Follow the steps below to migrate the MDMS data to enable the use of Workbench UI v1.0.
1. Generate Schema
Follow the steps below to generate the schema for Workbench UI v1.0:
Clone the migration utility: Start by cloning the migration utility from this link.
Clone the MDMS Repository: Start by cloning the MDMS repository on your local machine.
Configure application.properties
: Open the application.properties
file in the workbench utility and configure it as follows:
Add the hostname of the environment.
Add the MDMS cloned folder path in the egov.mdms.conf.path
Add master-config.json
in masters.config.url
Specify the output folder path for the created schema in master.schema.files.dir
Port-forward MDMSv2 Service: Port-forward the MDMSv2 service to port 8094.
Run the Curl Command:
shCopy codecurl -L -X POST 'localhost:8080/mdms-migration-toolkit/schema/v1/_generate'
This command generates the schema and saves it in the path specified by master.schema.files.dir
2. Update Schema
After generating the schema, you may need to update it with additional attributes:
Add x-unique
Attribute: This defines unique fields in the schema.
"x-unique": ["description"]
Add x-ref-schema
Attribute: Use this attribute if a field within MDMS data needs to refer to another schema.
"x-ref-schema": [{"fieldPath": "billingType","schemaCode": "WaterCharges.BillingType"}]
Set Default Value for a Field: Use the default
keyword to set default values.
3. Migrate Schema
To migrate the schema, use the following curl command:
curl -L 'localhost:8080/mdms-migration-toolkit/schema/v1/_migrate' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"schemaMigrationCriteria": {
"moduleName": "PropertyTax",
"tenantId": "pb"
"requestInfo": {
"apiId": "asset-services",
"ver": null,
"ts": null,
"action": null,
"did": null,
"key": null,
"msgId": "search with from and to values",
"authToken": "7a9fc02a-bd6e-4e42-bd43-519b9e357bae",
"correlationId": null,
"userInfo": {
"id": 878483,
"uuid": "3059806b-3059-4724-8ae1-d3f4e12686ff",
"userName": "8080800000",
"mobileNumber": "8080800000",
"emailId": null,
"locale": null,
"type": "EMPLOYEE",
"roles": [
"name": "MDMS ADMIN",
"code": "MDMS_ADMIN",
"tenantId": "pb"
"name": "Localisation admin",
"code": "LOC_ADMIN",
"tenantId": "pb"
"name": "Employee",
"code": "EMPLOYEE",
"tenantId": "pb"
"active": true,
"tenantId": "pb",
"permanentCity": null
4. Migrate Data
To migrate data for a specific master/module name, use the following curl command:
curl -L 'localhost:8080/mdms-migration-toolkit/data/v1/_migrate' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"masterDataMigrationCriteria": {
"moduleName": "PropertyTax",
"tenantId": "pb"
"requestInfo": {
"apiId": "asset-services",
"ver": null,
"ts": null,
"action": null,
"did": null,
"key": null,
"msgId": "search with from and to values",
"authToken": "7a9fc02a-bd6e-4e42-bd43-519b9e357bae",
"correlationId": null,
"userInfo": {
"id": 878483,
"uuid": "3059806b-3059-4724-8ae1-d3f4e12686ff",
"userName": "8080800000",
"mobileNumber": "8080800000",
"emailId": null,
"locale": null,
"type": "EMPLOYEE",
"roles": [
"name": "MDMS ADMIN",
"code": "MDMS_ADMIN",
"tenantId": "pb"
"name": "Localisation admin",
"code": "LOC_ADMIN",
"tenantId": "pb"
"name": "Employee",
"code": "EMPLOYEE",
"tenantId": "pb"
"active": true,
"tenantId": "pb",
"permanentCity": null
5. Schema Sample
Here is an example of a schema:
"id": "060776ef-2eff-4f76-82ba-9b40cfad1c6c",
"tenantId": "pb",
"code": "ws-services-calculation.WCBillingSlab",
"description": "ws-services-calculation WCBillingSlab",
"definition": {
"type": "object",
"allOf": [
"if": {
"required": ["connectionType"],
"properties": {
"connectionType": {"const": "Metered"}
"then": {
"required": ["slabs"],
"properties": {
"calculationAttribute": {"enum": ["Water consumption"]}
"if": {
"required": ["connectionType"],
"properties": {
"connectionType": {"const": "Non_Metered"}
"then": {
"properties": {
"calculationAttribute": {
"enum": ["Flat", "No. of taps", "Pipe Size"]
"title": "Generated schema for Root",
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
"required": ["buildingType", "calculationAttribute", "connectionType", "minimumCharge"],
"x-unique": ["buildingType", "connectionType"],
"properties": {
"slabs": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["from", "to", "charge"],
"properties": {
"to": {"type": "number"},
"from": {"type": "number"},
"charge": {"type": "number"},
"meterCharge": {"type": "number"}
"buildingType": {
"enum": [
"type": "string"
"minimumCharge": {"type": "number"},
"connectionType": {
"enum": ["Metered", "Non_Metered"],
"type": "string"
"calculationAttribute": {
"enum": ["Flat", "Water consumption", "No. of taps", "Pipe Size"],
"type": "string"
"isActive": true,
"auditDetails": {
"createdBy": "3059806b-3059-4724-8ae1-d3f4e12686ff",
"lastModifiedBy": "3059806b-3059-4724-8ae1-d3f4e12686ff",
"createdTime": 1701151086754,
"lastModifiedTime": 1701151086754
NOTE: To migrate data for a specific master/module name, use the following code changes in migrateMasterData
* This method accepts master data migration requests and triggers
* creation of MDMS objects
* @param masterDataMigrationRequest
public void migrateMasterData(@Valid MasterDataMigrationRequest masterDataMigrationRequest) {
// Get Master Data map
Map<String, Map<String, JSONArray>> tenantMap = MDMSApplicationRunnerImpl.getTenantMap();
// Get tenantId from request
String tenantId = masterDataMigrationRequest.getMasterDataMigrationCriteria().getTenantId();
// Build audit details for mdms objects creation
AuditDetails auditDetails = new AuditDetails();
RequestInfo requestInfo = masterDataMigrationRequest.getRequestInfo();
AuditDetailsEnrichmentUtil.enrichAuditDetails(auditDetails, requestInfo, Boolean.TRUE);
List<JSONArray> masterDataList = new ArrayList<>();
// Check if master data is present for the incoming tenantId.
if (tenantMap.containsKey(tenantId)) {
tenantMap.get(tenantId).keySet().forEach(module -> {
if (module.equals("common-masters")) {
tenantMap.get(tenantId).get(module).keySet().forEach(master -> {
if (master.equals("CancelCurrentBillReasons") || master.equals("CancelReceiptReason") ||
master.equals("CronJobAPIConfig") || master.equals("Department") || master.equals("Designation") ||
master.equals("IdProof") || master.equals("UsageCategory") || master.equals("OwnerType") ||
master.equals("VehicleType") || master.equals("UOM") || master.equals("StructureType") ||
master.equals("TablePaginationOptions")) {
// Get master data array for current module and master
JSONArray masterDataJSONArray = MDMSApplicationRunnerImpl
Last updated