Root App


The Root App is a pure JavaScript application based on the Single-SPA framework. It serves as the primary orchestrator for loading and managing multiple micro frontends within a single-page application (SPA). The application uses Single-SPA's layout engine and micro frontend configuration to dynamically load and render micro frontends based on a predefined layout.


  1. Single-SPA Core

    • Purpose: Provide the core functionalities for registering, loading, and managing micro frontends.

    • Responsibilities:

      • Register micro frontend applications.

      • Start the Single-SPA application orchestrator.

      • Manage lifecycle events of the micro frontends.

  2. Single-SPA Layout

    • Purpose: Define the layout structure of the microfrontends.

    • Responsibilities:

      • Parse the layout configuration.

      • Construct routes based on the layout.

      • Activate the layout engine to manage micro frontend positioning and rendering.

  3. Micro frontends Applications

    • Purpose: Individual micro frontend applications that provide specific functionalities within the root app.

    • Responsibilities:

      • Implement specific business logic and UI components.

      • Be dynamically loaded based on the route and layout configuration.

  4. Custom Properties

    • Purpose: Provide dynamic properties to microfrontends.

    • Responsibilities:

      • Extract and pass the root tenant information from the URL.

      • Provide the base application URL to micro frontends.

Key Functions & Configuration

  1. getRootTenant Function

    • Purpose: Extract the root tenant from the URL.

  2. Layout Configuration

    • Purpose: Define the layout structure using Single-SPA layout configuration.

  3. Micro frontend Applications

    • Purpose: Define and register micro frontends based on the layout configuration.

  4. Layout Engine

    • Purpose: Manage the positioning and rendering of microfrontends.

  5. Register Applications

    • Purpose: Register each micro frontend application with custom properties.

  6. Start Single-SPA

    • Purpose: Start the Single-SPA orchestrator.

Data Flow

  1. Initialization

    • On application start, the getRootTenant function extracts the root tenant from the URL.

    • The constructRoutes function parses the micro frontend layout configuration.

  2. Application Registration

    • The constructApplications function constructs the applications based on the routes.

    • Each application is registered with custom properties, including rootTenant and baseAppURL.

  3. Layout Management

    • The constructLayoutEngine function activates the layout engine to manage micro frontend positioning.

  4. Application Start

    • The start function initializes the Single-SPA framework, enabling micro frontend orchestration.

Last updated

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