Assign Facility To Villages
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The Facility Catchment Assigner role is responsible for mapping campaign facilities/points of service (POS) to their respective catchment villages. This mapping ensures that estimation of resources for campaign can be done accurately based on the facilities/POS and the villages assigned to them.
Role Code
Facility Catchment Mapper
Responsible for assingning facility to villages
Root Facility Catchment Mapper
Has additional permissions, including the ability to finalize catchment mapping
Assign Facilities to Villages:
Map facilities/POS to the villages within their assigned administrative boundaries.
Monitor Facility and Village Mappings:
Ensure that all villages and facilities are appropriately mapped for the campaign.
Microplan Name:
Displays the name of the current microplan being worked on.
Logged-in User:
Displays the role and account of the logged-in user (Facility Catchment Assigner).
The dashboard provides a summary of the facilities and villages that are part of the user's administrative boundaries.
Villages with Mapped Facilities/POS:
Displays the count of villages assigned to mapped facilities/POS within the administrative boundary.
Facilities with Mapped Villages:
Displays the count of facilities that have assigned villages in the administrative boundary.
The following master details are part of the Facility Catchement Mapping:
Facility Type: The type of facility (e.g., Warehouse, Health Post).
Facility Status: Status of the facility (e.g., Permanent, Temporary).
Residing Village: The villages where the facilities are located.
MDMS Data is fetched from:
Facility Search:
Allows the user to search for specific facilities based on partial string matches.
Facility Type: Filters by the type of facility (e.g., Warehouse, Health Post).
Facility Status: Filters by the facility's status (e.g., Permanent, Temporary).
Is Fixed Post?: Filters by whether the facility is a fixed post or not.
Residing Village: Filters by the villages where the facilities are located.
The following details are available for each facility in the dashboard:
Facility Detail
Facility Name
Displays the name of the facility.
Facility Type
Displays the type of facility (e.g., Warehouse, Health Post).
Facility Status
Displays whether the facility is permanent or temporary.
Shows the facility's capacity (e.g., Bales for bednets or Blisters for SMC campaigns).
Assigned Villages
Shows the number of villages assigned to the facility.
Serving Population
Displays the total population being served by the facility.
Fixed Post
Indicates if the facility is a fixed post.
Residing Village
Shows the name of the village where the facility resides.
When the user clicks on a facility or assign button in facility row, a popup window opens displaying essential details about the selected facility, as well as options for managing unassigned and assigned villages for this facility.
Once all villages are assigned to their respective facilities and the mappings are complete, the national level facility catchment assigner can finalize the assignment.
Finalization Process
Finalize Mapping:
A “Finalize facility to village assignment” button will be available to finalize the facility-to-village mapping.
After finalizing the facility catchment mapping a success screen will be shown, indicating that facility assignment is done.
Once finalized, no further changes can be made, and the microplan estimation for the campaign will be triggered.
Finalized Mapping View:
After finalization, the mapping cannot be modified, and the dashboard will display the finalized assignments for reference.
6.End Points
Search for facilities
{ "PlanFacilitySearchCriteria": { "limit": 10, "offset": 0, "tenantId": "mz", "planConfigurationId": "297699ef-0041-4421-a4ae-acdd89c78e80", "jurisdiction": ["MICROPLAN_MO"], "facilityName": "", "residingBoundaries": [] } }
Search for project types
{ "CampaignDetails": { "tenantId": "mz", "ids": ["395adc89-6030-4347-ae5c-32a059f5aae5"] } }
Fetch chart data
{ "aggregationRequestDto": { "visualizationType": "METRIC", "visualizationCode": "totalFacilitiesWithMappedVillages", "filters": { "COUNTRY": ["MICROPLAN_MO"], "planConfigurationId": ["297699ef-0041-4421-a4ae-acdd89c78e80"], "tenantId": ["mz"] }, "moduleLevel": "MICROPLAN-FACILITY" }, "headers": { "tenantId": "mz" } }
Search census data
{ "CensusSearchCriteria": { "tenantId": "mz", "facilityAssigned": false, "source": "297699ef-0041-4421-a4ae-acdd89c78e80", "jurisdiction": ["MICROPLAN_MO"] } }
Search for employees assigned to a plan
{ "PlanEmployeeAssignmentSearchCriteria": { "tenantId": "mz", "active": true, "planConfigurationId": "297699ef-0041-4421-a4ae-acdd89c78e80", "employeeId": ["55392d76-9d87-4d4f-9ae9-2f44ff6968f2"], "limit": 5, "offset": 0 } }