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Vendor Registry
Vendor Registry is a system that enables ULB employees to create and search vendors i.e. Desludging Operator (DSO) and driver entities with appropriate vehicle Entities for FSM Applications. This document contains details on how to set up the Vendor and describes the functionalities provided.
Before you proceed with the configuration, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -
Java 8
The Kafka server is up and running
egov-persister service is running and has a vendor-persister config path added to it
PSQL server is running and a database is created to store FSM Application data
The following services should be up and running:
Key Functionalities
Added payment payment preference and agency attributes for DSO
Added gender attribute in the create and update APIs for Vendor
Updated the Vendor search API to add vehicleCapacity in the search parameter to search all vendors matching the vehicle capacity specified in the search parameter.
Deployment Details
Deploy the latest version of the vendor
Add vendor-persister.yml file in the config folder in git and add that path in persister. (The file path is to be added in the environment yaml file in a param called persist-yml-path ) and restart egov-persister-service.
Any system or DIGIT module can integrated with Vendor Service, which helps to manage the Vendor with the vehicles, drivers and owner for the representative and login for the representative/owner to log into the system to carry our role-specific operations
Integration Benefits
Validation of DSO/Vendor availability
Fetch the vehicle assigned to the DSO
Fetch the Drivers assigned to the DSO
Integration Steps
FSM to call vendor/v1/_search to fetch the DSOs
FSM can call vendor/v1/_search to fetch the DSOs and the respective vehicles and drivers