This service is used to create a Project (Campaign), create required resource data, and create a mapping relation between them based on the boundary data.
Campaign Process Generated Resource Resource Activity Resource Details
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Table eg_cm_campaign_details {
id varchar(128) [primary key ,not null, unique]
tenantid varchar(64) [not null ,note: 'Tenant identifier']
campaignname varchar(250) [not null ,note: 'Name of the campaign']
projecttype varchar(128) [not null ,note: 'Type of project']
startdate bigint [note: 'Start date in epoch']
enddate bigint [note: 'End date in epoch']
campaigndetails jsonb [note: 'Campaign specific details']
status varchar(128) [not null ,note: 'Status of the campaign']
parentid varchar(128) [note: 'refering to the previous campaign id']
action varchar(64) [not null ,note: 'Action type']
campaignnumber varchar(128) [not null ,note: 'Campaign number']
hierarchytype varchar(128) [not null ,note: 'Hierarchy type']
boundarycode varchar(64) [note: 'Boundary code']
projectid varchar(128) [note: 'Project identifier']
createdby varchar(128) [not null ,note: 'Created by user ID']
lastmodifiedby varchar(128) [note: 'Last modified by user ID']
createdtime bigint [note: 'Creation timestamp']
lastmodifiedtime bigint [note: 'Last modification timestamp']
additionaldetails jsonb [note: 'Additional details']
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Table eg_cm_campaign_process {
id varchar(128) [primary key, not null, unique]
campaignid varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Foreign key to']
type varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Type of campaign process']
status varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Status of the campaign process']
details jsonb [note: 'Detailed information of the process']
createdtime bigint [note: 'Creation timestamp']
lastmodifiedtime bigint [note: 'Last modification timestamp']
additionaldetails jsonb [note: 'Additional details']
Ref: eg_cm_campaign_process.campaignid > // many-to-one
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Table eg_cm_generated_resource_details {
id varchar(128) [primary key,not null, unique]
filestoreid varchar(128) [note: 'File store ID']
status varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Status of the resource']
type varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Type of resource']
tenantid varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Tenant identifier']
count bigint [note: 'Count of resources']
createdby varchar(128) [note: 'Created by user ID']
createdtime bigint [note: 'Creation timestamp']
lastmodifiedby varchar(128) [note: 'Last modified by user ID']
lastmodifiedtime bigint [note: 'Last modification timestamp']
additionaldetails jsonb [note: 'Additional details']
hierarchytype varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Hierarchy type']
campaignid varchar(128) [note: 'Foreign key to']
Ref: eg_cm_generated_resource_details.campaignid > // many-to-one
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Table eg_cm_resource_activity {
id varchar(128) [primary key,not null, unique]
retrycount int [note: 'Number of retry attempts']
type varchar(64) [not null,note: 'Type of activity']
url varchar(128) [not null,note: 'URL for the activity']
requestpayload jsonb [note: 'Request payload']
tenantid varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Tenant identifier']
responsepayload jsonb [note: 'Response payload']
status bigint [note: 'Status code']
createdby varchar(128) [note: 'Created by user ID']
createdtime bigint [note: 'Creation timestamp']
lastmodifiedby varchar(128) [note: 'Last modified by user ID']
lastmodifiedtime bigint [note: 'Last modification timestamp']
additionaldetails jsonb [note: 'Additional details']
resourcedetailsid varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Foreign key to']
Ref: eg_cm_resource_activity.resourcedetailsid > // many-to-one
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Table eg_cm_resource_details {
id varchar(128) [primary key,not null, unique]
status varchar(128) [note: 'Status of the resource']
tenantid varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Tenant identifier']
filestoreid varchar(128) [note: 'File store ID']
processedfilestoreid varchar(128) [note: 'Processed file store ID']
action varchar(128) [not null,note: 'Action type']
type varchar(64) [not null,note: 'Type of resource']
createdby varchar(128) [note: 'Created by user ID']
createdtime bigint [note: 'Creation timestamp']
lastmodifiedby varchar(128) [note: 'Last modified by user ID']
lastmodifiedtime bigint [note: 'Last modification timestamp']
additionaldetails jsonb [note: 'Additional details']
campaignid varchar(128) [note: 'Foreign key to']
Ref: eg_cm_resource_details.campaignid > // many-to-one
Process Create Campaign API