Deploy ifix-migration-toolkit-db:develop-2557812-9
to mgramseva
Port forward to the ifix-migration-toolkit pod
The following common request body is used to hit the ifix-migration-toolkit endpoints:
First, deploy the latest image of the ifix-department-entity-service
(So that the tables get created in PostgreSQL.)
Deploy plain search docker image of ifix-department-entity-service:
Ensure department-entity-persister.yml is configured in the egov-persister.
(Ensure department-entity-migration-progress is configured in egov-persister to record the progress of the migration. In case of any failures during migration, with this, it will resume the migration from where it left off. )
Hit the Department Hierarchy migrate endpoint of the migration-toolkit
Hit the Department Entity migrate endpoint of the migration-toolkit
First, deploy the latest image of the ifix-department-entity-service
(So that the tables get created in PostgreSQL.)
Deploy plain search docker image of ifix-department-entity-service:
Ensure adapter-master-data-service.yml is configured in egov-persister.
Hit the Department migrate endpoint of the migration-toolkit
Hit the Expenditure migrate endpoint of the migration-toolkit
Hit the Project migrate endpoint of the migration-toolkit
Reimagining PFM In India: Strategy & Approach Framework
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Fiscal Information Exchange Platform
Enable governments to continuously improve their financial health, ensure a functioning and responsive service delivery system, and deploy available funds in ways that create an environment for businesses, communities, and individuals to prosper and stay healthy.
iFIX is an open-source fiscal information exchange platform. The platform enables connected applications to exchange standardised fiscal events e.g. Demand, Receipts, Bills, and Payments. The fiscal event consists of attributes explaining the details of why, who, what, where and when it happened.
As government service delivery requires multiple actors and interactions to come together across different levels, visibility of information is critical to bring down the cost of coordination. This includes real-time information on the financial health of a government agency/department- expenditure, revenue and availability of funds.
Public finance management faces significant challenges in terms of promoting accountability and transparency. The problem is more on account of siloed information structures that restrict the scope to get a broader view of the flow of funds or data across agencies and stakeholders.
The flow of information is both slow and limited, resulting in a number of gaps and breaks in the PFM processes. This is essentially attributed to the lack of information standards and exchange mechanisms that make it difficult for the seamless flow of data across agencies.
iFIX allows departments to share fiscal information from existing systems without having to invest in multiple integrations for different stakeholder requirements. The platform plays a pivotal role in driving efficient and performance-driven financial planning across all levels of governance. Real-time availability of financial information to stakeholders facilitates data-driven deployment of public funds and policy-making. The platform specification sets the base for the real-time exchange of fiscal information across funding and implementing agencies.
The iFIX platform identifies and resolves Public Financial Management issues like delays in funds flow, floating of unutilised funds, problems of low data fidelity, the administrative burden of implementation and outcome-oriented funding using the platform approach and associated policy reforms.
The platform helps achieve overall fiscal discipline, allocation of resources to priority needs, efficient and effective allocation of public services. Public financial management includes all phases of the budget cycle, including the preparation of the budget, internal control and audit, procurement, monitoring and reporting arrangements, and external audit.
iFIX helps address the following challenges with respect to the information on government fiscal programmes
Unlocking fiscal and operational data locked in silos
Generating relevant information based on common data standards
Ensuring the information generated is credible, reliable and verifiable
Accelerating fund flows by providing trusted, usable data and reducing the interdepartmental coordination time
The present-day public finance system supports multiple types of information flows that are unique and accessed by multiple sources. iFIX simplifies the network and fiscal information flows through the use of standardised formats and protocols.
No change to the source system: Enabling information exchange through iFIX does not necessitate any change to the source systems, therefore ensuring minimal disruption to current ways of working.
Scalability across governance levels and geographies: iFIX approach for standardisation can be applied to multiple entities at the same level and across different levels. This gives the platform infinite applicability within the PFM context to provide visibility on aggregated and disaggregated information.
The standardised fiscal event and exchange mechanism enable various government agencies e.g. various departments, local governments, autonomous bodies, national government, and development agencies to -
exchange fiscal data much like email systems exchange data with each other
ease flow of fiscal information resulting in better planning, better execution, better accounting and better auditing thus transforming the entire PFM cycle
promote transparency and improve accountability while ensuring real-time access to the financial health of the government stakeholders
iFIX offers a platform that standardises fiscal event data and the capabilities to exchange information across multiple sources. The platform is built as a digital public good and is open source with minimal specifications. The design incorporates the security and privacy of all data and users and ensures performance at scale.
Data standards streamline the flow of information paving the way for timely exchange and cost-effective means of managing fiscal events. The iFIX platform establishes the standards and specifications for fiscal event data that make it easier to exchange fiscal information between funding and implementing agencies. Event data is captured in real-time and at the micro level which ensures there is no intentional or unintentional data loss. Any transaction triggers a fiscal event that is accessible to integrated agencies for necessary approvals.
The standardized data exchange platform approach ensures that iFIX is not a replacement for the existing finance system. It is just a coordination and visibility layer between agencies within government and across governments.
Visit the Products pages to learn more about the iFIX platform capabilities.
With the iFIX v2.3-alpha update, some of the DIGIT core services also need to be deployed. The builds of the same are also listed below. These have been picked from DIGIT-v2.7.
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Docker Artifact ID
IFIX Domain Services
IFIX Master Data Service
Removed government master from the service
Migrated chart of account from MongoDB to PostgreSQL
Fiscal Event Service
Move to DIGIT architecture
IFIX ES Pipeline
New kafka stream pipeline to transform data that will be stored in ES.
Fiscal Event Post Processor
Changes maintain compatibility with other updated services.
Core Services
With this update, the iFIX Adapter services now depend on some of the DIGIT Core services. egov-persister should be deployed and configured.
Docker Artifact ID
IFIX Adaptor
IFIX Department Entity Service
Migrated database from MongoDB to PostgreSQL.
Non-backward compatible update to the /_create and /_update APIs, to handle receive status updates in the children array.
Adapter Master Data Service
Migrated database from MongoDB to PostgreSQL.
Non-backward compatible update to the /_create and /_update APIs of Project, to handle receive status updates in the departmentEntityIds array.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
v2.0-alpha release details
IFIX 2.3-alpha release details and highlights are available in the below release notes.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
About the Platform
The platform is built as a Digital Public Good and follows a key set of design principles listed below.
Single Source of Truth - Data resides in multiple systems across departments and getting an integrated, consistent and disaggregated view of data is imperative.
Federated - Central, State and Local Governments represent the federated structure of government. This federated structure must be taken into cognisance while designing systems that enable intergovernmental information exchange.
Unbundled - Break down complex systems into smaller manageable and reusable parts that are evolvable and scale independently.
Minimum - Minimum data attributes that have a well-defined purpose is mandatory; everything else is optional.
Privacy and Security - Ensuring the privacy of citizens, employees and users while ensuring the system's security.
Performance at Scale - The system is designed to perform at scale.
Open Standards - The system is based on open standards so that it is easy to discover, comprehend, integrate, operate and evolve.
The platform applies the microservice architecture concept. Access the list of services supported by iFIX .
The services are designed to comply with standards which consist of the Common Information Model and APIs. Click to view the details.
To set up the platform, follow the installation steps listed.
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Migration to DIGIT architecture primarily involves the following changes to iFIX-Core:
Transactional DB is switched from MongoDB to PostgreSQL
Analytics DB is switched from Druid to ElasticSearch
Correspondingly, the dashboard is switched from Metabase to the DSS dashboard
This migration will require the following tasks to be performed:
Copy data to ElasticSearch
Copy data to PostgreSQL
Fiscal Events
Apart from iFIX-Core, the other services relying on MongoDB were also migrated to PostgreSQL. So they will also need to be migrated.
Department Entity Service
Department Hierarchy Level
Department Entity
Adapter Master Data Service
Deploy ifix-migration-toolkit-db:develop-b7a2050-13
to ifix
Port forward to the ifix-migration-toolkit pod
The following common request body is used to hit the ifix-migration-toolkit endpoints:
Government master data is moved to MDMS. Please manually copy the government(tenant) data to the tenants
master of tenant
module. Here is a link to a sample tenants master.
First, deploy the latest image of the ifix-master-data-service
(So that the tables get created in PostgreSQL.)
Deploy plain search docker image of ifix-master-data:
Ensure ifix-master-data-persister is configured in the egov-persister
Hit the Chart of Account migrate endpoint of the migration-toolkit
With this, we will be performing migration from MongoDB to both, PostgreSQL and ElasticSearch. Data will be read from MongoDB using fiscal-event-service's plain search api, and pushed to a kafka topic.
From there, the data will reach PostgreSQL using egov-persister.
From kafka-topic data will pass through ifix-es-pipeline. After that ifix-es-pipeline will post the processed data to the next kafka topic in the pipeline. From there, egov-indexer will read from the topic and index the data onto ElasticSearch.
First, deploy the latest image of the fiscal-event-service
(So that the tables get created in PostgreSQL.)
Follow the instructions mentioned in the ifix-es-pipeline project's README to setup the ES mapping before performing the migration.
Deploy plain search docker image of fiscal-event-service:
Deploy the latest image of ifix-es-pipeline
Ensure fiscal-events-persister is configured in egov-persister
Ensure ifix-fiscal-event-indexer is configured in egov-indexer
(Ensure ifix-migration-progress is configured in egov-persister to record the progress of the migration. In case of any failures during migration, with this, it will resume the migration from where it left off. )
Hit the Fiscal Event migrate endpoint of the migration-toolkit
iFix specification details
iFix is a fiscal data exchange platform that enables the exchange of standardized fiscal data between various agencies. iFix is designed to enable the exchange of fiscal data between various agencies and ensure the visibility of fiscal data. iFix makes it possible to chain the fiscal data with each other and establish a chain of custody for the entire lifecycle from budgeting to accounting.
From the iFIX perspective, there are two types of agencies
Fiscal Data Provider - posts the fiscal data into iFix using well-defined formats.
Fiscal Data Consumer - can query the fiscal data.
Both these roles are interchangeable.
Providers and consumers need to register on iFix before they can post or query fiscal data. To register the concerned person from the agency must be provided with the following information on the iFix portal - Name of the Agency, Contact Person, Name, Contact Person’s Phone Number, and Contact Person’s Official Email Address. The OTP sent to the email address for the person should be used to register.
Registered users -
logs in to the iFix portal using the official email address
registers one or more systems as a provider or consumer or both
provides the name of the system
a unique ID is generated for each system (example: mgramseva@punjab.ifix.org)
a secret API key is also generated for each system - use this key to post or query fiscal data
The API key can be regenerated if required - only one API key is active at a given point in time
The portal provides the ability to generate new keys for each system.
Fiscal data providers post the fiscal data in two ways.
A fiscal message - is directed to a specific consumer and is delivered to intended consumers. These messages are available for query by intended consumers only.
A fiscal event - iFix stores the events for consumers to query
Fiscal Event consists of
Date of Posting
Fiscal Event Type e.g. Revenue, Expenditure, Debt
Fiscal Event Subtype
Revenue - Estimate, Plan, Demand, Receipt, Credit
Expenditure - Estimate, Plan, Bill, Payment, Debit
Debt - in progress - will be provided later.
Array of fiscal line items
Location Code - from Location Registry
Program Code - from Program Registry
Project Code - from Project Registry
Administrative Hierarchy Code from Administrative Hierarchy Registry
Start Date of Period
End Date of Period
Attachment - Attachments consist of additional attributes like key-value pairs e.g. Account Number, Correlation ID or Documents
Signature - Fiscal messages can be signed by multiple agencies and add the signature to the Signature Array that contains the below-mentioned values -
Array of Signature
eSign - Signed Value of the Fiscal Event/Message Body using the System Key
Purpose - Acknowledgement or Approval or Rejection
Date of Signing
Data providers can reverse a previous fiscal message or event. The data provider reverses the data by posting the same event with a negative amount in the line item(s). The data consumers should handle reversals appropriately.
Data consumers can query fiscal data. They can query Messages - the unread messages that have been delivered to them. When consumers read the unread messages, these messages are marked as read. Events - Consumers can also query fiscal events posted by other data providers.
Chart of Account …. … …
MGramSeva iFix Adapter v2.3 has the below changes.
Data store moved from MongoDB to ElasticSearch
Non-backward compatible minor change to the /_create and /_update of department-entity and project master.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
iFIX Core v2.3 contains the following changes.
The data stores have been shifted:
From MongoDB to PostgreSQL
From Druid to ElasticSearch
Updated Feature
TransactionalDB moved to PostgreSQL
Analytics DB moved to ElasticSearch
Updated dashboard is built using DSS
Technical Documents
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Technology used for the platform
Apache Kafka (https://kafka.apache.org/)
Keycloak (https://www.keycloak.org/)
MongoDB (https://www.mongodb.com/)
Apache Druid (https://druid.apache.org/)
Metabase (https://www.metabase.com)
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Core service configuration and promotion docs
This object captures the fiscal information of external systems.
String (64,1)
Unique Identifier
String (256,2)
Name of the Government or Tenant - e.g. India, Nigeria, Punjab
Captures the department attributes.
Unique Identifier
Name of the Department - e.g. Department of Water Supply and Sanitation
Unique Code e.g. DWSS
Captures the COA data as a map.
Name of the Account
Full Chart of Account String eg: 1234-123-123-12-12-12
Major head code
Major head name
Major head code type
Sub-Major head code
Sub-Major head name
Minor head code
Minor head name
Sub-Head code
Sub-Head name
Group head code
Group head name
Object head code
Object head name
Captures the Expenditure attributes - encapsulates all scheme and non-scheme expenditure details.
Unique Identifier
Name of the Expenditure - This could be a scheme or a non-scheme expenditure - e.g. Jal Jeevan Mission
Unique Code e.g. JJM
Type of Expenditure - [Scheme, Non-Scheme]
Captures the Project attributes.
Unique Identifier
Name of the Project - e.g. Kartarpur Sahib Water Supply Project
Code of the Project - e.g. S572
Unique Identifier
Transaction Amount
Chart of Account ID
Start date of the billing period for which transaction is applicable
End date of the billing period for which transaction is applicable
Version of the Information Model
System Generated Unique ID
Government ID
Unique ID of the Associated Project
Type of Fiscal Event e.g. Demand, Bill, Payment, Receipt
Time Stamp when the event occurred in the source system
Unique Transaction Reference ID in the source system
Unique ID of the Parent Event to which this event is linked
Array of type Amount
mGramSeva Quickstart, this is not for a production
Quickstart Installation helps you jump-start with the mGramSeva basic installation with limited functionalities.
mGramSeva is a distributed microservice-based platform that comprises many services that are containerized. Depending upon the required features, the specific services can be run on any container-supported orchestration platform like docker-compose, Kubernetes, etc.
The Quickstart guide covers the installation steps for basic services to get the platform up. Before setting up mGramSeva, create a lightweight Kubernetes cluster called k3d on a local machine with specified H/W requirements. The H/W requirements are listed below to ensure before we proceed further.
To provision a lightweight Kubernetes cluster, please follow the instructions below in context to your OS and install the k3d on your machine.
min 4 vCPUs (recommended 8)
min 8GiB of RAM (recommended 16)
min 30GiB of HDD (recommended 30+)
Linux distribution running in a VM or bare metal
Ubuntu 18.04 or Debian 10 (VM or bare metal)
Install Docker
Install kubectl on Linux
Open terminal and Install k3d on Linux using the below command
OSX or Mac
Docker Desktop local Kubernetes cluster enabled
Install kubectl on Mac
Install k3d on Mac, on terminal use Homebrew (Homebrew is available for MacOS) using the below command
Windows 10 or above
Docker Desktop for windows need to be installed
Install kubectl on Windows
Install Chocolatey package manager for windows
Install GitBash as an alternative command prompt that allows most of the Linux commands on windows.
Open gitbash and Install k3d on Windows using the below command
Once the above prerequisites are met, run the following tasks depending upon your OS.
login/ssh into the machine, go to terminal/command prompt and run the following commands as an admin user.
Create /Kube directory and change permission. To use this directory for persistent data mount. This means data from all container logs will be stored here.
Create a cluster with a single master node and 2 agents (Worker Nodes) and mount the pre-created directory (for data persistence).
When cluster creation is successful, get the kubeconfig file, that allows you to connect to the cluster at any time.
Verify the Cluster creation by running the following commands from your local machine where the kubectl is installed. It gives you the sample output as below
You can verify the workers' nodes created by using the following command.
Once the above steps are completed successfully, your Cluster is now up and running ready to proceed with the DIGIT Deployment.
Now that we have the Infra setup to proceed with the DIGIT Deployment. Following are the tools that need to be installed on the machine before proceeding with the DIGIT Services deployment.
What we'll deploy in Quickstart:
mGramSeva core platform services
kubectl is a CLI to connect to the kubernetes cluster from your machine
Install CURL for making API calls
Install Visualstudio IDE Code for better code/configuration editing capabilities
The mGramSeva services deployment configurations are in GitRepo which needs to install git and then git clone it to your local.
Install Postman to run some DIGIT bootstrap scripts
After cloning the repo CD into the folder iFix-DevOps and type the "code ." command that will open the visual editor and opens all the files from the repo iFix-DevOps
Check the sample deployment config file that needs to be configured as per any specific values according to your needs. (For a quick start you can run as it is)
Add the following entries in your host file /etc/hosts depending on your OS, instructions can be found here.
Once the prerequisite setup is complete, go to the following repo, run the command and follow the instructions.
You can now test the DIGIT application status in the command prompt/terminal by using the below command.
Explore our iFIX (PFM) roadmap detailed view below.
Building Shared Narrative
i. Bluebook gap areas addressed and partner feedback incorporated ii. Finalize list of actors to approach for publishing the Bluebook iii. List of PFM Conferences identified to participate in iv. Draft of Health-financing white paper
i. Engage with identified actors to get commitment for publishing the Bluebook ii. 1 Op-ed iii. Health-financing white paper published
i. Bluebook V6 Published with GOI/ State Govt ii. Participation in 1 conference
i. Op-ed ii. mGramSeva case study with CPR
Design and Build DPGs
i. IFMIS integration demonstrated in Odisha ii. iFIX enhancements for Works/ MUKTASoft iii. Webinar to release V1 of iFIX Specs iv. Works V1 Development
i. Specs V2 developed through collaborative workshops with Samaaj and Sarkaar partners ii. Works V2 iii. Explore PFMS integration through iFIX exemplar in Punjab
i. iFIX health use case (ASHA worker payments) to be specified for adoption by Piramal in Jharkhand, subject to funding commitment from BMGF ii. Works V3 iii. Webinar to release V2 of iFIX Specs/ iFIX for Smart Payments iv. Dashboard Prototypes - Scheme Dashboard, Chief Minister's/ Chief Secretary's Dashboard for Financial Performance Management at State-Level, and Dept Head Dashboard
Asha Worker use case implementation starts
Scale @ Speed Exemplar to Ship Imagination
i. mGramSeva handover to DWSS with PSPCL integration live ii. iFIX program initiated with FD with a signed MoU specifying the program design, exemplar timelines and a clear handover plan for FD to own the program iii. iFIX Exemplar kicked off in Punjab iv. Hiring Engagement Manager
i. Initiate the adoption approach with identified line departments ii. State iFIX dashboard live
Case Study on FD iFix success
i. MUKTA V1 customisation and deployment ii. iFIX integration with IFMS in Odisha to showcase Smart Payments through MUKTASoft iii. Account Management Hiring
i. MUKTA V2 customisation and deployment ii. MUKTA adoption monitoring
i. MUKTA V3 customisation and deployment ii. MUKTA handover plan for HUDD ownership iii. Mukta Webinar and product proposition for smart payments
i. MUKTA handed back to HUDD
Catalysing Scale and Adoption
i. Note on benefits of IFMS+iFIX vs Only IFMS presented to WB ii. iFIX value proposition collateral: - Microsite updated - Scheme dashboard prototype - Artefacts/ Success Stories/ Case Study iii. Finalise champion in IMF who we will be approaching for the board note
i. Engagement with IMF on board note and readiness for it (advocacy)
i. Draft of board note circulated with IMF for feedback and finalisation
i. IMF issues board note endorsing fiscal events approach
Sustaining and Institutionalisation
Identify 4-5 agencies who should publish V2 of iFIX specs ii. Connect to 16th FC through Policy team"
Advocacy for handover and publishing of specs by the agency or by convening a working group under the CGA or DoE ii. Approach backup agencies if DoE (FinMin) or CAG do not engage at the required pace"
Advocacy for handover and publishing of specs by the agency ii. Approach backup agencies if DoE (FinMin) or CAG do not engage at the required pace"
V2 Specs launched
Platform architecture
The iFIX platform architecture and the interacting systems are divided into 3 parts:
iFIX Platform
External Agency Systems
Common Reference Data
Fiscal Event Service: It receives/sends fiscal events from/to the external systems.
Fiscal Event Store: After basic checks, the raw fiscal events are stored in the fiscal event store.
Fiscal Event Post Processor: Post Processor de-references the master data and flattens the object to store the event in the analytical data store.
Fiscal Event Analytical Store: Fiscal Events will be stored in a separate analytical store to run analytics queries.
Fiscal Event Analytical Service: All the analytics queries might not be able to run on the raw fiscal events, so a new fiscal event analytical service is developed to process the raw data and prepare it for the analytics queries.
Client Registry: All the registered clients of iFIX are maintained in this registry.
Fiscal Event Producer: They are the on-ground systems that generate new financial transactional information.
Producer Adapter: It helps the producer systems send the fiscal information to the iFIX Platform and link that transaction with some common reference data.
Fiscal Event Consumer: There are systems on the other end of the transaction that executes some process based on fiscal transaction information.
Consumer Adapter: It helps communicate fiscal events from the iFIX Platform to the consumer systems.
Reference Dashboard: Based on the consumed fiscal events, reference dashboards can be built with aggregated amounts by reference data.
We can link fiscal events with common reference data to derive more value from the fiscal events data. This allows us to run better analytics queries.
Administrative Registry: It will maintain the hierarchy of entities for a department integrated with iFIX.
Program Registry: It will maintain the master data for government missions/schemes.
Location Registry: It will maintain location reference data. This data is shared across all iFIX clients.
Chart of Account Registry: It will maintain the chart of account details.
Department Entity (For example, Ropar Water Department)
Business Services
Fiscal Event
Post-Fiscal Event
Search Fiscal Event
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
iFix Infra Setup & Deployment
Choose your infra type and provision the necessary infra before you actually deploy the services
iFIX/mGramSeva is a microservices-based distributed cloud-native application. Each of these context-specific microservices is dockerized and deployed on Kubernetes infrastructure.
It is essential to understand some of the key concepts, benefits and best practices of the Kubernetes platform before we understand the deployment of the iFIX/mGramSeva.
Know the basics of Kubernetes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH-2FfFD2PU&t=3s
Know the basics of kubectl commands
Know Kubernetes manifests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohSUtEfDefc
Know how to manage environment values and secrets of any service deployed in Kubernetes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW244LxB4oI
Know how to port forward to a pod running inside k8s cluster and work locally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT3nd5n5Yus
Know sops to secure your keys/creds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWzJ87KbwxA
Choose the target infra type and follow the instructions to set up a Kubernetes cluster before moving on to the deployment.
Before we begin the deployment, it is important to understand the deployment architecture that starts from the source code to the production-ready stage. Deploying and managing Kubernetes have emerged as a streamlined way to deploy containers in the cloud infrastructure. When running Kubernetes at scale, managing, operating, and scaling its infrastructure to maximize cluster utilization can be challenging. There are too many parameters the development team needs to manage and configure. This includes selecting the best instance type and size, determining when to scale up or down, and making sure all of the containers are scheduled and running on the best instances — and that is even before starting to think about cost resource optimization.
The simplest way to get started with the deployment process is to manage deployment configuration as code. Each service deployment configuration is defined as Helm charts and deployed into the Kubernetes cluster. We can collocate the deployment-as-code as source code, leveraging all the benefits of source control including change tracking and branching and then packaging it. The source code repo below contains the deployment-as-code details for iFIX.
Use the command below to clean up the setup cluster. This deletes the entire cluster and other cloud resources that were provisioned for the mGramSeva Infra Setup.
All done, the infra on local, cloud, and deployment of iFIX into the Kubernetes cluster is completed successfully.
Infrastructure Setup
iFIX/mGramSeva is a microservices-based distributed cloud-native application. The microservices streamline processes to meet outcomes at scale and speed. Each of the microservices is dockerized and deployed on Kubernetes infrastructure.
It is essential to understand some of the key concepts, benefits and best practices of Kubernetes platform before we understand the deployment of the iFix/mGramSeva.
Know the basics of Kubernetes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH-2FfFD2PU&t=3s
Know the basics of kubectl commands
Know Kubernetes manifests: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohSUtEfDefc
Know how to manage env values, secrets of any service deployed in Kubernetes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW244LxB4oI
Know how to port forward to a pod running inside k8s cluster and work locally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT3nd5n5Yus
Know sops to secure your keys/creds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWzJ87KbwxA
Choose the target infra type and follow the instructions to set up a Kubernetes cluster before moving on to the deployment.
Before we begin the deployment, it is important to understand the deployment architecture that starts from the source code to the production-ready stage. Deploying and managing Kubernetes have emerged as a streamlined way to deploy containers in the cloud infrastructure. When running Kubernetes at scale, managing, operating, and scaling its infrastructure to maximize cluster utilization can be challenging. There are too many parameters the development team needs to manage and configure. This includes selecting the best instance type and size, determining when to scale up or down, and making sure all of the containers are scheduled and running on the best instances — and that is even before starting to think about cost resource optimization.
The simplest way to get started with the deployment process is to manage deployment configuration as code. Each service deployment configuration is defined as Helm charts and deployed into the Kubernetes cluster. We can collocate the deployment-as-code as source code, leveraging all the benefits of source control including change tracking and branching, and then package it. So below is the source code repo that contains all the deployment-as-code for iFIX.
Clean up the cluster Setup using the command below, if required. This deletes the entire cluster and other cloud resources that were provisioned for the mGramSeva Infra Setup.
All done, the infra on local, cloud, and deployment of iFIX into the Kubernetes cluster is completed successfully.
Tenant Management
Master Data Management (Chart of Accounts)
Fiscal Project Management
Immutable Fiscal events
Type of events: Bill, Demand, Payment, Receipt (budgetary, cash and accrual events in the budget cycle)
Deduplication Reversals, Adjustments - Planned
Fiscal Messaging and Subscription (coordination between different entities) - Planned
Fiscal reporting and analytics - Planned
Reference Adaptor
Reference Dashboard
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Essentially, there are 2 stages that should allow you to use the full potential of DeploymentConfig and pipeline-as-code.
Stage 1: Clone the DevOps , choose your iFix product branch as mGramSeva
Prepare an <> master config file, you can name this file as you wish which will have the following configurations, this env file needs to be in line with your cluster name.
each service global, local env variables
credentials, secrets (You need to encrypt using and create a <env>-secret.yaml separately)
Number of replicas/scale of individual services (Depending on whether dev or prod)
mdms, config repos (Master Data, ULB, Tenant details, Users, etc)
sms g/w, email g/w, payment g/w
GMap key (In case you are using Google Map services in your PGR, PT, TL, etc)
S3 Bucket for Filestore
URL/DNS on which the DIGIT will be exposed
SSL Certificate for the above URL
End-points configs (Internal/external)
Stage 2: Run the mGramSeva_setup deployment script and simply answer the questions that it asks
The is one of the AWS services for deploying, managing, and scaling any distributed and containerized workloads, here we can provision the EKS cluster on AWS from ground up and using an automated way (infra-as-code) using and then deploy the DIGIT-iFIX Services config-as-code using .
Know about EKS:
Know what is terraform:
with the admin access to provision EKS Service, you can always subscribe to free AWS account to learn the basics and try, but there is a limit to , for this demo you need to have a commercial subscription to the EKS service.
Install on your local machine that helps you interact with the kubernetes cluster
Install that helps you package the services along with the configurations, envs, secrets, etc into a
Install version (0.14.10) for the Infra-as-code (IaC) to provision cloud resources as code and with desired resource graph and also it helps to destroy the cluster at one go.
on your local machine so that you can use aws cli commands to provision and manage the cloud resources on your account.
Install that helps you authenticate your connection from your local machine so that you should be able to deploy DIGIT services.
Use the credentials provided for the Terraform () to connect with your AWS account and provision the cloud resources.
You'll get a Secret Access Key and Access Key ID. Save them safely.
Open the terminal and run the following command. The AWS CLI is already installed and the credentials are saved. (Provide the credentials and you can leave the region and output format blank).
The above will create the following file In your machine as /Users/.aws/credentials
Before we provision the cloud resources, we need to understand and be sure about what resources need to be provisioned by terraform to deploy DIGIT. The following picture shows the various key components. (EKS, Worker Nodes, Postgress DB, EBS Volumes, Load Balancer)
Considering the above deployment architecture, the following is the resource graph that we are going to provision using terraform in a standard way so that every time and for every environment, it'll have the same infra.
EKS Control Plane (Kubernetes Master)
Work node group (VMs with the estimated number of vCPUs, Memory)
Node-pool's (mgramseva and ifix)
EBS Volumes (persistent volumes)
RDS (Postgresql)
VPCs (private network)
Users to access, deploy and read-only
Here we have already written the terraform script that provisions the production-grade DIGIT Infra and can be customized with the specified configuration.
VPC Resources:
Internet Gateway
Route Table
EKS Cluster Resources:
IAM Role to allow EKS service to manage other AWS services
EC2 Security Group to allow networking traffic with EKS cluster
EKS Cluster
EKS Worker Nodes Resources:
IAM role allowing Kubernetes actions to access other AWS services
EC2 Security Group to allow networking traffic
Data source to fetch the latest EKS worker AMI
AutoScaling Launch Configuration to configure worker instances
AutoScaling Group to launch worker instances
Configuration in this directory creates a set of RDS resources including DB instance, DB subnet group, and DB parameter group.
Storage Module
Configuration in this directory creates EBS volume and attaches it together.
The following main.tf with create s3 bucket to store all the state of the execution to keep track.
2. The following main.tf contains the detailed resource definitions that need to be provisioned, please have a look at it.
Dir: iFix-DevOps/Infra-as-code/terraform/sample-eks
Define your configurations in variables.tf. Provide the environment-specific cloud requirements and use the same terraform template to customize the configurations.
The values given below must be mentioned in the following files. The blank ones will be prompted for inputs while execution.
Important: Create your own key base key before you run the terraform
Now that we know what the terraform script does, the resources graph that it provisions and what custom values should be given with respect to your env.
Let's begin to run the Terraform scripts to provision infra required to Deploy DIGIT on AWS.
First CD into the following directory and run the following command 1-by-1 and watch the output closely.
Upon Successful execution following resources get created which can be verified by the command "terraform output"
s3 bucket: to store terraform state.
Network: VPC, security groups.
EKS cluster: with master(s) & worker node(s).
Storage(s): for es-master, es-data-v1, es-master-infra, es-data-infra-v1, zookeeper, kafka, kafka-infra.
3. Verify that you are able to connect to the cluster by running the following command
iFIX business specifications
This page provides the details of the fiscal event-based approach for building out iFIX as an information exchange platform. These details are used to define the technical specifications for iFIX and the functional specifications that are open for validation and inputs internally and from the ecosystem.
The specifications have been defined from the lens of a sub-national government (the state in the current context) and are limited to interactions from a financial information perspective. The interactions covered on this page include:
State Finance Department (FD) and Central (National) Government
State Finance Department (FD) and Line Department(s) at the state level
State Line Department’s interactions with other line departments
State Line Department’s interactions with government autonomous bodies including local government and/or non-government agencies
The functional specifications are built using publicly available information and inputs from the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation (DWSS), Punjab, and Finance Department, Punjab. Financial information-related interactions of the Central Government with other Central Line Departments are out of the scope of the current specs.
The broad objective of iFIX is to enable the flow of reliable and verifiable fiscal information in a timely manner. Recognizing the multiplicity of unique types of information flows in the current PFM system, iFIX aims at simplifying this network of information flow. The key driver of this simplification will be the use of standardised formats for fiscal information exchange. To arrive at a crystallised set of formats and protocols covering all fiscal information exchanges following steps have been followed
Step 1 - Define what is a fiscal event (and its types) or what is the scope of relevant fiscal information from an iFIX perspective (refer section)
Step 2 - Document the current public finance management processes at a generic level, i.e. defined using actors, verbs, inputs and outputs to ensure they are representative of all minor variants of the process at the level of various sub-national governments in India. (refer to tables in , columns 1-6)
Step 3 - Apply the definition of the fiscal event to the current processes to collapse or abstract the fiscal event essence of the whole process to a set of fiscal events. (refer to tables in , columns 7-9).
Step 4 - Extract the current data attributes used for fiscal information exchange to define the format for fiscal information exchange. (refer to tables in , columns 10)
Events that trigger the generation of relevant fiscal information, at any stage in the budget cycle, are termed fiscal events. To be classified as a fiscal event, the event will need to meet one of the following criteria:
Transaction-Based Fiscal Events: Such fiscal events are triggered when there is fiscal information being generated due to an actual change of hands of a financial asset or in simple words due to a financial transaction.
Non-Transactional Fiscal Events: While there are numerous non-transactional events that occur throughout the budget cycle, these are termed Fiscal events only if they meet at least one of the following criteria:
Minimum Degree of Finality: A non-transactional event will be considered a fiscal event only when the action resulting from or the document produced from the event has definitive implications for the budgetary cycle. Examples:
A draft of the budget that has been prepared at the state line department level (DDO) and sent to the next competent authority (BCO) for approval will trigger a fiscal event. The reason for this is that it is assumed that the line department at its level has done the calculations for arriving at a final figure which then needs to be approved by the next competent authority.
With respect to any payments to be made out of state treasury, any verbal/ email-based intra-Finance department go-ahead (between State Treasury and Cash Planning Department) to make the payment will not be considered a Fiscal Event. Only the generation of Payment Advice to the concerned bank will trigger a fiscal event.
Change in ability to claim/ use/ dispose of a financial asset: A non-transactional event will be considered a fiscal event if it results in (de-)authorizing a certain individual or entity to claim/ utilize/ dispose of a financial asset. Examples:
Allocation of the budget by the department to respective DDOs authorises the DDOs to utilize the funds as planned in the budget and will trigger a fiscal event.
The fiscal information generated during each fiscal event needs to be recorded in a specific format for the purpose of exchange. Based on the current budgetary practices and guidelines followed at the sub-national and national levels in India, the fiscal events triggered during the course of the budget cycle can be classified into four major types:
Revenue Receipts: Revenue receipts comprise receipts that do not result in the creation of a liability on the government. The total revenue receipts include State’s Own Tax and Non-Tax revenues and Grants-in-Aid and Share in Central Taxes from the Government of India. The non-tax revenues consist mainly of interest and dividends on investments made by the Government, fees and other receipts for services rendered by the Government.
Capital Receipts: The capital receipts are loans raised by the Government from the public (these are termed as market loans), borrowings by the Government through the sale of Treasury Bills, the loans received from Central Government and bodies, disinvestment receipts and recoveries of any loans and advances given.
Revenue Expenditure: Revenue expenditure is for the normal running of different Government Departments and for the rendering of various services, making interest payments on debt, meeting subsidies, grants in aid, etc. Broadly, the expenditure which does not result in the creation of assets for the Government of India is treated as revenue expenditure. All grants given by the State are also treated as revenue expenditure even though some of the grants may be used for the creation of capital assets.
Capital Expenditure: Capital payments consist of capital expenditure on the acquisition of assets like land, buildings, machinery, and equipment, as also investments in shares, etc., and loans and advances made by the State Government to boards, corporations and other institutions.
Further within each major type of fiscal event, there are varied types of events. To enable information exchange using an easily understandable and standardised format, subtypes of fiscal events are identified based on the similarity in nature of fiscal information generated due to these events.
Budget Cycle comprises the following stages:
Budget Planning
Budget Preparation
Budget Approval
Budget Allocation
Budget Execution
Budget Accounting
Budget Auditing
Additionally, Budget Planning is an activity that sits outside of the Budget Cycle and takes place throughout the year based on need. Examples:
A scheme/project announced by a state government official can happen at any point of the year, the planning for which begins right after the announcement. Thereafter, all the required approvals happen and estimates are prepared accordingly which then feed into the budget preparation phase of the budget cycle
Planning for already approved projects and planning to get approval
Process for Planning for the New Projects/ Schemes (for Revenue and Capital Expenditure)
Budget Preparation for Revenue Receipt
Budget Preparation for Revenue Expenditure
Budget Preparation for Capital Expenditure - Capital Outlay
Budget Approval from Legislature (Same process for Revenue and Capital nature Receipts and Expenditures)
[5]Communication and Distribution of funds (Same process for Revenue and Capital nature Expenditure)
Request for Release of Funds from State Treasury - Scheme-related Capital Expenditure
Release of funds to DDO
Work awarded to vendors
Work bill payment to vendors
₹Request for Release of Funds from State Treasury - Revenue Expenditure
Collection of Revenue Receipt into the State Treasury
Request for Supplementary Grants (Same process for Revenue and Capital Expenditure)
Surrender of Excess / Savings (Same process for Revenue and Capital expenditure)
Process for monthly budget accounting/reporting for Receipts (Same Process for Revenue and Capital Receipts)
Process for monthly budget accounting/reporting -Expenditure (Same Process for Revenue and Capital Expenditure)
Process for budget auditing (have to explore if there are variations for revenue and expenditure)
Each fiscal event extracted above is defined in terms of
Array of Fiscal Line Items
mGramSeva Deployment
Post infra setup (Kubernetes Cluster), there starts the deployment process.
Pipeline as code is a practice of defining deployment pipelines through source code, such as Git. Pipeline as code is part of a larger “as code” movement that includes infrastructure as code. Teams can configure builds, tests, and deployment in code that is trackable and stored in a centralized source repository. Teams can use a declarative approach or a vendor-specific programming language, such as Jenkins and Groovy, but the premise remains the same.
A pipeline as code file specifies the stages, jobs, and actions for a pipeline to perform. Because the file is versioned, changes in pipeline code can be tested in branches with the corresponding application release.
The pipeline as code model of creating continuous integration pipelines is an industry best practice, but deployment pipelines used to be created very differently.
The deployment process has got 2 stages and 2 modes. We can see the modes first and then the stages.
Essentially, mGramSeva deployment means that we need to generate Kubernetes manifests for each individual service. We use the tool called the helm, which is an easy, effective and customizable packaging and deployment solution. So depending on where and which env you initiate the deployment there are 2 modes that you can deploy.
From - whatever we are trying in this sample exercise so far.
Advanced: like Jenkins - Depending on how you want to set up your CI/CD and the expertise the steps will vary, however here you can find how we eGov has set up an exemplar CI/CD on Jenkins and the pipelines are created automatically without any manual intervention.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All mGramSeva services are packaged using helm charts Installing Helm
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Ideally, one would write the terraform script from the scratch using this .
Let's clone the GitHub repo where the terraform script to provision EKS cluster is available and below is the structure of the files.
Use the URL to . This creates both public and private keys on your machine. Upload the public key into the account that you have just created, give a name to it and ensure that you mention that in your terraform. This allows the encryption of all sensitive information.
Example - the keybase user (in eGov case is "egovterraform") needs to be created and has to be uploaded the public key here -
you can use this to decrypt your secret key. To decrypt PGP Message, upload the PGP Message, PGP Private Key and the Passphrase.
IAM users auth: using the key base to create admin, deployer and the user. Use this URL to , this will create both public and private keys in your machine. Upload the public key into the account that you have just created, give a name to it and ensure that you mention that in your terraform. This allows for encrypting all sensitive information.
Example: keybase user (in eGov case is "egovterraform") needs to be created and has to be uploaded the public key here -
you can use this to decrypt your secret key. To decrypt PGP Message, Upload the PGP Message, PGP Private Key and Passphrase.
2. Use this link to to get the kubeconfig file and be able to connect to the cluster from your local machine so that you should be able to deploy DIGIT services to the cluster.
Whola! All set and now you can go with ..
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Announcement of the new Project/ Scheme by Chief Minister/ Department Minister
Create project/scheme
New Project/ Scheme created
Announcement Date, Place, Project/Scheme Name, Department Name, Financial Year, Announcement By
DPR Preparation and Approval
CORE: Name of project, Type of Project, Goal & Objectives (Outcome) of the Project, Work Plan, Mode of funding, Funding Agency, Major milestones, Outputs of each activity, Cost of each Activity, Total Cost of the Project
ANCILLARY: Administrative Approval Date, Approved By, Approval Remarks, Rejection Remarks,
New Project/ Scheme created
Draft Detailed Project Report
Drafted DPR
Name of project, Type of Project, Goal & Objectives (Outcome) of the Project, Work Plan, Mode of funding, Funding Agency, Major milestones, Outputs of each activity, Cost of each Activity, Total Cost of the Project
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure/
Revenue Receipt/ Capital Receipt
Administrative Department (AD)
Drafted DPR
Review DPR
Approved DPR
Administrative Approval Date, Approved By, Remark
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure/
Revenue Receipt/ Capital Receipt
Administrative Department (AD)
Drafted DPR
Review the DPR
Rejected DPR
Sent to HoD for review
Remarks for rejecting the DPR
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure/
Revenue Receipt/ Capital Receipt
Chief Minister/ Department Minister
Approved DPR
Review the DPR
Approved DPR with administrative sanction
Administrative sanction date, Approved By, Remark
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure/
Revenue Receipt/ Capital Receipt
Chief Minister/ Department Minister
Approved DPR
Review the DPR
Rejected DPR
Sent to AD for review
Remarks for rejecting the DPR
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure/
Revenue Receipt/ Capital Receipt
Approved DPR with administrative sanction
Prepare Financial sanction proposal
Prepare case for financial sanction
Financial sanction proposal
Project Name, total Budget, Multi Year Plan, Financial Year, Project Start Year, Project Duration, Remark, Proposed COA, Amount
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure/
Revenue Receipt/ Capital Receipt
Financial Sanction Preparation and Approval
CORE: Name of project, Type of Project, Goal & Objectives (Outcome) of the Project, Work Plan, Mode of funding, Funding Agency, Major milestones, Outputs of each activity, Cost of each Activity, Total Cost of the Project
ANCILLARY: Administrative Approval Date, Approved By, Approval Remarks, Rejection Remark
FD/Planning Department
Financial sanction proposal
Review financial sanction proposal
Approved, Generate Financial Sanction
Financial Year, Sanction No., Sanction Date, Sanction Amount, COA
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure/
Revenue Receipt/ Capital Receipt
FD/Planning Department
Financial sanction proposal
Review Financial Sanction
Objection sent to HoD for consideration and review
Remarks for rejecting financial proposal
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure/
Revenue Receipt/ Capital Receipt
Approved DPR with financial sanction
Prepare plan for budget provision and send to the FD via BFC
Budget provision[2] (as RE for the current fiscal year)
Department Name, Project Name, Project Amount,
Financial Year,
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure/
Revenue Receipt/ Capital Receipt
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Finance Department
Initiate budget process
Issue Budget Circular and Budget Calendar
Budget Circular is issued to all departments inviting estimates of receipts and expenditure of the respective department
Budget Circular and budget calendar issued
Department name, annual receipts and expenditure estimates (BE and RE both), Demand for Grant details, Details of competent authority (BCO, DDO), dates
[3]Estimating Officer / DDO/HoD
Budget Circular
Prepare revenue receipt estimates
Estimating officers prepare Budget Estimate for current FY and Revised Estimate for previous FY based on historic trends, projection of future demand and effect of any policy change to be formulated by the department/State
Budget Estimate for current FY and Revised Estimate for previous FY created
Department Name, COA details, projection of demand (for service/goods) and associated revenue receipt - gross amount, arrears, refunds, existing rate of tariff/fee/tax, proposed change in tariff/fee/tax as sanctioned by government
Revenue Receipt
Inputs for Department Level Proposed Budget
CORE: Department Name, COA details, projection of demand and associated revenue - gross amount, arrears, refunds,
ANCILLARY: Existing rate of tariff/fee/tax, proposed change in tariff/fee/tax as sanctioned by government.
Estimating Officer / DDO
Budget Estimates - current FY and Revised Estimates - previous FY
Upload on IFMS
Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates uploaded on IFMS
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue receipt - gross amount, arrears, refunds
Revenue Receipt
Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates
Scrutinize the estimates
Approved/rejected/modified estimates
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue receipt - gross amount, arrears, refunds
Revenue Receipt
Department Level
Proposed Budget
CORE: Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue receipt - gross amount, arrears, refunds
ANCILLARY: Remarks for cuts and modifications introduced by HOD/ BCO etc.
Approved estimates by BCO
Scrutinize the estimates
Approved/rejected/modified estimates
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue receipt - gross amount, arrears, refunds
Revenue Receipt
Approved estimates by AD
Constitute BFC
BFC constituted
Not Applicable
Approved estimates by AD
Review estimates
Approved/rejected/modified estimates by BFC
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue receipt- gross amount, arrears, refunds
Revenue Receipt
State Level Proposed Budget
CORE: Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue receipts - gross amount, arrears, refunds
ANCILLARY: Remarks for cuts and modifications introduced by BFC, Cabinet etc.
Finance Department
Approved estimates by BFC
Consolidate budget estimates for cabinet approval
FD makes any necessary changes to the received estimates and consolidate s department-wise detailed estimates
Budget documents
Department Name,COA, estimated revenue receipts
Revenue Receipt
Finance Department
Approved estimates by BFC
Communicate details of finalized estimates to concerned ADs of departments for information
Consolidated department-wise estimates
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue receipts - gross amount, arrears, refunds
Revenue Receipt
Finance Department
Budget documents
Prepare memorandum based on the budget documents and submit
to the Cabinet for approval
Memorandum containing all budget documents
[4]Multiple Documents - Annual Financial Statement, Receipt Budget, Budget At A Glance
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Finance Department
Issue Budget Circular along with Budget Calendar
Budget Circular is issued to all departments inviting estimates of expenditure (Revenue) of the respective department
Budget Circula along with budget calendar issued
Department name, annual revenue expenditure estimates (BE and RE both), Demand for Grant details, Details of competent authority (BCO, DDO), dates
Estimating Officer / DDO/HoD
Budget Circular
Prepare expenditure (Revenue) estimates
Estimating officers prepare Budget Estimate for current FY and Revised Estimate for previous FY based on historic trends, projection of future demand and effect of any policy change to be formulated by the department/State
Budget Estimate for current FY and Revised Estimate for previous FY created
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue expenditure, changes in pay scale,, no. of employee, electricity tariffs, interest rates etc,
Revenue Expenditure
Inputs for Department Level Proposed Budget
CORE: Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue expenditure
ANCILLARY: changes in pay scale,, no. of employee, electricity tariffs, interest rates etc,
Estimating Officer / DDO
Budget and Revised Estimated
Upload on IFMS
Budget and Revised Estimates uploaded on IFMS
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue expenditure
Revenue Expenditure
Budget and Revised Estimates prepared by DDO
Scrutinize the estimates
Approved/rejected/modified estimates
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue expenditure
Revenue Expenditure
Department Level Proposed Budget
CORE: Department Name,COA, estimated revenue expenditure
ANCILLARY: Remarks for cuts and modifications introduced by HoD, AD etc.
Approved estimates by HoD
Scrutinize the estimates
Approved/rejected/modified estimates
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue expenditure
Revenue Expenditure
Finance Department
Approved estimates by AD
Form Budget Finanilization Committee to scrutinize the submitted estimates
Approved/rejected/modified estimates by BFC
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue expenditure
Revenue Expenditure
State Level Proposed Budget
CORE: Department Name,COA, estimated revenue expenditure
ANCILLARY: Remarks for cuts and modifications introduced by BFC, Cabinet etc.
Finance Department
Approved estimates by BFC
Prepare budget documents for submission to cabinet for approval
FD makes any necessary changes to the received estimates and consolidate s department-wise detailed estimates
Budget documents
Department Name,COA, estimated revenue expenditure
Revenue Expenditure
Finance Department
Approved estimates by BFC
Communicate details of finalized estimates to concerned ADs of departments for information
Consolidated department-wise estimates
Department Name, COA details, estimated revenue expenditure
Revenue Expenditure
Finance Department
Budget documents
Prepare memorandum based on the budget documents and submit
to the Cabinet for approval
Memorandum containing all budget documents
Multiple Documents - Annual Financial Statement, Expenditure Budget, Budget At A Glance
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Planning Department
Issue planning Circular along with meeting Calendar
Planning circular is issued to all departments inviting ceiling of expenditure (Project/Scheme) of the respective department
Planning Circular along with meeting calendar issued
Department Name,
Meeting Date
Department HoD
Discussion on ceiling for New project/Scheme
Planning Dept given the budget ceiling
In the discussion, planning department define the ceiling for the budget preparation for the respective department
Defined the Budget ceiling for new project/Scheme
Department name, annual New capital/Project expenditure ceiling,, Details of competent authority (HoD, DDO), dates
Finance Department
Issue Budget Circular along with Budget Calendar
Budget Circular is issued to all departments inviting estimates of expenditure (capital) of the respective department
Budget Circular along with budget calendar issued
Profile with all relevant details created which can be edited, enabled, disabled
Department name, annual capital outlay estimates (BE and RE both), Demand for Grant details, Details of competent authority (BCO, DDO), dates
Estimating Officer / DDO/HoD
Budget Circular
Prepare expenditure (Capital) estimates under the defined ceiling by the planning dept.
Estimating officers prepare Budget Estimate for current FY and Revised Estimate for previous FY based on historic trends, projection of future demand and effect of any policy change to be formulated by the department/State
Budget Estimate for current FY and Revised Estimate for previous FY created
Department Name, COA details, estimated capital outlay
Capital Expenditure
Inputs for Department Level Proposed Budget
CORE: Department Name, COA details, estimated capital outlay
Estimating Officer / DDO
Budget and Revised Estimated
Upload on IFMS
Budget and Revised Estimates uploaded on IFMS
Department Name, COA details, estimated capital outlay
Capital Expenditure
Budget and Revised Estimates prepared by DDO
Scrutinize the estimates
Approved/rejected/modified estimates
Department Name, COA details, estimated capital outlay
Capital Expenditure
Department Level Proposed Budget
CORE: Department Name, COA details, estimated capital outlay
ANCILLARY: Remarks for cuts and modifications introduced by HOD, BCO, Planning Department etc.
Approved estimates by BCO
Scrutinize the estimates
Approved/rejected/modified estimates
Department Name, COA details, estimated capital outlay
Capital Expenditure
Planning Department
Approved estimated by AD
Scrutinize the estimates
Approved/rejected/modified estimates
Department Name, COA details, estimated capital outlay
Capital Expenditure
Finance Department
Approved estimates by PD
Form Budget Finanilization Committee to scrutinize the submitted estimates
Approved/rejected/modified estimates by BFC
Department Name, COA details, estimated capital outlay
Capital Expenditure
State Level Proposed Budget
CORE: Department Name, COA details, estimated capital outlay
ANCILLARY: Remarks for cuts and modifications introduced by BFC, Cabinet etc.
Finance Department
Approved estimates by BFC
Prepare budget documents for submission to cabinet for approval
FD makes any necessary changes to the received estimates and consolidate department-wise detailed estimates
Budget documents
Department Name,COA, estimated capital outlay
Capital Expenditure
Finance Department
Approved estimates by BFC
Communicate details of finalized estimates to concerned ADs of departments for information
Consolidated department-wise estimates
Department Name, COA details, estimated capital outlay
Capital Expenditure
Finance Department
Budget documents
Prepare memorandum based on the budget documents and submit
to the Cabinet for approval
Memorandum containing all budget documents
Multiple Documents - Annual Financial Statement, Expenditure Budget, Budget At A Glance
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Finance Department
Memorandum containing all budget documents
Present to the Legislative Assembly
Budget speech of the FM
Priorities of the Government, Current status of some important existing schemes, New schemes and programmes to be launched during the ensuing year, Tax/Tariff proposals and reliefs to be granted, if any, Summary of Revised Estimates and Budget Estimates
Finance Department
Memorandum containing all budget documents
General discussion on the budget as a whole and/or on any question of principle or policy involved therein
Tabling of the Budget Documents
Not Applicable
Finance Department
Memorandum containing all budget documents
Vote on Demand for Grants
Voted Demand for Grants
Demand No., Department Name, COA, Amount for BE, RE and Actuals
Finance Department
Demand for Grants
Introduce Appropriation Bill
Appropriation Bill
Finance Department
Appropriation Bill
Obtain Governor’s assent
Appropriation Act
Finance Department
Appropriation Act
Issue a circular authorising incurring of expenditure as per guidelines contained in the Appropriation Act
Circular containing details as per the Appropriation Act
Finance Department
Appropriation Act
Issue notification in the Official Gazette
Gazette notification
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Finance Department
Circular containing details as per the Appropriation Act
Upload budget for department on IFMS
Budget by department
There is detailed information of allotments placed at the disposal of each department during the budget year
Department name, Department code, COA heads, amount, financial year, authorization authority with details
Revenue Expenditure/ Revenue Receipts/ Capital Expenditure/ Capital Receipts
State Level Approved Budget
CORE: Department name, Department code, COA heads, amount, financial year
ANCILLARY: Authorization authority with details
Finance Department
Circular containing details as per the Appropriation Act
Send the minutes of the meeting of BFC to the concerned AD
Minutes of the BFC
Department name, Department code, COA heads, amount, financial year, authorization authority with details
Minutes of the BFC
Issue orders for DDO-wise estimates
Order to prepare DDO wise estimates
Department name, Department code, COA heads, amount, financial year, authorization authority with details
Order to prepare DDO wise estimates
Prepare DDO wise estimates
DDO wise estimates available on IFMS
Department name, Department code, COA heads, amount, financial year, authorization authority with details, DDO Name and Code
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure
DDO Level Approved Budget
CORE: Department name, Department code, COA heads, amount, financial year, DDO Name and Code
ANCILLARY: Authorization Authority with Details
DDO wise estimates available on IFMS
View allocation on IFMS
DDO receives details of allotments provided for expenditure
Department name, Department code, COA heads, amount, financial year, DDO Name and Code
Capital Expenditure/ Revenue Expenditure
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
60% of first tranche of project/scheme funds utilized
Prepare Utilization Certificate
Utilization Certificate
Department name, department code, Vendor name, project details, work done against total deliverable, amount sanctioned, amount utilized, balance amount, DDO name and DDO code
Utilization Certificate
Review utilization certificate
Approved, forward to FD with demand request
Department name, department code, Vendor name, project details, work done against total deliverable, amount sanctioned, amount utilized, balance amount, amount requested (next tranche), DDO name and DDO code
Utilization Certificate, and demand request
Review utilization certificate and demand request
Approve next tranche
Amount reflected on IFMS, visible to HoD
Approved UC + Department name, department code, amount, COA
Capital Expenditure
Demand Request by DDO
CORE: Department name, department code, amount, COA, DDO name and DDO code
ANCILLARY: (Approved UC: Department name, department code, Vendor name, project details, work done against total deliverable, amount sanctioned, amount utilized, balance amount, DDO name and DDO code)
Approved next tranche information
Inform to respective DDO
Amount reflected on IFMS, visible to DDO
Department name, department code, amount, COA, DDO name and DDO code
Capital Expenditure
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Approved DPR with financial sanction
Invite bids from vendor/contract for work
Review process of tender
Bid invitation
Bid Reference no. Department name, Project details, date of bid invitation, selection/eligibility criteria Bid Reference no.
Bid invitation
Award work to a vendor/contractor
Work awarded to vendor/contractor
Bid Reference no. , Vendor name, date of award of work, Project details - name, terms and conditions, deliverables expected, vendor account details, Tender value, Contract rate
Capital Expenditure
Work Allocation to Vendor
CORE: Bid Reference No., Contract Reference No., Vendor Name, Vendor account details, Tender value, Contract rate, Date of award, Project Name
ANCILLARY: Project Details- Terms and Conditions, Deliverables expected
Contract sign
Create Work order/purchase order
Work Execution start
Bid Reference no., Contract Reference No., Vendor name, date of award of work, project details - name, terms and conditions, deliverables expected, vendor account details, Tender value, Contract rate
Capital Expenditure
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Work execution
Execute work and submit bill with Physical report of assign work
Physical report with invoice bill
Vendor name, date of award of work, project details - terms and conditions, deliverables expected, vendor account details, physical report, tender value, contract rate, invoice amount, date
Capital Expenditure
Bill Generation by Vendor
CORE: Work order reference, Bill date, Name of vendor, Bill amount (Gross, Deduction, Net), Bill type, Bank account details
(Physical Report: Vendor name, date of award of work, project details - terms and conditions, deliverables expected, vendor account details, physical report, tender value, contract rate, invoice amount, date)
Eligibility criteria (Milestones, MRN, PO)
Submit bill
Bill submitted with an invoice covering letter as per the work done on the deliverable designed
Acknowledge bill receipt
When bill is submitted, receiving received from DDO on the invoice covering letter
Work order reference, Bill date, Name of vendor, Bill amount (Gross, Deduction, Net), Bill type, Vendor Bank account details
Capital Expenditure
Vendor bill
Review bill
DDO reviews the invoice against set rules/norms (verification process)
Verified vendor bill
Project name, Sanction, Cost, Deliverable, Timeline,
Bill amount against work done, Vendor Bank account details
Capital Expenditure
Bill Generation by DDO
CORE: Bill date, Name of vendor, Bill amount (Gross, Deduction, Net), Bill type, COA head, DDO code, Department code, Vendor Bank account details, Reference No.
ANCILLARY: Token No., Treasury rules, Bill approval status, Approval or Rejection Remarks, Relevant Fields from Physical Report (Project name, Sanction, Cost, Deliverable, Timeline,
Bill amount against work done, Vendor Bank account details)
Verified vendor bill
Generate bill (government format)
Bill generated by DDO based on verified bill
Bill available in department system
Bill available for sharing/uploading on treasury system
Bill date, Name of vendor, Bill amount (Gross, Deduction, Net), Bill type, COA head, DDO code, Department code, Vendor Bank account details . Reference No.
Capital Expenditure
Token Section
Bill received from DDO
Assign token number and audit officer
Bill tagged with token number reflected in Treasury system
Token number (Bill No.), date,
gross amount, deduction, net amount, COA head,
DDO code, Department code,
Vendor Bank account details
Capital Expenditure
Audit Section - auditor, accountant and treasury officer
Bill with token number
Audit bill (as per treasury rules)
Bill status - approved or rejected, with remark
Treasury rules,
bill approval status (approved or rejected, with remark)
Capital Expenditure
Audit Section
Rejection criteria
Create intimation (with details for reason for rejection)
Status and rejection criteria is reflected in Department Bill system
DDO reviews the remarks, rectifies the bill, and sends again to treasury for payment
Capital Expenditure
Payment Section
Bill - approved
Generate payment advice
Payment advice pushed to banking system
Token number, date,
gross amount, deduction, net amount, COA head,
DDO code, Department code,
Vendor Bank account details
Capital Expenditure
Payment Advice Generation
CORE: Token number, date,
gross amount, deduction, net amount, COA head,
DDO code, Department code,
Vendor Bank account details
ANCILLARY: Payment Advice Status, Remarks
Payment advice receipt
Validate payment advice
Payment advice status - accepted or rejected
Payment advice status and remarks, if rejected
Capital Expenditure
Payment advice - accepted
Credit beneficiary account
Debit State Govt account
e-scroll pushed to Treasury System
Token number,
date, gross amount,
deduction, Vendor Bank account details
Capital Expenditure
Audit Section
Generate voucher number
Consolidate e-scrolls for preparation of AG accounts
Voucher number,
Date, Amount,
COA head, DDO code,
Department code
Capital Expenditure
Payment Completion
CORE: Voucher number,
Date, Amount,
COA head, DDO code,
Department code
Payment advice - rejected
Credit suspense head
Status and rejection criteria is reflected in Treasury system
Capital Expenditure
(Included in Ancillary attributes mentioned against Row 8-10 of this process. )
Audit Section
Rejection criteria
Intimation of rejection
DDO rectifies the bill and sends again to treasury for payment
Status and rejection criteria is reflected in Department Bill System
DDO reviews the remarks, Rectifications to the bill, and
Capital Expenditure
(Included in Ancillary attributes mentioned against Row 3-7 of this process. )
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
DDO (Maker)
Eligibility criteria (Monthly Salary Bill/ reimbursement of TA/Medical and Other Expenditure)
Submit bill
Bill submitted by the maker(DDO)
Acknowledge bill receipt
When bill is submitted to DDO officer for approval
Department code, DDO Code, Employee name, Bank details, Month, Year, designation, Gross Amount, Net Amount, Deduction Amount, bill type(Salary/TA/Medical and other expense ), Reference No.
Revenue Expenditure
Bill Generation by DDO
CORE: Department code, DDO Code, Employee name, Bank details, Month, Year, designation, Gross Amount, Net Amount, Deduction Amount, bill type (Salary/TA/Medical and other expense ), COA (Budget Head), Reference No.
ANCILLARY: Token Number, Treasury Rules, Bill Approval Status, Approval or Rejection Remarks
DDO (Approval)
Revenue bill
Review bill
DDO reviews the bill against set rules/norms (verification process)
Verified Revenue bill
Department code, DDO Code, Employee name, Bank details, Month, Year, designation, Gross Amount, Net Amount, Deduction Amount, bill type(Salary/TA/Medical and other expense ), Reference No.
Revenue Expenditure
Verified Revenue bill
Generate bill (government format)
Bill generated by DDO based on verified bill
Bill available in department system
Bill available for sharing/uploading on treasury system
Department code, DDO Code, Employee name, Bank details, Month, Year, designation, Gross Amount, Net Amount, Deduction Amount, bill type(Salary/TA/Medical and other expense, COA (Budget Head)
Revenue Expenditure
Token Section
Bill received from DDO
Assign token number and audit officer
Bill tagged with token number reflected in Treasury system
Token number (Bill No.) , date,
gross amount, deduction, net amount, COA head,
DDO code, Department code,
Bank account details
Revenue Expenditure
Audit Section - auditor, accountant and treasury officer
Bill with token number
Audit bill (as per treasury rules)
Bill status - approved or rejected, with remark
Treasury rules,
bill approval status (approved or rejected, with remark)
Revenue Expenditure
Audit Section
Rejection criteria from Treasury Audit
Create intimation (with details for reason for rejection)
Status and rejection criteria is reflected in Department Bill System
DDO reviews the remarks, rectifies the bill, and sends again to treasury for payment
Revenue Expenditure
Payment Section
Bill - approved
Generate payment advice
Payment advice pushed to banking system
Token number, date,
gross amount, deduction, net amount, COA head,
DDO code, Department code,
Bank account details
Revenue Expenditure
Payment Advice Generation
CORE: Token number, date,
gross amount, deduction, net amount, COA head,
DDO code, Department code,
Bank account details
ANCILLARY: Payment Advice Status, Remarks
Payment advice receipt
Validate payment advice
Payment advice status - accepted or rejected
Payment advice status and remarks, if rejected
Revenue Expenditure
Payment advice - accepted
Debit State Govt account
Credit beneficiary account
e-scroll pushed to Treasury System
Token number,
date, gross amount,
deduction, Bank Account details
Revenue Expenditure
Audit Section
Generate voucher number
Consolidate e-scrolls for preparation of AG accounts
Voucher number,
Date, Amount,
COA head, DDO code,
Department code
Revenue Expenditure
Payment Completion
CORE: Voucher number,
Date, Amount, COA head, DDO code, Department code
Payment advice - rejected
Credit suspense head
Status and rejection criteria is reflected in Treasury system
Revenue Expenditure
(Included in Ancillary attributes mentioned against Row 7-9 of this process. )
Audit Section
Rejection criteria from RBI
Create intimation (with details for reason for rejection)
DDO rectifies the bill and sends again to treasury for payment
Status and rejection criteria is reflected in Department Bill System
DDO reviews the remarks, Rectifications in the Bill
Revenue Expenditure
(Included in Ancillary attributes mentioned against Row 1-6 of this process.)
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Receipt (water charges collected)
Create profile
DDO logs in eReceipt Module of IFMS and creates profile to start receipt deposit process
Profile created
Profile with all relevant details created which can be edited, enabled, disabled
User name (DDO), Department Name and Code, Treasury and Sub-Treasury Name and Code, COA Head
DDO profile
Fill Challan details
DDO fills out all necessary details including the the type of payment, bank and mode of payment
e-Challan created
DDO details - name, division, etc., Nature of payment, Financial Year, Period (annual, monthly, etc.), COA head, gross amount, net amount, mode of payment
Revenue Receipt
Challan Created
CORE: DDO details - name, division, etc., Nature of payment, Financial Year, Period (annual, monthly, etc.), COA head, gross amount, net amount, mode of payment
Deposit payment - online
DDO chooses a payment mode and fills in all required details for making payment
Bill Invoice reflected in IFMS eReceipt
Bank details, date and time of payment, CIN, Reference Number,
Revenue Receipt
Payment Initiation
CORE: DDO details - name, division, etc., Nature of payment, Financial Year, Period (annual, monthly, etc.), COA head, gross amount, net amount, mode of payment
Deposit payment - offline[6]
Bank details, date and time of payment, CIN, Reference Number,
Revenue Receipt
Deposited Challan
Credit the treasury account
E-scroll generated
UTR No., CIN, date and time of transaction, Department Code, treasury code, COA head, amount
Revenue Receipt
Collection Completion
CORE: DDO details - name, division, etc., Nature of payment, Financial Year, Period (annual, monthly, etc.), COA head, gross amount, net amount, mode of payment
Generate Treasury Challan No. and consolidate all challans
Consolidated report for AG
Treasury challan No. Treasury Challan Date, Amount, COA, Department Code
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Excess expenditure /Need for supplementary grants
Statement of need of Supplementary Demand for Grants
Submit Statement of Supplementary Demand for Grants
Department Name and Code, Demand for Grant No., DDO code, COA, Original Appropriation, Actual Expenditure, Supplementary grant (amount) required and reasons for same
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Estimation of Supplementary Grants and Approval
CORE: Department Name and Code, Demand for Grant No., DDO code, COA, Original Appropriation, Actual Expenditure, Supplementary grant (amount)
ANCILLARY: Reasons for supplementary grant, comments from BCO, comments from AD, Approval / Rejection Remarks
Statement of Supplementary Demand for Grants
Review against budget provision and prepare proposal for Supplementary Grants
Proposal for Supplementary Grants
Department Name and Code, Demand for Grant No., COA, Original Appropriation, Actual Expenditure, Supplementary grant (amount) required and reasons for same, comments of BCO
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Proposal for Supplementary Grants
Review the proposal
Approved, submit proposal to FD
Department Name and Code, Demand for Grant No., COA, Original Appropriation, Actual Expenditure, Supplementary grant (amount) required and reasons for same, comments of AD
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Proposal for Supplementary Grants
Review the proposal
Approved, send to Legislative Assembly for approval
Department Name and Code, Demand for Grant No., COA, Original Appropriation, Actual Expenditure, Supplementary grant (amount) required
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Proposal for Supplementary Grants
Review the proposal
Rejected, send communication with remarks to AD
Remarks for rejection
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Legislative Assembly
Proposal for Supplementary Grants
Review the proposal
Approved, issue communication to FD on Supplementary Demand for Grants
Department Name and Code, Demand for Grant No., COA, Original Appropriation, Actual Expenditure, Approved Supplementary grant (amount)
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Excess savings/Need for reappropriation
Statement of expected
savings/Revised Estimates of Expenditure
Submit Statement of expected savings/Revised Estimates of Expenditure
Department Name and Code, Demand for Grant No., DDO code, COA, Original Appropriation, Actual Expenditure, Savings and Amount
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Excess/ Savings Estimation- and Approval
CORE: Department Name and Code, Demand for Grant No., DDO code, COA, Original Appropriation, Actual Expenditure, Savings/Excess,- Amount
ANCILLARY: Comments from BCO, Comments from AD, Remarks for rejection
Statement of expected savings/Revised Estimates of Expenditure
Review against budget provision and consolidate all Revised Estimates
Approved, submit proposal to AD
Comments from BCO
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Consolidate Revised Estimates
Review the Revised Estimates
Approved, submit proposal to FD
Comments from AD
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Consolidated Revised Estimates
Review the proposal
Approved, upload Revised Estimates on IFMS
Department Name and Code, Demand for Grant No., DDO code, COA, Original Appropriation, Actual Expenditure, Approved Savings/Excess,- Amount
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Consolidated Revised Estimates
Review the proposal
Rejected, send communication with remarks to AD
Remarks for Rejection
Revenue Expenditure/ Capital Expenditure
Approved request for savings
Revoke amount under the COA of respective department
Savings surrendered under the COA of respective department
Department Name and Code, Demand for Grant No., COA, Savings, Amount surrendered
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Generate Treasury Challan No. and consolidate all challans
Consolidated challans
Treasury challan No. Treasury Challan Date, Amount, COA, Department Code
Consolidated challans
Prepare monthly receipt report
Consolidated receipt report sent to AG
Department name and code, total budget provision, receipt in the last month, total receipts till last month of the FY, expected collections remaining
Prepare daily/bi-weekly/monthly receipt report
Consolidated report sent to BCO
Department name and code, total budget provision, receipt in the last month, total receipts till last month of the FY, expected collections remaining
Consolidated receipt report
Review consolidated receipt report
Approved, shared with AG
Department name and code, total budget provision, receipt in the last month, total receipts till last month of the FY, expected collections remaining
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Audit Section
Generate voucher number and consolidate all vouchers
Consolidated vouchers
Voucher number,
Date, Amount,
COA head, DDO code,
Department code
Consolidated vouchers
Prepare monthly expenditure reports
Consolidated expenditure report sent to AG
Department name and code, COA, total budget provision, expenditure incurred in the last month, total expenditure incurred till last month of the FY, balance remaining
Prepare monthly expenditure reports
Consolidated expenditure report sent to HoD
Department name and code, total budget provision, expenditure incurred in the last month, total expenditure incurred till last month of the FY, balance remaining
Consolidated expenditure report
Review consolidated expenditure report
Approved, shared with AG
Department name and code, total budget provision, expenditure incurred in the last month, total expenditure incurred till last month of the FY,
Verb and Noun
Does it trigger a fiscal event
Fiscal Event Type
Fiscal Event Sub-Type
Data Attributes for iFIX
Consolidated receipt /expenditure report received from Treasury and HoD/AD
Review consolidated receipt/expenditure report
Approved, publish final accounts
<To be Identified>
Consolidated receipt /expenditure report received from HoD/AD
Review consolidated receipt/expenditure report
Rejected, reconcile accounts with DDO
<To be Identified>
Sub-Type Fiscal Event
Revenue Receipts
Capital Receipts
Revenue Expenditure
Capital Expenditure
Event resulting in fiscal information containing a high-level view regarding what amount of receipts/ expenditure is expected/ needed.
Event resulting in fiscal information containing a detailed view regarding how the estimated receipts/ expenditure will be met/ utilized.
Event resulting in fiscal information containing a request for transfer or payment of money into the government account.
Event resulting in fiscal information containing a request for transfer or payment of money out of the government account.
Event resulting in fiscal information containing banking transaction initiation details for any fund transferred into the government account.
Event resulting in fiscal information containing banking transaction initiation details for any fund transferred out of the government account.
Event resulting in fiscal information containing banking transaction completion details for any fund transferred out of the government account.
Event resulting in fiscal information containing banking transaction completion details for any fund transferred into the government account.
Only the administrator can generate the API key and secret. The steps for doing this is as follows.
Keycloak console will be available at https://<host-name>/auth
. The admin will log in using the username and password secret.
Open the Keycloak console
Near the top-left corner in the realm drop down menu, select Add Realm.
Select the ifix-realm.json file.
After the realm gets created, select the ifix
realm from the drop-down near the top-left corner.
Remember to select the ifix
realm from the Keycloak console before proceeding.
From the Clients section of Keycloak Admin Console, create a client.
Provide a unique username for the client.
Go to the client's settings
Change Access Type to confidential
Turn on Service Account Enabled
In the Valid Redirect URIs field provide the root URL of the iFIX Instance. (Not important for our purposes but need to set it because it is mandatory)
And Save these changes
In the Service Account Roles tab, assign the role "fiscal-event-producer"
In the Mappers tab, create a new mapper to associate the client with a tenantId
Select Mapper Type
to be "Hardcoded claim"
In Token Claim Name
, write "tenantId"
In Claim value
, write the under which the client is being created. (For example, "pb")
Set Name
same as Token Claim Name
i.e. "tenantId"
Select Claim Json Type
to be "String"
Now you can get the credentials from the Credentials tab and configure them in the client's system.
Fiscal Event Post Processor is a streaming pipeline for validated fiscal event data. Apache Kafka has been used to stream the validated fiscal event data, process it for dereferencing, unbundle, flatten, and finally push these details to the Druid data store.
Current version : 2.0.0
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met:
Java 8
Apache Kafka and Kafka-Connect server should be up and running
Druid DB should be up and running
Below dependent services are required: iFix Master data service iFix Fiscal Event service
Fiscal Event post-processor consumes the fiscal event validated data from Kafka topic named “fiscal-event-request-validated” and processes it by following the below steps:
Fiscal event validated data gets dereferenced. For dereferencing, service ids like COA id, Tenant id etc. are passed to corresponding services - master service and fetch the corresponding object(s). Once the fiscal event data is dereferenced, push/send the same data to the dereferenced Topic.
Unbundle consumers pick up the dereferenced fiscal event data from the dereferencing topic. Dereference fiscal event data gets unbundled and then flattened. Once the flattening is complete, push/send the same data to the Druid Sink topic.
Flattened fiscal event data is pushed to Druid DB from a topic named: fiscal-event-druid-sink.
The Kafka-connect is used to push the data from a Kafka topic to MongoDB. Follow the steps below to start the connector.
Connect (port-forward) with the Kafka-connect server.
Create a new connector with a POST API call to localhost:8083/connectors.
The request body for that API call is written in the file fiscal-event-mongodb-sink.
Within that file, wherever ${---} replace it with the actual value based on the environment. Get ${mongo-db-authenticated-uri} from the configured secrets of the environment. (Optional) Verify and make changes to the topic names.
The connector is ready. You can check it using API call GET localhost:8083/connectors.
The Druid console is used to start ingesting data from a Kafka topic to the Druid data store. Follow the steps below to start the Druid Supervisor.
Open the Druid console
Go to the Load Data section
Select Other
Click on Submit Supervisor
Copy...Paste the JSON from the druid-ingestion-config.json file in the available text box.
Verify the Kafka topic name and the Kafka bootstrap server address before submitting the config
Submit the config and the data ingestion should start into the fiscal-event data source
Note: Kafka topic needs to be configured with respect to the environment
Fiscal event post processor will consume data from this topic
Kafka topic should be same as configured in Fiscal event service.
Dereferenced fiscal event data will be pushed to this topic
Flattened Fiscal Event data will be pushed to this topic.
While druid ingest of fiscal event , make sure it has the same topic as mentioned here.
Update the DB, Kafka producer & Consumer And URI configurations in the dev.yaml, qa.yaml, prod.yaml file.
Swagger Yaml
Master data service maintains information about Government and Chart of Accounts. We can create these details and search for the same details based on the given parameters/request data.
Current version : 2.0.0
Before we proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met:
Java 8
MongoDB instance
It creates secure endpoints for the master data service. The access token is required to create any master data.
The subsequent sections on this page discuss the service details maintained by the IFIX core master data service.
This service provides the capabilities to maintain the Government details and allow users to Create and Search data. For creating the Government, we need a unique Id for the Government and a name for the same. Optionally, we can pass some additional details as part of the attribute. In the case of search, passing the unique ID(s) as search parameters can give you all the details of the required Government.
This service provides the capabilities to maintain the Chart of Account (COA) details and support create and search of COA. The following information is passed while creating the Chart of Accounts - Government Id, majorHead, subMajorHead, minorHead, subHead, groupHead, objectHead and corresponding head names & types. A unique code named COACode is generated by combining (concatenating) majorHead, subMajorHead, minorHead, subHead, groupHead, objectHead with a hyphen ("-") and stored with the given request. Searching the details for COA is done based on the given search parameters like the Chart of Account IDs, COACodes, Government ID, majorHead, subMajorHead, minorHead, subHead, groupHead, objectHead.
No environment variables are required specific to the environment (migration).
Update the DB and URI configurations in the dev.yaml, qa.yaml, prod.yaml file.
Make sure the keycloak server is up and running and has been configured with the required client ID.
Swagger Yaml
Postman collection
The Fiscal Event Service maintains the fiscal event flow activities of multiple projects. The root level entity is a tenant which is basically the State Government. The tenant has several projects that are tagged to multiple attributes like department, scheme, mission, department, hierarchy, etc. All the entity information and COA (Chart of Account) are passed along with amount details which constitutes an array of fiscal event instances under the system.
Current version : 2.0.0
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met.
Java 8
MongoDB instance
Required Service Dependencies.
iFIX-Fiscal Event Post Processor
Apache Kafka Server
This service provides two features - Push fiscal event data and search fiscal event data.
It is a secure endpoint and user info details are required to access it.
It receives fiscal detail along with mandatory tenant and project info under attributes detail in publish requests, which triggers the whole fiscal event process and forwards it to the post-process service.
Before encompassing all entities, it checks for entities validation via iFix core Master Data Service.
While we create any fiscal event instance in the system, we log ingestion time and event occurrence timestamp which makes event flow clear on timestamp activities.
After processing all these activities, it passes fiscal event information to other fiscal event post-processor services for further processing by publishing fiscal data into the Kafka topic "fiscal-event-request-validated" and “fiscal-event-mongodb-sink“.
It also responds to snapshots of enriched fiscal event data which can be used by the source system for reference or any further processing.
It provides a search feature on the existing fiscal events which has been processed before by post-processor service and persisted into the MongoDB instance.
We can mainly search on eventType, tenantId, referenceId and event time interval and in return we get enriched data (dereference with nested id details).
Note: Kafka topic needs to be configured with respect to the environment
Once the fiscal event data will get validated and enriched , it will be published to this topic for further processing.
Once the fiscal event data will get validated and enriched , push the details to mongo db sink
Update all the DB and URI configuration in the dev.yaml, qa.yaml, prod.yaml file.
Make sure the keycloak server is up and running And have been configured with the required client ID.
Swagger Yaml
Postman collection
CI/CD setup
Post infra setup (Kubernetes Cluster), We start with deploying the Jenkins and kaniko-cache-warmer.
Sub Domain to expose CI/CD URL
GitHub Oauth App
Docker hub account details (username and password)
SSL Certificate for the sub-domain
Prepare an <ci.yaml> master config file and <ci-secrets.yaml>, you can name this file as you wish which will have the following configurations.
credentials, secrets (You need to encrypt using sops and create a ci-secret.yaml separately)
Check and Update ci-secrets.yaml details (like github Oauth app clientId and clientSecret, GitHub user details gitReadSshPrivateKey and gitReadAccessToken etc..)
To create Jenkins namespace mark this flag true
Add your env's kubconfigs under kubConfigs like https://github.com/misdwss/iFix-DevOps/blob/mgramseva/deploy-as-code/helm/environments/ci-secrets.yaml#L19
KubeConfig env's name and deploymentJobs name from ci.yaml should be the same
Update the CIOps and DIGIT-DevOps repo name with your forked repo name and provide read-only access to github user to those repo's.
SSL Certificate for the sub-domain
You have launched the Jenkins. You can access the same through your sub-domain which you configured in ci.yaml.
The Jenkins CI pipeline is configured and managed 'as code'.
Example URL - https://<Jenkins_domain>
Since there are many services and the development code is part of various git repos, you need to understand the concept of cicd-as-service which is open-sourced. This page also guides you through the process of creating a CI/CD pipeline.
As a developer - To integrate any new service/app to the CI/CD below is the starting point:
Once the desired service is ready for the integration: decide the service name, type of service, whether DB migration is required or not. While you commit the source code of the service to the git repository, the following file should be added with the relevant details which are mentioned below:
Build-config.yml –It is present under the build directory in each repository
This file contains the below details which are used for creating the automated Jenkins pipeline job for your newly created service.
While integrating a new service/app, the above content needs to be added in the build-config.yml file of that app repository. For example: If we are onboarding a new service called egov-test, then the build-config.yml should be added as mentioned below.
If a job requires multiple images to be created (DB Migration) then it should be added as below,
Note - If a new repository is created then the build-config.yml should be created under the build folder and then the config values are added to it.
The git repository URL is then added to the Job Builder parameters
When the Jenkins Job => job builder is executed the CI Pipeline gets created automatically based on the above details in build-config.yml. Eg: egov-test job will be created under the core-services folder in Jenkins because the “build-config was edited under core-services” And it should be the “master” branch only. Once the pipeline job is created, it can be executed for any feature branch with build parameters (Specifying which branch to be built – master or any feature branch).
As a result of the pipeline execution, the respective app/service docker image will be built and pushed to the Docker repository.
Job Builder – Job Builder is a Generic Jenkins job that creates the Jenkins pipeline automatically which are then used to build the application, create the docker image of it and push the image to the docker repository. The Job Builder job requires the git repository URL as a parameter. It clones the respective git repository and reads the build/build-config.yml file for each git repository and uses it to create the service build job.
Check git repository URL is available in ci.yaml
If git repository URL is available build the Job-Builder Job
If the git repository URL is not available ask the Devops team to add it.
The services deployed and managed on a Kubernetes cluster in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, GCP, OpenStack, etc. Here, we use helm charts to manage and generate the Kubernetes manifest files and use them for further deployment to the respective Kubernetes cluster. Each service is created as charts which will have the below-mentioned files in them.
To deploy a new service, we need to create the helm chart for it. The chart should be created under the charts/helm directory in iFix-DevOps repository.
We have an automatic helm chart generator utility that needs to be installed on the local machine, the utility prompts for user inputs about the newly developed service (app specifications) for creating the helm chart. The requested chart with the configuration values (created based on the inputs provided) will be created for the user.
Name of the service? test-service Application Type? NA Kubernetes health checks to be enabled? Yes Flyway DB migration container necessary? No, Expose service to the internet? Yes, Route through API gateway [zuul] No Context path? hello
The generated chart will have the following files.
This chart can also be modified further based on user requirements.
The Deployment of manifests to the Kubernetes cluster is made very simple and easy. We have Jenkins Jobs for each state and are environment-specific. We need to provide the image name or the service name in the respective Jenkins deployment job.
Enter a caption for this image (optional)
Enter a caption for this image (optional)
The deployment Jenkins job internally performs the following operations,
Reads the image name or the service name given and finds the chart that is specific to it.
Generates the Kubernetes manifests files from the chart using the helm template engine.
Execute the deployment manifest with the specified docker image(s) to the Kubernetes cluster.
Before the iFIX platform can be used, the master data must be configured directly into the respective collections in MongoDB. Associated APIs for configuring Master Data will be made available in the next version.
Add Government - Insert into MongoDB collection
Add Department
Add Department Hierarchy - It defines the hierarchy definition for the department
department id: It is master department id (UUID)
level: It defines the depth of hierarchy of department level
Root level department hierarchy will not contain any parent value and level value will be zero
Level value incrementation rule:
When parent id is having any value then we search parent in department hierarchy record for hierarchy level evaluation
Get level value from parent department hierarchy and increment current department hierarchy level value by one
parent: It provides details about department parent (UUID)
Add Department Entity - It contains department entity information along with its hierarchy level and also attaches master department information (department id - UUID). Here we keep all children information list at every department node (department record). Leaf level department will not have any children info. Children list contains department entity id list, which makes current department entity parent of all children list (department id list), that's how it maintains department entity level. Entities can be created by
First defining the hierarchy level top to bottom because it has parent's reference
Then we can start adding department entities, bottom-to-top because it has child's reference.
The root department hierarchy will have the label "Department", and the root department entity will be the department itself
When we have to update the existing children list of Department Entity then update the existing children list using mongodb command like below:
Find the department entity parent where the new children need to be added. Do search by name and hierarchy level db.departmentEntity.find({"name" : "<current_department_entity's_name>","hierarchyLevel": <Current_department_entity_hierarchy_level>});
Append the department entity id at the end of the current department entity children's list. So first find the length of the current array and then set it as "children.n": "" (where n is the length of the array.)db.departmentEntity.update({"_id": ""},{$set: {"children.n": "", "children.n+1": ""} })
Add Chart of Accounts - Insert manually into MongoDB collection
Add Expenditure - Insert manually into MongoDB collection.
Keycloak console is available at https://<host-name>/auth
. The Ops team will provide the username and password secrets.
Open the Keycloak console
Near the top-left corner in the realm drop-down menu, select Add Realm
Select the ifix-realm.json file
After the realm gets created, select the ifix
realm from the drop-down near the top-left corner
Remember to select the ifix
realm from the Keycloak console before proceeding
From the Clients section of Keycloak Admin Console, create a client
Provide a unique username for the client
Go to the client's settings
Change Access Type to confidential
Turn on Service Account Enabled
In the Valid Redirect URIs field provide the root URL of the iFIX Instance (Not important for our purposes but need to set it because it is mandatory)
And Save these changes
In the Service Account Roles tab, assign the role "fiscal-event-producer"
In the Mappers tab, create a new mapper to associate the client with a tenantId
Select Mapper Type
to be "Hardcoded claim"
In Token Claim Name
, write "tenantId"
In Claim value
, write the under which the client is being created. (For example, "pb")
Set Name
same as Token Claim Name
i.e. "tenantId"
Select Claim Json Type
to be "String"
Now you can get the credentials from the Credentials tab and configure them in the client's system.
Department Entity service manages the department and its hierarchies metadata. It deals with department entities and department hierarchy only. Department Entity and Department Hierarchy were earlier in the iFIX core. Now, they have been moved to the mGramSeva iFIX adapter side. This page provides details on how to migrate that data from iFIX DB to mGramSeva iFIX adapter DB.
Create (if it's not available) DB schema (Mongo) in mgramseva namespace.
Create (if it's not available) DB schema (Mongo) in mgramseva namespace.
We can drop unused collections from iFix DB using the below steps :
Connect to ifix namespace playground pod
kubectl exec -it <playground-pod-name> -n ifix -- /bin/bash
Connect to the particular mongo db
mongo --host <hostname>:27017 -u <username> -p <password>
Use db
use <db_name>
Check the above-mentioned collection name using the below commands
If above mentioned (highlighted in bold) collections are there then drop them off using below commands
Port-forward the Department Entity service in localhost from a specific environment (like QA/UAT/Prod). Below is the command to port-forward :
kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 8032:8080 -n mgramseva
As part of the iFIX-2.0-alpha release, we have migrated the following master data from ifix_db to mgramseva_db:
Adapter Master Data Service
Department Entity Service
Department Entity
Department Hierarchy
Out of these, the project data SHOULD NOT be copied to the new DB because a new feature of the multi-tenant (GP) project is introduced with this release. New projects can be created and linked to multiple GPs.
Other master data can be copied.
Make sure the playground pod is “dwssio/playground:mongo-v2” or newer.
Keep the MongoDB Credentials handy in the following format
Host(in this format): “<host-address>:27017”
Username - a user that has access to BOTH source and destination dbs
Source and Destination DB Names
List of collection names to be copied
The mongo-migration.sh
script copied to the playground pod. (You must have necessary kube permissions to copy a file to a pod.)
Sample Command to copy the file:
kubectl cp mongo_migration.sh ifix/<playground pod>:/
A MongoDB Dump script is provided that will copy a list of collections from a source DB to the destination DB.
Execute the provided script using following parameters:
-h = Host Address
-u = username
-p = password
-s = source db
-d = destination db
-c = collection name - You can provide multiple collection as depicted in the following example
Department Entity service manages the department and its hierarchies metadata. It deals with department entity and department hierarchy only. Department Hierarchy store only hierarchies definition like metadata for department level and department entity stores actual department data with its ancestry information.
Current Version: 2.0.0
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met.
Java 8
MongoDB instance
Required Service Dependencies - Adapter-Master-Data-Service
It defines the hierarchy definition for the department.
department id: It is the ID of the department from the department master
level: It defines the depth of hierarchy of department-level
parent: It provides details about department hierarchy parent (UUID)
Root level department hierarchy should not contain any parent value and the level value will be zero
When parent ID is having any value then we search parent in the department hierarchy record for hierarchy level evaluation.
Get level value from the parent department hierarchy and increment the current department hierarchy level value by one.
It contains department entity information along with its hierarchy level and also attaches master department information (department id - UUID). It keeps all child level information lists at every department node (department record). Leaf level department does not have any children info. Child list contains department entity ID list, which makes the current department entity parent of all children list (department ID list). This is how it maintains the department entity level.
Define the hierarchy level using the top to bottom because it has the parent's references. For department entity, create using the bottom-to-top approach. The leaf department entity does not have any child reference. When the department entity goes higher (parent) only then does it defines child reference in its child list.
Create Department Hierarchy: We pass the current hierarchy level and its parent details along with master department and tenant information. It stores data as meta-information about hierarchy level for department entity data processing, it works as a reference meta index which will tell about hierarchy level information.
Search Department Hierarchy: It just provides a preview of department hierarchies by providing request parameters - tenant ID, hierarchy level or department hierarchy ID.
Create Department Entity: It passes tenant Id, master department id, hierarchy level, its children list with department entity name and code. Tenant, hierarchy level and the master department is root info about the department entity. If the department entity does not contain any child, that means it is a leaf department entity it can only seek for its parent.
Search Department Entity: It can make search requests based on any department entity attribute but can't skip tenant information, it returns the whole department entity details along with its child information. It finds all ancestry information of the current department entity.
There will not be any environment variables required specific to the environment (migration).
Update the DB and URI configurations in the dev.yaml, qa.yaml, prod.yaml file.
Department Hierarchy defines the definition(Meta- Data) for actual department entity creation.
In the above image, the second row contains the actual Department Entities. Department Entity Create API - follows Bottom to Up approach.
In the above example data, the very first Department Entity will be created for “BARUWAL” with code “7278”. Below are the Steps to create Department Entity :
The details that need to be passed in Department Entity Create API is -
tenantId: This will be from Ifix Master Data Service
departmentId: This will be from Adapter Master Data Service
code: For the first Department Entity, as per the above data image, it is “7278”
name: For the first Department Entity, as per the above data image, it is “BARUWAL”
hierarchyLevel: For the first Department Entity, as per the above data image and defined Department Hierarchy, It will be “6”.(Bottom to Up)
children: For the first Department Entity, as per the above data image, it will be an empty set
For the next Department Entity Creation - repeat step 2 by making sure the subsequent request has - next Department Entity - Code, name, hierarchyLevel (this will decrement by one for every next Department entity), children (this will contain all or at least one previously created Department Entity Id(s)).
For reference, the Bottom to Up request & response of Department Entity Create API will look like :
Request :[For Department Entity at Bottom - “BARUWAL”]
Subsequent Request: [For Department Entity - “Kiratpur Sahib”]
And so on for the next Department Entity(ies) ...
Note: Below is the observation from the above example :
Tenant Id and Department Id will be created before creating the Department Entity hence before Department Hierarchy Create. Tenant Id and Department Id will be the same in all hierarchy levels for a Single Department Hierarchy and corresponding Department Entity(ies).
In the children attribute, we can pass a set of previous Department Entity Ids (or at least one or empty in case of Bottom level Department Entity).
When we have to update the existing children list of Department Entity then update the existing children list using mongodb command like below
Find the parent department entity where the new children need to be added. We should know which is the parent Department Entity beforehand. For the same, Do search by name and hierarchy level and find the corresponding parent department entity’s id (UUID).
Append the department entity id at the end of the parent department entity children's list that we got from step 1. And count the length of the parent department entity children’s list (it is 0 based indexing ) that we are calling as ‘n’ here (it could be any integer number as per the children’s list size ) and then set it as
"children.n": "<picked_from_step_1_query_department_entity_id>"
The Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is one of the Azure services used for deploying, managing, and scaling any distributed and containerized workloads. Here we can provision the AKS cluster on Azure from the ground up and using an automated way (infra-as-code) using terraform and then deploy the DIGIT-iFIX Services config-as-code using Helm.
This quickstart assumes a basic understanding of Kubernetes concepts. For more information, see Kubernetes core concepts for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.
Use the Bash environment in Azure Cloud Shell.
If you prefer, install the Azure CLI to run CLI reference commands.
If you're using a local installation, sign in to the Azure CLI by using the az login command. To finish the authentication process, follow the steps displayed in your terminal. For additional sign-in options, see Sign in with the Azure CLI.
When you're prompted, install Azure CLI extensions on first use. For more information about extensions, see Use extensions with the Azure CLI.
Run az version to find the version and dependent libraries that are installed. To upgrade to the latest version, run az upgrade.
This article requires version 2.0.64 or greater of the Azure CLI. If using Azure Cloud Shell, the latest version is already installed.
The identity you are using to create your cluster has the appropriate minimum permissions. For more details on access and identity for AKS, see Access and identity options for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
Install kubectl on your local machine that helps you interact with the kubernetes cluster
Install Helm that helps you package the services along with the configurations, envs, secrets, etc into a kubernetes manifests
Install terraform version (0.14.10) for the Infra-as-code (IaC) to provision cloud resources as code and with desired resource graph and also it helps to destroy the cluster at one go.
Note: Run the commands as administrator if you plan to run the commands in this quickstart locally instead of in Azure Cloud Shell.
Before we provision the cloud resources, we need to understand and be sure about what resources need to be provisioned by terraform to deploy DIGIT. The following picture shows the various key components. (AKS, Worker Nodes, Postgres DB, Volumes, Load Balancer)
Considering the above deployment architecture, the following is the resource graph that we are going to provision using terraform in a standard way so that every time and for every env, it'll have the same infra.
AKS Azure (Kubernetes Service Master)
Work node group (VMs with the estimated number of vCPUs, Memory
Volumes (persistent volumes)
PostGres Database
Virtual Network
Users to access, deploy and read-only
Ideally, one would write the terraform script from the scratch using this doc.
Here we have already written the terraform script that provisions the production-grade DIGIT Infra and can be customized with the specified configuration.
Let's clone the iFix-DevOps GitHub repo where the terraform script to provision the AKS cluster is available and below is the structure of the files.
The following main.tf contains the detailed resource definitions that need to be provisioned, please have a look at it.
Dir: iFix-DevOps/Infra-as-code/terraform/aks-ifix-dev
You can define your configurations in variables.tf and provide the environment-specific cloud requirements so that using the same terraform template you can customize the configurations.
Following are the values that you need to mention in the following files, the blank ones will be prompted for inputs while execution.
Now that we know what the terraform script does, the resources graph that it provisions and what custom values should be given with respect to your env.
Let's begin to run the terraform scripts to provision infra required to Deploy DIGIT on AZ.
First CD into the following directory and run the following command 1-by-1 and watch the output closely.
Upon Successful execution following resources gets created which can be verified by the command "terraform output"
Network: Virtual Network.
AKS cluster: with nodepool(s), master(s) & worker node(s).
Storage(s): for es-master, es-data-v1, es-master-infra, es-data-infra-v1, zookeeper, kafka, kafka-infra.
To manage a Kubernetes cluster, use the Kubernetes command-line client, kubectl. kubectl
is already installed if you use Azure Cloud Shell.
Install kubectl
locally using the az aks install-cli command:
Configure kubectl
to connect to your Kubernetes cluster using the az aks get-credentials command. The following command:
Downloads credentials and configures the Kubernetes CLI to use them.
Uses ~/.kube/config
, the default location for the Kubernetes configuration file. Specify a different location for your Kubernetes configuration file using --file.
3. Finally, Verify that you are able to connect to the cluster by running the following command
Whola! All set and now you can go with Deploy Product.
Please follow the below steps to create iFIX Master Data. Have a look at the individual service documentation for details here.
Create the Government by providing valid government details. Once created, you’ll get an Id with provided details in the response. we are calling this id as a tenant id.
Create the Chart of Account (COA) by providing valid details. While creating, you need to pass the valid tenant Id in the COA request. Once created, you’ll get an id with all the provided details in the response. We are calling this id as COA Id and a code as COACode.
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The platform consists of the following core services.
The master data service manages the following master data:
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Key Domain Service Details
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This section provides the steps and details required to migrate the data from one service to another.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This page provides details on the steps involved in cleaning up the iFIX core data from various environments. Follow the instructions specific to select environment listed below.
Druid Data Clean-Up
Mongo DB Data Clean-Up
Postgres Data Clean-Up process.
Open the druid console in the respective environment.
Go to Ingestion → Supervisors. And select the particular supervisor (fiscal-event)
In Action, click on Terminate. This terminates the supervisor. Wait for a minute.
Go to DataSources and select the particular data source name (fiscal-event). And scroll down to Action.
Click on the Mark as unused all segments → Mark as unused all segments.
Click on Delete unused segments (issue kill task) and enable the permission to delete.
Once the clean-up process is completed, follow the instructions here - IFIX Fiscal Event Post Processor | Druid-Sink to run the supervisor.
Connect to the playground pod and run the command below to connect with mongo DB. mongo --host <mongo-db-host>:<mongo-db-port> -u <mongo-db-username> -p <mongo-db-password>
Use the ifix core DB; use <db name>
Run the below command to delete all the data from fiscal_event collection. db.fiscal_event.remove({});
If you want to delete all fiscal event records of a particular Gram Panchayat then run the command below.
Here let us assume, we have to delete "LODHIPUR" GP (Gram Panchayat) details (that is hierarchy level 6) in the DWSS department. Run the command below.
If you want to delete a fiscal event record based on some other attributes, you have to write a custom mongo delete query.
Connect to the playground pod and run the below command to connect with postgresDB.
psql -h <psql-host> -p <psql-port> -d <psql-database> -U <psql-username>
It prompts for a password. Enter the password.
Run the below query to delete all the data from fiscal_event_aggregated.
If you want to delete the particular Gram Panchayat details from fiscal event aggregated record, run the query below.
Here let us assume, we want to delete "LODHIPUR" GP (Gram Panchayat) details (that is hierarchy level 6) in the DWSS department.
Note: If you are not sure about deleting the fiscal event aggregated record, you can delete all the records from the fiscal_event_aggregated table. Once the records are deleted, either run the fiscal event aggregate Cron Job manually to UpSert all the records or the system UpSerts the records every midnight from Druid to Postgres.
iFix uses Keycloak to manage clients. Click on this link for instructions to set up a Keycloak server and manage clients.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This page provides step-wise details on how to migrate Department, Project and Expenditure from iFix Master Data Service to Adapter Master Data Service.
Yaml configurations
Update "mongo-db-username", "mongo-db-password" and "mongo-db-authenticated-uri" in secrets db config in respective environment secret yaml file ( ).
Update "mongo-db-name", "mongo-db-host" and "mongo-db-url" in egov-config of configmaps in respective environment yaml file ( ).
Update "adapter-master-data-service" and "ifix-department-entity-service" in egov-service-host in respective environment yaml file ( ).
Create a new DB in the MongoDB instance for these new services.
Next, create the same master data again in the new (mgramseva) database using the adapter-master-data-service's /_create APIs.
After restoring DB collections, drop the unused collections from the iFIX MongoDB.
Follow the steps below to drop the unused collections.
Connect to ifix namespace playground pod
kubectl exec -it <playground-pod> -n ifix -- /bin/bash
Connect to the particular mongo db
mongo --host <hostname>:27017 -u <username> -p <password>
Use db
use <db_name>
Check the above-mentioned collection name using the below commands
If collections are there then drop them off using the below commands
Port-forward the Adapter master data service in localhost from a specific environment (like QA/UAT/Prod).
Below is the command to port-forward :
kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 8030:8080 -n mgramseva
We need the access token from keycloak server and pass it as a bearer token while requesting the ifix-master-data-service create APIs.
The mGramSeva iFIX Adapter receives multiple event requests from the mGramSeva service and helps in attributes conversion to map with fix-fiscal-event-service request data.
Environment variable
Configure "fiscal-event-service", "adapter-master-data-service" and "ifix-department-entity-service" in egov-service-host in respective environment yaml file ( ).
Redis data clean up
Execute the below commands on redis-cli before doing any activity on the mgramseva iFix adapter while performing the deployment first time.
Connecting Redis Client:
kubectl exec -it <redis-pod> -n mgramseva -- /bin/bash
kubectl exec -it redis-647449f6b9-gg4gw -n mgramseva -- /bin/bash
keys * (check all keys)
Redis cleanup command
del <key>
del "10101" "10102" "10201" "20101" "20201" "20301" "20401"
keys * (check all keys)
Note: Make sure all client codes, which have been mentioned in the "ifix_adapter_coa_map" table, are listed in the redis "DEL" command list and recheck those are removed using "keys *" command.
Use the postman tool to verify mGramSeva iFix adapter API end. It is open-end and therefore does not require any access token.
The fiscal event post-processor receives a collection of fiscal event lists and after processing those events it pushes them to the Mongo DB and Druid DB. Before deploying the fiscal event post-processor build to the respective environment, make sure you have ingested the updated druid config file to the Druid DB as per the instructions given .
Before upgrading the iFIX fiscal event service v2.0, clean up the existing fiscal event data. This is a one-time activity. Follow the steps outlined in the .
Get the access token from keycloak server and pass it as a bearer token while requesting to iFIX fiscal event service.
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Multiple reference applications built on the iFIX platform demonstrate its potential capabilities. These applications or exemplars facilitate the resolution of issues related to fiscal management of projects and enable real-time, fiscal visibility across the projects.
The current exemplars have been developed in collaboration with the Punjab State Government - Department of Water Supply and Sanitation (DWSS).
DWSS has developed more than 8500 water projects across Punjab. After the construction of these projects, the operations and maintenance of these are done by the GPWSC (Gram Panchayat Water Scheme Committee) consisting of members from the local bodies. For the projects that are handed over, GPWSCs are responsible for setting up the water charges, collecting the water charges from the households and managing the expenditure (O&M) for the project.
Due to various reasons, if a GPWSC is unable to fiscally manage the project - the asset deteriorates, water supply to the household is adversely impacted and vendors are unpaid - arrears pile up. For example, the electricity bill which is 75% of the O&M expenses is unpaid. Eventually, these arrears are presented to the State Finance Department for clearance.
The scenario above exemplifies some of the pivotal challenges addressed by the reference applications built on iFIX.
- A mobile-based application that will enable GPWSC members and collection agents to collect & manage revenue and expenditure.
- Transforms the Demand, Receipt, Bill and Payment information entered in mGramSeva into anonymized and standardized fiscal events. These are then posted on the iFIX Platform.
- stores micro-level fiscal data and provides secure standard APIs for source systems to post and query fiscal data in raw and aggregated form.
- provides a dashboard for the department to have a real-time view of the fiscal sustainability of various projects.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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./mongo-migration.sh -h <host-address> -u <ifix username> -p <ifix password> - s <ifix db> -d <mgramseva db> -c department -c expenditure -c departmentHierarchyLevel -c departmentEntity
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The first Department Entity will be created for “BARUWAL” (Since the Department Hierarchy has been defined from “Department” to “GPWSC”. Please refer .)
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All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Swagger Yaml
Postman collection
All GPs have a monthly billing cycle for water charges. The Scheduler automatically triggers on “X” date of every month to generate demand and raise bills for non metered connections.
Metered connections do not fall under bulk demand generation
For the first month of go live, it is only the arrears and no demand is generated and hence no bill to collect payments
From the second month (X date of Month 2) onwards, demand is generated.
Once the demand is generated, a notification is triggered to all mGramSeva users.
Details of Notification
“Demand for water charges has been raised for <GP>. New Bill Amount is Rs. Xyz. Overall pending amount is Rs.AbcD”
Each non metered household also get notifications
SMS Notification with Bill PDF
Dear “username”, A new water bill has been generated against <connection ID>. Please download the bill using <link>
SMS notification with a payment link
Dear “username”, A new water bill has been generated against <connection ID>. Please pay the bill online to avoid late payment charges<link>
Revenue collector when on HH Details screen sees a new card (Updated card from month 2 onwards) with information related to demand and payment collection.
There is also a demand collection Tile/Card on the home screen.
This is used in cases when the scheduler is not run (due to technical errors) and GP wants to run it manually.
If the manual demand generation is done in the middle of the billing cycle for which demand has already been generated this will do nothing.
Only when the scheduler has not generated a demand for a billing cycle, manual demand generation helps.
For Demand Generation Logic refer to Bulk Demand Generation for Non-Metered
In the Bulk Demand screen -
Service Category: Defaulted to Water Charges (Module)
Service Type: Defaulted to “Non-Metered”
Billing Year: Dropdown with the list of the financial years from the master.
Billing Cycle: Dropdown with the list of billing cycles for the selected financial year.
On Click of Generate Demand, demand for the given billing cycle gets generated based on the logic defined above.
Users are redirected to the View Consumer screen from the home screen via
Collect payments → Search Screen → Consumer Details Screen
Download bills & receipts → Search screen → consumer details Screen
Dashboard → Collections → Click on Consumer ID
Household register → Click on Consumer ID
This screen contains all information related to HH
Static HH card which displays the following details
New Connection ID (also displayed as a heading)
Consumer name
Father's name
Phone number
Old connection ID
Address - Door Number, Street number, Ward (attached)
Property type
Service type
for metered connections meter number is also displayed
When Bill is not generated (Post rollout until the first month)
Only Data Card is shown - No action required
After the first demand is generated - A new consumer bill/Card gets generated with the following data points and actions
Billing Cycle – the latest billing cycle
Amount -
Current Amount - fixed charges applicable to the billing cycle
Arrears - Arrears from the first month. From next month onwards this field will display any unpaid dues.
Total Amount - Sum of current amount and arrears
Action Items
Download, Share Bill
Clicking on download bill prompts to download bill (Bill details is given in a separate user story)
Share bill (WhatsApp icon) opens sharing options to phone OS and the user is able to share bills via WhatsApp
Message to go in WhatsApp “Please find Bill for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 generated on dd/mm/yyyy” along with bill PDF.
Name of the PDF - “Bill ID”
Collect Payment
Collect payment button takes the revenue collector to the payment collection screen
After the First payment collection is done
A receipt history block is visible only after the first payment transaction is completed through mGramSeva.
A list of all the receipts is shown under this section as cards, with different data points as actions. Order of receipts is newest → oldest from top to bottom
Each receipt card contains
Receipt ID
Amount Paid
Paid Date
Download Receipt - download receipt in Revenue collectors phone as a PDF
Name of PDF - “Receipt ID”
Share (WhatsApp)
Message to go in WhatsApp “Please find the receipt for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 paid on dd/mm/yyyy” along with receipt PDF
When Bill is not generated (Post rollout until the first month)
Data Card is shown
Below the data card - the Card to generate a new bill is also shown.
This card contains
Last bill generation date - For the first time this will be picked up from data entry. Next time onwards systems latest bill generation date will be captured.
Days from last bill generation Date - this is to indicate revenue collector how many days have passed by since last time bill is generated
Previous Meter reading - Units of the meter that is the last read will be displayed here.
Pending Amount
Before the first bill is generated this will just be arrears that are captured during data entry
After the first bill is generated, this pending amount includes the whole pending amount by the user
Generate a new bill
Clicking on Generate a New Bill initiates bill generation flow for metered connection
Users have to generate a bill to start collecting payments, Without the first generation of bills, collection cant happen even for arrears entered in data entry.
After the first bill is generated
A new consumer bill/Card gets generated with the following data points and actions
Last bill generation date - Date of bill generation
Amount -
Current Amount - Volumetric charges between 2 latest meter readings according to rate master
Arrears - All previously unpaid dues.
Total Amount - Sum of current amount and arrears
Action Items
Download, Share Bill
Clicking on download bill will prompt to download bill for the respective amount (Bill details is given in separate user story)
Share bill (WhatsApp icon) will open sharing options of phone OS and the user should be able to share bill via WhatsApp
Message to go in WhatsApp “ Please find Bill for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 generated on dd/mm/yyyy” along with bill PDF.
Name of the PDF - “Bill ID”
Collect Payment
Collect payment should take revenue collector to the payment collection screen
After the first payment collection is done
A receipt history block is visible only after the first payment happens through mgramseva.
A list of all the receipts is shown under this section as cards, with different data points as actions. Order of receipts is newest → oldest from top to bottom
Each receipt card contains
Receipt ID
Amount Paid
Paid Date
Download Receipt - should download receipt in Revenue collectors phone as a PDF
Name of PDF - “Receipt ID”
Message to go in WhatsApp “ Please find receipt for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 paid on dd/mm/yyyy” along with receipt PDF.
If a new bill is generated again by clicking on ‘Generate a new bill’ revenue collector goes through bill generation flow and a new single card appears between ‘Generate bill’ and ‘Consumer receipts block’
Based on the user role the following functionality will be available and displayed on the home screen
GP Admin
Create Consumer
Edit Consumer
View HH Detail/Register
Collection Operator
Search Consumer
View HH Details/Register
Raise Bill
Collect Payment
Download Bills & Receipt
Revenue (Bulk Demand) Processing
Demand Generation
View HH Details/Register
Raise Bill
Download Bills & Receipt
Expense Processing
Expense Entry
Update Expense
Dashboard Viewer
Revenue Dashboard
Expenditure Dashboard
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The users receive a link through SMS. Clicking on this link redirects the users to the login page of mGramSeva app. The users can log in from this screen or even reset their password in case they are logging in for the first time. The mGramSeva application link initiates from this screen.
The link in the SMS redirects users to this screen which is the first screen which is the language selection screen. The user selects the preferred language and clicks on Continue. English, Hindi, and Punjabi are the supported languages with Punjabi as the default language. Localization in the screens is displayed based on the language selected.
The user enters the User ID, which is the registered mobile number of the user, and the system-generated password. Clicking on the Continue button logs in the user.
This link will navigate the user to the password reset screen.
The user is redirected to the password reset screen where they enter the OTP received on the registered mobile number. The next screen prompts the user to enter a new password and then confirm the same. This is similar to the first time login screens in DIGIT. On Submit, the acknowledgement screen is displayed. Clicking on the Continue to Login button on the acknowledgement screen takes the user to the login page.
The user is redirected to the home page of the application that displays the menu options based on the mapped user role.
The search screen is used to filter the list of consumers based on selected criteria. This is the common search screen for all the transactions such as
Collect Payments
Download bills and receipts
Update consumer information
The consumer can be searched on the following parameters -
Owner Mobile Number - Allows search of consumer records that match the entered mobile number.
OLD Mobile Number
NEW Mobile Number
The user is able to search only when he/she enters the full mobile number. A partial mobile number search is not allowed.
Name of Consumer - Allows search of consumer records that match consumer names with the input text.
OLD Name
New Name
Name search can be done with a partial name also.
Old Connection id - Allows search of consumer records that matches the old Connection id entered in the search bar.
New Connection id - Allows search of consumer records that matches the New Connection id entered in the search bar.
As the user starts entering one field, other fields are made non-editable. When the user removes text/numbers entered in the field, other fields are made accessible.
Show more, Show less expands and contracts the view.
When the user search matches with only one record, show HH detail screen directly. No need to show the intermediary search details screen.
The search result set contains below information -
Sub-Heading - Subheading text changes dynamically with the type of search carried out.
Following consumers match search criteria with
Phone Number as +91 - 7731045306
Name as ABCxyZ
New Connection ID
Old Connection ID
Consumer’s Name
Phone Number
Address - Combination of Door Number, street number, Ward (if applicable)
Click on the View Consumer Details button redirects the user to the HH Details screen.
mGramSeva is an application that has been developed as part of the iFIX Exemplar in Punjab. It enables rural local bodies to manage revenue and expenditures related to water supply projects using a mobile app. The app will be used by members of the water management committee and collection agents. The collection agent will be able to add consumers (or households), generate bill and receipt acknowledgements.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The household masters need to be created in the system to initiate the demand generation and collection process. These are consumers also referred to as the household that will be issued the water connection and supplied on regular basis.
On selecting the option Create consumer from the list of tile/cards on the home page, the user is navigated to the Create Consumer page.
Data elements for the consumer listed in the table below -
Field Name
Mandatory Y/N
Consumer’s Name
Name of the household or connection owner.
Male, Female, Transgender
Father's Name
Name of the father of the owner
Mobile Number
Mobile number for the consumer
Old Connection id
Alpha Numeric
Old connection id or ref number for reference
Door Number
Alpha Numeric
Address details with door number for the connection
Street No/Street Name
Alpha Numeric
Street number or name of the house for the connection
Drop Down
For a tenant which has a single ward, the ward field is not shown
For a tenant which has multiple wards, the ward field is shown as a single select dropdown
Gram Panchayat
For info. the GP or tenant in which the connection master is created.
Property Type
Drop Down
Dropdown with the list of property types from Master ( Ex - Residential, Commercial, Mixed, etc)
Service Type
Drop Down
Dropdown with the list of service types from Master (Ex - Metered, Non-metered)
Meter Number
Alpha - Numeric
Only for Metered connections - Meter number will be attached to consumer respectively
Previous meter reading date
Date selection
Only for Metered connections - This field is used to tag arrears to a demand. Less than current Date.
Previous meter reading
Only for Metered connections - This field is used to attach arrears to a demand.
Last Billing Cycle Billed
Drop Down
Only for Non-metered connections - Dropdown with the list of Billing Cycles prior to the current cycle. This field is used to specify the arrears or total outstanding as of the billing cycle.
Arrears as of Last Bill
Arrears as of date - This will be considered for the first Demand/Bill generation as total outstanding or arrears as of the billing period mentioned.
If no arrears are present to a HH, '0' has to be entered by the user.
On click of Submit button, the consumer master is created with the detail entered above. The new connection id is also generated as per the configuration.
Multiple connections (HH records) can be created with the same phone number.
Phone numbers can be the same, but the old connection ID should be different to create a new HH record.
A single HH record, can't be registered in the system more than once. Trying to register on the system again displays the error message “this connection already exists”.
On Submit, the consumer master is created and the new consumer id is assigned to the master. The consumer id generated is based on logic defined as - “WS-<GP id>-<4 digit running seq No>”
If the connection id already exists, an error message is shown accordingly.
On first time/new load, all data entry fields and dropdowns are empty (since there are no records prefilled except for the default fields).
SMS is not sent to any user upon consumer (HH) creation.
Submit is disabled until all mandatory fields are entered. Once all inputs are made, the button is enabled.
Arrears demand :
Metered - The arrear demand for the period is created, where the From date is counted as the start of the Financial year and the To date as the period mentioned in the screen.
Non metered - The arrear demand is created for the selected billing cycle.
On the successful creation of consumer records, a toast message “ Registration successful” is shown.
Closing this toast message, using the close icon, refreshes the page and the user sees an empty consumer creation screen.
Consumer creation - non metered
Consumer creation - metered
Consumer information can be edited under certain conditions -
Before the first demand is generated from the system
After the first demand is generated from the system
Users with permissions to edit consumer records can click on the Edit Consumer info tile on the home screen. This navigates them to the consumer search screen.
Users can navigate from the search screen or the search results screen (Case when multiple search results are displayed) to the Consumer Edit Screen.
On the successful load of the consumer edit screen, all data parameters of the consumer are shown (with editable and non-editable fields).
By Default - New consumer ID is shown on the top of the screen and is non-editable.
The table below lists the editable field details -
Data Field
Before First Demand
After First Demand
New Consumer ID
Consumer ID is generated while user creation and is not editable
Consumer’s Name
bills, receipts, bill generation screens etc starts displaying the newly entered consumer name
Father’s Name
Phone number
Use Cases
After the phone number is changed, searching with the old/new phone number in the connection search screen leads to the same HH screen
SMS notifications are sent to the new mobile number of the user from the date of the change
Old Connection ID
Validated for unique IDs in the system for the GPWSC
Door Number
Street Number / Name
Ward Number / Name
Gram Panchayat Name
Property Type
Charges applicable as per rate master. Effects take place from the next billing cycle
Service Type
Effects take place from the next billing cycle
The last date of the current billing cycle is taken as the last meter reading date
Previous meter reading is captured while generating the demand
Meter Number
Previous meter reading Date
This field is not shown on screen after the first demand is generated
Previous Meter Reading
This field is not shown on the screen after the first demand is generated
Last Billing Cycle Billed
This field is not shown on the screen after the first demand is generated
Arrears as of Last Bill
This field is not shown on the screen after the first demand is generated. When changed the arrear demand is deleted and updated accordingly based on the selected service type.
Mark Connection as inactive
If a connection is marked inactive, it is not considered for demand generation for future billing cycles.
An inactive connection can be reactivated later from this screen.
In case there are arrears, demand is generated. If there are no arrears, demand is not generated.
Users can modify the arrear value. In such a case, demand is generated with the updated value.
Users can add arrear to the connection, for which arrear was zero at the time of creating the connection. In this case, the new demand is generated.
Clicking on the Submit button shows a nudge saying Details Submitted Successfully. Closing the nudge navigates the user back to the home screen.
The CTA is activated only when any field is changed or updated. Else, it is in an inactive state.
The user of the GP system is onboarded by loading user records in bulk as a backend activity. The system enables the loading of user records in bulk and create the profiles with a mobile number as login id and with a random password.
On loading user profiles - The GP users are sent a link and login credentials over SMS required to login to the Mgramseva application. The link navigates to this screen and takes the user through the flow of logging in and resetting the password in case of first-time login.
The web link, too, initiates from the same screen.
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As soon as the revenue collector marks the bill as paid by the consumer, he/she receives one SMS with the link to receipt in PDF format and another SMS with a link to collect feedback.
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Unlike Non-Metered connections which have a billing cycle for demand & bills generated automatically, a metered connection needs more inputs, which helps in volumetric billing.
A revenue collector can see a CTA to “Generate a new Bill” on the HH details screen.
Clicking on “Generate a new Bill” takes users to the bill generation screen where new meter reading details are entered
Field on bill generation screen for metered connections are displayed in the table below
Clicking on “Generate bill” takes the user to the bill generation successful screen
Logic for Bill ID number - “RB - dd/mm/yyyy-yy/running_sequence_number”
On the success screen there are 3 user actions
Download bill - Download bill as PDF (name of PDF is always the Bill ID by default)
Share bill on WhatsApp - Share bill as PDF on WhatsApp
Collect Payment - navigates the revenue collector to the payment collection screen
Share on WhatsApp opens the WhatsApp share popup with the option to choose contacts/groups. The bill is shared with the below text and attached PDF details -
Text “ Dear <ConsumerName>, Please find water bill for billing cycle <Cycle> attached as PDF”
For Demand Generation Logic refer to
All 5 Digits in the meter reading has to be entered. Show error message “ Old Meter Reading entered is Invalid”, “ New Meter Reading entered is invalid” respectively.
The New Meter reading should be greater than the Old Meter Reading.
The meter reading date is by default set to <today's date> but give the option to change to the user.
Users can walk through the application for a better understanding of different user actions available on key screens.
Home Screen
For first-time users after login, the walkthrough automatically starts on the home page.
For multi-tenant users, the walkthrough starts after selecting the tenant and landing on the home screen
Consumer creation screen
Expense Entry Screen
Expense modification is allowed based on the status of the Payment as given in below scenarios -
1: When the status is “Unpaid”
Should allow users to modify all the details except the Bill id. Users are able to Mark the Bill as “Cancelled” using the option provided.
2: When the status is “Paid”
Would not allow users to modify any details. But the user is able to Mark the Bill as “Cancelled” using the option provided.
After the demand is generated for Metered and non-metered connections Revenue collectors come to this screen to collect payments.
Users can see the consumer billing information on the screen
Clicking on View Details expands the card and shows more details. Clicking on the Hide Details collapses the card to show only connection ID, Consumer Name & Total Due Amount.
Payment amount - can either pay
The full amount, or
Custom amount - Users can enter the custom amount in the input field - this cannot be zero or greater than the total due amount.
Payment methods
Cash - select cash and proceed to payment takes the user to the successful collection screen
Online - The online payment option displays a Q/R code on the user screen that can be scanned by another phone to pay the due.
Post payment via any mode - payment success screen is shown
Receipt ID format - RB-dd/mm/yyyy-yy/running_sequence_number
User Actions
Download receipt - download PDF version of receipt with receipt ID as the name of PDF while downloading
Share receipt via WhatsApp - opens the Phone OS sharing options
back to home - takes the user back to the home screen
As soon as the amount is paid and the Revenue collector reaches the Payment success screen SMS is sent to HH.
SMS 1 - Dear ‘Username’, Paid Rs.X for water charges for bill period <Cycle>. Download receipt <link>
SMS 2 - Dear ‘Username’, Please leave a review on water supply at <GP> at <Link>
HH is able to leave a review for water charges. Refer .
Details on the card
When online is selected for payment method, the “Collect Payment” option is disabled. Since HH scans the QR, the Revenue collector does not have control over the online process.
A partial amount can’t be greater than the full amount.
For mGramSeva users, different notifications are displayed on the home screen based on various system triggers.
A new card is used for each notification displayed below.
Cards have a countdown timer - today, 1 day ago, 2 days ago, 3 days ago, and so on.
Cards have a close icon on the right top corner. Upon closing, the card view is removed from the screen. Cards, by default, do not have an expiry date.
A “New” text is shown to the user whenever there is a new notification after the user last time login.
The Notifications header shows the number of notifications in brackets.
The expense entry for the O&M on regular basis is captured on this screen.
On selecting the option “Add Expense Record” from the list of tile/cards on the home page, the user is navigated to the expense entry screen. The screen displays the following fields.
On Submitting, the Expense entry gets created with a Bill number assigned. The Bill number generated would be based on logic defined as - “EB-<FY>-<4 digit running seq No>”
On Successful creation of expense entry, an acknowledgement screen is shown “Expense Entry successful” along with the Bill Number.
mGramSeva users can edit their basic information like name, add gender, email and change password using the hamburger menu on any screen.
Users can click on the hamburger menu from any screen. A slider from the left opens up.
Users are able to
Change Language
Edit profile
Changing language changes localization as per standards
Edit profile takes users to the next screen where changes can be made to the user profile
Name - Can be changed
Phone number - Cannot be changed
Gender - This field is not present by default. Whatever user enters is stored and saved
Email ID - It is an empty field. User input is stored as the user’s email id
Change Password - This takes users to the password changing screen where the old password, new password and confirm new password has to be entered as per given standards.
Dynamic password validation happens the same as in the registration flow.
Until all fields are entered, the primary CTA is disabled.
Changing the password shows a nudge to the user “Password updated successfully” and closing this nudge takes the user to the user profile screen.
Clicking on save shows a nudge to the user” Details saved successfully”. Upon closing, this user remains on the screen but the fields show as edited.
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All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Step No.
Tenant selection
Click here to switch to other Gram Panchayats
Household Register
Household Register contains a list of all consumers and their pending amounts
Collect Payments
Use collect payments to search for consumers, generate bills and collect payments
Download Bills and Receipts
Search by consumer details such as name or phone number to download bills & receipts
Add Expense Record
Use this to make a new expenditure entry into the system
Update Expenses
Generate Demand
Create Consumer
Create consumers records by adding details
Update Consumer Details
GPWSC Dashboard
View daily, monthly collection and expenditure summary
Any new notifications that require your action regarding collections and expenditure will be shown here
Step No.
Consumer’s Name
Start creating a consumer record by entering the consumer name
Select gender of the consumer
Father's Name
Add father’s name of the consumer
Mobile Number
Enter the mobile number of the consumer
Old Connection id
Enter OLD Connection ID Number. Eg.105
Door Number
Street No/Street Name
Select the ward where the consumer resides
Gram Panchayat
Property Type
Select one from residential/commercial type of property
Service Type
Select if the connection is metered or non-metered
Meter Number
Add meter number of the connection of the consumer
Previous meter reading date
Add the date of the last meter reading
Add amount the household has to pay until today
Step No.
Type of Expense
Select the category of expenditure
Vendor Name
Mention the name of the vendor who raised the bill
Add the amount that is mentioned in the bill
Bill Date
Add date on which bill is entered into records
Party Bill Date
Add date on which the bill is raised
Attach Bill
Attach JPEG/ PDF formats of the bill here
Step No.
User feedback section
Feedback provided by consumers is shown here
Collections Snapshot
Summary of collections made in the selected time period
Search field
You can search for the consumer by Name or connection ID
Use filters to drill down by property type
Connection ID Column
These are new Connection IDs of consumers. Clicking on a consumer ID takes you to the respective Consumer Detail screen
Name of the consumer
Collections made by the consumers in the selected time period
Connection ID
New Connection ID will be displayed here
Consumer Name
Consumer Name (Should take updated consumer name)
Bill ID number
ID of the Bill
Bill period
for non-metered connections
This is the latest billing cycle for which demand is generated
For metered connections
This is the new bill generated from the meter reading between the 2 most recent billing dates
Month <space> Financial Year
Previous meter reading date - New meter reading date
Water charges
Amount for the latest billing cycle
For metered, calculate charges as per rate master between the latest 2 billing dates
All old arrears accumulated for HH
Expansion should breakup of arrears by individual billing cycles/bill generation dates
Total Due amount
Net amount consumer has to pay
Data criteria
New Demand Generation
Demand Generated
Demand for <billing cycle> has been generated. X bills have been raised and sent to X/X+Y households. Y bills have to be raised. Click here to see details
Take to a filtered view of household register with “Pending” selected
<billing cycle> - new billing cycle for which demand is generated - Demand will be generated on the 1st of each month
Use - Case 1
If GP has all non-metered connections then, all X/X bills are generated using bulk demand. Notification change as following
Demand Generated
Demand for <billing cycle> has been generated. X bills have been raised and sent to X/X households. Click here to see details
Take to a filtered view of household register with “Pending” selected
<billing cycle> - new billing cycle for which demand is generated
Demand will be generated on the 1st of each month
Use - Case 2
If GP has all metered connections then, all 0/Y bills are generated using bulk demand. Notification changes as following
New Billing Cycle
New billing cycle will start today. Y bills have to be raised for last month. Click here to see details
Take to a filtered view of household register with “All” selected
<billing cycle> - new billing cycle for which demand is generated
Demand will be generated on the 1st of each month
Every fortnight
Pending Collections
Rs.X is pending collection as of <Today's Date>. Click here to view dashboard
Take to current months revenue Dashboard
In the current financial year, for each consumer, demand raised minus receipt generated will be pending collections for that HH
When collection happens
Collection Day
Send only on the days when a collection has happened either online or offline methods
Todays Collections
Rs. P has been collected today for water charges from <number> consumers in Cash.
Rs. Q has been collected today for water charges from <number> consumers online.
Take to current months revenue Dashboard
Sum of receipts value generated that day in that GP via cash.
New Calendar Month
1st day of month
Month Summary
Rs. X has been collected in <previous month> for water charges and Rs. Y has been spent as expenditure. Click here to view more details
Go to the most recent completed month's dashboard
X - Sum of receipts value generated that day in that GP via cash.
Y - Expense Bills marked as paid last month (paid date is previous month)
Every fortnight
Enter a New Expenditure
Please enter new expenditure bills online. Click here to make an expense entry now.
Take to expense entry screen
Alternate fortnight
Mark expense bills as paid
This should only be sent when there is a pending bill is there. If all bills are paid already on the date of notification, do not send this.
<N> expenditure bills are awaiting payment confirmation. Click here to search & mark as paid, if paid already.
Bulk Demand generation doesn't happen as per schedule
Generate Demand
We couldn't generate demand automatically for billing cycle <cycle>. Click here to generate demand manually.
Take to demand generation screen.
Expenditure Entry
Expenditure entry Successful
Bulk Demand would be generated in 2 methods -
Auto (scheduler based)
Auto: The demand is generated at end of the month or the first day of next month or as scheduled for the recently completed billing cycle. Use cases are as below -
First demand generated in system: The demand is generated for the recently completed billing cycle considering the arrears in the master data. The arrears are tagged to the previous billing cycle of the current demand.
Consecutive demands: The demand is generated for all the months pending from the most recent to the last billing cycle completed.
The demand is generated for the recently completed billing cycle.
Manual: The demand is generated for the billing cycle that is selected by the user. If the demand is already generated, then the demand would be generated only for those consumers for whom demand does not exist for the selected month.
First demand generated in the system: The demand would be generated for the selected billing cycle. considering the arrears in the master data. The arrears would be tagged to the previous billing cycle of the current demand.
Consecutive demand: The demand for the selected month is generated only if the previous billing cycle demand exists. If the demand for the previous cycle does not exist, it gives an error message “Demand generation is pending from billing cycle - <Name of cycle>. please generate demand from this cycle in sequence”. This validation is done considering the most recent billing cycle that exists in the system.
Charges/Heads and Calculation Logic
As part of V1, only the water charges head is only the head that is applicable. Rate Master is defined at the GPWSC level.
Water Charges - Charges are applicable as defined in the Rate Masters based on - Validity, Property Type, Service Type where calculation type is “Per Bill Cycle” for the given billing period.
Bill Period - The billing periods are monthly as standard across GPWSC. In future, GPWSC may switch to bi-monthly to reduce the processing effort. The sample billing period data is given in the MDMS data.
Reversion of Demand is not allowed. This has to be done in the backend.
Exception reporting for every batch processing should be accessed from the backend only.
Input Metric
Previous Meter reading
Only for first-time bill generation
New meter reading
For the first time and all consecutive bill generations
Previous meter reading units and previous meter reading dates will be taken from the last bill for new bill generation
Meter reading date
The default is the current date. Revenue collectors can change it to a previous date if required.
Field Name
Mandatory Y/N
Vendor Name
Text (With Suggestions dropdown)
Name of the Vendor. The suggestion list is shown as the user entry is done for every character. The new Name will also create a Vendor Register.
Type of Expense
Drop Down
Type of expense list From Master
Expense amount for the Bill
Bill Date
Date on which the bill is to be recorded in the registers. Validation - Before Current Date and after party Bill Date.
Party Bill Date
Date on which the Party/vendor bill was issued. Validation - Before the Bill Date.
Bill Paid
Radio Buttons
With option Yes/No. To update status if it is paid. If yes, “Paid Date” is captured.
Paid Date
Date on which the bill is paid. Displayed if the Bill paid option is selected as “Yes”. Validation - After Bill date and less than current Date.
Attach Documents
Doc Attachments
Option to upload documents (Max of 5). Supported files - PDF, JPEG, PNG. Should show required validation for other types of files.
On click, the consumer master gets created with the detail entered above. The new connection id also should get generated as per the configuration.
For Metered connection, the demand is generated for the Billing period (defined based on the meter reading date) that is selected by the user at the time of recording the meter reading.
The 2 uses cases to be handled are -
First demand generated in system: The demand would be generated for the selected billing period. The demand period would be from “Previous meter reading date” from the consumer master or the demand created as part of master TO the date entered in the billing screen. The arrears are tagged to the previous billing period of the current demand, and the period is from the start of FY to the “Previous meter reading date” from the consumer master.
Consecutive demand: The demand is generated for the period defined based on
From Date: Meter reading date from last demand generated for the Consumer.
To Date: Is the selected meter reading date in the bill generation screen
Charges/Heads and Calculation Logic
As part of V1, only the water charges head is only the head that is applicable. Rate Master is defined at the GPWSC level.
Water Charges - Charges are applicable as defined in the Rate Masters based on - Validity, Property Type, Service Type where calculation type is “Unit Rate” for the given number of units.
Bill Period - Is as per the date range selected for the bill generation.
Reversion of demand is not allowed. This has to be taken up in the backend.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Bill and Receipt PDFs can be sent to consumers at multiple touchpoints
When bulk demand is generated through SMS
When meter reading is done for metered connections, via SMS
When revenue collector goes to HH screen and clicks on download PDF (into his mobile)
When revenue collector goes to HH screen and clicks on WhatsApp share PDF (Share PDF’s on WhatsApp)
Bill PDF
Data Parameter
Gram Panchayat Water Supply and Sanitation
Water Bill
Name of GPWSC
Connection ID
Consumer Name
Consumer Mobile Number
Consumer Address
As per user details (use mockups for reference)
GPWSC Name should be highlighted
Phone number should be partially masked
Service Type
Bill ID
Bill Period
Bill Date
Service Type - As per Bill generated - Metered or Non metered.
Bill Id - For metered connections, after service type - metered, add meter number, meter reading and meter reading date as additional fields before bill ID
Bill Period - For non- metered - As per Billing cycle for which demand was generated. For metered, will based on the previous meter reading date of last bill and current meter reading date of the corresponding Bill.
Bill Issue Date - Date on which the demand was generated.
Text Above breakup of charges
Below is the breakup of pending water charges for the connection ID <New Connection ID>
Breakup of Charges
Expansions of the amount to be paid.
For non metered connections
Current water charges is the most recent billing cycle completed
Arrears are the previous billing cycles pending dues arranged in decreasing order by months
For metered connections
Current charges are the amounts levied for the most recent bill read, previous bill read.
Arrears are the previous dues in similar fashion
Total Amount Due
Total Amount to be paid by consumer until time of bill generation (Also display in words)
Previous Billing Cycle Summary
Under this section we’ll display data collected from user, along with collection and expenditure done by GP
Example: If the bill is generated in November for October and previous months(arrears), all data shown will be w.r.t October.
Text: Below is the User Feedback, Collections and Expenditure summary of <GPWSC>
User ratings
Irrespective of service type, ratings of how many ever users, given in the last billing cycle, is shown.
New Demand - Latest Demand generated
Actual Collections - Actual collections made in the previous billing cycle
Total pending Collections (cumulative) - Total pending collections for GP until the last date of the previous billing cycle
If the same bill is downloaded by a user after n days and more collections are made by GP by that date, pending collections number should go down.
New Expenditure - Expenses logged in the previous billing month
Actual Payments - actual payments made in the previous billing month
Total Pending Expenditure (cumulative)- total pending expenses until last date of the previous billing month
If the bill is downloaded again after few expenses are marked paid, the cumulative figures will go down.
Receipt PDF
Data Parameter
Gram Panchayat Water Supply and Sanitation
Water Bill
Name of GPWSC
Connection ID
Consumer Name
Consumer Mobile Number
Consumer Address
As per user details (use mockups for reference)
GPWSC Name should be highlighted
Phone number should be partially masked
Service Type
Receipt ID
Receipt Period
Receipt Issue Date
As per the Receipt generated -
For metered connections, after service type - metered, add meter number and meter reading as additional fields before Receipt ID
Below is the breakup of the amount paid for water charges for connection ID <New Connection ID>
Breakup of Charges
Expansions of amount to be paid.
For non metered connections
Current water charges is the most recent billing cycle completed
Arrears are the previous billing cycles pending dues arranged in decreasing order by months
For metered connections
Current charges are the amounts levied for the most recent bill read, the previous bill read.
Arrears are the previous dues in a similar fashion
Amount Paid
Total Amount paid by the consumer for the receipt to get generated
Show amount paid in words also
Due Amount
As of date, time (day receipt is generated)
The total amount yet to be paid
Previous Billing Cycle Summary
Under this section we’ll display data collected from user, along with collection and expenditure done by GP
Example: If the bill is generated in November for October and previous months(arrears), all data shown will be w.r.t October.
Text: Below is the User Feedback, Collections and Expenditure summary of <GPWSC>
User ratings
Irrespective of service type, ratings of how many ever users, given in the last billing cycle, is shown.
New Demand - Latest Demand generated
Actual Collections - Actual collections made in the previous billing cycle
Total pending Collections (cumulative) - Total pending collections for GP until the last date of the previous billing cycle
If the same bill is downloaded by a user after n days and more collections are made by GP by that date, pending collections number should go down.
New Expenditure - Expenses logged in the previous billing month
Actual Payments - actual payments made in the previous billing month
Total Pending Expenditure (cumulative)- total pending expenses until last date of the previous billing month
If the bill is downloaded again after few expenses are marked paid, these cumulative figures will go down.
Various SMS notifications are sent to different users on different actions. Below is a consolidated list of all SMS notifications required.
Event Type
Target user Type
On boarding - Creation login details
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, You've been invited to mGramSeva Application of Punjab. Please login using <Link>. Username: <Phone Number> Password: <Password>
On boarding - First time login OTP
EMP/GP Users
OTP for resetting password on mGramSeva is <OTP>
Forgot Password OTP
EMP/GP Users
OTP for resetting password on mGramSeva is <OTP>
Demand (Bulk)
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, Demand for Billing Cycle <Cycle> has been generated for <GPWSC>. Kindly plan for collection of water charges for this period. <Link>
1st of each month
Pending Collection Reminder
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> is pending collections against water charges at <GPWSC> as of <Date>. Click <Link> to see more details
On Collection Day
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> has been collected today <Date> against water charges from <number> consumers in Cash for <GPWSC>.
On Collection Day
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> has been collected today <Date> against water charges from <number> consumers Online for <GPWSC>.
New Calendar Month
EMP/GP Users
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> has been collected in <previous month> against water charges & Rs. <Amount> has been spent as expenditure for <GPWSC>. Click <link> to see more details
EMP/GP Users
Please enter new expenditure bills online for <GPWSC>. Click <link> to make an expense entry now
Alternate Fortnight
EMP/GP Users
Expenditure bills for <GPWSC> are awaiting payment confirmation. Please click <link> and mark them as paid, if paid already
Demand (Bulk) - (NM & M)
Dear <user>, water bill for <cycle> has been generated for consumer id <new consumer id> for Rs. <Amount>. Click <link> to download latest bill.
Dear <user>, water bill for <cycle> has been generated for consumer id <new consumer id> for Rs. <Amount>. Click <link> to download latest bill. Please make payment to your GPWSC.
Demand (Bulk) - (NM & M)
Dear <user>, pending amount for water charges for consumer id <new consumer id> is Rs. <Amount>. Click <link> to pay online.
Bill Paid
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> has been paid for water charges for consumer id <new consumer id>. Pending Amount is Rs. <Amount>. Click <link> to download receipt
Feedback Collection
Dear <user>, Thank you for paying water charges. Please take this short survey and help us know more about water supply at <GPWSC>
Whatspp Message - Bill share
Whatsapp Message - Bill Payment
Dear <user>, Rs. <Amount> has been paid for water charges for consumer id <new consumer id>. Pending Amount is Rs. <Amount>. Click <link> to download receipt
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
On selection of “Modify Expense” Option, below search screen is shown for the users to search the Bill/s -
Search Criteria -
Vendor Name
Expense Type
Bill D
Search Result - Lists all the Expense bills matching the above search criteria
Bill ID
Type of Expense
Vendor Name
Bill Date
On Click of Bill id, the Expense Bill is displayed in edit mode based on the validations.
Clicking on the Dashboard on the home screen takes the user directly to the revenue dashboard of the current month. From here, the user can switch to the expenditure tab to get a view of expenses. This provides a tabular view of all expenses incurred in that month.
Following are the data points/actions needed on the screen
Search Expense Bills
Search by Bill ID or Vendor
The Vendor Name should be a partial match. As the user starts typing a consumer name, respective vendors get filtered in the table displayed below
Bill ID should be a partial match. As the user starts typing a New Bill ID, respective Bills should get filtered in the table displayed below
Default is “All” View. Switching to Paid or Pending filters the table accordingly. Alongside the filter, how many Bills fall into that filter is shown in numbers
The table also has sort options for each column (ascending, descending)
Bill ID - Vendor Name
Bill ID is assigned to each bill while creating an expense entry record
Sort happens on the Bill ID
Expense Type
Under which expense head the bill is tagged to
Bill Date
Paid Date
If Bill is not paid, this should show pending in RED
The table on the screen is a horizontal scrollable one with the left-most column fixed.
Users can click on the HouseHold Register on the home screen and navigate to this screen. This provides a single view snapshot of all pending collections by consumers till date.
HouseHold Register
As of Date
As of <Todays Date>
Search by consumer name or connection id
Partial match should be allowed.
Default is “All” selected
User can switch to “Pending” or “Paid” view. Based on selection, results are displayed in the table
Download PDF
Download PDF should download PDF format of Household Register with name of document as HH_Register_<Date>
WhatsApp Share
Should trigger same PDF as Whatsapp share
Connection ID
New Connection ID of the consumer. If there is a metered connection, an “M” in ⭕️ is shown alongside connection ID
Name of the consumer - Similar to Revenue dashboard truncate it to 20 characters and show 3 dots
Pending Collections
Total pending collections of the consumer till date.
The table has sort options by all columns.
The sorted and filtered table, as in the screen view, is exported into the PDF format dynamically on printing.
Clicking back takes the user back to the home screen.
Bills and Receipts can be downloaded by clicking on the card/tile named Download Bills & Receipts on the home page.
Clicking on this card takes the user to the consumer search page. Searching by a phone number/ connection ID redirects to the Household Detail page.
This is an option to download bills without clicking on collect payment.
UI Mockups on Figma
Product Documents & Resources
A step-by-step guide to using the mGramSeva App
mGramSeva is a standalone app-based module that enables the GPWSC committee to create new consumers, generates demand, revenue collection and recording the expenditure transaction etc.
mGramSeva enables GPWSCs to maintain financial records of GPWSCs following established procedures and practices.
This section of the user manual guides you through the user login process.
Sarpanch, Treasurer, Secretary and Revenue Collector as the first time user can log in to the mGramSeva app following the steps given in the section.
Click on the preferred language button. The app functions and screens will be available in the selected language.
Enter the registered mobile number and the Password received via SMS.
The user receives an OTP on the registered mobile number. Enter the OTP. Enter a New Password and retype the password to confirm in the Confirm New Password field. Follow the Password Hint on the screen while setting up the password.
Click on the Confirm button. The user password is now updated. Click on the Continue to Login button to log in with the new password.
Click on the relevant village tenant assigned to the user from the screen.
This redirects the user to the relevant mGramSeva functionalities available for the selected tenant.
Users can edit their profiles and change passwords as and when required. Click on the User icon on the top section of the screen. Click on Edit Profile to make profile changes.
Update Name, Gender, or Email ID as required. Make note that the registered Mobile Number cannot be changed. Save the changes.
Click on the Change Password button to change the password.
Click on the Create Consumer icon on the screen to create a new consumer.
This opens the Consumer Details screen. Enter the requested consumer details.
Father Name
Phone Number
Old Connection ID
Door Number
Street Name/Number
Ward Name/Number
Property Type
Service Type
Previous Billing cycle
Previous meter reading (if it is a metered connection)
Users can also edit the consumer details if any changes need to be made in the consumer record. Click on the Edit Consumer Details icon on the home screen to make necessary changes.
Check the option Mark this connection as Inactive to indicate that the given consumer connection is inactive.
Click on the Submit button to save these changes.
Search Consumer and Generate Payment: Metered and Non-Metered Connection.
Click on the Generate Demand icon on the home page to search for a consumer record once the consumer is created. The application enables the users to search a consumer record by Consumer’s Phone Number or Name of the Consumer or Old Connection ID or New Connection ID.
Click on the Search button to view the consumer records. Click on the View Consumer Details button to perform the necessary action.
Users can see the relevant information of a particular consumer. Click on Generate a New Bill button to create a fresh bill. Enter the Previous Meter Reading, New Meter Reading and Meter Reading Date. Click on Generate Bill. A fresh bill is generated for the consumer.
Once the bill is generated, the user can collect payment for the particular bill. Click on the Collect Payment button to collect the payment via cash or online payment.
Click on the phone icon in green to share the bill with the consumer via SMS.
Select Full Payment or Partial Payment to indicate whether the consumer is paying the bill amount in full or making a partial payment. Enter the Amount that is being paid by the consumer in case it is a Partial Payment.
Select the applicable Payment Method as either Cash or Online. Users can also provide the consumers with a scannable QR code to make the payment online.
Click on the Download button to download the payment receipt.
Click on the Share icon to send the receipt to the consumer via SMS.
Click on the Collect Payment icon on the home page to search for a consumer record by Consumer’s Phone Number or Name of the Consumer or Old Connection ID or New Connection ID.
Click on the Search button to view the consumer records. Click on the View Consumer Details button to perform the necessary action.
Click on the Collect Payment button to collect the payment via cash or online payment. Click on the Share Bill button to send the bill to the consumer on the registered mobile number via SMS.
Select Full Payment or Partial Payment to indicate whether the consumer is paying the bill amount in full or making a partial payment. Enter the Amount that is being paid by the consumer in case it is a Partial Payment.
Select the applicable Payment Method as either Cash or Online. Users can also provide the consumers with a scannable QR code to make the payment online.
Click on the Download button to download the payment receipt. Click on the Share icon to send the receipt to the consumer via SMS.
Once the payment is completed an SMS is sent to the consumer to take the survey on the water service.
Users can enter the expenses details as and when incurred. Click on the Add Expense icon on the home page.
Enter expense information like Type of Expense from the drop-down list available. Type of expenses can be Electricity, O&M, Salary & MISC etc.
Enter Vendor Name, Amount, Bill Date, Party Bill Date. Select Yes or No to indicate if the bill is paid or not. Click on Choose File button to attach a supporting document.
Enter the Payment Date if the bill is already paid before recording it into the system. Click on Submit to register the expense details.
The expenditure entry is saved successfully.
Click on the Modify Expenses icon on the home page to modify expense details. Enter the Vendor Name, or Type of Expense or Bill ID details to search for the specific expense record which needs to be modified.
The system shows the expense records filtered by the search parameter. Click on the Update Expenditure button to modify a particular bill.
Make the necessary modifications to the bill. Update the expense type, or vendor name, amount, or bill date details as required.
Click on Submit to save the changes. Check the Mark this Bill as Cancelled box to indicate that the bill is cancelled.
The Dashboard provides the stakeholders at the department level with a consolidated view of the information on Revenue and Expenditure trends month wise.
The Sarpanch, Treasurer and Secretary at the GPWSC level can view the collection details like Demand, Pending Collection, Actual Collection, Collection from Residential, Collection from Commercial and Collection from Others. The consumer wise collection details view is also available.
The Sarpanch, Treasurer and Secretary at the GPWSC level can view the expenditure details like total expenditure, amount unpaid, the amount paid, total bills, pending bills, bills paid, Electricity bills, O&M and salary. The individual expense wise details view is also available.
mGramSeva is built on top of the Platform. It consists of the following layers
Back End
Core Services
Business Services
Municipal services:
The sequence diagram below illustrates a typical interaction between the various services.
Clicking on the Dashboard on the home screen navigates the user to the revenue dashboard view for the current month. This provides a tabular view with the list of consumer records.
Following are the data points/actions needed on the screen
Demo Video
A quick walkthrough of mGramseva
Detailed version -
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Make sure the below-mentioned Permissions are Allowed or Accepted:
Internet Access
FileStore Read and Write
Bluetooth connection
Request Packages
Query all packages
Download the flutter sdk from
Install for setting the IDE.
Open Android Studio, Open plugin preferences (File > Settings > Plugins) and select Marketplace, select the Flutter plugin and click Install as shown in the below image and also click Yes when prompted to install the Dart plugin.
Set the Flutter SDK path in android studio by navigating to (File > Settings > Plugins > Language & Frameworks >>flutter) flutter as shown in the image below.
Add the flutter path to the System path variable for running the flutter commands as shown in the below image.
Open a new terminal and run the flutter doctor command, this will download the respective Dart sdk version, run flutter doctor --android-licenses to accept the android licenses.
Select the AVD manager from the right side top corner as shown in the image. Now, select any device by tapping on the play button. Thus, the Android studio launches the emulator and the device is auto-selected. There are two modes for running the application - play and debug. Tap on any one of the modes to launch the mgramseva application in the emulator as shown in the image.
Select the chrome option from device selection and tap on the play button. This launches the application on a chrome window.
Navigate to mgramseva Folder → cd punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva
+3 => version code (increment by +1 every time)
Executing flutter clean command → flutter clean
Execute the flutter pub get command. → flutter pub get
2. Connect your Phone to the system and enable File transfer.
3. Select the AVD manager(your Phone) from the right side top corner in Android Studio
4. Go to the frontend/mgramseva/utils/execute_integration.sh file and run it.
5. Integration test will start on your device.
→ {base url}/mgramseva/selectLanguage
User will be Landed/ Navigated to Language Selection Screen
APP → Initial Screen
Users can switch to different languages which the application supports
0 → Langage Selection Screen
Pop → Application closes
Widgets Utilised from Library
Tools and technologies used to setup, build and deploy mGramSeva stack.
DIGIT being an open-source platform, all the tools and tech stack used to build, deploy and operate DIGIT - are also d and community edition. The various tools used for this platform are listed below with the specific versions used and their short description.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
The steps below will guide us to run the project in both Web and Mobile 1. Clone the project from . 2. Open the project in android studio by selecting (File > open), select the flutter project (punjab-mgramseva/frontend/mgramseva) from the cloned path as shown in the image below.
Note: To resolve cors error follow the steps provided in this
Clone the Repo → git clone
.upgrading the version in the ( version: 1.0.2+3) 1.0.2 => version name (which displayed in playstore)
Replace the base Url with Prod Url. File → _baseUrl: window.location.origin + "/", => _baseUrl: " "
Comment the below line File → export 'dart:js' show allowInterop, allowInteropCaptureThis;
Download the key-store from the below link Add this properties file to the android app folder as shown in below image android → key.properties
Download the google service json from below link Add this json file to the android app folder as shown in below image android → app → google-services.json
Build the prod app bundle → flutter build appbundle Kindly check the attached drive link below which includes key-store, version tracker and also updated the version and release date in the sheet. Path → D:\mgramseva_prod\punjab-mgramseva\frontend\mgramseva\build\app\outputs\bundle\release\app-release.aab
1. Enable the USB debugging option on your Mobile Phone. ( )
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Click on to navigate to the next screen
Primary Files
Secondary Files
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Link to Learn Flutter -
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All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Stored Data
State Information for From MDMS Service
ex :pn_IN
Localisation codes
API EndPoint
Input Params (Modules)
To Fetch the Details
State Info
background Image
Languages Supported
ALL the necessary Modules, with locale key and tenant Id
To Load the Localised data
Widgets Library
Button Bar
Platform Tools
Latest Version
Used Version
License Type
Apache Kafka is an open-sourced and community distributed event streaming platform capable of handling trillions of events a day.
ZooKeeper is an open-source Apache project that provides a centralized service for providing configuration information, naming, synchronization and group services over large clusters in distributed systems. When working with Apache Kafka, ZooKeeper is primarily used to track the status of nodes in the Kafka cluster and maintain a list of Kafka topics and messages.
Zuul is an open-sourced edge service that proxies requests to multiple backing services. It provides a unified “front door” to your system, which allows a browser, mobile app, or other user interfaces to consume services from multiple hosts without managing cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and authentication for each one.
Elasticsearch is a distributed, free and open search and analytics engine for all types of data, including textual, numerical, geospatial, structured and unstructured.
Kibana is a free and open frontend application that sits on top of the Elastic Stack, providing search and data visualization capabilities for data indexed in Elasticsearch.
Fluent Bit is an open-source and multi-platform Log Processor and Forwarder which allows you to collect data/logs from different sources, unify and send them to multiple destinations. It's fully compatible with Docker and Kubernetes environments.
9.6 and 10.6
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance
Redis is an open-source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis provides data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyper logs, geospatial indexes, and streams.
Jaeger is open-source software for tracing transactions between distributed services. It's used for monitoring and troubleshooting complex microservices environments.
Dev Stack
Latest Version
Used Version
OpenJDK is completely open-source and can be used freely
Spring Boot is an open-source micro-framework maintained by a company called Pivotal. It provides Java developers with a platform to get started with an auto configurable production-grade Spring application.
React is one of Facebook's first open-source projects that is both under very active development and is also being used to ship code to everybody on facebook.com.
Material-UI CE (Community Edition) has been 100% open-source (MIT) since the very beginning, and always will be. Developers can ensure Material-UI is the right choice for their React applications through Material-UI's community maintenance strategy.
Node. js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.
DevOps Stack
Latest Version
Used Version
License Type
Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Docker, a subset of the Moby project, is a software framework for building, running, and managing containers on servers and the cloud.
Helm helps you manage Kubernetes applications — Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes.
Terraform allows infrastructure to be expressed as code in a simple, human-readable language called HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language).
Jenkins – an open-source automation server that enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software.
Go Lang
Go is an open-source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.
Apache Groovy is a powerful, optionally typed and dynamic language, with static-typing and static compilation capabilities, for the Java platform aimed at improving developer productivity thanks to a concise, familiar and easy to learn syntax.
Python software and documentation are licensed under the PSF License Agreement. Starting with Python 3.8.6,
sops is an editor of encrypted files that supports YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY formats and encrypts with AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault, age, and PGP.
Ansible is an open-source community project sponsored by Red Hat, it's the simplest way to automate IT.
GNU General Public License
YAML is a human-readable data serialization standard that can be used in conjunction with all programming languages and is often used to write configuration files.
Search Consumer records
Search by name or connection ID
Name should be a partial match. As the user starts typing a consumer name, respective consumers get filtered in the table displayed below
Connection ID should be a partial match. This is the new connection ID. As the user starts typing a New connection ID, respective consumers get filtered in the table displayed below
Default is “All” View. Switching to Residential or commercial filters table accordingly. Alongside the filter, how many consumers fall into that filter is shown in numbers
The table also has sort options for each column (ascending, descending)
Connection ID
New Connection ID of the consumer- this should be clickable, and take users to the HH details page
A metered connection should have “M” in a ⭕️ that is followed across as standard for metered connection
name of the consumer. Show until 20 Characters and truncate by showing 3 dots if the name is longer
Collections - Amount paid by the user in that month
→ {base url}/mgramseva/selectLanguage/login
Users are redirected to this screen once they select the preferred language in the previous screen
Users enter the registered Phone Number and Password.
Click on Continue.
First-time login users navigate to Reset Password Page.
Log in with the default password
YES → Reset Password/ Update Password Screen
NO → Home Screen
Phone Number*
End Point
Request Method
Request Info
username: {}
scope: read
grant_type: password
tenantId: {}
userType: EMPLOYEE
1 → Language Selection Screen. + Login Screen.
Pop → Language Selection Screen.
Widgets Utilised from Library
File Path
Text Field
→ {base url}/mgramseva/selectLanguage/login/updatepassword
Enter the OTP sent on the user’s 10 digit Mobile Number.
Set the new password for logging into the application.
Click on Change Password to apply new password credentials for the user.
Users can see the allocated Grama Panchayat name and code in the table.
This feature helps to Match with the user’s password and check if the Password contains
Minimum 6 digits
At least one special character ( !#$%^&...)
At least one letter
At least one number
Fetching the tenants from MDMS, based on the user roles in the user request filtering the tenants by comparing tenant Id.
Enter the OTP sent *
, 6 digit
Enter a New Password*
Confirm New Password
Match with New Password
End Point
Request Method
Request Info
"otpReference": {}, "userName": {}, "newPassword": {}, "tenantId": {}, "type": “Employee”
"MdmsCriteria": { "tenantId": tenantId, "moduleDetails": [ { "moduleName": "tenant", "masterDetails": [ {"name": "tenants"} ], }, ] }
1 → Language Selection Screen. + Login Screen + Update Password + Update password success
Pop → Login
Widgets Utilised from Library
File Path
Text Field
Password Hint Card
Users are redirected to this screen if they click on the Forgot Password link on the home screen.
This feature allows users to request OTP by entering a valid (the registered) mobile number.
Follow the steps below to set a new password -
Click on the Forgot Password link visible on the login screen
Enter a valid mobile number
Other steps are explained in the Reset Password Section.
Phone Number*
End Point
Request Method
Request Info
"otp": { "mobileNumber": {}, "tenantId": {}, "type": "passwordreset", "userType": "Employee" }
2 → Language Selection Screen. + Login Screen + ForgotPassword
Pop → Login Screen Screen.
Widgets Utilised from Library
File Path
Text Field
→ {base url}/mgramseva/selectLanguage/login/forgotPassword/resetPassword.
Enter the OTP sent on the user’s 10 digit Mobile Number.
Set the new password for logging into the application.
Click on Change Password to apply new password credentials for the user.
This feature helps to provide the users with a clear indication of what the password should contain. Acceptable passwords must contain -
Minimum 6 digits
At least one special character ( !#$%^&...)
At least one letter
At least one number
Enter the OTP sent *
, 6 digit
Enter a New Password*
Confirm New Password
Match with New Password
End Point
Request Method
Request Info
"otpReference": {}, "userName": {}, "newPassword": {}, "tenantId": {}, "type": “Employee”
1 → Language Selection Screen. + Login Screen + Forgot Password + Reset Password.
Pop → Forgot Password Screen.
Widgets Utilised from Library
File Path
Text Field
Password Hint Card
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/changepassword.
Enter the Current Password
Enter and Confirm a New Password to set the login credentials for next time login
Click the Change Password Button. The user login password is set to the new password.
This feature helps match the user password to the requirements and checks if the password contains
Minimum 6 digits
At least one special character ( !#$%^&...)
At least one letter
Atleast one number
Current Password*
No Validation
Set a New Password*
Confirm New Password*
Match with New Password
End Point
Request Method
Request Info
"userName": {}, "existingPassword": {}, "newPassword": {}, "tenantId": {}, "type": {}
1 → Home Screen. + Change Password Screen
Pop → Home Screen
Widgets Utilised from Library
File Path
Text Field
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/editProfile
User can change their profile name, gender and email on this screen
Click on the Save button triggers a Details Saved Successfully message on the screen and saves the changes to the profile.
r'^[a-zA-Z ]+$'
Email ID
End Point
Request Method
Request Info
"user": { "id": {}, "userName": {}, "salutation": null, "name": {}, "gender": {}, "mobileNumber": "9191919146", "emailId": {}, "altContactNumber": null, "pan": null, "aadhaarNumber": null, "permanentAddress": null, "permanentCity": null, "permanentPinCode": null, "correspondenceAddress": null, "correspondenceCity": null, "correspondencePinCode": null, "active": true, "locale": null, "type": "EMPLOYEE", "accountLocked": false, "accountLockedDate": 0, "fatherOrHusbandName": null, "relationship": null, "signature": null, "bloodGroup": null, "photo": null, "identificationMark": null, "createdBy": {}, "lastModifiedBy": {}, "tenantId": {}, "roles": [ {} ], }
1 → Home Screen. + Edit Profile Screen
Pop → Home Screen
Widgets Utilised from Library
File Path
Text Field
Radio Buttons for options
Users are redirected to this screen after successful login.
This screen consists of multiple sections and user interactions.
If the user is mapped to multiple tenants then a dropdown appears. The user can select the desired tenant to proceed further.
Once the user selects the tenant, the features cards are displayed on the screen based on the roles mapped for the selected tenant.
YES → WalkThrough/User Guidance Enabled
NO → Home Screen
If the user logs in for the first time a system walkthrough begins automatically.
Else, users can view walkthroughs any time by clicking on the help icon.
Create a global key for each card.
Create placeholder cards, pointer and description widgets.
On click, the position of the card is determined and the placeholder card appears on the overlay exactly.
Primary Files
Next → Changes the active index of the global key and repeats the same process outlined in the implementation logic
Home Screen - consists of multiple feature cards
Cards are displayed based on Role Access
The home screen also consists of notifications. The notifications are customized for each user ID and user role.
Individual API calls are made with the user ID and with the user role that merges both and notifications are displayed accordingly.
Enables employees to update consumer details.
Users are redirected to this screen/page when they click on the Update Consumer Details card
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/consumersearchupdate?Mode=update
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/consumersearchresult
It redirects to Search Connection Page in update
mode where users enter specific consumer details to search for consumers. The search result screen has the Edit Consumer button. Clicking on this button navigates the users to the Update Consumer screen.
consumer Name*
[A-Za-z ]
Spouse/Parent’s Name*
[A-Za-z ]
Phone Number*
Old Connection No
Door Number
Street Name/Number
Gram Panchayat Name*
None- Disabled
Property Type*
Service Type*
Meter Id
Meter Reading
Billing Cycle
Note: All fields are validated on Submit apart from the phone number which gets validated on change.
[{"moduleName":"ws-services-masters","masterDetails":[{"name":"connectionType"}]},{"moduleName":"PropertyTax","masterDetails":[{"name":"PropertyType"}]},{"moduleName":"BillingService","masterDetails":[{"name":"TaxPeriod","filter":"[?(@.service=='WS' && @.fromDate <= 1631989800000 && @.toDate >= 1631989800000)]
To get the Property Type and service Type and billing cycle values for the Dropdown
To get the values for Locality DropDow
, businessService
, tenantId
To Fetch Demand Details
, tenantId
To Fetch Property Type
, tenantId
On Demand this API is Made
Components utilised from Widgets Library
File Path
TextField Builder
RadioButtonField Builder
SearchSelectField Builder
DatePicker Builder
Enables employees to create new Consumers or Connections - The process of onboarding the end-users.
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/consumercreate
The Create Consumer card is available on the home screen as per the defined user role.
Click on the Consumer Create card navigates the user to the consumer creation screen.
Users enter the required details for the creation of Consumer.
If a user logs in for the first time then a walkthrough is populated following the same logic as in the home screen.
Note: All fields are validated on Submit except the Phone number which gets validated on change.
Consumer creation involves 2 sequential Process
Property Creation
Water connection Creation
After creating a property, the Property ID is linked to the WaterConnection Request JSON.
Water connection creation is of two types:
A metered connection that requires Meter ID and meter installation Date/ Last Meter Reading Date and an optional field to capture meter reading.
Non-Metered Connection which requires the last billing cycle as mandatory params captured in the field as shown below.
Users can switch between connection types by selecting a desired value from the Service Type DropDown.
Components utilised from Widgets Library
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/billmanualgenerate.
Users are redirected to this screen if they click on the Generate Demand card on the home screen.
This will be used in cases when the scheduler is not run (due to technical errors) and GP wants to run manually.
The service category displays water charges by default
The service type displays non-metered connection by default
Set the billing year from the drop-down which contains the list of financial years.
Set the Billing cycle which contains billing cycles for the selected financial year.
On Click of Generate Demand Button, Bulk Demand is generated and the user is navigated to the success screen.
The Billing Cycle drop-down shows a list of months starting from the selected financial year from Date month till current date month.
On selection of the desired month, the billing period value is set from the selected month’s first date to the selected month’s last date. (Eg. Selected Billing Cycle: June 2021, so Billing period: 01/07/2021 - 30/07/2021)
1 → Home Screen. + Generate Bulk Demand Screen
Pop → Home Screen
Widgets Utilised from Library
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/householddetails/billgenerate.
Users are redirected to the Generate New Bill screen if they click the Generate New Bill option in the household detail screen.
The service category defaults to water charges
The service type defaults to metered connection
The property type defaults to the selected property type of the consumer
Previous Meter Reading: Takes input from the user only for first time Bill generation and if the Previous meter reading is null, else it's defaulted if the meter reading is present.
New Meter Reading: Takes input from the user
Meter Reading Date: Defaulted to today’s date, the User can change it to the desired date.
Users have the option of downloading the bill or sharing it via Whatsapp
On click of the Collect Payment button, the user is navigated to the Payment Screen
1 → Home Screen + Household Details Screen + Generate Bill Metered
Pop → Household Details Screen
Widgets Utilised from Library
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/addExpense
Enables employees to add expenses - the process of onboarding the end-users.
Add Expenses card is available on the home screen for defined user roles having the EXPENSE PROCESSING permission.
Clicking the Add Expense Record tile/card on the home screen navigates the user to Add Expenses screen.
The user enters the required details to add the expenses for the vendors.
If a user logs in for the first time then a walkthrough is populated following the same logic as in the home screen.
Clicking on the Submit button navigates the user to the Expenditure Added Successful acknowledgement screen.
Whenever this application is used on mobile, it prompts the user with two options - Camera and File Picker. If the application is opened on desktop or laptop browsers, the camera option is not available. The user has to select an image from the folder.
The maximum supported file size is 5 MB.
For validating the form we use the Form widget. Once the user selects a bill date the Bill Pay option is enabled. Else, the auto validation process is enabled.
Based on the bill date, the party selection date is enabled. If the user selects the party selection date first, the bill date can be selected only after entering the party date.
Whenever the bill paid option is true, the paid date field is enabled and mandatory. The date selection range allows date input only after the bill date and before the current date.
Primary Files -
Note: All fields are validated on Submit apart from the Mobile number which gets validated on change.
1 → Home Screen. + Add Expense Screen
Pop → Home Screen
Widgets Utilised from Library
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/householdSearch?Mode=collect
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/consumersearchupdate?Mode=update
→ {base url}/mgramseva/home/householdReceiptsSearch?Mode=receipts
Users can search the consumer/connection with their Mobile Number / Name / Old Connection ID / New Connection ID ( Search with any one of these
Click on Search to get the household details of the Consumer/Connection
1 → Home Screen. + Search Connection Screen
Pop → Home Screen
Widgets Utilised from Library
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Users are redirected to the Update Password screen once they log in successfully the first time.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Users are redirected to this screen if they click on the Continue button on Forgot Password screen.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Users are redirected to this screen if they click on the Change Password option in the Side Bar app Drawer.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Users are navigated to this screen if they click on the Edit Profile option on the Side Bar app Drawer.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
skip, End → closes the overlay
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Primary Files - ,
Model → ,
View →
Controller → ,
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Primary Files:
Primary Files:
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
This feature allows the user to take a picture or choose a single file. The plugin is used to implement this.
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
Users are redirected to this screen once they click on the Collect Payment Card or the Update Consumer Details Card or Download Bills and Receipts Card on Home Screen.
Primary Files:
All content on this page by is licensed under a .
consumer Name*
[A-Za-z ]
Spouse/Parent’s Name*
[A-Za-z ]
Phone Number*
Old Connection No
Door Number
Street Name/Number
Gram Panchayat Name*
None- Disabled
Propert Type*
Service Type*
Meter Id
Meter Reading
Billing Cycle
[{"moduleName":"ws-services-masters","masterDetails":[{"name":"connectionType"}]},{"moduleName":"PropertyTax","masterDetails":[{"name":"PropertyType"}]},{"moduleName":"BillingService","masterDetails":[{"name":"TaxPeriod","filter":"[?(@.service=='WS' && @.fromDate <= 1631989800000 && @.toDate >= 1631989800000)]
To get the Property Type and service Type and billing cycle values for the Dropdown
To get the values for Locality DropDow
Billing Year*
Billing Cycle*
API EndPoint
Input Params (Modules)
To Fetch the Details of
from ws-services-masters
from BillingService
where service=='WS' && @.fromDate <= $datestamp && @.toDate >= $datestamp
End Point
Request Method
Request Info
"tenantId": {}, "billingPeriod": {}
Previous Meter Reading*
5 - digit reading
if Meter Reading < 5 digit, prepend zeroes
New Meter Reading*
5 - digit reading
if Meter Reading < 5 digit, prepend zeroes
Meter Reading Date*
Shows dates till today's date
API EndPoint
Input Params (Modules)
To Fetch the Details of
from ws-services-masters
from PropertyTax
from BillingService
where service=='WS'
End Point
Request Method
Request Info
"meterReadings": { "currentReading": {}, "currentReadingDate": {}, "billingPeriod": {}, "meterStatus": "Working", "connectionNo": {}, "lastReading": {}, "lastReadingDate": {}, "generateDemand": true, "tenantId": {}
Vendor Name*
[A-Za-z ]
Mobile Number*
[0-9] & is mandatory only if a new vendor is added
Type of Expense*
Bill Date*
Before Current Date and after party Bill Date.
Party Bill Date
Should be before the Bill Date
Bill Paid
Paid Date
After Bill date and less than current Date.
Attach Documents
Option to upload a single document, Supported files - PDF, JPEG, PNG (maximum 5MB)
[{"moduleName": "Expense", "masterDetails": [{"name": "ExpenseType"},]}, {"moduleName": "BillingService", "masterDetails": [{"name": "BusinessService"}, {"name": "TaxHeadMaster"},]}]
To get the Expense Type for the Dropdown
tenantId: {}
To get the list of vendors in the selected tenant for the suggestion text box - Vendor Name
Owner Mobile Number
Name of the Consumer
r'^[A-Za-z ]'
Old Connection ID
No Validation
New Connection ID
No Validation
End Point
Request Method
Request Info
tenantId: {}
oldConnectionNumber: {}
name: {}
connectionNumber: {}
mobileNumber: {}
Property Creation Request JSON
File Path
TextField Builder
RadioButtonField Builder
SearchSelectField Builder
DatePicker Builder
File Path
(Primary File)
(Secondary File)
Searchable Dropdown
Success Screen
File Path
Meter Reading 5 digit boxes field
(Primary File)
(Secondary File)
Searchable Drop down
Date Picker
Success Screen
File Path
Text Field
Suggestion Text Field
(Primary File)
(Secondary File)
Searchable Drop down
Date Picker
Success Screen
File Path
Text Field
Water Connection Request JSON defined in punjab-mgramseva/water_connection.dart at develop · egovernments/punjab-mgramseva
Create/Add new COA on iFix for a tenant
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
Captures the COA data as map
Based on the criteria get the list of COA.
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
The object contains all the search criteria of the fund
Create the new fiscal event
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
The object captures the fiscal information of external systems.
Based on the criteria get the list of events.
RequestHeader should be used to carry meta information about the requests to the server as described in the fields below. All eGov APIs will use requestHeader as a part of the request body to carry this meta information. Some of this information will be returned back from the server as part of the ResponseHeader in the response body to ensure correlation.
The object contains all the search criteria of the fiscal events