Sync Service Package

The sync_service provides access to sync service related configurations and listeners - SyncEntityMapperListener, syncDownRetryCount, persistenceConfiguration


SyncBloc: Handles refresh and syncup

Data: The SyncEntityMapperListener is an abstract class that defines methods for handling sync entity mapping. This class provides methods for writing to the entity database, getting the sync count, handling entity responses, and updating entities. The SyncService class provides methods to perform sync operations - performSync, writeToEntityDB, getPendingSyncRecordsCount, filterEntityByBandwidth, filterOpLogByBandwidth, SyncError class

Repositories - RepositoryType - provides methods to get the remote and local repositories for a given data model type - getRemoteForType, getLocalForType PerformSyncDown - provides a method to perform a sync down operation. PerformSyncUp - provides a method to perform a sync up operation.

Models: Bandwidth Model

Getting Started

To use this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  sync_service: ^latest

Integrating with the HCM Application


Here are some examples of how to use the DataModel package in your project:

Extend the SyncUpOperation implement the required methods.

    class CustomSyncRegistry implements SyncUpOperation {

Extend the SyncEntityMapperListener class and implement the required methods.

    class SyncServiceMapper extends SyncEntityMapperListener {

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