DIGIT UI components include various text input fields with optional features such as character count display, inner labels, and help text. These fields also come with built-in validation support for improved data integrity.
Input Field Type
Text Input Field: A text input field for general alphanumeric data.
Text Area Input Field: For multi-line text input.
Search Input Field: Designed for search queries or search-related inputs.
Password Input Field: A secure input field for password entry.
Numeric Input Field: This field is suitable for numeric input.
Date Input Field: An input field designed to capture dates.
Time Input Field: Use this field to input time values.
Location Input Field: Specifically for geographic location data, such as coordinates.
These are some common props which can be sent inside all the input fields:
Name Description
controller(required) textEditing Controller for input field
label label for input field
readOnly determines if the input field is read-only or not
isRequired determines if the input field is required or not
isDisabled indicates where the field is disabled or not
info boolean to show the tooltip
infoText customize the tooltip text
charCount boolean to show the char count
innerLabel inner label for input field
helpText help message to display below the text field
validations a list of validations can be passed
initialValue initial value for the field
keyBoardType customize keyboard type
textInputFormatter list of filterTextInputFormatter
onTap a call-back function when the user taps on the field
suffixText a text which will be shown as a suffix
prefixText a text which will be shown as a prefix
suffixIcon an icon which will be shown as a suffix
textAreaScroll defines the scroll behaviour for textArea