Rate Analysis
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The "Add Rate Analysis" feature empowers users to add a rate analysis to an SOR with a future effective-from date and closes the existing rate analysis by updating its effective-to date to one day before the newly added rate analysis effective-from date.
It opens the create rate analysis screen, allowing the creation of a rate analysis with a 'future effective from date'.
The "View Rate Analysis" feature enables users to access and review the details of a specific Schedule of Rate (SOR)’s rate analysis. This functionality provides a comprehensive view, allowing users to compare the existing rate, the rate as per the rate analysis, and the latest rates of the basic SORs included in the rate analysis.
Search SOR and open to view the details.
For the Take Action menu, select View Rate Analysis. The rate analysis effective as on date is displayed.
The "Edit Rate Analysis" feature enables users to edit the existing rate analysis with the same effective-from date. This helps users correct any rate they entered incorrectly.
To edit the rate, select 'Edit Rate Analysis' from the View Rate Analysis page.
It opens the rate analysis in editable mode, allowing modifications from the same 'effective from date'.