File Complaints
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To file a complaint -
Navigate to the home page of the citizen user. Click on File a Complaint.
Select Complaint Type from the given options. Click Next. If your complaint does not match any of the categories given in the list, select Others.
Choose Complaint Sub-Type from the list given for the selected complaint type. Click Next.
Provide the location details to Pin Complaint Location. Click Next. Click Skip and Continue if you are unable to pin the complaint location.
Enter the Pincode. Click Next. Click Skip and continue if you do not know the pincode for the complaint location.
Select the applicable City and the Locality/Mohalla to identify the location of the complaint. The list of localities is determined by the boundary master. Click Next.
Provide a Landmark for easy identification of the complaint spot. Click Next. Click Skip and continue if you are unable to provide a landmark.
Click on the camera icon to Upload complaint photos as evidence. Click Next. Click Skip and continue to proceed without the photos.
Provide additional details in the given box in the context of the complaint. Click Next.
Your complaint has been submitted. Make a note of the complaint number for future reference. Click on Go back to home page button to navigate to the landing page.