Search Department Employee

Across state/block


State/Block employees can search all employees across the state/block.

Design & Workflows

State User

State users have to select the applicable block to search for the employee in that block.

State users can select one role or select all roles to see all users in the selected block.

Further, the drill-down state user can select the concerned panchayat in the block along with the concerned scheme in that block. If nothing is selected it includes all panchayat and scheme within the block.

Block User

Block Users can search all employees under the block he/she is mapped to. To search user click on “Search Department User”.

Once clicked -

The block user can select the Panchayat within the block to which the employee is mapped.

Users can further drill down to the scheme once they select a panchayat. It will display the list of schemes under the selected panchayat.

Block users can select roles in the roles dropdown field. Users can select all or select concerned roles.

The search result can be downloaded/viewed on the screen.

Visible details of Employee

  1. EmployeeID

  2. Employee Name

  3. Type Of user

  4. Designation 5.Mobile Number

  5. Status

  6. Scheme

Last updated

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