Full Deployment (Beta)
Set up DIGIT using HelmFile. You can still try it out and give us feedback.
This guide walks you through the steps required to set up DIGIT using helmfile.
Kubernetes Cluster
Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts. It lets you…
Keep a directory of chart value files and maintain changes in version control.
Apply CI/CD to configuration changes.
Periodically sync to avoid skew in environments.
To avoid upgrades for each iteration of helm
, the helmfile
executable delegates to helm
- as a result, helm
must be installed.
Why Helmfile
Standardisation of Helm templates (Override specific parameters such as namespace)
To improve the Utilisation of Helm capabilities (Rollback)
Easy to add any open-source helm chart to your DIGIT stack
download one of the releases
run as a container
Archlinux: install via
pacman -S helmfile
open SUSE: install via
zypper in helmfile
assuming you are on Tumbleweed; if you are on Leap you must add the kubic repo for your distribution version once before that command, e.g.zypper ar https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/kubic/openSUSE_Leap_\$releasever kubic
Windows (using scoop):
scoop install helmfile
macOS (using homebrew):
brew install helmfile
Running as a container
The Helmfile Docker images are available in GHCR. There is no latest
tag, since the 0.x
versions can contain breaking changes, so pick the right tag. Example using helmfile 0.156.0
You can also use a shim to make calling the binary easier:
Helm File - commands
The helmfile init sub-command checks the dependencies required for helmfile operation, such as helm, helm diff plugin, helm secrets plugin, helm helm-git plugin, helm s3 plugin. When it does not exist or the version is too low, it can be installed automatically.
The helmfile sync sub-command syncs your cluster state as described in your helmfile. The default helmfile is helmfile.yaml, but any YAML file can be passed by specifying a --file path/to/your/yaml/file flag.
The helmfile apply sub-command begins by executing diff. If diff finds that there are any changes, sync is executed. Adding --interactive instructs Helm File to request your confirmation before sync.
The helmfile destroys sub-commands uninstalls and purges all the releases defined in the manifests. helmfile --interactive destroy instructs Helm File to request your confirmation before actually deleting releases.\
Deploying DIGIT Using Helmfile
Update domain name in env.yaml
Update db password , flywaypassword, loginusername, loginpassword and git-sync private key in env-secrets.yaml
Note: Make sure the db_password and flywaypassword are same
1. Generate SSH key pairs using the below method Using the online website (not recommended in a production setup. To be only used for demo setups): https://8gwifi.org/sshfunctions.jsp 2. Add the public key to your GitHub account - (reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C7_jBn9XJ0&ab_channel=AOSNote )
Run the below command to install DIGIT successfully.
Deploying DIGIT Using Managed Database
This guide outlines a deployment strategy for running containerized applications on Kubernetes, focusing on seamless database integration. It's suitable for teams looking to simplify their database setup using in-cluster PostgreSQL or externally managed database services.
Transitioning to Managed Database Services
By updating the Kubernetes deployment configuration, teams can easily switch from an in-cluster PostgreSQL database to a managed service. This move enhances scalability and reliability while reducing the operational overhead of database management.
Key Benefits:
Scalability and Reliability: Managed services offer superior scalability and reliability compared to in-cluster databases.
Reduced Operational Overhead: Outsourcing database management allows teams to concentrate on application development.
Integration Steps
To integrate a managed PostgreSQL service, modify the following parameters in the
deploy-as-code/charts/environments/env.yaml configuration file:
: Update with the database service host address.db-name
: Update with the specific database name.db-url
: Update with the complete database connection URL.domain
: Update domain name with your domain name
Update db password, db username, flyway username, flyway password, login username, login password and git-sync private key in env-secrets.yaml
Note: 1. Generate SSH key pairs using the below method Using the online website (not recommended in production setup. To be only used for demo setups): https://8gwifi.org/sshfunctions.jsp 2. Add the public key to your GitHub account - (reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C7_jBn9XJ0&ab_channel=AOSNote )
Run the below command to install DIGIT successfully.
Post Deployment
Please hit the below URL to login into the employee dashboard with SUPERUSER access
Log in with the user credentials which you have provided in the below file path
Destroying The Deployed DIGIT Using Helmfile
Tested Environment
This deployment approach has been thoroughly tested on an Amazon Web Services Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS) Cluster with Kubernetes version 1.28.\
Last updated
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