Kafka Troubleshooting Guide

This doc is about a Kafka troubleshooting guide


https://kafka.apache.org/intro https://zookeeper.apache.org/


  • kubectl is a CLI to connect to the kubernetes cluster from your machine

  • Install Visualstudio IDE Code for better code/configuration editing capabilities

  • Git

Status check of Kafka Broker's

Using the below command you can able list down the Kafka brokers and their status

kubectl get pods -n kafka-cluster

  • If Kafka brokers are in crashloopbackoff or Error status

    • Describe the brokers and look for error

      kubectl describe kafka-v2-0 -n kafka-cluster

    kubectl describe kafka-v2-1 -n kafka-cluster

    kubectl describe kafka-v2-2 -n kafka-cluster

  • Check Kafka broker's logs for error

    kubectl logs -f kafka-v2-0 -n kafka-cluster

    kubectl logs -f kafka-v2-1 -n kafka-cluster

    kubectl logs -f kafka-v2-2 -n kafka-cluster

  • If brokers are in crashloopbackoff due to disk space issues, follow the below document for the cleanup of the logs

Status check of Zookeeper

Ensure Zookeeper pods are running without any errors in order to run Kafka brokers without a hitch

  • If Zookeeper pods are in crashloopbackoff or Error status, Use the below commands to check the error

    • Describe the Zookeeper and look for error

      kubectl describe zookeeper-v2-0 -n zookeeper-cluster

      kubectl describe zookeeper-v2-1 -n zookeeper-cluster

      kubectl describe zookeeper-v2-2 -n zookeeper-cluster

    • Check Kafka broker's logs for error

      kubectl logs -f zookeeper-v2-0 -n zookeeper-cluster

      kubectl logs -f zookeeper-v2-1 -n zookeeper-cluster

      kubectl logs -f zookeeper-v2-2 -n zookeeper-cluster

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