Checklist Management
Technical Documentation: Checklist Management Web Flow
This document outlines the web flow for managing checklists within a campaign context, including viewing existing and creating new checklists. The process involves interaction between the user and various backend services to ensure the correct retrieval, creation, and modification of checklists associated with specific campaigns.
Actors and Participants
User: The individual interacting with the checklist management UI to view, create, and modify checklists.
Checklist View UI (CurrentScreen): This is the user interface for viewing existing checklists and initiating the creation of new ones.
Checklist Create UI (CurrentScreen): The user interface for creating and configuring checklists.
Service Request Service (ServiceRequestService): Manages service requests and updates related to checklists.
MDMS Service (MDMSAPI): Provides master data management services for roles, checklist types, and other configurations.
Localisation Service (LOCAPI): Manages the localization of checklist questions.
Sequence Flow
Checklist Viewing Flow
Access Checklist View UI
The user accesses the Checklist View UI after a campaign has been created.
Fetching Configured Service Requests
CurrentScreen sends a request to ServiceRequestService to fetch configured service requests.
ServiceRequestService filters and returns checklists using the campaign name, role, and type, or just the campaign name (if the service is enhanced).
ServiceRequestService returns the relevant checklists to CurrentScreen.
Display Checklists
CurrentScreen displays the checklists received from ServiceRequestService to the User.
Creating a New Checklist
The user clicks on "Create Checklist" in the Checklist View UI.
CurrentScreen sends a request to MDMSAPI to fetch role and checklist type master data relevant to the campaign type.
MDMSAPI returns the master data to CurrentScreen.
The user selects the desired role and checklist type.
CurrentScreen redirects to the checklist creation screen based on the selected campaign name, role, and type.
Enable/Disable Checklist
The user clicks on the enable/disable option for any checklist.
CurrentScreen sends an update call to ServiceRequestService to toggle the active/inactive status of the checklist.
ServiceRequestService returns the updated response.
CurrentScreen updates the checklist status based on the response.
Checklist Creation Flow
Access Checklist Create UI
The user accesses the Checklist Create UI.
CurrentScreen parses URL query parameters to determine the campaign name, role, and checklist type.
Fetching Draft Service Requests
CurrentScreen sends a request to MDMSAPI to fetch draft service requests based on the role and type.
MDMSAPI returns the configured draft service requests.
Loading Default Checklist Questions
CurrentScreen checks if there is a template available for the checklist and loads default checklist questions.
User Interaction for Checklist Questions
Users can add, delete, or modify any checklist questions in the UI.
The user clicks on "Create" to finalise the checklist.
Generating Unique Codes and Creating Service Requests
CurrentScreen generates a unique code for every checklist question.
CurrentScreen sends a create service request with the list of all questions to ServiceRequestService.
ServiceRequestService returns a successful response indicating that the checklist has been created.
Localisation of Checklist Questions
CurrentScreen sends a request to LOCAPI to create localisation for all checklist questions.
Each question is assigned a generated code, a user-entered message, and is associated with the
LOCAPI processes the localisation request and returns a response.
Completion and Feedback
CurrentScreen displays a toast notification to the User indicating the successful creation of the checklist.
User is redirected back to the Checklist View screen, where they can see the newly created checklist.
Error Handling
Service Request Failures: If a service request fails at any point, the CurrentScreen will display an error message to the User. Users must resolve the issues and retry the operation.
Validation Errors: During checklist creation, if validation errors are detected, the CurrentScreen will notify the User with specific details, and the user must correct the issues before proceeding.
Web Sequence Diagram
This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the checklist management process within a campaign. The structured sequence ensures that all checklist-related activities are handled correctly, from viewing existing checklists to creating and localizing new ones. By adhering to this flow, users can manage checklists efficiently, ensuring consistency and accuracy in their campaign management activities.
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