HCM v1.5 is a product release with upgrades for a new campaign adaptation such as IRS.
Enhancement of DIGIT HCM for managing a new campaign such as IRS.
Enhancement to provide the ability to link downloaded households to new campaigns.
The product has been enhanced to capture information related to house structure, room details, and the number of pregnant women and children present in the house independent of the campaign type.
Enhanced accuracy for geo coordinates capture in the app.
Enhancement of DSS dashboards for new campaign adaption.
Enhancement to provide the ability to view dashboards for District Supervisors in the mobile application.
Closed Household: This feature enables data collection on closed households by utilizing the existing registration and delivery package. It allows CDDs (Community Drug Distributors) to revisit households for registry updates efficiently.
Registration and Delivery: Added intermediate screens to enhance registration of households to support new campaigns.
User Action: Full CRUD functionality for project-related actions taken by the field worker that are not tasks related to the beneficiary like:
Refusal of consent for data collection.
Scanning of resources that will be reused for multiple deliveries.
Marking a transit post-non-compliant (polio).
Marking any incident that doesn't bear relation to the beneficiary.
Location capture of the field worker app.
Dashboard Updates:
Mobile Dashboard: Enabled the mobile dashboard for district supervisors and configured the Digit UI DSS Dashboard to support new campaigns (e.g. IRS).
National Dashboard Enhancements: Introduced support for pie charts and bar charts.
Map Configurations: Moved map configuration data to S3 assets.
Chart Configurations: Added and modified chart configurations for both the Mobile and DSS Dashboards (e.g., IRS), including both new and existing charts.
Tech Debts
Search Query Optimization: Enhanced search queries across the mobile application for improved performance.
Boundary Localizations: Migrated boundary localizations from the ISAR (JSON) database to an SQL database in the mobile application for better efficiency.
Pop-ups have been added to various screens to improve geo-coordinate accuracy within the app. These pop-ups will display a message and temporarily freeze the screen, allowing users to capture a person's geo-coordinates without disruption.
No breaking changes were made.
Configurable Project Dashboard: Previously, project dashboard configurations were hardcoded. Now, they are fully configurable based on boundary v2 and project-type codes.
Removal of Hardcoded Context Paths: All hardcoded context paths have been removed throughout the application, improving flexibility and maintainability.
Map Config Data Moved to S3: Due to the large size of the map configuration data, it could not be loaded into MDMS v2. This data has now been moved to S3 assets for better handling and storage.
Search Query Enhancement: Previously, each entity had its own individual search. Now, we have implemented a unified query builder, which has significantly improved the performance of the search functionality.
The HCM v1.5 release does not require any migration from the 1.4 release.
Reference Link/ETA
The development is complete for all the features that are part of the release.
Test cases are documented by the QA team, reviewed by product owners, and test results are updated in the test cases sheet.
The incremental demo of the features showcased during the sprint showcase and feedback is incorporated. If possible, list out the JIRA tickets for feedback.
23-July-24 29-July-24 06-Aug-24 25-Sept-24
UI/UX audit review is completed along with feedback incorporation for any changes in UI/UX.
Mail has been communicated to Andrew Jones for UI/UX audit
QA sign-off is completed by the QA team and communicated to product owners. All the tickets’ QA sign-off status is updated in JIRA.
UI, and API technical documents are updated for the release along with the configuration documents.
UAT promotion and regression testing from the QA team is completed. The QA team has shared the UAT regression test cases with the product owners.
The API backward compatibility testing is completed.
No breaking changes are made.
The communication is shared with product owners for the completion of UAT promotion and regression by the QA team. The product owners have to give a product sign-off within one week of this communication.
4-June 24
As part of admin console product owner sign-off has been completed
The UAT product sign-off communication is received from product owners along with the release notes and user guides (if applicable).
As part of admin console product owner sign-off has been completed
The GIT tags and releases are created for the code changes for the release.
Verify whether the release notes are updated.
Verify whether all the UAT builds are updated along with the GIT tag details.
Verify whether all MDMS, configurations, infra-ops configurations are updated.
Verify whether all docs will be published to http://health.digit.org by the Technical Writer as part of the release.
Verify whether all test cases are up-to-date and updated along with the necessary permissions to view the test cases sheet. The test cases sheet is verified by the test lead.
Verify whether the UAT credentials' sheet is updated with the details of new users and roles, if any.
Verify whether all the localisation data was added in UAT, and updated in the release kits.
No functional changes were made
Verify whether the product release notes and user guides are updated and published.
No product functional changes were made
The demo of the released features is done by the product team as part of a sprint/release showcase.
Demo has been give as a part of the HCM Console release
Technical and product workshops/demos are conducted by the engineering and product teams respectively to the implementation team (implementation handover).
Architect sign-off and technical quality report.
Verify Bug Bash has been completed
Gate 2
The internal release communication along with all the release artefacts are shared by the engineering/ product teams.
Find the service build updates below:
Category (Tag) | Services | Docker Artifact ID | Remarks |
Facility | egovio/facility-db:v1.1.2-00a7accbda-14 | Not Changed |
| Household | egovio/household-db:v1.1.4-a0e714254c-30 | Changed |
| Individual | egovio/individual-db:v1.1.6-a0e714254c-12 | Changed |
| Project | egovio/project-db:v1.1.5-a0e714254c-13 | Changed |
| Product | egovio/product-db:v1.1.0-00a7accbda-31 | Not Changed |
| Referral Management | egovio/referralmanagement-db:v1.0.3-a0e714254c-42 | Changed |
| Stock | egovio/stock-db:v1.1.3-a0e714254c-31 | Changed |
| Transformer | transformer:HDDF-1277-2f487e8dc5-256 | Changed |
| HRMS | egovio/egov-hrms-db:v1.2.7-00a7accbda-19 | Not Changed |
Pgr | egovio/pgr-services-db:v1.1.7-00a7accbda-19 | Not Changed |
Service-request | egovio/service-request-db:v1.0.1-a0e714254c-18 | Changed |
Health-attendance | egovio/health-attendance-db:v1.0.2-30824c427-11 | Not Changed |
Digit-Ui | egovio/digit-ui:health-dashboard-digit-ui-d216162056-686 | Changed |
Health-UI | health-ui:health-dashboard-product-5bd3650bf2-691 | Changed |
Not Changed |
Dashboard | egovio/dss-dashboard:v1.8.0-0d70d60e63-53 | Unchanged |
egovio/dashboard-analytics:master-impel-f705ac483a-48 | Unchnaged |
egovio/dashboard-ingest:v1.1.4-72f8a8f87b-10 | Unchnaged |
egovio/project-factory:v0.2.0-1ea8b5b5b9-9 | Changed |
egovio/workbench-ui:v0.2.0-6f08f64238-535 | Changed |