills only when all registers are approved.
Bill Management (My Bills): Provides a centralised view of all generated bills, with tools for searching, filtering, and downloading them in preferred formats.
aggregate the bill generation, based on district, province or country and download it for further process
This structured approach empowers supervisors to manage attendance registers and related billing tasks with ease while adhering to necessary validations and role-based permissions.
This is the initial screen where the user selects:
Project: The specific project they are managing.
Bill Aggregation Level: The boundary level at which the bill should be generated (Country, Province, or District).
Users cannot proceed without filling out these fields.
Interface Elements:
Project Selection
Dropdown menu to select the project.
Bill Aggregation Level
Dropdown menu to select the aggregation level (Country, Province, District).
Action Buttons
- Back: Navigate to the previous screen. - Next: Proceed to view registers mapped to the selected project.
User Actions Flow:
Use the dropdown menu to select the project.
Select one of the available aggregation levels (Country, Province, or District) from the dropdown.
Click the "Next" button to navigate to the register filtering screen.
Both fields are mandatory:
If either the Project or Bill Aggregation Level is not selected, an error toast message is displayed if you try to proceed.
The "My Bills" section serves as a centralised dashboard for campaign supervisors to view and manage all bills associated with their assigned projects. By default, the dashboard displays all bills related to the projects under their supervision. Supervisors can search for specific bills or filter them using date ranges or by bill id.
Interface Elements:
Search Filters
Bill ID: Enter a specific Bill ID.
Date Range: Select a start and end date to filter bills within a specific time frame.
Action Buttons:
Search: Filters the results based on the provided criteria.
Clear Search: Resets the filters and shows all assigned bills.
Bill List
A table format displays the bills with the following columns:
Status Descriptions
Generated: The bill has been successfully generated. The user can download it in PDF or Excel format.
In Progress: The report is still being generated. The user should wait for completion.
Failed: The report generation failed. The user can:
Retry the process.
Contact support if the issue persists.
API Endpoints:
Clicking on any register ID from the inbox displays detailed information about the attendance register. The screen includes information such as campaign details, attendance officer details, and attendee information. Users can perform two primary actions: Edit and Approve.
Interface Elements
Campaign Details: Displays the campaign name, ID, and dates.
Attendance Officer Details: Name, ID, and contact information.
Attendee Information: Includes register ID, attendee names, and attendance data.
Action Buttons:
Edit Attendance: Allows editing attendance details.
Approve Attendance: Approve the attendance register.
Interface Elements:
Campaign Status:
If the campaign is ongoing, Edit and Approve buttons are disabled, and only a "Back" button is shown.
Administrators can override this behavior through MDMS (configurable settings).
Approved Registers:
If the register is already approved, the action buttons are disabled, and a "Back" button is displayed.
Role-Based Permissions:
Only authorized supervisors can access Edit/Approve features.
Action Flows
a. Step 1: Pop-Up Confirmation
Message: "Editing attendance will affect the number of days for attendees. Do you want to proceed?"
Cancel: Close the pop-up.
Proceed: Navigate to the Edit Attendance screen.
b. Step 2: Edit Attendance Screen
Number of days worked must be a positive integer and must not exceed the event duration.
Submit Button Behaviour:
Initially disabled until changes are made.
Upon submission:
Displays a success message: "Attendance updated successfully!"
Displays an error message if the update fails.
Approve Attendance Flow
Step 1: Add Comment
Message: "Please add a comment before approving."
Input Field: Allows users to enter comments (mandatory).
Cancel: Closes the pop-up and returns to the view screen.
Submit: Proceeds to the final warning.
Step 2: Confirmation Pop-Up
Message: "Do you want to approve this attendance register?"
Cancel: Closes the pop-up and remains on the view screen.
Proceed: Opens a Comment Entry Pop-Up.
Step 4: Success Page
Message: "Attendance approved"
Action: view another registers or go back to home.
Bill ID
A unique identifier assigned to each bill (e.g., WB-YYYY-MM-DD-XXXXX).
The creation date of the bill.
The geographic boundary associated with the bill (e.g., District, Province).
Project Name
The name of the project for which the bill was generated.
The total number of workers covered under the bill.
No of Registers
The total number of registers associated with the bill
The current status of the bill (e.g., Generated, In Progress, Failed).
Search bills by project id
Download details of a specific bill
UI Configs
Rate Master Configs
Muster Roll and Attendance Configs
Register Details
Displays Attendance ID, Campaign Name, Project Type, Boundary, and other metadata.
Attendee Table
Lists attendee details, including Name, ID, Designation, and Hours Worked.
Action Button
Enables editing or approving attendance (if conditions are met).
Validation Message
Informs users if the campaign is ongoing and actions are disabled.
Campaign Worker
Name of attendee
User Name
Username of attendee
Role of attendee
Number of Days
number of days worked by the attendee
fetch the registers details
fetch the attendee and staff details
to update the attendee attendance and approve registers
to fetch estimate data of registers
fetch the muster role data for regiter
Overview: Enables supervisors to view attendance registers filtered by selected boundaries (e.g., district).
Interface Elements:
Boundary selection dropdown (e.g., district) and "Apply" button to filter results.
Results Display
Shows registers with details such as Project Name, Status, Supervisor Name, and Entries.
Status Filters
Groups results by register status (e.g., Pending for Approval, Approved).
User Actions Flow:
Select Boundary: Choose a district from the dropdown.
Apply Filter: Click "Apply" to filter results.
View Results: Access filtered attendance registers for the selected district.
API Endpoints:
Search registers by filter (district)
Retrieve registers for a selected boundary