View Consumer
Users are redirected to the View Consumer screen from the home screen via
Collect payments → Search Screen → Consumer Details Screen
Download bills & receipts → Search screen → Consumer Details Screen
Dashboard → Collections → Click on Consumer ID
Household Register → Click on Consumer ID
This screen contains all information related to HH
Static HH card displays the following details
New Connection ID (also displayed as a heading)
Consumer name
Father's name
Phone number
Old connection ID
Address - Door Number, Street number, Ward (attached)
Property type
Service type
for metered connections - the meter number is displayed
For Non-Metered Connection
If the bill is not generated (Post rollout until the first month)
Only the data Card is shown - No action is required
Once the first demand is generated - A new consumer bill/card gets generated and displays the following data points and actions -
Billing cycle – the latest billing cycle
Amount -
Current Amount - fixed charges applicable to the billing cycle
Arrears - Arrears from the first month (From next month onwards this field displays any unpaid dues)
Total Amount - Sum of current amount and arrears
Action Items
Download or Share Bill
Clicking on download bill prompts users to download the bill (Bill details are given in a separate user story)
Share bill (WhatsApp icon) opens sharing options to the phone OS and the user is able to share bills via WhatsApp
Message to go in WhatsApp “Please find Bill for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 generated on dd/mm/yyyy” along with bill PDF
Name of the PDF - “Bill ID”
Collect Payment
The Collect payment button takes the revenue collector to the payment collection screen
After the First payment collection is done
A receipt history block is visible only after the first payment transaction is completed through mGramSeva
A list of all the receipts is shown under this section as cards, with different data points as actions. Order of receipts is newest → oldest from top to bottom
Each receipt card contains
Receipt ID
Amount Paid
Paid Date
Download Receipt - downloads the receipt in the Revenue collectors phone as a PDF
Name of PDF - “Receipt ID”
Share (WhatsApp)
Message to go in WhatsApp “Please find the receipt for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 paid on dd/mm/yyyy” along with receipt PDF
New Connection Before First Bill Generation
First bill is generated - Payment Collection is pending
2 payments made
For Metered Connection
If a bill is not generated (Post rollout until the first month)
A data card is displayed on the screen
Below the data card - the Card to generate a new bill is also displayed
This card contains
Last bill generation date - For the first time this is picked up from data entry. Next time onwards the system captures the last bill generation date
Days from last bill generation date - indicates to the revenue collector the number of days passed since the last time a bill is generated
Previous Meter reading - Displays the last read meter units
Pending Amount
Before the first bill is generated, the arrears are captured during data entry
After the first bill is generated, the pending amount includes the entire amount due for the specific user
Generate a new bill
Clicking on Generate a New Bill initiates bill generation flow for metered connection
Note - Users have to generate a bill to start collecting payments. Arrear amount collection also is not possible till the first bill is generated.
After the first bill is generated
A new consumer bill/card gets generated with the following data points and actions
Last bill generation date - date of bill generation
Amount -
Current Amount - Volumetric charges between 2 latest meter readings according to rate master
Arrears - All previously unpaid dues
Total Amount - Sum of current amount and arrears
Action Items
Download, Share Bill
Clicking on the download bill prompts users to download the bill for the respective amount (Bill details are given in a separate user story)
Share bill (WhatsApp icon) opens the sharing options of the phone OS and the users can share bill via WhatsApp
Message to go in WhatsApp “ Please find Bill for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 generated on dd/mm/yyyy” along with bill PDF
Name of the PDF - “Bill ID”
Collect Payment
Collect payment takes the revenue collector to the payment collection screen
After the first payment collection is done
A receipt history block is visible only after the first payment happens through mGramSeva
A list of all the receipts is shown under this section as cards, with different data points as actions. Order of receipts is newest → oldest from top to bottom
Each receipt card contains
Receipt ID
Amount Paid
Paid Date
Download Receipt - downloads the receipt to the revenue collectors phone as a PDF
Name of PDF - “Receipt ID”
Message to go in WhatsApp “ Please find receipt for water charges with Connection ID WS-83121-8312 paid on dd/mm/yyyy” along with receipt PDF
If a new bill is generated again by clicking on ‘Generate a new bill’ - the revenue collector goes through the bill generation flow and a single new card appears between ‘Generate bill’ and ‘Consumer receipts block’
Last updated
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