Follow the details below to set up your AWS account before you proceed with the DIGIT deployment.
Get AWS Access
Public Users
Sign up for the AWS account if you do not already have one. Use this link to get started
Assign Administrator Access to the IAM user for necessary permissions.
Use the AWS IAM Usercredentials provided for the Terraform (Infra-as-code) to connect with your AWS account and provision the cloud resources.
The system will generate a Secret Access Key and Access Key ID. Save the keys.
Open the terminal. Run the following command you have installed on the AWS CLI and use the credentials. (Provide the credentials and leave the region and output format blank).
Note: Make sure the profile name provided in the commands below is also used in the Terraform scripts same as the AWS profile.
aws configure --profile digit-quickstart-poc
AWS Access Key ID []:<Your access key>
AWS Secret Access Key []:<Your secret key>
Default region name []: ap-south-1
Default output format []: text