Contact Notification Service

  • Package:

  • Source File:

  • Dependencies: Spring Framework, Kafka, Lombok


The ContractNotificationService class manages the notification workflow for contract-related actions within the eGov Works module. It processes contract-related Kafka messages and sends appropriate notifications to relevant stakeholders.


  1. notificationServiceConfiguration: Configuration settings for notification services.

  2. restTemplate: Template for making RESTful HTTP requests.

  3. producer: Kafka producer for sending notifications.

  4. mapper: Object mapper for JSON serialization and deserialization.

  5. hrmsUtils: Utility class for HRMS (Human Resource Management System) operations.

  6. estimateServiceUtil: Utility class for estimate-related operations.

  7. projectServiceUtil: Utility class for project-related operations.

  8. locationServiceUtil: Utility class for location-related operations.

  9. organisationServiceUtil: Utility class for organization-related operations.

  10. repository: Repository for service request operations.

  11. localizationUtil: Utility class for localization operations.

  12. contractsUtil: Utility class for contract-related operations.


  • process(final String record, @Header(KafkaHeaders.RECEIVED_TOPIC) String topic): Processes the Kafka message for contract-related actions and sends notifications accordingly.

  • sendNotification(ContractRequest request): Sends notifications based on the type of contract action.

  • pushNotificationForRevisedContract(ContractRequest request): Sends notifications for revised contracts.

  • pushNotificationToOriginator(ContractRequest request, String message, String cboMobileNumber): Sends notifications to the originator.

  • pushNotificationToCreatorForRejectAction(ContractRequest request): Sends notifications to the creator for reject actions.

  • pushNotificationToCreatorForApproveAction(ContractRequest request): Sends notifications to the creator for approve actions.

  • pushNotificationToCreatorForDeclineAction(ContractRequest request): Sends notifications to the creator for decline actions.

  • pushNotificationToCreatorForAcceptAction(ContractRequest request): Sends notifications to the creator for accept actions.

  • pushNotificationToCBOForApproveAction(ContractRequest request): Sends notifications to the(CBO) for approve actions.

  • getDetailsForSMS(ContractRequest request, String uuid): Retrieves details required for SMS notifications.

  • getProjectNumber(ContractRequest request): Retrieves project details for SMS notifications.

  • getOrgDetailsForCBOAdmin(ContractRequest request): Retrieves organization details for CBO administrators.

  • getMessage(ContractRequest request, boolean isCBORole): Retrieves the message based on the contract action.

  • getMessage(ContractRequest request, String msgCode): Retrieves the message from localization.

  • buildMessageForRevisedContract(Map<String, String> userDetailsForSMS, String message, Boolean isSendBack): Builds the message for revised contracts.

  • buildMessageForRejectAction(Contract contract, Map<String, String> userDetailsForSMS, String message): Builds the message for reject actions.

  • buildMessageForApproveActionWOCBO(Contract contract, Map<String, String> userDetailsForSMS, String message): Builds the message for approve actions by WO creator.

  • buildMessageForWOCreator(Contract contract, Map<String, String> userDetailsForSMS, String message): Builds the message for WO creator.

  • buildMessageForDeclineAction_WOCreator(Contract contract, Map<String, String> userDetailsForSMS, String message): Builds the message for decline actions by WO creator.

  • buildMessageForAcceptAction_WOCreator(Contract contract, Map<String, String> userDetailsForSMS, String message): Builds the message for accept actions by WO creator.

  • getLocalisedMessages(RequestInfo requestInfo, String tenantId, String locale, String module): Retrieves localized messages.

  • getShortnerURL(String actualURL): Retrieves the shortened URL.

  • setAdditionalFields(ContractRequest request, String localizationCode,Map<String, Object> additionalField ): Sets additional fields for notifications.

  • checkAdditionalFieldAndPushONSmsTopic(String customizedMessage, Map<String, Object> additionalField,Map<String,String> smsDetails): Checks additional fields and pushes notifications onto the SMS topic.

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