Payment Gateway Service


eGov Payment Gateway acts as a liaison between eGov apps and external payment gateways facilitating payments, reconciliation of payments and lookup of transactions' status'.


Before you proceed with the documentation, make sure the following pre-requisites are met -

  • Java 17

  • Kafka server is up and running

  • egov-persister service is running and has pg service persister config path added in it

  • PSQL server is running and the database is created to store transaction data.

    • Note : You can follow this blog to setup postgreSQL locally and create a DB in it.

Key Functionalities

  • Create or initiate a transaction, to make a payment against a bill.

  • Make payment for multiple bill details [multi module] for a single consumer code at once.

  • Transaction to initiate a call to the transaction/_create API, various validations are carried out to ensure the sanctity of the request.

  • The response includes a generated transaction id and a redirect URL to the payment gateway itself.

  • Various validations are carried out to verify the authenticity of the request and the status is updated accordingly. If the transaction is successful, a receipt is generated for the same.

Payment Flow


  • Reconciliation is carried out by two jobs scheduled via a Quartz clustered scheduler.

  • The early Reconciliation job is set to run every 15 minutes [configurable via app properties] and is aimed at reconciling transactions which were created 15 - 30 minutes ago and are in a PENDING state.

  • The daily Reconciliation job is set to run once per day and is aimed at reconciling all transactions that are in a PENDING state, except for ones which were created 30 minutes ago.


  • Axis, Phonepe and Paytm payment gateways are implemented.

  • Additional gateways can be added by implementing the Gateway interface. No changes are required to the core packages.

Configuration Details

The following properties in the file in egov-pg-service have to be added and set to default value after integrating with the new payment gateway. In the below table properties for AXIS bank, payment gateway is shown the same relevant property needs to be added for other payment gateways.


Bollean lag to set the payment gateway active/inactive


Currency representation for merchant, default(INR)

Payment merchant Id


Secret key for payment merchant


User name to access the payment merchant for transaction


Password of the user tp access payment merchant


Access code

Pay command


commans status


Url for making payment


URL to get the status of the transaction

Deployment Details

  1. Deploy the latest version of egov-pg-service.

  2. Add pg service persister yaml path in persister configuration.

Integration Details

Integration Scope

The egov-pg-service acts as communication/contact between eGov apps and external payment gateways.

Integration Benefits

  • Record every transaction against a bill.

  • Record of payment for multiple bill details for a single consumer code at once.

Integration Steps

  1. To integrate, the host of egov-pg-service should be overwritten in helm chart

  2. /pg-service/transaction/v1/_create should be added in the module to initiate a new payment transaction, on successful validation

  3. /pg-service/transaction/v1/_update should be added as the update endpoint to updates an existing payment transaction. This endpoint is issued only by payment gateways to update the status of payments. It verifies the authenticity of the request with the payment gateway and forwards all query params received from a payment gateway

  4. /pg-service/transaction/v1/_search should be added as the search endpoint for retrieving the current status of a payment in our system.

Reference Docs

Play around with the API's : DIGIT-Playground

API List

(Note: All the APIs are in the same postman collection therefore the same link is added in each row)

Last updated