Water Connection Penalty changes are added to get the penalty amount after the due date. The due date is configurable and penalty enable and disable are also configurable. If we want to have the penalty we can enable or we can disable it through configuration.
Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Copy {
"category": "PENALTY",
"service": "WS",
"name": "Penalty",
"code": "10201",
"isDebit": false,
"isActualDemand": true,
"order": "3",
"isRequired": false,
"IsBillamend": true
"category": "TAX",
"service": "WS",
"name": "Water adhoc penalty",
"isDebit": false,
"isActualDemand": true,
"order": "6",
"isRequired": false,
"IsBillamend": false
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"action": null
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