The employee user can edit application details on behalf of the applicants.
To edit applications -
The applications Pending for Document Verification are available on the home page. Else, search for the application using the search parameters.
Open the application. Click on the View History button available in the Task Status panel on top to view the list of actions taken on the application so far. Click on the View Breakup button to find the fee breakup details in the Fee Estimate panel.
Click on the Add Rebate/Penalty button to add any ad hoc penalty or rebate amount to the total fee payable. Scroll down the application to review the filled-in details. Click on the View button for each uploaded document to review details.
Click on the Take Action button and then click on Edit to make the required corrections. Review the Connection Details and the list of Documents furnished with the application.
Enter the connection details in the Additional Details section of the application. Select the applicable Connection Type. Enter the Number of Taps, Water Source, Water Sub Source, and Pipe Size details.
Select ULB if the plumber is provided by the ULB. Else, check the Self option. In case the plumber is provided by the ULB enter the Plumber License No., Plumber Name, and Plumber Mobile No. details.
Select the relevant Road Type. Enter the Area (in sq ft) to indicate the length of road cutting required to lay the pipes. Enter the Connection Execution Date. The connection will be activated on the specified date.
Click on Next Step in the Summary section of the application. Review the application details. Complete the changes and click on the Submit button to save the changes.