User Module

Creating users on DIGIT post installation


This doc provides the steps to create and add users on the DIGIT platform post-installation.

Steps To Create Users

  • Run the kubectl port-forwarding of the egov-user service from the Kubernetes cluster to your local host. This gives you access to egov-user service, bypassing Zuul auth, and you can now interact with the User API directly.

kubectl port-forward svc/egov-user 8080:8080 -n egov

You will see below text in the Terminal:

Forwarding from -> 8080 Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080

  • Ensure you have installed the Postman utility to run the following scripts. If not, Install postman on your local machine. Import the collection into Postman. Create an environment variable for “tenantId” and set its value to your tenant.

  • The collection creates four types of users and also provides a way to refresh the auth token:

    1. Super User

    2. System User

    3. Citizen

    4. Anonymous User

  • Run all the scripts in order.

The refresh auth token script logs into the server and refreshes the token. A sample script is provided for the employee user. Similar scripts can be copied for the citizen/super user etc..for convenience.

Sample Json Object

       "userName": "systemuser",		Can it be changed: Yes
       "name": "systemuser",			Can it be changed: Yes
       "gender": null,			        Can it be changed: Yes
       "mobileNumber": "9999999999",	        Can it be changed: Yes
       "type": "SYSTEM",			Can it be changed: No
       "active": true,				Can it be changed: No
       "password": "eGov@54321",		Can it be changed: Yes
       "roles": [				Can it be changed: No
               "name": "Employee",
               "code": "EMPLOYEE",
               "tenantId": "pg"
               "name": "System user",
               "code": "SYSTEM",
               "tenantId": "pg"
       "tenantId": "pg"			Can it be changed: No

Last updated

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