Search Consumer
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The search screen is used to filter the list of consumers based on selected criteria. This is the common search screen for all the transactions such as -
Collect payments
Download bills and receipts
Update consumer information
The consumer can be searched on the following parameters -
Owner Mobile Number - Allows search of consumer records that match the entered mobile number.
OLD Mobile Number
NEW Mobile Number
The user is able to search only when he/she enters the full mobile number. A partial mobile number search is not allowed.
Name of Consumer - Allows search of consumer records that match consumer names with the input text.
OLD Name
New Name
Name search can be done with a partial name also.
Old Connection id - Allows search of consumer records that matches the old Connection id entered in the search bar.
New Connection id - Allows search of consumer records that matches the New Connection id entered in the search bar.
As the user starts entering one field, other fields are made non-editable. When the user removes text/numbers entered in the field, other fields are made accessible.
Show more & Show less option expands and contracts the view.
When the user search matches only one record, the system shows the HH detail screen directly. The intermediary search details screen is not required.
The search result set contains the below information -
Sub-Heading - Subheading text changes dynamically with the type of search carried out.
Following consumers match search criteria with
Phone Number as +91 - 7731045306
Name as ABCxyZ
New Connection ID
Old Connection ID
Consumer’s Name
Phone Number
Address - Combination of Door Number, street number, Ward (if applicable)
Clicking on the View Consumer Details button redirects the user to the HH Details screen.
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