Users can enter the expense details as and when incurred. Click on the Add Expense icon on the home page.
Enter expense information like Type of Expense from the drop-down list available. The type of expenses can be Electricity, O&M, Salary & MISC etc.
Enter Vendor Name, Amount, Bill Date, and Party Bill Date. Select Yes or No to indicate if the bill is paid or not. Click on the Choose File button to attach a supporting document.
Enter the Payment Date if the bill is already paid before recording it into the system. Click on Submit to register the expense details.
The expenditure entry is saved successfully.
Click on the Modify Expenses icon on the home page to modify expense details. Enter the Vendor Name, Type of Expense or Bill ID details to search for the specific expense record which needs to be modified.
The system shows the expense records filtered by the search parameter. Click on the Update Expenditure button to modify a particular bill.
Make the necessary modifications to the bill. Update the expense type, or vendor name, amount, or bill date details as required.
Click on Submit to save the changes. Check the Mark this Bill as Cancelled box to indicate that the bill is cancelled.
The Dashboard provides the stakeholders at the department level with a consolidated view of the information on Revenue and Expenditure trends month-wise.
The Sarpanch, Treasurer and Secretary at the GPWSC level can view the collection details like Demand, Pending Collection, Actual Collection, Collection from Residential, Collection from Commercial and Collection from Others. The consumer-wise collection details view is also available.
The Sarpanch, Treasurer and Secretary at the GPWSC level can view the expenditure details like total expenditure, the amount unpaid, the amount paid, total bills, pending bills, bills paid, Electricity bills, O&M and salary. The individual expense-wise details view is also available.
The Administrative user for a GPWSC/Village, i.e., a Sarpanch or anyone with admin access, needs to generate a bill (i.e., generation of monthly bills) for all the consumers. This activity is to be done at the beginning of the month and must be done only once per month. Sarpanch or anyone with admin access has the option to generate the bill for all consumers at once.
Click on the Generate Bill card on the homepage to raise bills for all or selected consumer connections.
Users can select the billing year and billing cycle (month) and click on the Generate Bill button.
Once the bill is generated, revenue can be collected from the users for the generated bill amount.
Payments can be collected for consumers with outstanding bills. The collection module can be enabled for revenue collectors, treasurer and chairman, as per the state's requirement.
Click on the Collect Payment icon on the home page to search for a consumer record by Consumer’s Phone Number or Name of the Consumer or Old Connection ID or New Connection ID.
Click on the Search button to select a particular consumer for payment collection.
Click on the View Consumer Details button to perform the necessary action.
If the consumer wishes to receive a soft copy of his/her bill, click on the Share Bill button to send the bill to the consumer on the registered mobile number via WhatsApp message.
Click on the Collect Payment button to collect the payment via cash.
Full Payment or Partial Payment to indicate whether the consumer is paying the bill amount in full or making a partial payment. Enter the Amount that is being paid by the consumer in case it is a Partial Payment.
Click on the Download Receipt button to download the payment receipt. Click on the Share icon to send the receipt to the consumer via WhatsApp message.
Click on the Consumer Receipt Print button to print the receipt for the consumer through a thermal Bluetooth printer
Once the payment is completed an SMS is sent to the consumer to confirm the payment with a copy of the payment receipt.
Metered & Non-Metered Connection
Click on the Generate Bill card on the home page to search for a consumer record once the consumer is created.
The application enables users to search a consumer record by Consumer’s Phone Number, Name of the Consumer, Old Connection ID or New Connection ID.
Click on the Search button to view the consumer records. Click on the View Consumer Details button to perform the necessary action.
Users can see the relevant information of a particular consumer. Click on Generate a New Bill button to create a fresh bill. Enter the Previous Meter Reading, New Meter Reading and Meter Reading Date. Click on Generate Bill. A fresh bill is generated for the consumer.
Once the bill is generated, the user can collect payment for the particular bill. Click on the Collect Payment button to collect the payment via cash or online payment.
Click on the phone icon in green to share the bill with the consumer via SMS.
Enter/Update the Payment Amount or Partial Payment to indicate whether the consumer is paying the bill amount in full or making a partial payment. Enter the Amount that is being paid by the consumer in case it is a Partial Payment.
Select the applicable Payment Method as either Cash or Online. Users can also provide consumers with a scannable QR code to make the payment online.
Click on the Download button to download the payment receipt.
Click on the Share icon to send the receipt to the consumer via SMS.
Click on the Collect Payment icon on the home page to search for a consumer record by Consumer’s Phone Number or Name of the Consumer or Old Connection ID or New Connection ID.
Click on the Search button to view the consumer records. Click on the View Consumer Details button to perform the necessary action.
Click on the Collect Payment button to collect the payment via cash or online payment. Click on the Share Bill button to send the bill to the consumer on the registered mobile number via SMS.
Select Full Payment or Partial Payment to indicate whether the consumer is paying the bill amount in full or making a partial payment. Enter the Amount that is being paid by the consumer in case it is a Partial Payment.
Select the applicable Payment Method as either Cash or Online. Users can also provide consumers with a scannable QR code to make the payment online.
Click on the Download button to download the payment receipt. Click on the Share icon to send the receipt to the consumer via SMS.
Once the payment is completed an SMS is sent to the consumer to take the survey on the water service.