Water Connection advance changes are added to allow the customer to pay the advance amount. This amount is adjusted when a new demand is generated. We can enable or disable advance based on the configuration.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has the water service persister configs path added to it
PSQL server is running and a database is created to store water connection/application data
The following services should be up and running:
Accepts advance amount during water connection creation and while collecting payment
Creates demand for consumer-type water connection-advance
Adjusts the new demand with existing advance with apportion service
Deploy the latest version of ws-service, ws-calculator, billing-service, egov-apportion-service
Billing service tax head configuration
Tax-head master service configuration
Creating a new bill for the advance amount in BillServiceV2. Removing the following line while adding the bill objects to the list if (billAmount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) >= 0)
Passing Active status filter for demand search during apportioning in DemandService. DemandCriteria searchCriteria = DemandCriteria.builder().tenantId(tenantId) .status(Demand.StatusEnum.ACTIVE.toString()).consumerCode(Collections.singleton(consumerCode)). businessService(businessService).build();
New Demand audit history API in Demandcontroller. An API that returns the audit history of demandDetails. demand/_history
Create water connection API: Adding a check for payment type advance. If advance, passing a boolean isAdvanceCollection to calculationRequest to water calculator service.
Update water connection API: Adding a check for payment type advance. If advance, passing a boolean isAdvanceCollection to calculationRequest to water calculator service. Adding a check for advance in validateUpdate method to set the current demand to CANCELLED.
Calling estimation service getEstimationMap based on isAdvanceCalculation boolean. If true, reading taxAmount from criteria.getWaterConnection().getAdvance();
Changes in getEstimatesForTax for a new taxHeadCode ADVANCE_COLLECTION with value WS_ADVANCE_CARRYFORWARD
Getting the advance amount in getCalculation with taxHeadCode ADVANCE_COLLECTION
Calling generateDemand method based on isAdvanceCalculation. If true, create a demand object with consumerType “waterConnection-advance“.
Water Connection Penalty changes are added to get the penalty amount after the due date. The due date is configurable and penalty enable and disable are also configurable. If we want to have the penalty we can enable or we can disable it through configuration.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has the water service persister configs path added to it
PSQL server is running and a database is created to store water connection/application data
The following services should be up and running:
Calculate water charges and taxes based on the billing slab.
Calculate meter reading charge for water connection
Generate demand for penalty feature
Scheduler for generating the demand(for non-metered connection)
Deploy the latest version of ws-service and ws-calculator
Add water-persist.yml & water-meter.yml file in the config folder in git and add that path in persister. (The file path is to be added in the environment yaml file in a param called persist-yml-path )
Use case 1 : Fixed percentage on outstanding without penalty Use case 2 : Fixed percentage on current month Use case 3 : Fixed percentage on outstanding including penalty
Note : All above are applied to the running month only.
Use case 4 : Fixed percentage on outstanding applied for every month on the outstanding amount respectively (not implemented)
Tech configs:
Use case 1: "type": "Fixed", "subType": "outstandingWithoutPenalty"
Use case 2: "type": "Fixed", "subType": "currentMonth",
Use Case 3: "type": "Fixed", "subType": "outstanding", We have Total 4 types of penalty in the system:
Fixed - Current month: This type of penalty is applied to the current month's amount based on the rate (%) given in the configuration.
Fixed - outstanding: This is the penalty applied on the total outstanding amount including previously applied penalties based on the rate (%) given in the configuration.
Fixed - outstandingWithoutPenalty: This is the penalty applied on the total outstanding amount excluding previously applied penalties based on the rate (%) given in the configuration.
Flat - Current month: This type of penalty is applied to the current month's amount based on the amount given in the configuration.
Flat - outstanding: This type of penalty applied to the total pending amount till the current month amount based on the amount given in the configuration.
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