Currently, we are using the LetEncrypt SSL certificate which is free. However, there is a catch here. The LetsEncrypt certificate is valid only for 3 months (90 days). Post 90 days this has be renewed manually. There are few paid ones available globally.
This page provides the steps to follow to create a Git account in the client name.
To create a Git account in the client name, follow the steps below:
Register the client on a Git hosting platform such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket by providing their email address, choosing a username, and setting a secure password.
Once the account is set up, they can start using Git to manage their code repositories and collaborate on software development projects with ease.
This page provides step-by-step details on setting up a git repo for code, configs, V1 MDMS, and Infra As Code.
Fork the following repos that contain the master data and default configurations. Customize the data (master data, ULB, Tenant details, Users, etc) as per specific implementation requirements in the respective GitHub organization accounts.
Follow the steps given below to setup the git repository,
both the , and repos into your GitHub organization account.
Create a , and generate an ssh authentication key (and .
Enable new GitHub users to access the forked repos.
Add the ssh private key generated in the previous step to the within the git-sync section.
Update the services in the git-sync repository by specifying the forked repository and branch in the file.
Update the deployment configuration details for the below as per your specifications:
Number of replicas/scale of each service (depending on whether dev or prod load)
You must update the SMS gateway, email gateway, and payment gateway details for the notification and payment gateway services, etc.
Update the config and MDMS GitHub repos wherever marked.
Update GMap key (In case you are using Google Map services in your PGR, PT, TL, etc)
Create one private S3 bucket for Filestore and one public bucket for logos. Add the bucket details respectively and create an IAM user with the s3 bucket access. Add IAM user details to .
URL/DNS on which DIGIT will be exposed.
SSL certificate for the above URL.
Any specific endpoint configurations (Internal/external).
These all steps need to be done-:
Domain or subdomain registry and mapping cname
Follow the steps provided on this page to configure domains or subdomains registry and mapping CNAME.
Create a CNAME (Canonical Name) entry in your domain's DNS settings and point it to the AWS load balancer or gateway URL. The external IP for the domain is provided by the AWS load balancer or gateway.
The domain name is the address through which the internet users can access the website rather than entering the whole IP address in the search bar of the browser.
This domain name is ideally chosen by the state/client since it is a product that has to be used for/by them.
Following is the table through which the information can be shared.
Note: The data given in the table is sample data.
Since all state governments/clients prefer to host the websites on their servers, this activity is ideally done by them.
Following are the steps which are to be followed:
Download the data template attached to this page.
Get a good understanding of all the headers in the template sheet, their data type, size, and definitions by referring to the ‘Data Definition’ section of this document.
In case of any doubt, please reach out to the person who has shared this template with you to discuss and clear your doubts.
If the state agrees to host the website on their server, provide them with the 2 columns mentioned in the attached template.
If the state disagrees to host on their server, then a domain name has to be purchased by any of the external vendors and the EXTERNAL-IP address has to be mapped with them.
Verify the data once again by going through the checklist and making sure that each point mentioned in the checklist is covered.
This checklist covers all the activities that are common across the entities.
Following is the attached configurable data template in case the state is doing the required activities.
Configurable Data Template - Domain Name Configuration
Sample Configurable Data - Domain Name Configuration
Domain Name
The name/address of the website being used to access the website/ module
It is the IP address that has to be mapped to the domain name
Sr. No.
Checklist Parameter
Make sure that each and every point in this reference list has been taken care of.
Sr. No.
Domain Name