Test Cases
Trips mismatch - Vehicle log report
To check for the number of trips in the vehicle log report
1. Login as ULB employee and open dashboard. 2. Navigate to the Desludging Request Report.
Initially, the data is displayed district-wise, so, here it should display the summation number of trips of all boundary.
Initially data is displayed district-wise. However, there is mismatch in the number of trips.
Desludging Request Report
To verify the data mismatch in the Desludging Request Report
1. Login as a ULB employee and open the dashboard. 2. Navigate to the Desludging Request Report.
Initially, data is displayed district wise so, here it should display summation Open Request of ULB.
Initially data is displayed district wise so, but there is mismatch in open request.
Desludging Request Report” & Vehicle Log Report
To verify When ULB is selected from drop down, the “Desludging Request Report” & “Vehicle Log Report” is showing District wise data. And there is mismatch in data between district figures and summation of data of ULB
1. Login as ULB Employee and open dashboard. 2. Then navigate to Desludging Request Report. 3. Check for Desludging Request Report” & “Vehicle Log Report”
ashboard shall showcase the requisite data & details with exact usage in the platform. And the district wise data shall be the summation of ULB wise data.
Desludging Request Report” & Vehicle Log Report is showing District wise data. And there is mismatch in data between district figures and summation of data of ULBs
Check for templates- Date Range
Check for Date Range values
1. Login to Date Range 2. Check for Date Range filter criteria
Date Range should ahve vlues like month, year and dates to select from
Date Range has vlues like month, year and dates to select from
Check for templates- DDRs
Check for DDRs values
1. Login to Date Range 2. Check for DDRs filter criteria
DDRs should have drop dwon values to select from
DDRs should has drop dwon values to select from
Check for templates- ULB
Check for ULB values
1. Login to Date Range 2. Check for ULB filter criteria
ULB should have drop dwon values to select from
ULB should has drop dwon values to select from
Overview chart
Check for overview chart values and shareable over email, download and over whatsapp
1. Login to Date Range 2. Check if IOVerview chart is dispalyed 3. Check if below values are ppopulated Total Request Total Sludge Treated Average FSM Cost Total Collection SLA Compliance Citizen Average Rating
All the below values should be populated correctly Total Request Total Sludge Treated Average FSM Cost Total Collection SLA Compliance Citizen Average Rating and user should be able to share teh image
Below values are populated correctly Total Request Total Sludge Treated Average FSM Cost Total Collection SLA Compliance Citizen Average Rating User is able to share the image and download
Total Cumulative Collection
Check for Total Cumulative Collection chart is populated as expected and X and Y axis has required values
1. Login to Date Range 2. Check if Total Cumulative Collection chart is displayed with X and Y axis
Total Cumulative Collection should have X axis based on the filter values selected and X axis with the collection volume
Total Cumulative Collection has qX axis based on the filter values selected and X axis with the collection volume
FSM Collection by Usage Type
Check if FSM Collection by Usage Type displays all the requird property types
1. Login to Date Range 2. Check if FSM Collection by Usage Type chart is dispalyed 3. Check if below values are ppopulated IndependentHouse RecidentialApartment Hotel Toilets Restaurant Institutional Church RowHouses
All the below values should be displayed as expected IndependentHouse RecidentialApartment Hotel Toilets Restaurant Institutional Church RowHouses
All the below values are displayed as expected IndependentHouse RecidentialApartment Hotel Toilets Restaurant Institutional Church RowHouses
FSM Service Request by Gender
Check if FSM Service Request by Gender is displayed as expected
1. Login to DSS dash board 2. Check for FSM Service Request by Gender if it displays Male , Female and Tansgender values as expected
FSM Service Request by Gender should displayall 3 gender data as expected
FSM Service Request by Gender displays all 3 gender data as expected
Driver tab
Error message with duplicate mobile number for driver
To verify if proper error message is displayed when ULB employee create two drivers with same mobile number
1. Login to FSM registry using QAADMIN 2. Go to driver tab and create two new drivers with same mobile nuber
Proper error message should be displayed when ULB employee create two drivers with same mobile number
Proper error message is not displayed displayed when ULB employee create two drivers with same mobile number
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
Vendor and Driver tab
Vendor and Driver tab
To verify when admin creates vendor and driver with same mobile number
1. Login to FSM registry using QAADMIN 2. Go to vendor and driver tab and create two new vendor and driver with same mobile nuber
Vendor name should be displayed for vendor and same for driver
Vendor name is displayed in driver listing when admin creates vendor and driver with same mobile number
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
DSO - Creating new application
To verify if DSO is able to create new application as citizen
1. Login using citizen ui with DSO mobile number 2. Create a application
DSO should be able to create new application
DSO is unable to create application
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
DSO - Citizen flow
To verify Applications Created by Citizen is displayed for DSO user
1. Login as DSO using citizen login 2. create an application 3. Go to my applications 4. Check for applications displayed
Only Dso created applications should be displayed
Applications Created by Citizen is displayed for DSO user
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
FAILED- Fixed and retested (working as expected now)
Test Cases For Vendor Tab
Admin Should be able to see FSM Registry page
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To Verify admin can able to select FSM Registry Button
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry
Admin Can able to see FSM Registry page
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To Verify UI for vendor Tab in FSM Registry page
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on Vendor Button
Admin Should be able to see the Vendor page
Admin Can able to see the Vendor page
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To Verify for vendor button in FSM Registry page
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on Vendor Button
Admin Should be able to see all the components of vendor button
Admin Can able to see all the components of vendor button
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To Verify admin can able to enter vendor name in vendor name text field
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vendor Button 4.Enter vendor name 5.Click on search
Admin Should be able to see vendor details
Admin Can able to see vendor details
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To verify admin can able to select Enable / disable toggle button
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vendor Button 4Enter vendor name and click on search 5.Click on Enable/disable Toggle
Admin Should be able to see toggle button in orange colour if it is disabled or Should be display in black if it is enabled
Admin Can able to see toggle button in orange colour if it is disabled or Can display in black if it is enabled
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To verify admin can able to select the vendor name
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vendor Button 4.Enter Vendor name 5.Click on search 5.Click on Vendor name
Admin Should be able to view Vendor's details , Vehicle details and Driver details
Admin Can able to view Vendor's details Vehicle details and Driver details
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To verify admin can able to add vehicle to vendor details
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vendor Button 4.Enter Vendor name 5.Click on search 5.Click on Vendor name 6.Click on Add vehicle 7.Select a vehicle 8.Click on submit
Admin Should be able to view vehicle details in vendor's details
Admin Can able to view vehicle details in vendor's details
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To verify admin can able to add driver to vendor details
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vendor Button 4.Enter Vendor name 5.Click on search 5.Click on Vendor name 6.Click on Add driver 7.Select a vehicle 8.Click on submit.
Admin Should be able to view driver details in vendor's details
Admin Can able to view driver details in vendor's details
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To verify admin able to select Take action button
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vendor Button 4.Enter Vendor name 5.Click on search 6.Click on Vendor name 7.Click on take action button
Admin Should be able to view Take action button in orange colour
Admin can able to view Take action button in orange colour
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To verify admin able to select Edit or delete button
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vendor Button 4.Enter Vendor name 5.Click on search 6.Click on Vendor name 7.Click on take action button 8.Enter or change the required fields
Admin Should be able to view edit and delete buttons in orange colour
Admin can able to view edit and delete buttons.
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To verify admin able to click on add icon
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on add icon
Admin Should be view vendor,Vehicle and driver list
Admin can able to view vendor,Vehicle and driver list
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To verify admin can able to add new vendor
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on Add icon 4.Click on Vendour 5.Enter all the required fields 6.Click on Submit application Button
New Vendor has to create.
New Vendor is created
Vendor Tab
FSM Registry - Vendor Tab
To verify Admin can able to see the vendor name in vendor list
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Enter vendor name 4.Click on search
Vendor's details should display
Vendor's details is displaying
Test Cases For Vehicle Tab
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
Verify UI for vehicle number Tab in FSM Registry page
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on Vehicle number Button
Admin Should be able to see the Vehicle page
Admin Can able to see the Vehicle page
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
Verify for vehicle number button in FSM Registry page
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on Vehicle number Button
Admin Should be able to see all the components of Vehicle number button
Admin Can bable to see all the components of Vehicle number button
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
Verify admin can able to enter vehicle number in Vehicle number text field
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vehicle number Button 4.Enter Vehicle number 5.Click on search
Admin Should be able to see vehicle details
Admin Can able to see vehicle details
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
To verify admin can able to select Enable / disable toggle button
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vehicle number Button 4Enter vendor name and click on search 5.Click on Enable/disable Toggle
Admin Should be able to see toggle button in orange colour if it is disabled or toggle button Should display in black if it is enabled
Admin Can able to see toggle button in orange colour if it is disabled or toggle button Can display in black if it is enabled
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
To verify admin can able to select Vehicle number
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vehiclenumber Button 4.Enter Vehicle number 5.Click on search 5.Click on Vehicle number
Admin Should be able to see Vehicle details.
Admin Can be able to see Vehicle details.
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
To verify admin able to select Take action button
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Vehicle number Button 4.Enter Vehicle number 5.Click on search 6.Click on vehicle number 7.Click on take action button
Admin Should be able to see edit and delete buttons in orange colour
Admin Can be able to see edit and delete buttons in orange colour
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
To Verify admin can able to Edit the vehicle details
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Enter Vehicle number 4.Click on Vehicle number 5.Click on Take action 6.Click on edit 7.Enter the details in required fields 8.Click on submit application Button
Admin Should be able to see updated vehicle details
Admin Can able to see updated vehicle details
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
To Verify admin can able to Delete the vehicle's details
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Enter vendor name 4.Click on vendor name 5.Click on Take action 6.Click on Delete 7.Click Again On Delete
Vehicle Should be deleted from the list
Vehicle is deleted from the list
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
To verify admin able to click on add icon
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on add icon
Admin Should be able to see vendor,Vehicle and driver list
Admin can able to see vendor,Vehicle and driver list
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
To verify admin can able to add new vehicle
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on Add icon 4.Click on Vehicle 5.Enter all the required fields 6.Click on Submit application Button
New Vehicle has to be created
New Vehicle is created
Vehicle Tab
FSM Registry - Vehicle Tab
To verify Admin can able to see the vehicle name in vendor list
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Enter Vehicle number 4.Click on search
Admin Should be able to see Vehicle's details
Admin Can able to see Vehicle's details
Test Cases For Driver Tab
Driver Tab
FSM Registry - DriverTab
To check UI of Driver tab
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on Driver Button
Admion Should be able to see the Driver page
Admin Can able to see the Driver page
Driver Tab
FSM Registry - DriverTab
To verify Admin can able to enter Driver name in Driver Text field
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on Driver Button 4.Enter driver name in driver text field 5.Click on Search
Admin Should be able to see all the components of Driver page details
Admin Can able to see all the components of Driver page details
Driver Tab
FSM Registry - DriverTab
To Verify admin can able to enter Driver name in name Driver text field
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Driver Button 4.Enter Driver name 5.Click on search
Admin Should be able to see all the details of the Driver
Admin can able to see all the details of the Driver
Driver Tab
FSM Registry - DriverTab
To verify admin can able to select Enable / disable toggle button
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Driver Button 4.Enter Driver name 5.Click on search 6.Click on Enable or Disable toggle button
Admin Should be able to see toggle button in orange colour if it is enabled or Should display in black if it is Disabled
Admin can able to see toggle button in orange colour if it is enabled or Should display in black if it is Disabled
Driver Tab
FSM Registry - DriverTab
To verify admin able to select Take action button
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on By Driver Button 4.Enter Driver name 5.Click on search 6. Click on Driver name 7.Click on take action button
Admin Should be able to see edit and delete buttons in orange colour
Admin can able to see edit and delete buttons in orange colour
Driver Tab
FSM Registry - DriverTab
To verify admin able to click on add icon
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on add icon
Admin Should be able to see vendor,Vehicle and driver list
Admin can able to see vendor,Vehicle and driver list
Driver Tab
FSM Registry - DriverTab
To verify admin can able to add new Driver
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Click on Add icon 4.Click on Driver 5.Enter all the required fields 6.Click on Submit application Button
New Driver has to be created
New Driver is created
Driver Tab
FSM Registry - DriverTab
To verify Admin can able to see the Driver name in Driver list
1.Login as Admin 2.Click on Fsm registry 3.Enter Driver name 4.Click on search
Driver details should display
Driver details is displaying
Complete request : upload photo - copy
Complete request
Uplaod Photo
To verify the localisation has been changed from upload pit photo to upload photo
1.Login as Editor. 2.Select the application which has to be completed. 3.Click on take action. 4.click on complete request.
The localisation Can be changed from upload pit photo to upload photo
The localisation Can been changed from upload pit photo to upload photo
FSM Registry Login to Inbox and empty inbox
FSM Registry_01
FSM Registry-Inbox
FSM Registry Login to Inbox and empty inbox
To verify admin can able to view add Add new vendor option
1.Login as Admin. 2.click on Fsm registry button 3.Enter the invalid vendor name. 4.Click on search
Admin should be able to view add new vendor option .
Admin Can able to view add new vendor option .
FSM Registry_02
FSM Registry-Inbox
FSM Registry Login to Inbox and empty inbox
To verify admin can able to view add Add new vehicle option
1.Login as Admin. 2.click on Fsm registry button 3.Enter the invalid vehicle name. 4.Click on search
Admin should be able to view add new vehicle option
Admin Can able to view add new vehicle option
FSM Registry_03
FSM Registry-Inbox
FSM Registry Login to Inbox and empty inbox
To verify admin can able to view add Add new driver option
1.Login as Admin. 2.click on Fsm registry button 3.Enter the invalid driver name. 4.Click on search.
Admin should be able to view add new vendor option .
Admin Can able to view add new vendor option .
ULB Inbox
ULB Employee_01
ULB Employee
ULB Employee Inbox
To verify Filter options like assigned to me and assigned to all Can be removed from UI
1.Login as ULB Employee 2.Click on inbox 3.Check whether Filter options like assigned to me and assigned to all is there.
ULB Employee Can not be able to view assigned to me and assigned to all filter options.
ULB Employee can able to view assigned to me and assigned to all filter options.
ULB Employee_02
Creator flow
ULB Employee Inbox
To check that creator can be able to view FSM Page with New De sludging application , inbox and reports options.
1.Login As admin 2.click on New Desludging application button. 3.click the browser back button
Creator Can be able to view FSM Page with New De sludging application , inbox and reports options.
Creator can be able to view FSM Page with New De sludging application , inbox and reports options.
Test cases for Vehicle validation
Vehicle number validation_01
Vehicle number validation
The Add new text field Can accept the vehicle number in the AB 00 CD 1234 format
1.Login as FSTPO. 2.Click on Home. 3.Click on Add new. 4.Enter the vehicle number in the AB 00 CD 1234 format.
The Add new text field Can be able to accept the vehicle number in the AB 00 CD 1234 format
The Add new text field is accepting the vehicle number in the AB 00 CD 1234 format
Vehicle number validation_02
Vehicle number validation
The Add new text field Can accept the vehicle number in the AB 00 C 1234 format
1.Login as FSTPO. 2.Click on Home. 3.Click on Add new. 4.Enter the vehicle number in the AB 00 C 1234 format.
The Add new text field Can be able to accept the vehicle number in the AB 00 C 1234 format
The Add new text field is accepting the vehicle number in the AB 00 C 1234 format
Vehicle number validation_03
Vehicle number validation
The Add new text field Can accept the vehicle number in the AB 00C 1234 format
1.Login as FSTPO. 2.Click on Home. 3.Click on Add new. 4.Enter the vehicle number in the AB 00C 1234 format.
The Add new text field Can be able to accept the vehicle number in the AB 00C 1234 format
The Add new text field is accepting the vehicle number in the AB 00C 1234 format
Vehicle number validation_04
Vehicle number validation
The Add new text field Can accept the vehicle number in the AB 00CD 1234 format
1.Login as FSTPO. 2.Click on Home. 3.Click on Add new. 4.Enter the vehicle number in the AB 00CD 1234 format.
The Add new text field Can be able to accept the vehicle number in the AB 00CD 1234 format
The Add new text field is accepting the vehicle number in the AB 00CD 1234 format
ULB New application +(modify application)
ULB Employee_01
ULB Employee
ULB New application + modify application
To verify that collector can able to collect the advance amount
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment.
Collector Can be able to Collect the advance amount.
Collector can able to Collect the advance amount.
ULB Employee_02
ULB Employee
ULB New application + modify application
To verify that collector can able to collect the Balance amount
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment.
Collector Can be able to Collect the balance amount.
Collector can able to Collect the balance amount.
ULB Employee_03
ULB Employee
ULB New application + modify application
To verify that Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment. 3.Download the reciept and view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector Can be able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
ULB collecting advance
https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SM-806, https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SM-807
Collector - Advance amount_01
Collector - Advance amount
ULB collecting advance amount
To verify that collector can able to collect the advance amount
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment.
Collector Can be able to Collect the advance amount.
Collector can able to Collect the advance amount.
Collector - Advance amount_02
Collector - Advance amount
ULB collecting advance amount
To verify that collector can able to collect the Balance amount
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment.
Collector Can be able to Collect the balance amount.
Collector can able to Collect the balance amount.
Collector - Advance amount_03
Collector - Advance amount
ULB collecting advance amount
To verify that Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment. 3.Download the reciept and view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector Can be able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector - Advance amount_04
Collector - Advance amount
ULB collecting advance amount
To verify that collector can able to collect the remaining amount and the breadcrumbs Can be as follows Home/FSM/ Inbox/ Collect Payment / Generate Receipt
1.Login as Collector. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.Click on generate reciept and enter all the fields and click on submit application
collector Can be able to collect the remaining amount and the breadcrumbs Can be as follows Home/FSM/ Inbox/ Collect Payment / Generate Receipt
collector can able to collect the remaining amount and the breadcrumbs Can be as follows Home/FSM/ Inbox/ Collect Payment / Generate Receipt
Collector - Advance amount_05
Collector - Advance amount
ULB collecting advance amount
To verify that citizen is getting the message in the given format after paying the full amount
Check has to check the message and Can be in the given format Dear citizen, amount of Rs.* is received towards the payment of cleaning septic tank /pit for reference no. *. Please click this link **to download the receipt. Thank You. EGOVS.
citizen Can be able to get the message in the given format.
citizen can able to get the message in the given format.
Collector - Advance amount_06
Collector - Advance amount
ULB collecting advance amount
To verify that citizen able to download the reciept from the message link.
Click on the download the reciept link which has sent to citizen and download the report
Citizen Can be able to download the report.
ULB employee update number of trips
ULB Employee - No of trips update_01
ULB Employee - No of trips update
ULB employee update number of trips
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips. 5.Now increase/decrease the trips
Editor Can be able to increase/decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
Editor can be able to increase/decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
ULB Employee - No of trips update_02
ULB Employee - No of trips update
ULB employee update number of trips
To verify that can able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips. 5.Now reduce the trips
Editor Can not be able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
Editor can't able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
ULB Employee - No of trips update_03
ULB Employee - No of trips update
ULB employee update number of trips
To verify that Editor can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips.
Editor Can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
Editor can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
ULB Employee - No of trips update_04
ULB Employee - No of trips update
ULB employee update number of trips
To verify that Editor can able to Complete the request when citizen pay the full amount
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.complete the request.
Editor Can be able to complete the request when citizen makes the full payment.
Editor can be able to complete the request when citizen makes the full payment.
ULB Employee - No of trips update_05
ULB Employee - No of trips update
ULB employee update number of trips
To verify that editor can't able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
Login as editor and click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number and try to complete the request
editor Can not be able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
editor cannot able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
DSO update number of trips
DSO update number of trips_01
DSO update number of trips
DSO update number of trips
To verify that DSOcan able to increase or decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips. 5.Now increase/decrease the trips
DSO Can be able to increase/decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
DSO can be able to increase/decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
DSO update number of trips_02
DSO update number of trips
DSO update number of trips
To verify that can able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips. 5.Now reduce the trips
DSOCan not be able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
DSO can't able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
DSO update number of trips_03
DSO update number of trips
DSO update number of trips
To verify that DSO can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips.
DSO Can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
DSO can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
DSO update number of trips_04
DSO update number of trips
DSO update number of trips
To verify that DSO can able to Complete the request when citizen pay the full amount
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.complete the request.
DSOCan be able to complete the request when citizen makes the full payment.
DSOcan be able to complete the request when citizen makes the full payment.
DSO update number of trips_05
DSO update number of trips
DSO update number of trips
To verify that DSo can't able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
Login as DSoand click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number and try to complete the request
DSoCan not be able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
DSocannot able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
Workflow changes from creator flow side
Workflow changes - Creator side_01
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that collector can able to collect the advance amount
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment.
Collector Can be able to Collect the advance amount.
Collector can able to Collect the advance amount.
Workflow changes - Creator side_02
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment. 3.Download the reciept and view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector Can be able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Workflow changes - Creator side_03
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that Editor can able to assign the DSO
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action. 4.click on assign DSO. 5.Assign the DSO.
Editor Can be able to assign the DSO
Editor can able to assign the DSO
Workflow changes - Creator side_04
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that Editor/DSO can able to assign the Vehicle.
1.Login as Editor/DSO. 2.2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action. 4.click on assign vehicle 5.Assign the vehicle.
Editor/DSO Can be able to assign the Vehicle
Editor/DSO can able to assign Vehicle
Workflow changes - Creator side_05
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that Editor /DSO can able to increase or decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount
1.Login as Editor /DSO. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips. 5.Now increase/decrease the trips
Editor /DSO Can be able to increase/decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
Editor /DSO can be able to increase/decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
Workflow changes - Creator side_06
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that can able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount
1.Login as Editor /DSO. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips. 5.Now reduce the trips
Editor /DSO Can not be able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
Editor /DSO can't able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
Workflow changes - Creator side_07
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that Editor /DSO can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
1.Login as Editor /DSO. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips.
Editor /DSO Can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
Editor /DSO can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
Workflow changes - Creator side_08
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that collector can able to Balance amount
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment.
Collector Can be able to Collect the balance amount.
Collector can be able to Collect the balance amount.
Workflow changes - Creator side_09
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment. 3.Download the reciept and view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector Can be able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Workflow changes - Creator side_10
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that FSTPO can able to click on Dispose
1.Login as FSTPO. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.And Click on dispose.
FSTPO Can be able to click on Dispose.
FSTPO can able to dispose.
Workflow changes - Creator side_11
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that Editor/DSO can able to Complete the request when citizen pay the full amount
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.complete the request.
Editor/DSOCan be able to complete the request when citizen makes the full payment.
Editor/DSOcan be able to complete the request when citizen makes the full payment.
Workflow changes - Creator side_12
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that Editor/DSO Can not able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
Login as Editor/DSOand click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number and try to complete the request
Editor/DSOCan not be able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
Editor/DSOcannot able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
Workflow changes - Creator side_13
Workflow changes - Creator side
Workflow changes from creator side
To verify that Citizen can able to give Feedback.
1.Login as citizen. 2.click on my application. 3.click on application number. 4.click on Citizen provides Feedback. 5.Fill all the fields. 6.click on submit.
Citizen Can be able to give Feedback.
Citizen can able to give feedback
Workflow changes from citizen side
Workflow changes - Citizen side_01
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that citizen is able to view warning message when he enters the amount greater than the advance amount
1.Login as creator 2.click on new desludging appliction 3.Enter all the mandatory fields till Payment Preference 4.Select pre pay in Payment Preference 5.Then enter greater than the advance amount
citizen as to able to view warning message as Amount entered is greater than the advance amount.
citizen can able to view warning message as Amount entered is greater than the advance amount.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_02
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that citizen is able to view warning message when he enters the amount lesser than the advance amount
11.Login as creator 2.click on new desludging appliction 3.Enter all the mandatory fields till Payment Preference 4.Select pre pay in Payment Preference 5.Then enter lesser than the advance amount
citizen as to able to view warning message as Amount entered is lesser than the advance amount.
citizen can able to view warning message as Amount entered is greater than the advance amount.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_03
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that editor can able to update the trips.
1.Login as editor. 2.search with the citizen created application number and click on application number 3.Click on take action. 4.update the trips.
Editor Can be able to update the trips.
Editor can be able to update the trips.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_04
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that collector can able to collect the advance amount
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment.
Collector Can be able to Collect the advance amount.
Collector can able to Collect the advance amount.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_05
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment. 3.Download the reciept and view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector Can be able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_06
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that Editor can able to assign the DSO
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action. 4.click on assign DSO. 5.Assign the DSO.
Editor Can be able to assign the DSO
Editor can able to assign the DSO
Workflow changes - Citizen side_07
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that Editor/DSO can able to assign the Vehicle.
1.Login as Editor/DSO. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action. 4.click on assign vehicle 5.Assign the vehicle.
Editor/DSO Can be able to assign the Vehicle
Editor/DSO can able to assign Vehicle
Workflow changes - Citizen side_08
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that Editor /DSO can able to increase or decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount
1.Login as Editor /DSO. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips. 5.Now increase/decrease the trips
Editor /DSO Can be able to increase/decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
Editor /DSO can be able to increase/decrease the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_09
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that can able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount
1.Login as Editor /DSO. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips. 5.Now reduce the trips
Editor /DSO Can not be able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
Editor /DSO can't able to reduce the trips when citizen has paid some advance amount.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_10
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that Editor /DSO can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
1.Login as Editor /DSO. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.click on update trips.
Editor /DSO Can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
Editor /DSO can be able to view the message as not allowed to reduce the number of trips as amount as already collected when amount has been already paid
Workflow changes - Citizen side_11
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that collector can able to Balance amount
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment.
Collector Can be able to Collect the balance amount.
Collector can be able to Collect the balance amount.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_12
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
1.Login as collector 2.search with the application number and click on the application number and collect the payment. 3.Download the reciept and view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector Can be able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Collector can able to view the advance amount and paid amount and balance amount in payment Reciept.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_13
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that FSTPO can able to click on Dispose
1.Login as FSTPO. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.And Click on dispose.
FSTPO Can be able to click on Dispose.
FSTPO can able to dispose.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_14
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that Editor/DSO can able to Complete the request when citizen pay the full amount
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.complete the request.
Editor/DSOCan be able to complete the request when citizen makes the full payment.
Editor/DSOcan be able to complete the request when citizen makes the full payment.
Workflow changes - Citizen side_15
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that Editor/DSOCan not able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
Login as Editor/DSOand click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number and try to complete the request
Editor/DSOCan not be able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
Editor/DSOcannot able to Complete the request when citizen did not pays the full amount
Workflow changes - Citizen side_16
Workflow changes - Citizen side
Workflow changes from Citizen side
To verify that Citizen can able to give Feedback.
1.Login as citizen. 2.click on my application. 3.click on application number. 4.click on Citizen provides Feedback. 5.Fill all the fields. 6.click on submit.
Citizen Can be able to give Feedback.
Citizen can able to give feedback
FSM V1.2 : Citizen New application +(modify application)
Citizen side - warning message_01
Citizen side - warning message
Citizen side - warning message
To verify that citizen is able to view warning message when he enters the amount greater than the advance amount
1.Login as creator 2.click on new desludging appliction 3.Enter all the mandatory fields till Payment Preference 4.Select pre pay in Payment Preference 5.Then enter greater than the advance amount
citizen as to able to view warning message as Amount entered is greater than the advance amount.
citizen can able to view warning message as Amount entered is greater than the advance amount.
Citizen side - warning message_02
Citizen side - warning message
Citizen side - warning message
To verify that citizen is able to view warning message when he enters the amount lesser than the advance amount
11.Login as creator 2.click on new desludging appliction 3.Enter all the mandatory fields till Payment Preference 4.Select pre pay in Payment Preference 5.Then enter lesser than the advance amount
citizen as to able to view warning message as Amount entered is lesser than the advance amount.
citizen can able to view warning message as Amount entered is greater than the advance amount.
Payment mode from citzen side
Citizen side - Pyment_01
Citizen side - Pyment
Citizen side - Pyment
To verify citizen can able to make the payment for partial amount.
1.Login as citizen and create a desludging application. 2.Login as editor and update the trips. 3.Login as citizen and make the payment for partial amount by entering all the mandatory fields.
citizen should be able to make the payment for partial amount.
citizen can able to make the payment for partial amount.
Citizen side - Pyment_02
Citizen side - Pyment
Citizen side - Pyment
To verify citizen can able to make the payment for full amount.
1.Login as citizen and create a desludging application. 2.Login as editor and update the trips. 3.Login as citizen and make the payment for full amount by entering all the mandatory fields.
citizen should be able to make the payment for full amount.
citizen can able to make the payment for full amount.
Citizen side - Pyment_03
Citizen side - Pyment
Citizen side - Pyment
To verify citizen can able to make the payment after paying the partial amount
1.Login as citizen and create a desludging application. 2.Login as editor and update the trips. 3.Login as citizen and make the payment for partial amount by entering all the mandatory fields. 4.Login as Editor, assign the DSO. 5.Login as Editor, Assign the vehicle and update the trips. 6.Login as Citizen make the payment for partial amount by entering all the mandatory fields.
citizen should be able to make the payment after paying the partial amount
citizen can be able to make the payment after paying the partial amount
Citizen side - Pyment_04
Citizen side - Pyment
Citizen side - Pyment
To verify citizen can able to make the payment after paying the full amount
1.Login as citizen and create a desludging application. 2.Login as editor and update the trips. 3.Login as citizen and make the payment for full amount by entering all the mandatory fields. 4.Login as Editor, assign the DSO. 5.Login as Editor, Assign the vehicle and update the trips. 6.Login as Citizen make the payment for full amount by entering all the mandatory fields.
citizen should not be able to make the payment after paying the full amount
citizen can not able to make the payment after paying the full amount
Updating Citizen Feedback form
Citizen Feedback form_01
Citizen Feedback form
Update Citizen Feedback form
Verify that "Number of Trips" text field has removed From the UI
1.Login as citizen. 2.click on my application. 3.click on application number. 4.click on Citizen provides Feedback. 5.check that Number of Trips text field has removed From the UI
"Number of Trips" text field should be removed From the UI
"Number of Trips" text field is removed From the UI
Citizen Feedback form_02
Citizen Feedback form
Update Citizen Feedback form
Verify that "Did desludging happen" textfield has removed From the UI
1.Login as citizen. 2.click on my application. 3.click on application number. 4.click on Citizen provides Feedback. 5.Check that Did desludging happen textfield has removed From the UI
"Did desludging happen" textfield should be removed From the UI
"Did desludging happen" textfield is removed From the UI
Citizen Feedback form_03
Citizen Feedback form
Update Citizen Feedback form
Verify that "Provide Feedback " rating scale is a mandatory field
1.Login as citizen. 2.click on my application. 3.click on application number. 4.click on Citizen provides Feedback.
"Provide Feedback " rating scale should be mandatory field
"Provide Feedback " rating scale is a mandatory field
Citizen Feedback form_04
Citizen Feedback form
Update Citizen Feedback form
Verify that "Safety gear used " checkbox is a mandatory field
1.Login as citizen. 2.click on my application. 3.click on application number. 4.click on Citizen provides Feedback. 5.Check that Provide Feedback rating scale is a mandatory field
Verify that "Safety gear used " checkbox should be mandatory field
Verify that "Safety gear used " checkbox should is a mandatory field
Citizen Feedback form_05
Citizen Feedback form
Update Citizen Feedback form
Verify that "Comments" textfield is a not a mandatory field
1.Login as citizen. 2.click on my application. 3.click on application number. 4.click on Citizen provides Feedback. 5.Check that Commentstextfield is a not a mandatory field
Verify that "Comments" textfield is a not a mandatory field
Verify that "Comments" textfield is a not a mandatory field
Citizen Feedback form_06
Citizen Feedback form
Update Citizen Feedback form
Verify that Submit button Should not highlighted when mandatory fields are not filled
1.Login as citizen. 2.click on my application. 3.click on application number. 4.click on Citizen provides Feedback. 5.check that Submit button Should not highlighted when mandatory fields are not filled
Submit button Should not highlighted when mandatory fields are not filled
Submit button isn't highlighted when mandatory fields are not filled
Citizen Feedback form_07
Citizen Feedback form
Update Citizen Feedback form
Verify that when citizen didn't fill the mandatory fields suggestions has to display
1.Login as citizen. 2.click on my application. 3.click on application number. 4.click on Citizen provides Feedback. 5. Check that when citizen didn't fill the mandatory fields suggestions has to display
when citizen didn't fill the mandatory fields suggestions messages should display
when citizen didn't fill the mandatory fields suggestions messages like "please rate your experience between 1-5 stars" and "please select the options from below" is displaying
Skip Collection Process for Zero Pricing
Zero pricing_01
Zero pricing
Skip Collection Process for Zero Pricing
Verify that when citizen selects the "Kathagada Parbatia Sahi "slum while creating the De-sludging application the payment details should be ₹ 0
1.Login as citizen. 2.Create an application by selecting "Kathagada Parbatia Sahi" slum option .
Payment details should be ₹ 0 when citizen creates the application by selecting "Kathagada Parbatia Sahi "slum option
when citizen selects the "Kathagada Parbatia Sahi "slum while creating the De-sludging application the payment details is showing as ₹ 0
Zero pricing_02
Zero pricing
Skip Collection Process for Zero Pricing
Verify that when creator selects the "Kathagada Parbatia Sahi" slum while creating the De-sludging application the payment details should be ₹ 0
1.Login as creator. 2.Create an application by selecting the "Kathagada Parbatia Sahi" slum option .
Payment details should be ₹ 0 when creator creates the application by selecting "Kathagada Parbatia Sahi "slum option
when creator selects the "Kathagada Parbatia Sahi" slum while creating the De-sludging application the payment details is showing as ₹ 0
Zero pricing_03
Zero pricing
Skip Collection Process for Zero Pricing
Verify that when the citizen created the application by selecting the slum option then that applicaton while completing the request ,It should not ask the payment details.
1.Login as Editor. 2.click on inbox and enter the application number and click on the application number, 3.click on take action 4.complete the request.
Verify that when the citizen created the application, by selecting the slum option then that applicaton while completing the request ,It should not ask the payment details.
when the citizen created the application by selecting the slum option then that applicaton while completing the request ,It is not asking the payment details.
Zero pricing_04
Zero pricing
Skip Collection Process for Zero Pricing
Configure property type as Residential and sub property type as independent house using API for zero pricing by NOT selecting any slum
Select property type as Residential and sub property type as independent house using API for zero pricing by NOT selecting any slum
Citizen Should not able to create the application
Citizen cannot able to create the application
Advance Balance Workflow Enhancement
Advance Balance Workflow _01
Advance Balance Workflow
Advance Balance Workflow
Verify when minimum pricing by the ULB is zero and citizen chooses to pay 0
1.Login as citizen. 2.Set the minimum pricing given by the ULB
A citizen creates a request where minimum pricing by the ULB is zero and citizen chooses to pay 0. No. of Trips = 1, Amount per Trip is 1000. The workflow is as follows: Create request ----> Accept Request ------> Assign DSO -------> Assign Vehicle ------> Collect Payment ------> Complete Request The collect payment step should display 100% of the total amount as amount due. The payment receipt displays Amount per trip: 1000, Total Amount: 1000, Advance amount paid: 0, Balance amount paid: 1000, Total due: 0
A citizen creates a request where minimum pricing by the ULB is zero and citizen chooses to pay 0. No. of Trips = 1, Amount per Trip is 1000. The workflow is as follows: Create request ----> Accept Request ------> Assign DSO -------> Assign Vehicle ------> Collect Payment ------> Complete Request The collect payment step should display 100% of the total amount as amount due. The payment receipt displays Amount per trip: 1000, Total Amount: 1000, Advance amount paid: 0, Balance amount paid: 1000, Total due: 0
Advance Balance Workflow _02
Advance Balance Workflow
Advance Balance Workflow
Verify when A citizen creates a new request. The minimum pricing by the ULB is 100%.
1.Login as citizen. 2.Set the minimum pricing given by the ULB 3. The citizen chooses 1 trip, Amount per trip = 1000. The input box for entering Advance Amount is non editable and displays value equal to 100% of the trip amount.
The citizen chooses 1 trip, Amount per trip = 1000. The input box for entering Advance Amount is non editable and displays value equal to 100% of the trip amount. The acknowledgment receipt displays the following: Amount per trip: 1000 Total Amount: 1000 Advance Amount due: 1000
The citizen chooses 1 trip, Amount per trip = 1000. The input box for entering Advance Amount is non editable and displays value equal to 100% of the trip amount. The acknowledgment receipt displays the following: Amount per trip: 1000 Total Amount: 1000 Advance Amount due: 1000
Advance Balance Workflow _03
Advance Balance Workflow
Advance Balance Workflow
Verify when A citizen creates a new request. The minimum pricing by the ULB is 100%. and When the no. of trips is edited by the ULB to 2, advance amount is updated automatically for 100% of the amount for 2 trips.
1.Login as citizen. 2.Set the minimum pricing given by the ULB 3. The citizen chooses 1 trip, Amount per trip = 1000. The input box for entering Advance Amount is non editable and displays value equal to 100% of the trip amount.
The citizen chooses 1 trip, Amount per trip = 1000. The input box for entering Advance Amount is non editable and displays value equal to 100% of the trip amount. When the no. of trips is edited by the ULB to 2, advance amount is updated automatically for 100% of the amount for 2 trips. he acknowledgment receipt displays the following: Amount per trip: 1000 Total Amount: 1000 Advance Amount due: 1000
The citizen chooses 1 trip, Amount per trip = 1000. The input box for entering Advance Amount is non editable and displays value equal to 100% of the trip amount. When the no. of trips is edited by the ULB to 2, advance amount is updated automatically for 100% of the amount for 2 trips. he acknowledgment receipt displays the following: Amount per trip: 1000 Total Amount: 1000 Advance Amount due: 1000
Advance Balance Workflow _04
Advance Balance Workflow
Advance Balance Workflow
Verify when a citizen creates a new request where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs.
1.Login as citizen. 2.Set the minimum pricing given by the ULB 3. citizen creates a new request where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs..
A citizen creates a new request where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs. The collection screen displays 600 Rs. The workflow is as follows: Create Request -----> Accept Request------> Collect Payment -------> Assign Vehicle ----->Collect Payment ----> Complete Request
A citizen creates a new request where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs. The collection screen displays 600 Rs. The workflow is as follows: Create Request -----> Accept Request------> Collect Payment -------> Assign Vehicle ----->Collect Payment ----> Complete Request
Advance Balance Workflow _05
Advance Balance Workflow
Advance Balance Workflow
Verify when a citizen created a new request. Minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen enters Rs. 400. An error is shows which states “Amount entered is less than minimum amount”.
1.Login as citizen. 2.Set the minimum pricing given by the ULB 3. citizen created a new request. Minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen enters Rs. 400. An error is shows which states “Amount entered is less than minimum amount”.
citizen created a new request. Minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen enters Rs. 400. An error is shows which states “Amount entered is less than minimum amount”.
citizen created a new request. Minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen enters Rs. 400. An error is shows which states “Amount entered is less than minimum amount”.
Advance Balance Workflow _06
Advance Balance Workflow
Advance Balance Workflow
Verify when a ULB creates a request where minimum pricing by the ULB is zero and citizen chooses to pay 0. The workflow is as follows:
1.Login as citizen. 2.Set the minimum pricing given by the ULB 3. ULB creates a request where minimum pricing by the ULB is zero and citizen chooses to pay 0. The workflow is as follows:
A ULB creates a request where minimum pricing by the ULB is zero and citizen chooses to pay 0. The workflow is as follows: Create request ----> Accept Request ------> Assign DSO -------> Assign Vehicle ------> Collect Payment ------> Complete Request The collect payment step should display 100% of the total amount as amount due
A ULB creates a request where minimum pricing by the ULB is zero and citizen chooses to pay 0. The workflow is as follows: Create request ----> Accept Request ------> Assign DSO -------> Assign Vehicle ------> Collect Payment ------> Complete Request The collect payment step should display 100% of the total amount as amount due
Advance Balance Workflow _07
Advance Balance Workflow
Advance Balance Workflow
Verify when a ULB creates a new request. The minimum pricing by the ULB is 100%. The citizen chooses 1 trip and The input box for entering Advance Amount is non editable and displays value equal to 100% of the trip amount. When the no. of trips is edited by the ULB to 2, advance amount is updated automatically for 100% of the amount for 2 trips
1.Login as citizen. 2.Set the minimum pricing given by the ULB 3. ULB creates a new request. The minimum pricing by the ULB is 100%.
A ULB creates a new request. The minimum pricing by the ULB is 100%. The citizen chooses 1 trip and The input box for entering Advance Amount is non editable and displays value equal to 100% of the trip amount. When the no. of trips is edited by the ULB to 2, advance amount is updated automatically for 100% of the amount for 2 trips.
A ULB creates a new request. The minimum pricing by the ULB is 100%. The citizen chooses 1 trip and The input box for entering Advance Amount is non editable and displays value equal to 100% of the trip amount. When the no. of trips is edited by the ULB to 2, advance amount is updated automatically for 100% of the amount for 2 trips.
Advance Balance Workflow _08
Advance Balance Workflow
Advance Balance Workflow
Verify when ULB creates a new request with 1 trip and trip amount as 1000 where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs
1.Login as citizen. 2.Set the minimum pricing given by the ULB 3. ULB creates a new request with 1 trip and trip amount as 1000 where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs
ULB creates a new request with 1 trip and trip amount as 1000 where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs verify acknowledgement, collection screen, payment receipt, Post servicing, collection screen, ayment receipt
ULB creates a new request with 1 trip and trip amount as 1000 where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs verify acknowledgement, collection screen, payment receipt, Post servicing, collection screen, ayment receipt
Advance Balance Workflow _09
Advance Balance Workflow
Advance Balance Workflow
Verify when ULB creates a new request with 1 trip and trip amount as 1000 where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs
1.Login as citizen. 2.Set the minimum pricing given by the ULB 3. ULB creates a new request with 1 trip and trip amount as 1000 where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs
ULB creates a new request with 1 trip and trip amount as 1000 where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs verify acknowledgement, collection screen, payment receipt, Post servicing, collection screen, ayment receipt
ULB creates a new request with 1 trip and trip amount as 1000 where minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen chooses to pay 600 Rs verify acknowledgement, collection screen, payment receipt, Post servicing, collection screen, ayment receipt
Advance Balance Workflow _10
Advance Balance Workflow
Advance Balance Workflow
Verify when ULB created a new request. Minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen enters Rs. 400. An error is shows which states “Amount entered is less than minimum amount
1.Login as citizen. 2.Set the minimum pricing given by the ULB 3.ULB created a new request. Minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen enters Rs. 400. An error is shows which states “Amount entered is less than minimum amount
ULB created a new request. Minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen enters Rs. 400. An error is shows which states “Amount entered is less than minimum amount
ULB created a new request. Minimum pricing by the ULB is set at 500 Rs. The citizen enters Rs. 400. An error is shows which states “Amount entered is less than minimum amount
Requests unable to be completed when requests are being created using driver/DSO/employee number
Driver/DSO/employee - Request creation_01
Driver/DSO/employee - Request creation
Driver/DSO/employee - Request creation
Verify Requests unable to be completed when requests are being created using driver/DSO/employee number
1. Login as DSO 2. Use same phone number as citizen and employee
Check whether Requests unable to be completed when requests are being created using driver/DSO/employee number
Requests unable to be completed when requests are being created using driver/DSO/employee number
Test Cases
https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1017 https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1159
Employee Search details
Verify if UB employee is able to Search without filling details and only selecting date range should display results
1. Login to ULB employee editor and go to inbox 2. Click on search application 3. Give the date range from and to
Should be able to see all applications created in the date range and no other field should be mandatory
Should be able to see all applications created in the date range and no other field should be mandatory
https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-996 https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1163
Editor Application timeline
Verify Application timeline correct Provider Info- Editor side
1. Login as citizen/creator 2. Create an applciation and fill all details and go until last step using Editor login 3. Validate the application timeline info
Appication time line should show below information Request Completed Pending Citizen Feedback - citizen info Disposed - FSTPO info Disposal in progress - Driver Info Pending for Payment - Accountant Info DSO in Progress - DSO info Pending for DSO Approval - NA Pending for DSO Assignment - NA Application created - Citizen contact info
Appication time line should show below information Request Completed Pending Citizen Feedback - citizen info Disposed - FSTPO info Disposal in progress - Driver Info Pending for Payment - Accountant Info DSO in Progress - DSO info Pending for DSO Approval - NA Pending for DSO Assignment - NA Application created - Citizen contact info
https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-978 https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1168
Verify UI UX enhancements in citizen and employee login
1. login as citizen/Employee 2. Validate below UI UX enhancements In Employee Login, FSM Icon in Card is missing on left top card In Update Application success screen, Localisation of Select DSO Now, Select DSO need to be changed In Update and Schedule screen from employee side, When Septic tank with soak pit is selected, needs to remove spacing in pit dimension In Collector Login, when collecting payment need to remove spacing in payment mode in radio button
Below UI UX enhancements are validated In Employee Login, FSM Icon in Card is missing on left top card In Update Application success screen, Localisation of Select DSO Now, Select DSO need to be changed In Update and Schedule screen from employee side, When Septic tank with soak pit is selected, needs to remove spacing in pit dimension In Collector Login, when collecting payment need to remove spacing in payment mode in radio button
Below UI UX enhancements are validated In Employee Login, FSM Icon in Card is missing on left top card In Update Application success screen, Localisation of Select DSO Now, Select DSO need to be changed In Update and Schedule screen from employee side, When Septic tank with soak pit is selected, needs to remove spacing in pit dimension In Collector Login, when collecting payment need to remove spacing in payment mode in radio button
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify DSO is able to assign same vehicle for multiple requests - ENGLISH
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number. 4) Click on take action and Assign the vehicle. 5) Select another application. 6) Click on take action and Assign same vehicle.
DSO Should be able to assign same vehicle to multiple requests.
DSO Should be able to assign same vehicle to multiple requests.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify DSO is able to assign same vehicle for multiple requests - HINDI
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number. 4) Click on take action and Assign the vehicle. 5) Select another application. 6) Click on take action and Assign same vehicle.
DSO Should be able to assign same vehicle to multiple requests.
DSO Should be able to assign same vehicle to multiple requests.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify Vehicle capacity field and Number of trips is disable while assigning vehicle - ENGLISH
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number and Assign the vehicle. 4) Check vehicle capacity and number of trips fields.
Vehicle capacity and number of trips should be deisable.
Vehicle capacity and number of trips should be deisable.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify Vehicle capacity field and Number of trips is disable while assigning vehicle - HINDI
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number and Assign the vehicle. 4) Check vehicle capacity and number of trips fields.
Vehicle capacity and number of trips should be deisable.
Vehicle capacity and number of trips should be deisable.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify DSO assigned vehicle is captured on new application - ENGLISH
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number and Assign vehicle. 4) Check application.
DSO assigned vehicle number should be captured on new application.
DSO assigned vehicle number should be captured on new application.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify DSO assigned vehicle is captured on new application - HINDI
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number and Assign vehicle. 4) Check application.
DSO assigned vehicle number should be captured on new application.
DSO assigned vehicle number should be captured on new application.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify DSO is able to overwrite number of trips while scheduling vehicle - ENGLISH
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number and assign vehicle. 4) Click on take action and overwrite number of trips.
DSO should be able to overwrite number of trips.
DSO should be able to overwrite number of trips.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify DSO is able to overwrite number of trips while scheduling vehicle - HINDI
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number and assign vehicle. 4) Click on take action and overwrite number of trips.
DSO should be able to overwrite number of trips.
DSO should be able to overwrite number of trips.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify DSO is able to select valid date in Desludging on field - ENGLISH
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number and assign vehicle. 4) Click on take action and Select valid date.
DSO Should be able to select valid date.
DSO Should be able to select valid date.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify DSO is able to select valid date in Desludging on field - HINDI
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number and assign vehicle. 4) Click on take action and Select valid date.
DSO Should be able to select valid date.
DSO Should be able to select valid date.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify DSO is able to schedule vehicle - ENGLISH
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number and assign vehicle. 4) Click on take action and Click on schedule.
DSO should be able to schedule vehicle.
DSO should be able to schedule vehicle.
DSO - Assign vehicle
Verify DSO is able to schedule vehicle - HINDI
1) Login as DSO. 2) Click on inbox. 3) Click on application number and assign vehicle. 4) Click on take action and Click on schedule.
DSO should be able to schedule vehicle.
DSO should be able to schedule vehicle.
https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1063 https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1157
To verify FSTPO can able to select Home button
1.Login as FSTPO in mobile 2.click on Home button
FSTPO should be able to see home page details
FSTPO should be able to see home page details
To verify FSTPO can able to select Inbox button in FSTPO operations page
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Inbox button
FSTPO Should be able to view Inbox page
FSTPO Should be able to view Inbox page
To verify FSTPO Can able to enter all fields and FSTPO Should able to select Application number or Vehicle log number
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Inbox button a 4.Enter all the fields or 5.Click on Application number or Vehicle log number
FSTPO Should be able to view vehicle scheduling page
FSTPO Should be able to view vehicle scheduling page
To verify FSTPO Can able to select Search Button
1.Login as FSTPO in Mobile 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.Click on Select 7.Enter application number or vehicle number or Dso name
FSTPO Should be able to view application details after filtered
FSTPO Should be able to view application details after filtered
To verify FSTPO Can able to select Sort Button
1.Login as FSTPO in Mobile 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.Click on Select 7.Click on Date(latest first) or click on Date(latest last)
FSTPO Should be able to view application details after filtered
FSTPO Should be able to view application details after filtered
To verify FSTPO can able to enter all fields and Vehicle in time and vehicle out time in vehicle entry log page and FSTPO can able to choose file from device and able to upload that file
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name 7.click on Select 8.Fill the details in all the fields 9.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it
FSTPO Should able to enter all the fields and FSTPO should able to view photo uploaded details
FSTPO Should able to enter all the fields and FSTPO should able to view photo uploaded details
To verify FSTPO can able to select Take action button in vehicle scheduling page
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name 7.Fill the details in all the fields 8.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it 9.click on Take action button
FSTPO Should be able to view Submit button or Decline vehicle button
FSTPO Should be able to view Submit button or Decline vehicle button
To verify FSTPO can able to select Submit button in vehicle scheduling page
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name. 9.Fill the details in all the fields 10.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it 11.click on Take action button 12.Click on submit
FSTPO Should be able to view vehicle submitted sucessfully message on the screen
FSTPO Should be able to view vehicle submitted sucessfully message on the screen
To verify FSTPO can able to select Decline vehicle button in vehicle scheduling page
.1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name 7.Fill the details in all the fields 8.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it 9.click on Take action button 10.Click on submit 11.click on Decline vehicle
FSTPO Should be able to view reason for Declining
FSTPO Should be able to view reason for Declining
To verify FSTPO can able to select Reason For Declining Dropdown
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name 7.Fill the details in all the fields 8.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it 9.click on Take action button 10.click on Decline vehicle 11.Select anyone of the reason from Reason For declining dropdown
FSTPO Should be able to select any one reason
FSTPO Should be able to select any one reason
To verify FSTPO can able to select Decline vehicle button
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name 7.Fill the details in all the fields 8.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it 9.click on Take action button 10.click on Decline vehicle 11.Select anyone of the reason from Reason For declining dropdown 12.Click on Decline vehicle button
FSTPO Should be able to view updated sucessfully message on the screen
FSTPO Should be able to view updated sucessfully message on the screen
https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1064 https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1158
To verify FSTPO can able to select Home button
1.Login as FSTPO in mobile 2.click on Home button
FSTPO should be able to see home page details
FSTPO should be able to see home page details
To verify FSTPO can able to select Inbox button in FSTPO operations page
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Inbox button
FSTPO Should be able to view Inbox page
FSTPO Should be able to view Inbox page
To verify FSTPO Can able to enter all fields and FSTPO Should able to select Application number or Vehicle log number
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Inbox button a 4.Enter all the fields or 5.Click on Application number or Vehicle log number
FSTPO Should be able to view vehicle scheduling page
FSTPO Should be able to view vehicle scheduling page
To verify FSTPO can able to enter all fields and Vehicle in time and vehicle out time in vehicle entry log page and FSTPO can able to choose file from device and able to upload that file
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name 7.click on Select 8.Fill the details in all the fields 9.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it
FSTPO Should able to enter all the fields and FSTPO should able to view photo uploaded details
FSTPO Should able to enter all the fields and FSTPO should able to view photo uploaded details
To verify FSTPO can able to select Take action button in vehicle scheduling page
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name 7.Fill the details in all the fields 8.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it 9.click on Take action button
FSTPO Should be able to view Submit button or Decline vehicle button
FSTPO Should be able to view Submit button or Decline vehicle button
To verify FSTPO can able to select Submit button in vehicle scheduling page
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name. 9.Fill the details in all the fields 10.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it 11.click on Take action button 12.Click on submit
FSTPO Should be able to view vehicle submitted sucessfully message on the screen
FSTPO Should be able to view vehicle submitted sucessfully message on the screen
To verify FSTPO can able to select Decline vehicle button in vehicle scheduling page
.1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name 7.Fill the details in all the fields 8.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it 9.click on Take action button 10.Click on submit 11.click on Decline vehicle
FSTPO Should be able to view reason for Declining
FSTPO Should be able to view reason for Declining
To verify FSTPO can able to select Reason For Declining Dropdown
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name 7.Fill the details in all the fields 8.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it 9.click on Take action button 10.click on Decline vehicle 11.Select anyone of the reason from Reason For declining dropdown
FSTPO Should be able to select any one reason
FSTPO Should be able to select any one reason
To verify FSTPO can able to select Decline vehicle button
1.Login as FSTPO in Desktop 2.click on Home button 3.Click on Add new button 4.Enter vehicle number 5.click on next 6.click on citizen name 7.Fill the details in all the fields 8.Click on choose file and select a photo and upload it 9.click on Take action button 10.click on Decline vehicle 11.Select anyone of the reason from Reason For declining dropdown 12.Click on Decline vehicle button
FSTPO Should be able to view updated sucessfully message on the screen
FSTPO Should be able to view updated sucessfully message on the screen
https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-987 https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1165
DSO Photo upload
Verify if Editor should be able to view the photo uploaded by DSO
1. Login to citizen/creator 2. Go through all the steps and create application 3. Go until DSO login 4. Login as DSO ,upload the photo
Photo should be uploaded
Photo should be uploaded
DSO Photo upload
Verify if Editor should be able to view the photo uploaded by DSO
1. Login to citizen/creator 2. Go through all the steps and create application 3. Go until DSO login 4. Login as DSO ,upload the photo 5.Login as editor and check photos uploaded by DSO is viewable
Editor should able to view photo in his timeline
Editor should able to view photo in his timeline
https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1037 https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1162
Photo uploads
To check all the application timeline aligned with roles
1.Go through until Application updated/payment/trips screen
Application timeline should be aligned with roles
Application timeline should be aligned with roles
Photo uploads
To check photos uploaded by DSO
1.Login as editor check who has uploaded the DSO
Editor should be viewable as photo uploaded by DSO
Editor should be viewable as photo uploaded by DSO
Photo uploads
To check the breadcrumbs in all the FSTPO pages
1.Login as FSTPO Check all the breadcrumbs
Breadcrumbs should be in the format Home/Inbox/vehicle log
Breadcrumbs should be in the format Home/Inbox/vehicle log
Photo uploads
To check the the Disposing time Schedule in the Format AM/PM
1.Login as FSTPO Check whether Disposal time schedule is in the format AM/PM
FSTPO Should be able to select AM/PM in Disposal scheduling page
FSTPO Should be able to select AM/PM in Disposal scheduling page
https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1075 https://digit-discuss.atlassian.net/browse/SAN-1160
UI/UX changes
Verify UI UX enhancements in citizen and employee login
1. login as citizen/Employee 2. Validate below UI UX enhancements 3.Log in as citizen,In service request text change in trip number screen in create application 4.Login as citizen ,In trip number screen in citizen side, number of trips will be on top and vehicle capacity will be on bottom. 5.Login as DSo Localisation should be changed from Scheduled to Update Trips 6.Login as Citizen all the Location detail and pit detail and combining all under property details
In UI UX AUDIT 1.In service request text change in trip number screen in create application should be creadted. 2.Citizen should be viewable In trip number screen in citizen side, number of trips will be on top and vehicle capacity will be on bottom. 3.Schedule localisation shoule be changed to Update trips 4.All the location details and pit details should be under property details
In UI UX AUDIT 1.In service request text change in trip number screen in create application should be creadted. 2.Citizen should be viewable In trip number screen in citizen side, number of trips will be on top and vehicle capacity will be on bottom. 3.Schedule localisation shoule be changed to Update trips 4.All the location details and pit details should be under property details
Employee _01
Dashboard charts
1.Dashboard Should have pie chart for gender,revenue by usage type,application preference,customer rating ,request status , data and Apply all the drill-down (by Date, ULB) on payment chart 2.Dashboard should be on mobile and desktop versions 3.The Dashboard chart should be shareable and downloadable
Login using Dashboard credentials
Dashboard should display pie chart for gender,revenue by usage type,application preference,customer rating ,request status , data and Apply all the drill-down and dashboard should be viewable in both mobile and desktop versions and it should be in shareable and downable format
Dashboard should display pie chart for gender,revenue by usage type,application preference,customer rating ,request status , data and Apply all the drill-down and dashboard should be viewable in both mobile and desktop versions and it should be in shareable and downable format
Citizen feedback
Validate that Citizen is able to verify new field "Number of Trips" on citizen feedback page_With English and Hindi Language
1. Login as Citizen 2. Go to My application 3.Citizen should be able to see the completed application 4.Validate that Citizen is able to verify new field "Number of Trips" on citizen feedback page in EN & Hindi
1)Citizen is able to verify new field "Number of Trips" on citizen feedback page In EN 2)Citizen is able to verify new field "कुल फेरों की संख्या" on citizen feedback page_Hindi
1)Citizen is able to verify new field "Number of Trips" on citizen feedback page In EN 2)Citizen is able to verify new field "कुल फेरों की संख्या" on citizen feedback page_Hindi
Citizen feedback
Validate Citizen is able to Add integer from dropdown field on citizen feedback page_Hindi/English
1. Login as Citizen 2. Go to My application 3.Citizen should be able to see the completed application 4.Validate that Citizen is able to Add integer from dropdown field on citizen feedback page 5.Validate that Citizen is able to submit the feed back with giving the proper rating and comments
Citizen will be able to Add integer from 1-10 from drop down and will be able to submit the feedback
Citizen will be able to Add integer from 1-10 from drop down and will be able to submit the feedback
Citizen feedback
Validate that Total number of trips field should not be mandatory for feedback submission _Hindi/English
1. Login as Citizen 2. Go to My application 3.Citizen should be able to see the completed application 4.Validate that Citizen is able to submit the feed back without Total num of Field trips
Citizen will be able to submit the feed back without Total num of Field trips
Citizen will be able to submit the feed back without Total num of Field trips
Citizen feedback number of trips
Validate that citizen gender info is Captured on New application right after OTP step with citizen login_English_Male
1.Login as a Citizen in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Citizen Create New Application 4.Validate that citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Male right after OTP step 5.Validate Citizen is able to Complete the Request further with required details 6.Validate Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
1. citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Male right after OTP step 2. Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
1. citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Male right after OTP step 2. Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
Citizen feedback number of trips
Validate that citizen gender info is Captured on New application right after OTP step with citizen login_Hindi_Female
1.Login as a Citizen in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Citizen Create New Application 4.Validate that citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Female right after OTP step 5.Validate Citizen is able to Complete the Request further with required details 6.Validate Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
1. citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Female right after OTP step 2. Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
1. citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Female right after OTP step 2. Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
Citizen feedback number of trips
Validate that citizen gender info is Captured on New application right after OTP step with Employee Creator login_English_Transgender
1.Login as a Employee Creator in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Citizen Create New Application 4.Validate that citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Transgender right after OTP step 5.Validate Citizen is able to Complete the Request further with required details 6.Validate Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
1. citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Transgender right after OTP step 2. Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
1. citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Transgender right after OTP step 2. Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
Citizen feedback number of trips
Validate that citizen gender info is Captured on New application right after OTP step with Employee Creator login_Hindi_Others
1.Login as a Employee Creator in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Citizen Create New Application 4.Validate that citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Others right after OTP step 5.Validate Citizen is able to Complete the Request further with required details 6.Validate Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
1. citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Others right after OTP step 2. Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
1. citizen gender info is Captured on New application as Others right after OTP step 2. Citizen shouldn’t see gender information on the application summary view
Citizen feedback number of trips
Validate that Citizen gender step is skippable with Citizen Login_Hindi
1.Login as a Citizen in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Citizen Create New Application 4.Validate that Citizen gender step is skippable
It is Validated that Citizen gender step is skippable in Citizen Logins
It is Validated that Citizen gender step is skippable in Citizen Logins
Citizen feedback number of trips
Validate that Citizen gender step is skippable with Employee creator Login_English
1.Login as a Employee Creator in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Citizen Create New Application 4.Validate that Citizen gender step is skippable
It is Validated that Citizen gender step is skippable in Employee creator Logins
It is Validated that Citizen gender step is skippable in Employee creator Logins
Citizen feedback number of trips
Validate that Employee editor is able to view the gender of the applicant on the application summary view_Hindi
1.Login as a Employee editor in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate that Employee is able to view the gender of the applicant on the application summary view
Employee is able to view the gender of the applicant on the application summary view
Employee is able to view the gender of the applicant on the application summary view
Citizen feedback number of trips
Validate that DSO is not able to view the gender of the applicant on the application summary view_English
1.Login as a DSO in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate that DSO is not able to view the gender of the applicant on the application summary view
DSO is not able to view the gender of the applicant on the application summary view
DSO is not able to view the gender of the applicant on the application summary view
DSO validation message
Validate message when unregistered phone number is entered in DSO login_English
1.Login to the mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.User click on DSO Login 4."Validate message when unregistered phone number is entered in DSO login: Please use a registered number for logging as a DSO"
validate message when unregistered phone number is entered in DSO login: Please use a registered number for logging as a DSO
validate message when unregistered phone number is entered in DSO login: Please use a registered number for logging as a DSO
DSO validation message
Validate message when unregistered phone number is entered in DSO login_Hindi
1.Login to the mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.User click on DSO Login 4. Validate message when unregistered phone number is entered in DSO login: कृपया डीएसओ के रूप में लॉगिंग के लिए पंजीकृत नंबर का उपयोग करें
Validate message when unregistered phone number is entered in DSO login: कृपया डीएसओ के रूप में लॉगिंग के लिए पंजीकृत नंबर का उपयोग करें
Validate message when unregistered phone number is entered in DSO login: कृपया डीएसओ के रूप में लॉगिंग के लिए पंजीकृत नंबर का उपयोग करें
DSO validation message
Validate when DSO login with registered phone number is able to see the application_English
1.Login to the mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.User click on DSO Login 4. Validate when DSO login with registered phone number is able to see the application
Validate when DSO login with registered phone number is able to see the application
Validate when DSO login with registered phone number is able to see the application
DSO validation message
Validate when DSO login with registered phone number is able to see the application_Hindi
1.Login to the mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.User click on DSO Login 4.Validate when DSO login with registered phone number is able to see the application
Validate when DSO login with registered phone number is able to see the application
Validate when DSO login with registered phone number is able to see the application
DSO - edit pit and property usage details
Validate that DSO can edit the Pit Details for a application_English
1.Login as a DSO in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate that DSO can edit the Pit Type and Pit Dimension and Upload a PIT photo for a application 5.Validate DSO is able to Submit the Request further with required details
1.DSO will be able to edit the Pit Type and Pit Dimension and Upload a PIT photo for a application
1.DSO will be able to edit the Pit Type and Pit Dimension and Upload a PIT photo for a application
DSO - edit pit and property usage details
Validate that DSO can edit the Pit Details for a application_Hindi
1.Login as a DSO in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate that DSO can edit the Pit Type and Pit Dimension and Upload a PIT photo for a application 5.Validate DSO is able to Submit the Request further with required details
1.DSO will be able to edit the Pit Type and Pit Dimension and Upload a PIT photo for a application
1.DSO will be able to edit the Pit Type and Pit Dimension and Upload a PIT photo for a application
DSO - edit pit and property usage details
Validate that DSO cannot modify the applicant and the property address for a application_Hindi
1.Login as a DSO in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate that DSO cannot modify the applicant and the property address for a application
1.DSO will not be able to edit the applicant and the property address for a application
1.DSO will not be able to edit the applicant and the property address for a application
DSO - edit pit and property usage details
Validate that DSO cannot modify the possible service date_English
1.Login as a DSO in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate that DSO cannot modify the possible service date for a application
1.DSO will not be able to modify the possible service date for a application
1.DSO will not be able to modify the possible service date for a application
DSO - edit pit and property usage details
Validate that DSO shouldn’t be able to modify old applications (i.e. service date < current date) or applications in citizen feedback pending status_Hindi/English
1.Login as a DSO in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate that DSO shouldn’t be able to modify old applications (i.e. service date < current date) or applications in citizen feedback pending status
1.DSO will not be able to modify old applications (i.e. service date < current date) or applications in citizen feedback pending status
1.DSO will not be able to modify old applications (i.e. service date < current date) or applications in citizen feedback pending status
Employee Specific Test Cases
Employee - Select vehicle capacity instead of vehicle make
Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity instead of Vechile Type_English_Employee Editor
1.Login as a Employee Editor in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity from the drop down 5.Validate Vechile Type is not present in the form 6.Validate Employee is able to Submit the Request further
1) ULB Employee should be able to select vehicle capacity from the drop down 2)ULB Employee doesn’t see the Vechile Type in the entire form 3)ULB Employee is able to Submit the Request further
1) ULB Employee should be able to select vehicle capacity from the drop down 2)ULB Employee doesn’t see the Vechile Type in the entire form 3)ULB Employee is able to Submit the Request further
Employee - Select vehicle capacity instead of vehicle make
Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity instead of Vechile Type_Hindi_Employee Editor
1.Login as a Employee Editor in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity from the drop down 5.Validate Vechile Type is not present in the form 6.Validate Employee is able to Submit the Request further
1) ULB Employee should be able to select vehicle capacity from the drop down 2)ULB Employee doesn’t see the Vechile Type in the entire form 3)ULB Employee is able to Submit the Request further
1) ULB Employee should be able to select vehicle capacity from the drop down 2)ULB Employee doesn’t see the Vechile Type in the entire form 3)ULB Employee is able to Submit the Request further
Employee - Select vehicle capacity instead of vehicle make
Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity instead of Vechile Type_English_Employee Creator
1.Login as a Employee Creator in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity from the drop down 4.Validate Vechile Type is not present in the form 5.Validate Employee is able to Submit the Request further
1) ULB Employee should be able to select vehicle capacity from the drop down 2)ULB Employee doesn’t see the Vechile Type in the entire form 3)ULB Employee is able to Submit the Request further
1) ULB Employee should be able to select vehicle capacity from the drop down 2)ULB Employee doesn’t see the Vechile Type in the entire form 3)ULB Employee is able to Submit the Request further
Employee - Select vehicle capacity instead of vehicle make
Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity instead of Vechile Type_Hindi_Employee Creator
1.Login as a Employee Creator in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity from the drop down 4.Validate Vechile Type is not present in the form 5.Validate Employee is able to Submit the Request further
1) ULB Employee should be able to select vehicle capacity from the drop down 2)ULB Employee doesn’t see the Vechile Type in the entire form 3)ULB Employee is able to Submit the Request further
1) ULB Employee should be able to select vehicle capacity from the drop down 2)ULB Employee doesn’t see the Vechile Type in the entire form 3)ULB Employee is able to Submit the Request further
DSO Specific Test Cases
DSO - Edit property usage details
Check wehther "Try updating the pit details, it should allow the user to update the pit details."
1. Login as citizen and create an application 2. Login as editor and update application to make payment 3. Login as Collector and make payment 4. Login as Editor and update pit details and Asiign DSO 5. Login as DSO and Try updating the pit details, it should allow the user to update the pit details.
Try updating the pit details, it should allow the user to update the pit details.
Try updating the pit details, it should allow the user to update the pit details.
DSO - Edit property usage details
Check whether "DSO shouldn’t be able to modify old applications (i.e. desludging date < current date) or applications in citizen feedback pending status"
1. Login as citizen and create an application 2. Login as editor and update application to make payment 3. Login as Collector and make payment 4. Login as Editor and update pit details and Asiign DSO 5. Login as DSO and TDSO shouldn’t be able to modify old applications (i.e. desludging date < current date) or applications in citizen feedback pending status
DSO shouldn’t be able to modify old applications (i.e. desludging date < current date) or applications in citizen feedback pending status
DSO shouldn’t be able to modify old applications (i.e. desludging date < current date) or applications in citizen feedback pending status
DSO - Edit property usage details
Check whether "DSO can add pit photo"
1. Login as citizen and create an application 2. Login as editor and update application to make payment 3. Login as Collector and make payment 4. Login as Editor and update pit details and Asiign DSO 5. Login as DSO and DSO can add pit photo
DSO can add pit photo
DSO can add pit photo
DSO - Edit property usage details
Check whether Pre-selected Property and Pit details should be shown. If no value is present, then show - and data from mdms in the drop-down
1. Login as citizen and create an application 2. Login as editor and update application to make payment 3. Login as Collector and make payment 4. Login as Editor and update pit details and Asiign DSO 5. Login as DSO and DSO can Pre-selected Property and Pit details should be shown. If no value is present, then show - and data from mdms in the drop-down
Pre-selected Property and Pit details should be shown. If no value is present, then show - and data from mdms in the drop-down
Pre-selected Property and Pit details should be shown. If no value is present, then show - and data from mdms in the drop-down
DSO - Edit property usage details
Check whether This will need to be a role based edit. This can be edited by roles = dso, editor
1. Login as citizen and create an application 2. Login as editor and update application to make payment 3. Login as Collector and make payment 4. Login as Editor and update pit details and Asiign DSO 5. Login as DSO and This will need to be a role based edit. This can be edited by roles = dso, editor
This will need to be a role based edit. This can be edited by roles = dso, editor
This will need to be a role based edit. This can be edited by roles = dso, editor
DSO - Edit property usage details
Check whether the application should be editable in: Pending for DSO approval, DSO InProgress status
1. Login as citizen and create an application 2. Login as editor and update application to make payment 3. Login as Collector and make payment 4. Login as Editor and update pit details and Asiign DSO 5. Login as DSO and the application should be editable in: Pending for DSO approval, DSO InProgress status
the application should be editable in: Pending for DSO approval, DSO InProgress status
the application should be editable in: Pending for DSO approval, DSO InProgress status
DSO Specific Test Cases
Employee - Edit property usage details
check whether Vehicle Capacity is a mandatory field
1.Login as a Employee editor in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity from the drop down
Vehicle Capacity is a mandatory field
Vehicle Capacity is a mandatory field
Employee - Edit property usage details
check whether Vehicle Capacity should show unique capacity value from master data
1.Login as a Employee editor in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity from the drop down
Vehicle Capacity should show unique capacity value from master data
Vehicle Capacity should show unique capacity value from master data
Employee - Edit property usage details
check whether Vehicle Capacity should show unique capacity value from master data
1.Login as a Employee editor in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity from the drop down
Vehicle Capacity should show unique capacity value from master data
Vehicle Capacity should show unique capacity value from master data
Employee - Edit property usage details
Check whether Vehicle Type is not shown on any user interface
1.Login as a Employee editor in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity from the drop down
Vehicle Type is not shown on any user interface
Vehicle Type is not shown on any user interface
Employee - Edit property usage details
Check whether Ensure that the logic for assignment of DSO is not changed with this ticket
1.Login as a Employee editor in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate ULB Employee select vehicle capacity from the drop down
Ensure that the logic for assignment of DSO is not changed with this ticket
Ensure that the logic for assignment of DSO is not changed with this ticket
DSO Specific Test Cases
DSo and FSTPO gender
Check whether DSO gender addition is during DSO creation
1.User requests search DSO API 2.User can see the Gender info for that DSO in return
User should be able to Create new DSO with Gender info using Create DSO API and can Verify the gender info using search API.
User should be able to Create new DSO with Gender info using Create DSO API and can Verify the gender info using search API.
DSo and FSTPO gender
Check whether search API is updated so that DSO gender can be returned
1.User requests search DSO API 2.User can see the Gender info for that DSO in return
DSO gender is returned when Search DSO request is Triggered
DSO gender is returned when Search DSO request is Triggered
DSo and FSTPO gender
Validate If DSO is registered as Citizen then it should show Gender
1.Citizen is Registered as DSO 2.User requests search DSO API 3.User can see the Gender info for that DSO in return
Citizen is registered as DSO then Gender info should be returned
Citizen is registered as DSO then Gender info should be returned
DSo and FSTPO gender
Validate update API is Updating gender info for existing DSOs
1.User request Update API for updating gender infor for existing DSOs 2.User requests search DSO API 3.User can see the Gender info for that DSO in return
User should be able to request update API for existing DSOs with gender info
User should be able to request update API for existing DSOs with gender info
DSo and FSTPO gender
Citizen gender should not get overriden when DSO gender is updated from Backend (pre requisite: when Citizen is a DSO also)
1.User request Update API for updating gender info for existing DSO 2.User requests search DSO API 3.User can see the Gender info for that DSO in return 4.Validate Citizen gender should not get overriden in UI
User should be able to validate Citizen gender is not getting overriden when DSO gender is updated from Backend (pre requisite: when Citizen is a DSO also)
User should be able to validate Citizen gender is not getting overriden when DSO gender is updated from Backend (pre requisite: when Citizen is a DSO also)
DSo and FSTPO gender
DSO gender should not get overriden when Citizen gender is updated from Backend (pre requisite: when Citizen is a DSO also)
1.User request Update API for updating gender info for existing citizen 2.User requests search citizen API 3.User can see the Gender info for that citizen in return 4.Validate DSO gender info should not get overriden in backend
User should be able to validate DSO gender is not getting overriden when Citizen gender is updated from Backend (pre requisite: when Citizen is a DSO also)
User should be able to validate DSO gender is not getting overriden when Citizen gender is updated from Backend (pre requisite: when Citizen is a DSO also)
Employee Specific Test Cases
Employee update number of trips
Validate that "No Option Availaible" message should be present in drop down when there is no vechicle present to assign in Assign Vechile page
1.Login as a Employee Editor in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate that "No Option Availaible" message should be present in drop down on Assign Vechile page
User should be able to Validate that "No Option Availaible" message should be present in drop down on Assign Vechile page
User should be able to Validate that "No Option Availaible" message should be present in drop down on Assign Vechile page
Employee update number of trips
Validate that list of Vechile is pesent in drop down in Assign Vechile page
1.Login as a Employee Editor in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate that list of Vechile is pesent in drop down in Assign Vechile page
User should be able to Validate that list of Vechile is pesent in drop down in Assign Vechile page
User should be able to Validate that list of Vechile is pesent in drop down in Assign Vechile page
Employee - Slum area create application
Validate "Waiting for disposal" application status is added in filter _English
1.Login as a ULB Employee in mSeva Portal with English language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Go to employee inbox 4.Validate "Waiting for disposal" application status is added in filter 5. Validate "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and show “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 6)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Waiting for disposal" Filter. 2. User is able to see "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Waiting for disposal" Filter. 2. User is able to see "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Employee - Slum area create application
Validate "Disposed" application status is added in filter_English
1.Login as a ULB Employee in mSeva Portal with English language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Go to employee inbox 4.Validate "Disposed" application status is added in filter 5. Validate "Disposed" under “Application Status” and show “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 6)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Disposed" Filter. 2. User is able to see"Disposed" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Disposed" Filter. 2. User is able to see"Disposed" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Employee - Slum area create application
Validate "Citizen Feedback Pending" application status is added in filter _English
1.Login as a ULB Employee in mSeva Portal with English language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Go to employee inbox 4.Validate "Citizen Feedback Pending" application status isadded in filter 5. Validate "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and show “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 6)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Citizen Feedback Pending" Filter. 2. User is able to show "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Citizen Feedback Pending" Filter. 2. User is able to show "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Employee - Slum area create application
Validate Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status is Present in filter_English
1.Login as a ULB Employee in mSeva Portal with English language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Go to employee inbox 4.Validate Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status is Present in filter 5. Validate "Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status under “Application Status” and show “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining”
1. User should be able to see Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status in filter column 2. User is able to see above status under “Application Status” and see “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to see Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status in filter column 2. User is able to see above status under “Application Status” and see “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Employee - Slum area create application
Validate "Waiting for disposal" application status is added in filter_Hindi
1.Login as a ULB Employee in mSeva Portal with Hindi language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Go to employee inbox 4.Validate "Waiting for disposal" application status is added in filter 5. Validate "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and show “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 6)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Waiting for disposal" Filter. 2. User is able to see "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining”
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Waiting for disposal" Filter. 2. User is able to see "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining”
Employee - Slum area create application
Validate "Disposed" application status is added in filter_Hindi
1.Login as a ULB Employee in mSeva Portal with Hindi language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Go to employee inbox 4.Validate "Disposed" application status is added in filter 5. Validate "Disposed" under “Application Status” and show “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 6)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Disposed" Filter. 2. User is able to see"Disposed" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Employee - Slum area create application
Validate "Citizen Feedback Pending" application status is added in filter_Hindi
1.Login as a ULB Employee in mSeva Portal with Hindi language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Go to employee inbox 4.Validate "Citizen Feedback Pending" application status isadded in filter 5. Validate "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and show “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 6)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Citizen Feedback Pending" Filter. 2. User is able to show "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Citizen Feedback Pending" Filter. 2. User is able to show "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Employee - Slum area create application
Validate Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status is Present in filter_Hindi
1.Login as a ULB Employee in mSeva Portal with Hindi language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Go to employee inbox 4.Validate Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status is Present in filter 5. Validate "Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status under “Application Status” and show “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining”
1. User should be able to see Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status in filter column 2. User is able to see above status under “Application Status” and see “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining”
1. User should be able to see Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status in filter column 2. User is able to see above status under “Application Status” and see “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining”
Add ULB contact in FSM application flow
Validate Citizen is able to see helpline numbe on hamburger menu_English
1.Login as a Citizen with English Language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate Citizen is able to see helpline numbe on hamburger menu
Citizen should be able to see Helpline number on hamburger menu
Citizen should be able to see Helpline number on hamburger menu
Add ULB contact in FSM application flow
Helpline link should be clickable and trigger call function for the entered number_English
1.Login as a Citizen with English Language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate Citizen is able to see helpline numbe on hamburger menu 4.Helpline link should be clickable and trigger call function for the entered number
Citizen should be able to click Helpline link and trigger call function for the entered number
Citizen should be able to click Helpline link and trigger call function for the entered number
Add ULB contact in FSM application flow
Validate Citizen is able to see helpline numbe on hamburger menu_Hindi
1.Login as a Citizen with Hindi Language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate Citizen is able to see helpline numbe on hamburger menu
Citizen should be able to see Helpline number on hamburger menu
Citizen should be able to see Helpline number on hamburger menu
Add ULB contact in FSM application flow
Helpline link should be clickable and trigger call function for the entered number_Hindi
1.Login as a Citizen with Hindi Language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Validate Citizen is able to see helpline numbe on hamburger menu 4.Helpline link should be clickable and trigger call function for the entered number
Citizen should be able to click Helpline link and trigger call function for the entered number
Citizen should be able to click Helpline link and trigger call function for the entered number
FSTPO Specific Test Cases
FSTPO can decline the vehicle trip
Validate Decline Vehicle action should be added for FSTPO,with predefined reasons and conditional comment option
1.Login as a FSTPO 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.Validate Decline Vehicle action with predefined reasons and conditional comment option is added for FSTPO
User should be able to Validate Decline Vehicle action with predefined reasons and conditional comment option is added for FSTPO
User should be able to Validate Decline Vehicle action with predefined reasons and conditional comment option is added for FSTPO
FSTPO can decline the vehicle trip
Validate Reason for Declining is a mandatory Field
1.Login as a FSTPO with English/Hindi language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.FSTPO clicks on Decline Vehicle button without choosing Reason for Declining 5.Validate error msg: This field cannot be empty
Reason for Declining is a Mandatory Field
Reason for Declining is a Mandatory Field
FSTPO can decline the vehicle trip
Validate when "others" is selected as Reason for Declining then "Comments" input box appear which is mandatory field
1.Login as a FSTPO with English/Hindi language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.FSTPO choose "Others" in Reason for Declining Field 5.Validate "Comments" input box appear 6.FSTPO clicks on Decline Vehicle button without entering anything in "comment" input box 7.Validate error msg: This field cannot be empty
If "others" is selected as Reason for Declining then "Comments" input box appear which is mandatory field
If "others" is selected as Reason for Declining then "Comments" input box appear which is mandatory field
FSTPO can decline the vehicle trip
Validate After declining from FSTPO, the vehicle trip will be in “TRIP DECLINED” status
1.Login as a FSTPO with English/Hindi language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.FSTPO choose Reason for Declining and clicks on "Decline Vehicle" Button. 5.Validate the vehicle trip will be in “TRIP DECLINED” status
Validate After declining from FSTPO, the vehicle trip should be in “TRIP DECLINED” status
Validate After declining from FSTPO, the vehicle trip should be in “TRIP DECLINED” status
FSTPO can decline the vehicle trip
Validate Declining a vehicle will not require Vehicle Out time
1.Login as a FSTPO with English/Hindi language 2.Navigate to FSM 3.Search for application and Click on Take action 4.FSTPO choose Reason for Declining and clicks on "Decline Vehicle" Button. 5.Validate the vehicle trip will be in “TRIP DECLINED” status
Validate Declining vehicle should not require Vehicle Out time
Validate Declining vehicle should not require Vehicle Out time
Dashboard Specific Test Cases
Validate a pie-chart for Request by gender in FSM Dashboard in Desktop
1.Login as a FSM DSS in mSeva Portal in Desktop 2.Navigate to Dashboard and then in FSM 3.Validate a pie-chart for Request by gender in FSM DSS Dashboard is Present
It is Validated a pie-chart for Request by gender in FSM DSS Dashboard is Present in Desktop version
It is Validated a pie-chart for Request by gender in FSM DSS Dashboard is Present in Desktop version
Validate that the view of DSS Dashbord is in 2x2 ( ColumnxRow)
1.Login as a FSM DSS in mSeva Portal 2.Navigate to Dashboard and then in FSM 3.Validate that the view of DSS Dashbord is in 2x2 ( ColumnxRow)
It is Validated that the view of DSS Dashbord is in 2x2 ( ColumnxRow)
It is Validated that the view of DSS Dashbord is in 2x2 ( ColumnxRow)
Validate the DSS Dashboard is seen with gender info in Mobile Version
1.Login as a FSM DSS in mSeva Portal in Mobile 2.Navigate to Dashboard and then in FSM 3.Validate the DSS Dashboard is seen with gender info in Mobile Version
It is Validated that DSS Dashboard is seen with gender info in Mobile Version
It is Validated that DSS Dashboard is seen with gender info in Mobile Version
Validate the FSM Dashboard is Shareable and can be downloaded in PDF
1.Login as a FSM DSS in mSeva Portal in Mobile 2.Navigate to Dashboard and then in FSM 3.Validate the DSS Dashboard is sharable 4.Validate the DSS Dashboard can be Downloaded in PDF
It is Validated that DSS Dashboard is Shareable and can be downloaded as well
It is Validated that DSS Dashboard is Shareable and can be downloaded as well
Employee Creator
Creator- Application creation
Check whether FSM-CREATOR can Create an application request with property type institutional , with capacity of vehicle as 5000 litres and number os trips 3 - the auto calculated amount should be = 2400 * 3 = Rs.7200/- -- ENGLISH
1. Login as citizen/creator and create an application 2. Login as editor and check if you are able toedit the application 3. Check if the number of trips is editable by selecting INSTITUTIONAL 4. Total Price calculated should be no of trips * price for each price
Calculated amount should display = 2400 * 3 = Rs.7200/-
Calculated amount should display = 2400 * 3 = Rs.7200/-
Employee Creator
Creator- Application creation
Check whether FSM-CREATOR can Create an application request with property type commercial ,with capacity as 1000 and number of trips 1 - the auto calculated amount should be = 1000*1 = Rs.1000/- -- ENGLISH
1. Login as FSM-CREATOR_EMP 2. FSM-CREATOR enter login ID and password, choosing city as Amritsar 3. Navigte to application creation page 4. Entr all the required fields, make sure to select COMMERCIAL , with capacity as 1000 and number of trips 1 5. Auto Calculated amount should display = 1000*1 = Rs.1000/-
calculated amount should be = 1000*1 = Rs.1000/-
calculated amount should be = 1000*1 = Rs.1000/-
Employee Creator
Creator- Application creation
Check whether FSM-CREATOR can Create an application request with property type residential , with capacity of vehicle as 5000 litres with slum data and number os trips 3 - the auto calculated amount should be = 1500 * 3 = Rs.4500/- -- ENGLISH
1. Login as FSM-CREATOR_EMP 2. FSM-CREATOR enter login ID and password, choosing city as Amritsar 3. Navigte to application creation page 4. Entr all the required fields, make sure to select RESIDENTIAL , with capacity of vehicle as 5000 litres with slum data and number os trips 3 5. Auto calculated amount should be = 1500 * 3 = Rs.4500/-
calculated amount should be = 1500 * 3 = Rs.4500/-
calculated amount should be = 1500 * 3 = Rs.4500/-
Employee Creator
Creator- Application creation
Check whether FSM-CREATOR can Create an application request with property type institutional , with capacity of vehicle as 5000 litres and number os trips 3 - the auto calculated amount should be = 2400 * 3 = Rs.7200/- -- HINDI
1. Login as FSM-CREATOR_EMP 2. FSM-CREATOR enter login ID and password, choosing city as Amritsar 3. Navigte to application creation page 4. Entr all the required fields, make sure to select INSTITUTIONAL , with capacity of vehicle as 5000 litres and number os trips 3 5. Auto calculated amount should display = 2400 * 3 = Rs.7200/-
Calculated amount should display = 2400 * 3 = Rs.7200/-
Calculated amount should display = 2400 * 3 = Rs.7200/-
Employee Creator
Creator- Application creation
Check whether FSM-CREATOR can Create an application request with property type commercial ,with capacity as 1000 and number of trips 1 - the auto calculated amount should be = 1000*1 = Rs.1000/- -- HINDI
1. Login as FSM-CREATOR_EMP 2. FSM-CREATOR enter login ID and password, choosing city as Amritsar 3. Navigte to application creation page 4. Entr all the required fields, make sure to select COMMERCIAL , with capacity as 1000 and number of trips 1 5. Auto Calculated amount should display = 1000*1 = Rs.1000/-
calculated amount should be = 1000*1 = Rs.1000/-
calculated amount should be = 1000*1 = Rs.1000/-
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Check whther below status is updated 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality --ENGLISH
1. Login as a FSM-CREATOR 2. Creatte an applciation and submit 3. Login as FSM-EDITOR and go to inbox and look for the application created above 4. complete the DSO assignment process 5. Login with DSO and complete DSO process 6. Now the application status should be waiting for disposal since FSTPO is yet to be acted upon this 7. Login with FSM-EDITOR and go to inbox and check the status of the application and it should show as "Waiting for Disposal" 8. Now login with FSM-FSTPO and complete the application process 9. Now login with FSM-EDITOR and check the status under inbox it should as "Disposed" 10. Once the status is chagned to disposed, verify if the status is changed to "customer feedback pending" on the applcition--existing functionality
FSM-EDITOR All the 3 below status should be updated accordingly 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality
FSM-EDITOR All the 3 below status should be updated accordingly 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Check for SLA column for below status is present as - (No value) 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed --ENGLISH
"1. Login as a FSM-CREATOR 2. Creatte an applciation and submit 3. Login as FSM-EDITOR and go to inbox and look for the application created above 4. complete the DSO assignment process 5. Login with DSO and complete DSO process 6. Now the application status should be waiting for disposal since FSTPO is yet to be acted upon this 7. Login with FSM-EDITOR and go to inbox and check the SLA status oshould be displayed as - (no value) for app status as ""Waiting for Disposal"" 8. Now login with FSM-FSTPO and complete the application process 9. Now login with FSM-EDITOR and check the status under inbox it should as SLA status should be displayed as - (no value) for applicationstatus as "disposed"
FSM-EDITOR SLA should be displayed as - for both the status of application
FSM-EDITOR SLA should be displayed as - for both the status of application
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Check whther below status is updated 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality --ENGLISH
1. Login as a FSM-CREATOR 2. Creatte an applciation and submit 3. Login as FSM-EMP_FSTPO and go to inbox and look for the application created above 4. complete the DSO assignment process 5. Login with DSO and complete DSO process 6. Now the application status should be waiting for disposal since FSTPO is yet to be acted upon this 7. Login with FSM-EMP_FSTPO and go to inbox and check the status of the application and it should show as "Waiting for Disposal" 8. Now login with FSM-FSTPO and complete the application process 9. Now login with FSM-EMP_FSTPO and check the status under inbox it should as "Disposed" 10. Once the status is chagned to disposed, verify if the status is changed to "customer feedback pending" on the applcition--existing functionality
FSM-EMP_FSTPO All the 3 below status should be updated accordingly 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality
FSM-EMP_FSTPO All the 3 below status should be updated accordingly 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Check for SLA column for below status is present as - (No value) 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed --ENGLISH
"1. Login as a FSM-CREATOR 2. Creatte an applciation and submit 3. Login as FSM-EMP_FSTPO and go to inbox and look for the application created above 4. complete the DSO assignment process 5. Login with DSO and complete DSO process 6. Now the application status should be waiting for disposal since FSTPO is yet to be acted upon this 7. Login with FSM-EMP_FSTPO and go to inbox and check the SLA status of the application vehcile trip status as ""Waiting for Disposal"" should be displayed as - (no value) 8. Now login with FSM-FSTPO and complete the application process 9. Now login with FSM-EMP_FSTPO and check the status under inbox it should as SLA status should be displayed as - (no value) for applicationstatus as "disposed"
FSM-EMP_FSTPO SLA should be displayed as - for both the status of application
FSM-EMP_FSTPO SLA should be displayed as - for both the status of application
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Check whther below status is updated 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality --HINDI
1. Login as a FSM-CREATOR 2. Creatte an applciation and submit 3. Login as FSM-EDITOR and go to inbox and look for the application created above 4. complete the DSO assignment process 5. Login with DSO and complete DSO process 6. Now the application status should be waiting for disposal since FSTPO is yet to be acted upon this 7. Login with FSM-EDITOR and go to inbox and check the status of the application and it should show as "Waiting for Disposal" 8. Now login with FSM-FSTPO and complete the application process 9. Now login with FSM-EDITOR and check the status under inbox it should as "Disposed" 10. Once the status is chagned to disposed, verify if the status is changed to "customer feedback pending" on the applcition--existing functionality
FSM-EDITOR All the 3 below status should be updated accordingly 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality
FSM-EDITOR All the 3 below status should be updated accordingly 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Check for SLA column for below status is present as - (No value) 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed --HINDI
"1. Login as a FSM-CREATOR 2. Creatte an applciation and submit 3. Login as FSM-EDITOR and go to inbox and look for the application created above 4. complete the DSO assignment process 5. Login with DSO and complete DSO process 6. Now the application status should be waiting for disposal since FSTPO is yet to be acted upon this 7. Login with FSM-EDITOR and go to inbox and check the SLA status oshould be displayed as - (no value) for app status as ""Waiting for Disposal"" 8. Now login with FSM-FSTPO and complete the application process 9. Now login with FSM-EDITOR and check the status under inbox it should as SLA status should be displayed as - (no value) for applicationstatus as "disposed"
FSM-EDITOR SLA should be displayed as - for both the status of application
FSM-EDITOR SLA should be displayed as - for both the status of application
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Check whther below status is updated 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality --HINDI
1. Login as a FSM-CREATOR 2. Creatte an applciation and submit 3. Login as FSM-EMP_FSTPO and go to inbox and look for the application created above 4. complete the DSO assignment process 5. Login with DSO and complete DSO process 6. Now the application status should be waiting for disposal since FSTPO is yet to be acted upon this 7. Login with FSM-EMP_FSTPO and go to inbox and check the status of the application and it should show as "Waiting for Disposal" 8. Now login with FSM-FSTPO and complete the application process 9. Now login with FSM-EMP_FSTPO and check the status under inbox it should as "Disposed" 10. Once the status is chagned to disposed, verify if the status is changed to "customer feedback pending" on the applcition--existing functionality
FSM-EMP_FSTPO All the 3 below status should be updated accordingly 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality
FSM-EMP_FSTPO All the 3 below status should be updated accordingly 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed 3. Customer Fedback Rating-- Existing functionality
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Check for SLA column for below status is present as - (No value) 1. Waiting for disposal 2. Disposed --HINDI
"1. Login as a FSM-CREATOR 2. Creatte an applciation and submit 3. Login as FSM-EMP_FSTPO and go to inbox and look for the application created above 4. complete the DSO assignment process 5. Login with DSO and complete DSO process 6. Now the application status should be waiting for disposal since FSTPO is yet to be acted upon this 7. Login with FSM-EMP_FSTPO and go to inbox and check the SLA status of the application vehcile trip status as ""Waiting for Disposal"" should be displayed as - (no value) 8. Now login with FSM-FSTPO and complete the application process 9. Now login with FSM-EMP_FSTPO and check the status under inbox it should as SLA status should be displayed as - (no value) for applicationstatus as "disposed"
FSM-EMP_FSTPO SLA should be displayed as - for both the status of application
FSM-EMP_FSTPO SLA should be displayed as - for both the status of application
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Validate "Waiting for disposal" application status is added in filter _English
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Waiting for disposal" Filter. 2. User is able to see "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Waiting for disposal" Filter. 2. User is able to see "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Waiting for disposal" Filter. 2. User is able to see "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Validate "Disposed" application status is added in filter_English
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Disposed" Filter. 2. User is able to see"Disposed" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Disposed" Filter. 2. User is able to see"Disposed" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Disposed" Filter. 2. User is able to see"Disposed" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Validate "Citizen Feedback Pending" application status is added in filter _English
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Citizen Feedback Pending" Filter. 2. User is able to show "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Citizen Feedback Pending" Filter. 2. User is able to show "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Citizen Feedback Pending" Filter. 2. User is able to show "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3)Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Validate Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status is Present in filter_English
1. User should be able to see Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status in filter column 2. User is able to see above status under “Application Status” and see “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to see Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status in filter column 2. User is able to see above status under “Application Status” and see “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to see Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status in filter column 2. User is able to see above status under “Application Status” and see “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Validate "Waiting for disposal" application status is added in filter_Hindi
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Waiting for disposal" Filter. 2. User is able to see "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining”
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Waiting for disposal" Filter. 2. User is able to see "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining”
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Waiting for disposal" Filter. 2. User is able to see "Waiting for disposal" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining”
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Validate "Disposed" application status is added in filter_Hindi
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Disposed" Filter. 2. User is able to see"Disposed" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3. atus should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Disposed" Filter. 2. User is able to see"Disposed" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3. atus should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Validate "Citizen Feedback Pending" application status is added in filter_Hindi
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Citizen Feedback Pending" Filter. 2. User is able to show "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Citizen Feedback Pending" Filter. 2. User is able to show "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
1. User should be able to Filter out the application on basis of "Citizen Feedback Pending" Filter. 2. User is able to show "Citizen Feedback Pending" under “Application Status” and see “-” under “SLA Days Remaining” 3.Status should also reflect on application Timeline when user click on application
Show vehicle trip status in employee inbox along with fsm application
Validate Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status is Present in filter_Hindi
1. User should be able to see Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status in filter column 2. User is able to see above status under “Application Status” and see “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining”
1. User should be able to see Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status in filter column 2. User is able to see above status under “Application Status” and see “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining”
1. User should be able to see Application Created, Pending DSO Assignment, Pending for Payment, Pending for DSO Approval, DSO Rejected, DSO InProgress application status in filter column 2. User is able to see above status under “Application Status” and see “num of days” under “SLA Days Remaining”
FSTPO Vehicle Log Inbox
Check whther "Application number for each vehicle log for each trip should be shown in the inbox"
1. Login as FSTPO 2. Click on Inbox 3. Check whther "Application number for each vehicle log for each trip should be shown in the inbox"
Application number for each vehicle log for each trip should be shown in the inbox
Application number for each vehicle log for each trip should be shown in the inbox
FSTPO Vehicle Log Inbox
Check whether "Search criteria via Application umber must be made available to view all the trips taken in that application."
1. Login as FSTPO 2. Click on Inbox 3. Check whther "Search criteria via Application umber must be made available to view all the trips taken in that application."
Search criteria via Application umber must be made available to view all the trips taken in that application.
Search criteria via Application umber must be made available to view all the trips taken in that application.
FSTPO - View error message
check whtether "FSTPO must have number of cards generated for each disposal based on the number of trips entered."
1. Login as citizen/Creator and create the application 2. Login as Editor and update applciation 3. Login as collector and complete payment 4. Login as Editor and assign DSO 5. Login as DSO and assignvehicle with 2 or 3 trips 6. Now login as FSTPO and check "FSTPO must have number of cards generated for each disposal based on the number of trips entered."
FSTPO must have number of cards generated for each disposal based on the number of trips entered.
FSTPO must have number of cards generated for each disposal based on the number of trips entered.
FSTPO - View error message
Check whether "User must not be allowed to enter the Trip No: (should not be user selection)"
1. Login as citizen/Creator and create the application 2. Login as Editor and update applciation 3. Login as collector and complete payment 4. Login as Editor and assign DSO 5. Login as DSO and assignvehicle with 2 or 3 trips 6. Now login as FSTPO and check "User must not be allowed to enter the Trip No: (should not be user selection)."
User must not be allowed to enter the Trip No: (should not be user selection)
User must not be allowed to enter the Trip No: (should not be user selection)
FSTPO - View error message
Check whether"Trip must be provided with “_of (no of trips entered by the DSO) eg: 2 of 3 in each screen each time."
1. Login as citizen/Creator and create the application 2. Login as Editor and update applciation 3. Login as collector and complete payment 4. Login as Editor and assign DSO 5. Login as DSO and assignvehicle with 2 or 3 trips 6. Now login as and check whether "Trip must be provided with “_of (no of trips entered by the DSO) eg: 2 of 3 in each screen each time.."
Trip must be provided with “_of (no of trips entered by the DSO) eg: 2 of 3 in each screen each time.
Trip must be provided with “_of (no of trips entered by the DSO) eg: 2 of 3 in each screen each time.
FSTPO - View error message
Check whether "Take action and submit screen must be shown only after FSTP operator has entered the last screen with in and out time and the Trip number is for eg, 4 of 4 trips."
1. Login as citizen/Creator and create the application 2. Login as Editor and update applciation 3. Login as collector and complete payment 4. Login as Editor and assign DSO 5. Login as DSO and assignvehicle with 2 or 3 trips 6. Now login as and check whether "Take action and submit screen must be shown only after FSTP operator has entered the last screen with in and out time and the Trip number is for eg, 4 of 4 trips..."
Take action and submit screen must be shown only after FSTP operator has entered the last screen with in and out time and the Trip number is for eg, 4 of 4 trips.
Take action and submit screen must be shown only after FSTP operator has entered the last screen with in and out time and the Trip number is for eg, 4 of 4 trips.
FSTPO - View error message
Check whether "After using the previous option, that option must be removed and cannot be used the next time."
1. Login as citizen/Creator and create the application 2. Login as Editor and update applciation 3. Login as collector and complete payment 4. Login as Editor and assign DSO 5. Login as DSO and assignvehicle with 2 or 3 trips 6. Now login as and check whether "After using the previous option, that option must be removed and cannot be used the next time...."
After using the previous option, that option must be removed and cannot be used the next time.
After using the previous option, that option must be removed and cannot be used the next time.
FSTPO - View error message
Check whether "API Validation : the in time for the next team should not be before the out time of the previous trip."
1. Login as citizen/Creator and create the application 2. Login as Editor and update applciation 3. Login as collector and complete payment 4. Login as Editor and assign DSO 5. Login as DSO and assignvehicle with 2 or 3 trips 6. Now login as and check whether "API Validation : the in time for the next team should not be before the out time of the previous trip.."
API Validation : the in time for the next team should not be before the out time of the previous trip.
API Validation : the in time for the next team should not be before the out time of the previous trip.
FSM Dashboard View_01
FSM Dashboard View
Check whether under dashboard view user is able to see " pie chart for gender data"
1. Login as FSM Dashboard ViewER QADV/eGov@123 https://qa.digit.org/employee/user/login 2. Go to Dashboard on left hand side 3. Click on FSM 4. Validte if pie chart is available for gender data
Show pie chart for gender data
Show pie chart for gender data
FSM Dashboard View_02
FSM Dashboard View
Check if drill-down (by Date, ULB) on payment chart is available
1. Login as FSM Dashboard ViewER QADV/eGov@123 https://qa.digit.org/employee/user/login 2. Go to Dashboard on left hand side 3. Click on FSM 4. Check if drill-down (by Date, ULB) on payment chart is available
Check if drill-down (by Date, ULB) on payment chart is available
Check if drill-down (by Date, ULB) on payment chart is available
FSM Dashboard View_03
FSM Dashboard View
Check above charts on mobile and desktop versions
1. Login as FSM Dashboard ViewER QADV/eGov@123 https://qa.digit.org/employee/user/login 2. Go to Dashboard on left hand side 3. Click on FSM 4. Check above graphs on mobile and desktop versions
Check above two graphs on mobile and desktop versions
Check above two graphs on mobile and desktop versions
FSM Dashboard View_04
FSM Dashboard View
Check if chart should be shareable and downloadable
1. Login as FSM Dashboard ViewER QADV/eGov@123 https://qa.digit.org/employee/user/login 2. Go to Dashboard on left hand side 3. Click on FSM 4. check if chart should be shareable and downloadable
check if chart should be shareable and downloadable
check if chart should be shareable and downloadable
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