Setup and Implementation of Campaign

The logic for the step-by-step screens, stepper functionality, storing data in localStorage, creating/updating campaigns, and restructuring API data back into localStorage is all managed within SetupCampaign.js.

All screens are present in the given configuration. Link:

In the configuration:

  • stepCount represents the step number. Multiple configuration objects can share the same stepCount.

  • skipAPICall: If this is set to true, the API call for the screen is skipped.

  • sessionData: Local storage data is passed in custom props, allowing for custom logic to be added to the screens as needed.

export const CampaignConfig = (totalFormData, dataParams) => {
  return [
      form: [
          stepCount: "1",
          key: "1",
          name: "HCM_CAMPAIGN_TYPE",
          body: [
              isMandatory: false,
              key: "projectType",
              type: "component",
              skipAPICall: true,
              component: "CampaignSelection",
              withoutLabel: true,
              disable: false,
              customProps: {
                module: "HCM",
                sessionData: totalFormData,
              populators: {
                name: "projectType",

In setup campaign, we have functions to perform specific logic.

  • loopAndReturn: This function takes the delivery rule conditions coming from API response and restructure the data in local storage format.

  • cycleDataRemap: This function takes the delivery rules data coming from API response and return array of object of start date and end date based on cycles.

  • reverseDeliveryRemap: This function take the deliveryConditions from API response and return the structure of delivery data.

  • groupByTypeRemap: This function create the local structure of boundaries.

  • updateUrlParams: This function is using to update the url.

New Campaign & Implementing Local Storage

  • In a new campaign, we update the total form when a user clicks on next after entering the data.

  • After updating the total form data, we store the data in localStorage.

  • We also call the API to draft the data in case a user wants to come back and resume the campaign.

  • Refer to the following link:

Draft Campaign & Data Fetching

  • When a user clicks on the draft campaign, he/she can fetch campaign data from the response.

  • After getting a response, one can restructure the data in screen format and store in the local storage.

  • After updating, the user is redirected to the last screen where additional details are stored in response.

  • Refer to the following link:


  • Based on screens, a user can filter the configuration and show the the stepper based on the configuration.

  • Refer to the following link:

Last updated

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