Add Expense
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The Add Expense feature enables users to add expense details.
The expense entry for the O&M is captured on this screen.
On selecting the option “Add Expense Record” from the list of tiles/cards on the home page, the user is navigated to the expense entry screen. The screen displays the following fields.
Vendor Name
Text (With Suggestions dropdown)
Name of the Vendor. The suggestion list is shown as the user entry is done for every character. The new Name will also create a Vendor Register.
Type of Expense
Drop Down
Type of expense list From Master
Expense amount for the Bill
Bill Date
Date on which the bill is to be recorded in the registers. Validation - Before Current Date and after party Bill Date.
Party Bill Date
Date on which the Party/vendor bill was issued. Validation - Before the Bill Date.
Bill Paid
Radio Buttons
With option Yes/No. To update status if it is paid. If yes, “Paid Date” is captured.
Paid Date
Date on which the bill is paid. Displayed if the Bill paid option is selected as “Yes”. Validation - After Bill date and less than current Date.
Attach Documents
Doc Attachments
Option to upload documents (Max of 5). Supported files - PDF, JPEG, PNG. Should show required validation for other types of files.
On click, the consumer master gets created with the detail entered above. The new connection id also should get generated as per the configuration.
On Submitting, the Expense entry gets created with a Bill number assigned. The Bill number generated would be based on logic defined as - “EB-<FY>-<4 digits running seq No>”
On Successful creation of expense entry, an acknowledgement screen is shown “Expense Entry successful” along with the Bill Number.