Default Templates

Following is the procedure to configure default templates for checklists for different roles and types of checklist.

Following is the curl to create a template for:

The user needs to create a template for all the combinations of roles, campaign types, and checklist types for which he/she wants to have a checklist configured.

"role": "DISTRIBUTOR",
"campaignType": "IRS-mz",
curl --location 'http://localhost:8081/mdms-v2/v2/_create/HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE.ChecklistTemplates' \
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--data '{
    "Mdms": {
        "tenantId": "mz",
        "schemaCode": "HCM-ADMIN-CONSOLE.ChecklistTemplates",
        "uniqueIdentifier": null,
        "data": {
            "data": [
                    "id": "2d4a7b1e-1f2f-4a8a-9672-43396c6c9a1c",
                    "key": 1,
                    "type": {
                        "code": "SingleValueList"
                    "level": 1,
                    "title": "Is there a feedback system for health facilities to report any issues or requests related to bednet distribution?",
                    "value": null,
                    "options": [
                            "id": "0cff9846-03a2-4453-bf0e-200cdda5f390",
                            "key": 1,
                            "label": "Shortages",
                            "optionComment": true,
                            "optionDependency": false,
                            "parentQuestionId": "2d4a7b1e-1f2f-4a8a-9672-43396c6c9a1c"
                            "id": "2d4a7b1e-7c0d-48b1-9d53-8601c6264b90",
                            "key": 2,
                            "label": "Quality complaints",
                            "optionDependency": false,
                            "parentQuestionId": "2d4a7b1e-1f2f-4a8a-9672-43396c6c9a1c"
                    "isActive": true,
                    "parentId": null,
                    "isRequired": false
                    "id": "4add5323-fc98-4e71-a783-27dbb922c99f",
                    "key": 2,
                    "type": {
                        "code": "SingleValueList"
                    "level": 1,
                    "title": "What types of health facilities do you distribute to?",
                    "value": null,
                    "options": [
                            "id": "34eac43a-e0b5-428f-9d11-12fc5b10b1ac1",
                            "key": 1,
                            "label": "Hospitals",
                            "optionComment": false,
                            "optionDependency": false,
                            "parentQuestionId": "4add5323-fc98-4e71-a783-27dbb922c99f"
                            "id": "23ace43b-e0b5-428f-9d11-12fc5b10b1ac1",
                            "key": 2,
                            "label": "Clinics",
                            "optionComment": false,
                            "optionDependency": true,
                            "parentQuestionId": "4add5323-fc98-4e71-a783-27dbb922c99f"
                            "id": "32bbca43-db87-469b-8be4-22012cc22284",
                            "key": 3,
                            "label": "Community health centers",
                            "optionDependency": false,
                            "parentQuestionId": "4add5323-fc98-4e71-a783-27dbb922c99f"
                    "isActive": true,
                    "parentId": null,
                    "isRequired": false
                    "id": "23ca54be-038e-42df-a557-bb5fcd374dd5",
                    "key": 3,
                    "type": {
                        "code": "SingleValueList"
                    "level": 1,
                    "title": "What services or products do you distribute to health facilities?",
                    "value": null,
                    "options": [
                            "id": "ea32bc56-038e-42df-a557-bb5fcd374dd5",
                            "key": 1,
                            "label": "Medical equipment",
                            "optionComment": false,
                            "optionDependency": false,
                            "parentQuestionId": "23ca54be-038e-42df-a557-bb5fcd374dd5"
                            "id": "a34vc429-d13f-4340-ae5e-fe7f8aca4212",
                            "key": 2,
                            "label": "Pharmaceuticals",
                            "optionDependency": false,
                            "parentQuestionId": "23ca54be-038e-42df-a557-bb5fcd374dd5"
                            "id": "6c43b57c-d13f-4340-ae5e-fe7f8aca4212",
                            "key": 3,
                            "label": "Personal protective equipment (PPE)",
                            "optionDependency": false,
                            "parentQuestionId": "23ca54be-038e-42df-a557-bb5fcd374dd5"
                    "isActive": true,
                    "parentId": null,
                    "isRequired": false
                    "id": "c65ac34b-7cc0-4993-a8fe-37e854d2b189",
                    "key": 4,
                    "type": {
                        "code": "SingleValueList"
                    "level": 2,
                    "title": "Do you have enough products for distribution to health facilities?",
                    "value": null,
                    "options": [
                            "id": "cb45ca84-7cc0-4993-a8fe-37e854d2b189",
                            "key": 1,
                            "label": "Yes",
                            "optionDependency": false,
                            "parentQuestionId": "c65ac34b-7cc0-4993-a8fe-37e854d2b189"
                            "id": "a54c73cb-60da-4c51-8501-cf4a4f473a66",
                            "key": 2,
                            "label": "No",
                            "optionComment": true,
                            "optionDependency": false,
                            "parentQuestionId": "c65ac34b-7cc0-4993-a8fe-37e854d2b189"
                    "isActive": true,
                    "parentId": "23ace43b-e0b5-428f-9d11-12fc5b10b1ac1",
                    "isRequired": false
            "role": "DISTRIBUTOR",
            "campaignType": "IRS-mz",
            "checklistType": "TRAINING_SUPERVISION"
        "isActive": true
    "RequestInfo": {
        "apiId": "asset-services",
        "ver": null,
        "ts": null,
        "action": null,
        "did": null,
        "key": null,
        "msgId": "search with from and to values",
        "authToken": "",
        "correlationId": null,
        "userInfo": {
            "id": "1",
            "userName": null,
            "name": null,
            "type": null,
            "mobileNumber": null,
            "emailId": null,
            "roles": null,
            "uuid": "db842ca9-25c5-4419-a72f-459443d38feb"

If any option needs to have sub-questions, then add an optionDependency attribute as true in the option's object. All the questions, whether at the parent or children level, need to be different objects and connected via their parentId which is nothing but the parent option's ID.

    "id": "2d4a7b1e-1f2f-4a8a-9672-43396c6c9a1c",
    "key": 1,
    "type": {
        "code": "SingleValueList"
    "level": 1,
    "title": "Is there a feedback system for health facilities to report any issues or requests related to bednet distribution?",
    "value": null,
    "options": [
            "id": "0cff9846-03a2-4453-bf0e-200cdda5f390",
            "key": 1,
            "label": "Shortages",
            "optionComment": true,
            "optionDependency": false,
            "parentQuestionId": "2d4a7b1e-1f2f-4a8a-9672-43396c6c9a1c"
            "id": "2d4a7b1e-7c0d-48b1-9d53-8601c6264b90",
            "key": 2,
            "label": "Quality complaints",
            "optionDependency": false,
            "parentQuestionId": "2d4a7b1e-1f2f-4a8a-9672-43396c6c9a1c"
    "isActive": true,
    "parentId": null,
    "isRequired": false

The question object is represented as a JSON structure with the following key properties:

  1. id (String, Required)

    • A unique identifier for the question.

    • Example: "2d4a7b1e-1f2f-4a8a-9672-43396c6c9a1c"

  2. key (Integer, Required)

    • The question's sequence or order in the questionnaire.

    • Example: 1

  3. type (Object, Required)

    • Represents the type of the question.

    • Contains a code field to specify the question type.

    • Example: { "code": "SingleValueList" }

  4. level (Integer, Required)

    • Indicates the hierarchy level of the question.

    • Example: 1 (Top-level question)

  5. title (String, Required)

    • The text or content of the question.

    • Example: "Is there a feedback system for health facilities to report any issues or requests related to bednet distribution?"

  6. value (String/Null, Optional)

    • Holds the selected value once a choice is made.

    • Initially null.

  7. options (Array of Objects, Required)

    • A list of predefined choices for the question.

    • Each option includes:

      • id: Unique identifier for the option.

      • key: Sequence/order of the option.

      • label: Text describing the option.

      • optionComment: (Boolean) Indicates if a comment is allowed for the option.

      • optionDependency: (Boolean) Indicates if selecting the option triggers a dependent question.

      • parentQuestionId: Links the option to its parent question.

    • Example:

          "id": "0cff9846-03a2-4453-bf0e-200cdda5f390",
          "key": 1,
          "label": "Shortages",
          "optionComment": true,
          "optionDependency": false,
          "parentQuestionId": "2d4a7b1e-1f2f-4a8a-9672-43396c6c9a1c"
  8. isActive (Boolean, Optional)

    • Indicates whether the question is active or visible in the form.

    • Example: true

  9. parentId (String/Null, Optional)

    • Specifies the parent question ID if the question is a subquestion.

    • Example: null for top-level questions.

  10. isRequired (Boolean, Optional)

    • Indicates if answering the question is mandatory.

    • Example: false

Last updated

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