User Manual
This user manual is designed to guide system admins, population data approvers, facility boundary assigners, and microplan estimation approvers to use Microplanning for health campaigns.
User Roles
System administrator - This user is responsible for setting up the microplanning platform, such as selecting campaign boundaries, setting up the data, configuring the microplan assumptions, etc. This user will belong to the national/country-level administrative hierarchy.
Population data approver - This user will have access to the microplan module to view, validate, and approve the population of the assigned jurisdiction such as province, district, etc. The approved population will be used for the estimation of resources of the microplan.
National population data approver - This is a national/central level population data approver who will have access to approve and finalise the population data for the villages/settlements within the campaign boundary.
Facility boundary assigner - This user will have access to the microplan module to assign the facilities to their catchment boundaries concerning the user’s assigned jurisdiction such as province, district, etc.
National facility boundary assigner - This is a national/central level user, who will have access to the microplan module to assign the facilities to their catchment boundaries and finalize the facility to catchment area assignment for the villages/settlements within the campaign boundary.
Microplan estimation approver - This user will have access to the microplan module to view, edit, and approve the microplanning estimation concerning the user’s assigned jurisdiction such as province, district, etc.
National Microplan estimation approver - This is a national/central level user, who will have access to the microplan module to view, edit, and approve the microplanning estimation and finalize the microplan estimation for the villages/settlements within the campaign boundary.
Steps to Use Microplanning
Step 1 - How will the system administrator set up the microplan?
System role involved: System Administrator
First, select the language before you can log in. Currently, three languages are supported:
Select the preferred language and click on 'Continue' to go to the login page.
(Note: Getting an account on HCM Microplanning: The implementation team will create the account for the system admin and the admin will be provided with a username and password to log into the account).
On the login page, enter the 'Username', 'Password', and the 'City' you are working in to log in to HCM Microplanning.
Once you log in, you will be landing on the homepage to take the next action.
Once you land on the homepage, you will see 3 different actions to choose from:
Set Up Microplan: This is the capability that you will use to set up the microplan for a health campaign.
Open Microplans: This is the capability that you will use to view the drafted and already created microplans.
User management: You will use this capability to register the users with different roles that are part of the microplanning process.
If this is the first time a microplan is being set up, you must create the users who will be primarily working on the different microplanning activities.
As a system administrator:
You must click on the "User Management" module to start with.
Once you click on the "User Management" module, you can see the list of users who are already registered for different microplanning roles. The user details that you will be able to see are:
Name: Name of the microplanning user
Email: Email ID of the microplanning user
Contact Number: Contact number of the microplanning user
Role: The role that is assigned to the microplanning user
This is the dashboard view that you will get once you land on the user management module. If this is a first-time setup, there will be no user details available in the dashboard.
You can search users using the ‘Name’ or ‘Contact Number’ search fields.
You can filter out some users belonging to a role using the role filter available in the dashboard.
If you need to add new users to the microplanning module, then click on the "Bulk Upload Users" feature.
In the bulk upload user page, you can see a button called "Download Template", which will be used to register new users to the microplanning module.
Once you click on the ‘Download Template’ button, you will be able to download an Excel sheet that you will use to enter the new user details that are part of the Microplanning module.
The content of the template are:
Read me: This sheet will have the details of how to fill the user template Excel and upload it for user registration.
User roles: This sheet will have the list of roles available for user registration and the description of each role.
Role mapping for each sheet: There will be a sheet defined in the template for each role available. Inside each of the role sheets, the system admin can fill in user details with -
- Name: Name of the user who will use the microplanning platform.
- Contact number: Contact number of the person who will use the microplanning platform.
- Email ID: Email ID of the person who uses the microplanning platform.
This is the template structure for adding the new user details.
Once the template is filled, you can upload the data and see a success message that the file has been uploaded successfully.
This is the screen that you will see when the template file is successfully uploaded.
This is the screen that you will see when the uploaded template file is successfully submitted.
Once the file is uploaded, you will be able to download the user credentials of the new users who are registered.
This is the capability that you will be able to download the user credentials of the registered users.
Content of the screen:
File name and attachment: This will have the name of the file with a hyperlink to view and download the file.
The downloaded file will have all the details of the file that was uploaded, along with the user login credentials for each of the users in the file.
The downloaded file will have the login credentials that were generated by the system itself for the first time when the file was uploaded and submitted successfully.
File uploaded by: This will show the name of the system administrator who uploaded and submitted the file.
File uploaded time: This will show the timestamp of the file uploaded by the system administrator.
Once the user creation step is completed, you can start with the microplan setup process.
As a system administrator:
Using this screen, you can capture the campaign details for which the microplanning needs to be done. The components of this screen are -
Disease identified for the campaign - By default ‘Malaria’ will be chosen as we are creating the microplanning for the assumptions of malaria. As and when new diseases come into the picture, we will add those diseases in the dropdown.
Type of campaign - Upon choosing the disease, you will be asked to choose the campaign type, which is either ‘Bednet’ or ‘SMC’. As and when new campaign types come into the picture, we will add those campaign types in the dropdown.
Resource distribution strategy - Upon choosing the campaign type, you will be asked to choose the distribution strategy, which is either ‘Fixed post’ or ‘House-to-House’ or ‘Fixed post & House-to-House’. Depending on the strategy chosen, the assumptions and resource estimation formula will be auto-configured in the platform.
Once you have chosen the required details, you can click on the "Save and Proceed" button to move to the next screen.
This is the screen that you will use to fill in the campaign details.
Using this screen, you can view the details of the campaign for which the microplanning needs to be done, and the user will be able to name the microplan accordingly for further use. The components of this screen are -
Campaign details - The campaign basic details chosen in the previous screen such as campaign disease, campaign type, and resource distribution strategy will be shown here.
Naming of microplan - The microplan name will be auto-suggested by the system. The structure of the microplan name is "Disease-CampaignType-Resource distribution strategy-MonthLast2digitsOfYear". The name is a suggested name and you can edit the microplan name if required. It’s a mandatory field.
Microplan naming format - This segment talks about the criteria for creating a microplan name if you want to self-create a microplan name. The naming conventions are:
- The name should be a minimum of 3 characters in length
- Only numeric values are not allowed
- Special characters -, _, (, ),& are only allowed
Once you have finalised the microplan name, you will have to click on the "Save and Proceed" button to move to the next screen.
This is the screen that you will use to edit and finalise the microplan name.
Once you have finalized the microplan name and campaign details, you will not be allowed to edit the campaign details if you save the details and move to the next screen.
You will see a warning pop-up to confirm if you want to save and move to the next screen:
This is the warning pop-up that you will see before you move to the next screen.
This step will let you select the existing boundary data in the system. (This is a mandatory field for moving to the next screen). The boundary data will have to be set up in the system beforehand at the time of instance creation and the same boundary data should be reused by the user for all campaigns in a given instance.
(Note: If you have not selected boundaries, you will not be allowed to move on to the next steps. For example: If the boundary data is set up for Mozambique, the user will see the whole boundary mapping for Mozambique that is available on the system. If there is a need for change, we will provide the contact information for the support team to update the boundary and the support team will update the boundary data).
The boundary selection for a campaign will happen through a mapped checkbox field as shown below. There is a drop-down-based selection for each level of the hierarchy:
This is the boundary selection screen that you will need to configure.
If a given boundary is selected in one level of the hierarchy, the next level will show boundaries mapped to only the ones selected in the previous level. You will not be able to make any selection at a given level without selecting the boundaries in the level above.
After you have selected the boundaries, click on the "Save and Proceed" button.
Here, you will set target and total population data for the microplan by default at the lowest level of the administrative hierarchy boundaries. This will be achieved by an Excel upload as explained below:
To set target and total population data, click on “Download Template” on this screen. You will download the template having all the boundaries in Excel with an empty column for setting population data.
Note: Each campaign will have its target-setting template: For example, the bednet campaign will have its template, and the SMC campaign will have its template.
The first tab/sheet will be the “Read Me” tab and will have the information on how you can set the targets for each village selected in the boundary selection screen.
The district-wise sheets will have the following structure:
Note: All the villages in the Excel will be listed based on the district they belong to, with one tab for each district having a list of the villages under them. For example, if you have selected 20 districts, you will see 20 tabs (one for each district) having all the villages belonging to that particular district.
You must adhere to the guidelines while entering the population data and uploading it for the microplanning estimation. The guidelines are below for population data upload -
The mandatory fields such as total population and target population data must be a whole number (For example, population can be 1234 and not 123.5)
The Latitude & Longitude fields should have data in Degree Decimal and Degree Minute Seconds (Value should be 12.3455 & not 12° 20' 43.7994")
Some of the validation you need to take care of while uploading the population Excel file:
You can’t upload a file with empty population data for one or more villages in the sheet
The population data for a village must be a whole number, else the file will not be uploaded
You can’t delete any of the columns in the file before uploading it
You can’t change the column structure in the file before uploading it
You can’t delete any of the sheets in the Excel before uploading it
You can’t upload a file with negative population data for a village in the sheet
You must adhere to the standard structure of the latitude & longitude before you upload the file with the latitude and longitude of the villages
Once you have uploaded the population data, click on "Save and Proceed" to move to the facility upload page.
This screen will be used for uploading the population data.
This screen shows the validation when the population file is uploaded successfully.
Once the population file is uploaded, you need to upload the facility sheet to configure the facilities that will be used in the microplanning process.
To configure the facility data for the microplan, you will have to download the facility upload sheet using the ‘Download Template’ button.
If you already have a facility registry set up in the instance where the microplan is getting configured, those facilities will be pre-populated in the downloaded template. You can also add new facilities in the template, which will be considered for the current microplan.
The facility template structure is below:
The facility template will have 3 different Excel sheets:
- Read me: This will help you know the steps to configure the facilities required for microplanning.-
- List of available facilities:
Facility Name: If the instance already has facilities defined, then you will be able to see the names of the facilities that are existing.
Facility Type: If the instance already has facilities defined, then you will be able to see the type of facilities that are linked to each facility. The facility type for an instance will be defined in the MDMS during instance creation.
Facility Status: If the instance already has facilities defined, then you will be able to see the status of the facilities that are existing. The facility status for an instance will be defined in the MDMS during instance creation.
Capacity: If the instance already has facilities defined, then you will be able to see the capacity of the facilities that are existing. The definition of capacity of the facility is defined in the MDMS during instance creation.
Facility usage: If the instance already has facilities defined, then you will be able to see the usage status of the facilities that are existing. ‘Active’ usage status means the facility is operational for the campaign and ‘Inactive’ usage status means the facility is non-operational for the campaign. The usage status is defined in the MDMS during instance creation.
Serving population per campaign: This will define the total population that can be served by the facility in a campaign.
Is fixed post?: If the instance already has facilities defined, then you will be able to see if the facilities will be catered as a fixed post. The fixed post tag will only be functional when the resource distribution strategy is either Fixed post or House-to-House & Fixed post (Mixed). For instance, the fixed post tag will be defined for a facility unless it is manually changed by the user.
Residing boundary code: The residing boundary code defines where exactly the facility resides. The user can tag the boundary where the facility resides using the residing boundary sheet. The residing boundary of the facilities will be saved for the instance and it can be changed as per the user’s requirement during the facility configuration. This will be a dropdown option.
Latitude & Longitude: Here the user will be asked to enter the latitude & longitude of the facility to be shown on the map. This is optional data.
- Boundary data: This sheet will give you the administrative boundary where the microplan is being set up. This will also give the boundary codes for each administrative boundary, which can be used for tagging the facilities to their respective boundaries.
You must adhere to the guidelines while entering the facility data and uploading it for the microplanning estimation. The guidelines are below for population data upload -
All the fields are mandatory and can't be empty, except the Latitude and Longitude fields
The Latitude & Longitude fields should have data in Degree Decimal and Degree Minute Seconds (Value should be 12.3455 & not 12° 20' 43.7994")
Some of the validation you need to take care of while uploading the population Excel file:
You must fill in all the mandatory fields before uploading the facility Excel file
For all the values of each column of data, you must choose the value from the dropdown to upload the Excel file
You can’t delete any of the columns in the file before uploading it
You can’t change the column structure in the file before uploading it
You can’t delete any of the sheets in the Excel before uploading it
You can’t upload a file with negative facility capacity for a facility in the Excel sheet
You must adhere to the standard structure of the latitude & longitude before you upload the file with the latitude and longitude of the villages
You must choose the correct facility residing code, from the Boundary code sheet, for tagging the facility to its boundary
Once you have uploaded the facility template, click on "Save and Proceed" to move to the facility upload page.
This screen will be used for uploading the facility data.
This screen shows the validation when the facility file is uploaded successfully.
Once the data management step is completed, you will be directed to the microplan assumption module.
Here, you will be asked some preliminary questions, the answers to which will provide an ideal estimate assumption form for you.
This is the screen for answering the preliminary questions.
Since you have chosen the resource distribution strategy as "House-to-House & Fixed post", you will have to answer the following questions:
How is the campaign registration process happening?
How is the campaign distribution process happening?
You can choose either House-to-House or Fixed post and depending on what you have selected, the microplan assumptions will be configured on the next page accordingly.
Here, once the previous questions are answered, you will move to the microplan assumption page to enter the microplan assumptions as per the campaign requirements.
This is the screen for entering the general assumptions for the microplan.
This is the screen for entering the registration assumptions for the microplan.
This is the screen for entering the distribution assumptions for the microplan.
This is the screen for entering the commodities assumptions for the microplan.
This is the screen for entering the vehicle assumptions for the microplan.
Here is the sheet containing the information for all the assumptions as per the campaign type and the distribution strategy:
All the assumptions shown above are configured as per the campaign type and distribution strategy chosen.
You can add a new assumption, if required, using the "Add assumption" button.
You can delete the already configured assumptions, if required, using the ‘Delete’ button beside the assumption.
Once all the assumptions are configured, click on "Save and Proceed" to move to the next section of the microplan formula configuration.
Once the assumptions are configured, you will be moved to the microplan formula configuration.
Here, you will be able to see the formulas that are pre-configured for the campaign type and distribution strategy chosen.
And you must configure the microplan assumptions properly as the formulas will be dependent on the assumptions you have configured.
This is the screen for viewing the general estimations formula.
This is the screen for viewing the registration estimations formula.
This is the screen for viewing the distribution estimations formula.
This is the screen for viewing the commodities estimations formula.
This is the screen for viewing the vehicle estimations formula.
Here is the sheet containing the information for all the estimation formulas as per the campaign type and the distribution strategy:
All the estimation formulas shown above are configured as per the campaign type and distribution strategy chosen.
You can add a new estimation formula, if required, using the "Add formula" button.
You can delete the already configured estimation formula, if required, using the ‘Delete’ button beside the pre-configured formula.
Once all the estimation formulas are configured, click on "Save and Proceed" to move to the next section of user access management.
Once the formula configuration has been completed, you will be moved to the user access management for configuring the users who will be performing the microplanning activities.
Here, you can choose and attach the selected users to the microplan.
This screen is for adding the users belonging to the ‘National Microplan estimation approver’ to the microplan using the "Assign National Microplan Estimation Approver" button.
This is the pop-up that you will use to search for the user to whom you want to assign the microplan.
This screen shows the users with the "National microplan estimation approver" role you added to this microplan. You can also un-assign the assigned users from the microplan using the ‘Unassign’ button.
This screen is for adding the users belonging to the "National facility boundary assigner" to the microplan using the "Assign National Facility Boundary Assigner" button.
This is the pop-up that you will use to search for the user to whom you want to assign the microplan.
This screen shows the users with the "National facility boundary assigner" role you added to this microplan. You can also un-assign the assigned users from the microplan using the ‘Unassign’ button.
This screen is for adding the users belonging to the "National population data approver" to the microplan using the "Assign National Population Data Approver" button.
This is the pop-up that you will use to search for the user to whom you want to assign the microplan.
This is the screen that shows the users with the "National population data approver" role that you have added to this microplan. You can also un-assign the assigned users from the microplan using the ‘Unassign’ button.
This screen is for adding the users belonging to the "Microplan estimation approver" to the microplan using the ‘Assign Microplan Estimation Approver’ button.
This is the pop-up that you will use to search for the user to whom you want to assign the microplan.
This is the screen that shows the users with the "Microplan estimation approver" role that you have added to this microplan. You can also un-assign the assigned users from the microplan using the ‘Unassign’ button.
This screen is for adding the users belonging to the "Facility boundary assigner" to the microplan using the "Assign Facility Boundary Assigner" button.
This is the pop-up that you will use to search for the user to whom you want to assign the microplan.
This screen shows the users with the "Facility boundary assigner" role you added to this microplan. You can also unassign the assigned users from the microplan using the ‘Unassign’ button.
This screen is for adding the users belonging to "Population data approver" to the microplan using the "Assign Population Data Approver" button.
This is the pop-up that you will use to search for the user to whom you want to assign the microplan.
This is the screen that shows the users with the "Population data approver" role that you have added to this microplan. You can also un-assign the assigned users from the microplan using the ‘Unassign’ button.
Now that you have assigned the required users to the microplan, you can click on "Save and Proceed" to go to the next and final phase of the microplan setup.
You are now at the last leg of setting up the microplan.
In the summary screen, you can view all the tabs and make edits before finalising the microplan setup.
This summary screen shows you all the tabs of microplan configuration.
This is the finalised microplan setup screen. Once the microplan setup is done, you cannot make any changes in the microplan. Now the microplan is ready for the next set of activities to be executed.
Here, you will click on "Open Microplan" to view the list of the microplans that are either in created or in drafted status.
The microplan can be in any of the following statuses at a time:
Drafted: This status indicates that the microplan is partially configured and the setup isn’t completed yet.
Completed setup: This status indicates that the microplan setup has been completed and now the microplanning activities can be started.
Validation in progress: This status indicates that the microplan validation process has started.
Microplan finalised: This status indicates that the microplan estimation has been finalised and completed.
The dashboard has a total of 6 columns:
Name of the microplan: It indicates the name of the microplan
Status of microplan: It indicates the current status of the microplan
Campaign disease: It indicates the campaign disease for the microplan
Campaign type: It indicates the type of the campaign for the microplan
Distribution strategy: It indicates the distribution strategy of the campaign for the microplan
Action: It indicates the action that can be taken in the microplan.
Available actions are -
Edit microplan: If the microplan status is drafted, you can edit the microplan before finalizing it.
View summary: If the microplan setup is completed, you can only view the summary of the microplan. You will not be able to edit the microplan.
Download: If the microplan estimation is finalised, you can download the microplan estimation in Excel format.
This is the view of the ‘Open microplan’ dashboard.
Step 2 - How will the population data be validated and approved for microplan estimation?
System role involved: National population data approver, Population data approver
You must first select the language before you can log in. Currently, 3 languages are supported for the HCM Microplanning platform. They are:
Select the preferred language and click on 'Continue' to go to the login page.
(Note: Getting an account on the HCM Microplanning platform: The microplanning users with different roles will have their account created by the system admin and will be provided with a username and password to log in to the account).
On the login page, enter the 'Username', 'Password', and the 'City' you are working in to log in to the HCM Microplanning platform. You need to use the login credentials belonging to the ‘Population data approver’ or ‘National population data approver’ roles.
Once you log in, you will be landing on the homepage to take the next action.
Once you are on the home page, you will be able to see the "My Microplan" segment.
This is the view of the "My Microplans" segment.
By clicking the "My Microplan" segment, you will be able to see the list of Microplans that you are part of.
This is the dashboard that will show you the list of microplans assigned to you.
The data points that are available on this dashboard are:
Name of Microplan: This field will show you the name of the microplan assigned to you.
Status: This field will show the status of the microplans assigned to you. A microplan can be in either of the following statuses:
- Completed setup: This status means that the assigned microplan setup is completed and it’s ready for validation activities.
- Validation in progress: This status means that the assigned microplan is being validated by the assigned microplanning users.
- Microplan finalised: This status means that the assigned microplan’s estimation has been reviewed and finalized by the validation team.
Campaign Disease: This field will show you the campaign disease for which the microplan was set up.
Campaign Type: This field will show you the type of campaign for which the microplan was set up.
Distribution Strategy: This field will show you the distribution strategy that is considered for the campaign assigned to the microplan.
Action: This button will let you take the set of actions you want to perform in the selected microplan.
You can also search a microplan using the ‘Microplan Name’ search on top.
Once you choose the microplan on which you want to act, you will be redirected to an activity selection screen.
This is the view for the activity selection screen.
Once here, if you are logged in as a "Population data approver" role, you will have to click on the "Validate & Approve Population Data" tab. The population data will refer to the top-down uploaded population data by the system administrator while setting up the microplan.
This is the first and the critical step, without the validation and finalization of the population data, you will not be able to move ahead with other activities.
You will click on the "Validate & Approve Population Data" tab, and you will be redirected to the population validation page where you need to validate the population for each village or settlement under your jurisdiction.
This is the view for the population validation screen.
In this dashboard you will be able to see:
- List of villages that are assigned to you and others for validation. You can filter out the villages that are assigned to you and others by using the tabs "Assigned to me" and "Assigned to all".
- List of villages as per their validation status. You can filter out the villages with different statuses such as:
Pending for validation: This status shows the list of villages under your jurisdiction and has not been validated yet.
Pending for approval: This status shows the list of villages under your jurisdiction and has not been approved yet. You will only see villages in this status if any of your subordinates have updated the target or total population data for the villages under their jurisdiction and they have sent the villages to you for approving the changes made.
Validated: This status shows the list of villages under your jurisdiction and has been validated either by you or your subordinates or your supervisors.
- You can also filter out the villages concerning their administrative hierarchy and administrative area using the filters available at the top.
- In the village details, you will be able to see:
Village name: This indicates the name of the villages assigned.
Assignee: This indicates the name of the person responsible for validating the village population data.
Uploaded total population: This indicates the total population data that was uploaded by the central team or system administrator while setting up the microplan.
Confirmed total population: This indicates the total population data for the village, which will be used for microplan estimation. Here, the uploaded total population will be the same as the confirmed total population.
Uploaded target population: This indicates the target population data that was uploaded by the central team or system administrator while setting up the microplan.
Confirmed target population: This indicates the target population data for the village, which will be used for microplan estimation. Here, the uploaded target population will be the same as the confirmed target population.
Status logs: This indicates the status of each village (Validated, Sent for correction, or Approved), who changed the status, at what time the status was changed and what was the reason for the change.
Note: There will be a couple more columns such as confirmed and uploaded target population as per age groups for the SMC campaign.
This is the view of the status logs.
Now, if you agree to the confirmed population data in this dashboard, you will have to choose the villages and click on the ‘Validate’ button to validate the village population data.
Once you click on the ‘Validate’ button, you will be asked to enter a comment/reason for validation. This is non-mandatory and can be made mandatory depending on the microplan requirement.
This is the screen for validating the village population data.
This is the pop-up for adding a reason/comment of validation. Adding a reason/comment is non-mandatory.
In case you aren’t aligned with the confirmed population data of the village, you can click on the ‘edit’ button beside the confirmed population data to update it.
Once you update the confirmed population data, that particular village will move to the "Pending for approval" status of your supervisors to validate & approve the data.
This is the pop-up screen for editing/updating the village population data.
This is the pop-up for adding a reason/comment for sending the data for approval. Adding a reason/comment is non-mandatory.
Now, if you log in with a superior role such as "National population data approver", you will be able to see the villages that are assigned to you for approval.
As a supervisor with a "National population data approver" role, you will be able to take either of the following actions on the villages assigned to you:
You can send back the data for correction: If you are not aligned with the population data update done by your subordinate, you can choose to send back the village data to your subordinate with a valid reason for rejection.
You can approve the changes made in the village population data: If you are aligned with the population data update done by your subordinate, you can choose to approve the data with a reason for approval. Again, adding reason is a non-mandatory step.
This is the screen showing the list of villages that are pending for approval.
This is the pop-up you will get if you choose to send back any village data for correction. Adding the comment/reason is non-mandatory.
This is the pop-up you will get if you choose to approve the village data. Adding the comment/reason is non-mandatory.
Once the villages are validated, you should be able to see them in the ‘Validated’ bucket. Here, if you are not aligned with any of the village data that is validated, you will have the ability to send back the data for correction to the subordinate, who had earlier validated the data.
This is the dashboard showing the villages that are already validated. You get an option to send back any of the villages for correction if you are not aligned with the validated population data.
This is the pop-up you will get if you choose to send back any village data for correction. Adding the comment/reason is non-mandatory.
Once all the villages under your jurisdiction are validated, you should be able to see the villages in the ‘Validated’ bucket. You can go back to the home screen since your activity is completed.
This is the dashboard view when all the villages, under your jurisdiction, are validated.
Here, if all the users assigned to the "Population data approver" role have validated all the villages under their jurisdiction, the user with the "National population data approver" role will get a button called "Proceed To Finalise Population Data" to finalise the population data for the campaign boundaries. Once the population data is finalized, the same population data will be used for the microplan estimations.
This is the view that the "National population data approver" gets once all the villages in his jurisdiction are validated.
This is the pop-up that the "National population data approver" gets once he clicks on the "Proceed To Finalise Population Data" button.
This screen shows that the population data has been finalised for microplan estimation.
You can now click on the ‘Go back to home’ button to go back to the "My Microplans" dashboard, as your assigned activity has been completed.
Step 3 - How will the facility to catchment area mapping be done?
System role involved: National facility boundary assigner, Facility boundary assigner
You must first select the language before you can log in. Currently, 3 languages are supported:
Select the preferred language and click on 'Continue' to go to the login page.
(Note: Getting an account on the HCM Microplanning platform: The microplanning users with different roles will have their account created by the system admin and will be provided with a username and password to log in to the account).
On the login page, enter the 'Username', 'Password', and the 'City' you are working in to log in to the HCM Microplanning platform. You need to use the login credentials belonging to the "Facility boundary assigner" or "National facility boundary assigner" roles.
Once you log in, you will be landing on the homepage to take the next action.
Once you are on the home page, you will be able to see the "My Microplan" segment.
This is the view of the "My Microplans" segment.
By clicking on the "My Microplan" segment, you can see the list of Microplans that you are part of.
This is the dashboard that will show you the list of microplans assigned to you.
Once you choose the microplan on which you want to act, you will be redirected to an activity selection screen.
This is the view for the activity selection screen.
Once here, if you are logged in as a "Facility boundary assigner" role, you will have to click on the "Assign Facilities To Villages" tab.
This is the second step, without finalizing the facility-boundary assignment mapping, you will not be able to move ahead with the next activity.
You will click on the "Assign Facilities To Villages" tab, which will redirect you to the facility assignment screen where you will need to assign the facilities under your jurisdiction to their respective catchment boundaries (Example: villages).
This is the dashboard view you will see when you log in as either the "Facility boundary assigner" or "National facility boundary assigner" role.
In this dashboard, you will be able to:
Search and filter facilities as per the "Facility name", "Facility type", "Facility status", and "Administrative area".
Tabular view of data having below points:
Facility Name: This indicates the name of the facility assigned to you.
Facility Type: This indicates the type of facility assigned to you.
Facility Status: This indicates the status of the facility assigned to you.
Capacity: This indicates the storage capacity of the facility. It can be either ‘Bales’ for the LLIN campaign or ‘SPAQs’ for the SMC campaign.
Assigned Villages: This indicates the count of villages that are assigned to the chosen facility.
Serving Population: This indicates the sum of the target population of the villages that will be served by the chosen facility.
Fixed Post: This indicates if the facility is fixed post or not.
Administrative Area: This indicates the administrative boundary to which the facility is mapped.
Assign: Assign indicates that you can either assign some villages or administrative boundaries to the facility for defining the catchment area or you can de-assign the some villages or administrative boundaries that are already assigned to the chosen facility.
You will click on the ‘Assign’ button, which will redirect you to the boundary assignment/assignment dashboard.
Here, you can see 2 different tabs, one that shows the list of villages, that are not assigned to any facility called the ‘Unassigned Villages’ tab, and the other that shows the list of villages, that are already assigned to the chosen facility called "Assigned Villages" tab.
This is the view for de-assigning or assigning the villages to the chosen facility.
In the "Unassigned Villages" tab, you will see the list of villages that are yet to be assigned to a facility for defining their service boundary.
On this page, you can filter out the villages as per their administrative hierarchy and administrative areas from the filter segment above.
You can select one or more villages that can be considered as the catchment boundaries for the chosen facility and then click on "Add to facility" to add the selected villages to the chosen facility.
This is the view that you will get once you choose the villages for the facility assignment.
Once the villages are assigned to the facility, you will be able to see the assigned villages in the "Assigned Villages" tab. The assigned villages define the catchment boundary for the chosen facility.
On this page, you can filter out the villages as per their administrative hierarchy and administrative areas from the filter segment above.
You can select one or more villages that can be de-assigned from the chosen facility. Once de-assigned, the village will not be part of the catchment boundary of the facility anymore. The de-assigned villages can be reassigned to the chosen facility from the "Unassigned Villages" tab.
This is the view that you will get once the villages are assigned to the chosen facility. You can choose to de-assign the villages from this dashboard.
Once all the villages under the campaign boundary are assigned to their catchment or service facilities, then, if you are logged in as a ‘National facility boundary assigner’, you can see a button called "Proceed To Finalise Facility Assignment".
This is the button you will see as a "National facility boundary assigner" once all the villages under the campaign boundary have been assigned to their catchment facility.
If you are logged in as a "National facility boundary assigner", you can see and click on "Proceed To Finalise Facility Assignment" to finalise the facility assignment for the campaign boundary.
Here, once you click on this button, you will be shown a pop-up asking you to verify the facility assignment and then finalize the assignment. Once finalized, you can make any changes to the facility assignment.
This is the warning pop-up you will see when you try to click on the "Proceed To Finalise Facility Assignment"’ button.
Once you click on the button shown in the pop-up called "I Want To Finalise", you will see the activity completion screen showing the facility assignment is completed successfully.
This is the screen you will see when the facility assignment is completed.
You can now click on the "Go back to home" button to go back to the "My Microplans" dashboard, as your assigned activity has been completed.
Step 4 - How will the microplan estimations be validated and approved?
System role involved: Microplan estimation approver, National microplan estimation approver
You must first select the language before you can log in. Currently, 3 languages are supported for the HCM Microplanning platform. They are:
Select the preferred language and click on 'Continue' to go to the login page.
(Note: Getting an account on the HCM Microplanning platform: The microplanning users with different roles will have their account created by the system admin and will be provided with a username and password to log in to the account).
On the login page, enter the 'Username', 'Password', and the 'City' you are working in to log in to the HCM Microplanning platform. Use the login credentials belonging to the "Microplan estimation approver" or "National microplan estimation approver" roles.
Once you log in, you will be landing on the homepage to take the next action.
Once you are on the home page, you will be able to see the "My Microplan" segment.
This is the view of the ‘My Microplans’ segment.
By clicking on the ‘My Microplan’ segment, you can see the list of Microplans that you are part of.
This is the dashboard that will show you the list of microplans assigned to you.
Once you choose the microplan on which you want to act, you will be redirected to an activity selection screen.
This is the view for the activity selection screen.
Once here, if you are logged in as a ‘Microplan estimation approver’ role, click on the "Validate & Approve Microplan Estimations" tab.
This is the third and final step where the microplan estimation for all the villages under your jurisdiction needs to be validated and finalized for executing the microplan.
Once you click on "Validate & Approve Microplan Estimations", you will be redirected to the dashboard to validate the microplan estimations for the administrative areas under your jurisdiction.
This is the dashboard for validating & approving the microplan estimation for the administrative areas under your jurisdiction.
In this dashboard you will be able to see:
Administrative hierarchy and administrative are filters to filter out administrative areas under a specific administrative hierarchy.
‘Assign to me’ or ‘Assign to all’ filters will show you the list of villages that are yet to be validated by either you, or your subordinates, or your supervisors.
Status filter to filter out the administrative areas or villages as per their status. The filters are:
Pending for validation: This status shows the list of villages under your jurisdiction and has not been validated yet.
Validated: This status shows the list of villages under your jurisdiction and has been validated either by you or your subordinates or by your supervisors.
In the tabular view of the data, you will be able to see the microplan estimation data for all the villages under your jurisdiction. The columns shown in the dashboard will change depending on the campaign type and distribution strategy chosen.
The tabular data will have the list of microplan estimations, for the villages, that need to be validated by either you, or your supervisor, or your subordinate.
Once you have checked the microplan estimations for all the villages under your jurisdiction and if you are fine with the estimation numbers, you can click on the villages that you want to validate and then click on the ‘Validate’ button.
Once you click on the ‘Validate’ button, the selected villages will move away from the ‘Pending for validation’ bucket to the ‘Validated’ bucket.
Any action that you take in the dashboard for a village will be recorded and can be seen by anyone using the "Status logs" button.
This is the view of the dashboard to validate the microplan estimation for the concerned villages.
This pop-up will be shown to you when you click on the ‘Validate’ button. You, as a microplan estimation approver, can enter any comment or reason for validating the microplan estimation for the villages chosen. Entering any comment or reason is non-mandatory.
This is the status logs pop-up showing the status of the village, who made the status change and when was the change recorded.
Once the villages are validated, you can see the list of villages in the ‘Validated’ bucket.
If you log in as a superior administrative hierarchy "Microplan estimation approver" or "National microplan estimation approver" role, you can validate if the villages validated by your subordinates are correct.
If you are not aligned with the validation done by your subordinates, you can always send back the village data for correction to the person who had validated the villages. This can be done using the button called ‘Send back for correction’.
Any action that you take in the dashboard for a village will be recorded and can be seen by anyone using the ‘Status logs’ button.
This is the view of the dashboard for checking the data and sending back the data for correction.
This pop-up will be shown to you when you click on the "Send back for correction" button. You, as a microplan estimation approver, can enter any comment or reason for sending back the village data for correction for the villages chosen. Entering any comment or reason is non-mandatory.
Once all the villages under the approver’s jurisdiction are validated, then, if you are logged in as a "National microplan estimation approver", you will be able to see a button called ‘Proceed To Finalise Microplan Estimation’.
This is the button you will see as a ‘National microplan estimation approver’ once all the villages under the campaign boundary are validated.
If you are logged in as a "National microplan estimation approver", you will be able to see and click on the "Proceed To Finalise Microplan Estimation" to finalise the microplan estimation for all the villages under the campaign boundary.
Here, once you click on this button, you will be shown a pop-up asking you to validate the estimation before you finalise the microplan estimations.
This is the warning pop-up you will see when you try to click on the "Proceed To Finalise Facility Assignment" button.
Once you click on the button shown in the pop-up called "I Want To Finalise", you will see the activity completion screen showing the microplan estimation is completed successfully.
This is the screen you will see when the microplan estimation is finalised.
You can now click on the "Go back to home" button to go back to the "My Microplans" dashboard, as your assigned activity has been completed.
Once the microplan is finalised, you will be able to download the microplan estimations in an Excel spreadsheet.
This is the view where you will see the microplans that are finalised and you will be able to download the microplan estimations using the "Download Estimation" button.
Last updated
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