Create Consumer
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The household masters have to be created in the system to initiate the demand generation and collection process. These are consumers also referred to as the household that avails the water connection and supply on regular basis.
Select the Create Consumer option from the list of tile/cards on the home page. This redirects the user to the Create Consumer page.
Data element details for the consumer are listed in the table below -
Field Name
Mandatory Y/N
Consumer’s Name
Name of the household or connection owner.
Male, Female, Transgender
Father's Name
Name of the father of the owner
Mobile Number
Mobile number for the consumer
Old Connection id
Alpha Numeric
Old connection id or ref number for reference
Door Number
Alpha Numeric
Address details with door number for the connection
Street No/Street Name
Alpha Numeric
Street number or name of the house for the connection
Drop Down
For a tenant which has a single ward, the ward field is not shown
For a tenant which has multiple wards, the ward field is shown as a single select dropdown
Gram Panchayat
For info. the GP or tenant in which the connection master is created.
Property Type
Drop Down
Dropdown with the list of property types from Master ( Ex - Residential, Commercial, Mixed, etc)
Service Type
Drop Down
Dropdown with the list of service types from Master (Ex - Metered, Non-metered)
Meter Number
Alpha - Numeric
Only for Metered connections - Meter number will be attached to consumer respectively
Previous meter reading date
Date selection
Only for Metered connections - This field is used to tag arrears to a demand. Less than current Date.
Previous meter reading
Only for Metered connections - This field is used to attach arrears to a demand.
Last Billing Cycle Billed
Drop Down
Only for Non-metered connections - Dropdown with the list of Billing Cycles prior to the current cycle. This field is used to specify the arrears or total outstanding as of the billing cycle.
Arrears as of Last Bill
Arrears as of date - This will be considered for the first Demand/Bill generation as total outstanding or arrears as of the billing period mentioned.
If no arrears are present to a HH, '0' has to be entered by the user.
On click of Submit button, the consumer master is created with the detail entered above. The new connection id is also generated as per the configuration.
Multiple connections (HH or household records) can be created using the same phone number.
Phone numbers can be the same, but a new HH record cannot be created using the same old connection ID. The old connection ID should be different to create a new HH record.
A single HH record, cannot be registered in the system more than once. Trying to register the same record on the system again displays the error message “this connection already exists”.
Clicking on the Submit button creates the consumer master and a new consumer ID is assigned to the master. The consumer ID generated is based on logic defined as - “WS-<GP id>-<4 digit running seq No>”
If the connection ID already exists, the system displays an error message.
On first-time/new-load, all data entry fields and dropdowns are empty (since there are no records prefilled except for the default fields).
SMS is not sent to any user upon consumer (HH) creation.
Submit is disabled until all mandatory fields are entered. Once all inputs are made, the button is enabled.
Arrears demand:
Metered - The arrear demand for the period is created, where the From date is counted as the start of the Financial year and the To date as the period mentioned on the screen.
Non-metered - The arrear demand is created for the selected billing cycle.
Successful creation of consumer records displays the toast message “ Registration successful”.
Closing this toast message, using the close icon, refreshes the page and the user sees an empty consumer creation screen.
Consumer creation - non metered
Consumer creation - metered
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