Employee User Manual
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Urban local body (ULB) officials/employees are responsible for ensuring that regular treatment quality tests are performed at plants. In certain cases, the ULB officials/employees or third-party agencies such as the Pollution Control Board may perform independent tests. In case of non-compliance with treatment quality standards, the ULB officials/employees are to ensure that corrective actions are promptly taken.
Based on the role and responsibilities of the ULB official/employee, the following functionalities are available:
View Test Schedule: Based on the frequency of testing that is configured on the backend, the system generates a testing schedule. ULB officials/employees can view the upcoming tests for all plants tagged to the ULB.
View Past Test Results: A digital record of all the past test results uploaded on the platform can be accessed. Sort and filter functionalities make it easy to view all the test results.
Record Test Result: In case adhoc tests are conducted, employees have a provision to record the test results. Adhoc test results will also be available to view in the past test results section.
Employee login credentials (login ID and password) can be created for employees via the HRMS. Using this, the employees can sign in.
The user can perform the following actions:
Login by entering a username and password, and selecting the city.
Use the "Forgot Password" link to reset password.
After Logging in, the user will land on the home screen which contains a card with links to actions that can be performed by the user.
The "Treatment Quality" card contains the following:
Count of the total pending tests.
Inbox to view the upcoming tests.
View past test results.
Add test result.
Notifications: The notification panel displays the following:
Tests that are overdue for >7 days.
Failed tests where test results are not as per the parameter.
The user can view the details of the test by clicking on the “View Details” button. The user can dismiss the notification by clicking on the cross button.
The inbox link will redirect the user to the list of upcoming tests for plants tagged to the ULB.
View the list of upcoming tests: The list of upcoming tests will be sorted by the pending date, where the test with the highest SLA is displayed first. The user can sort the list by clicking on the table headers.
Filter tests: Filters are displayed on the left-hand panel of the screen. The following filters are available:
Treatment process: This will be multi-select showing values for the treatment processes configured for the ULB.
Stages: This will be a dropdown showing values for stages configured for the plant.
Status: This will be a multi-select showing the value for the status in the treatment quality workflow.
Selected filters can be removed by clicking on the refresh button on the top right hand corner of the filter pane or the clear button. Sort: Tests can be sorted by the pending date by clicking on the date column.
Tests can be searched using the following:
Test ID
Plant name
Users can fill either test ID or plant or both and click on the search button.
Users can clear search by clicking on the "Clear Search’"
The user can redirect to the home screen by using the breadcrumbs or the back button of the browser.
A test details page can be accessed by clicking on the "Test ID" hyperlink in the inbox.
This will show details about the upcoming test.
The past test results can be viewed from the TQM landing page and clicking on "View Past Results".
On clicking on "View Past Results", the user is redirected to the list of past tests.
The user can perform the following tasks:
View the list of past tests: The results will be sorted on the test date.
View test details: The user can view test details by clicking on the “Test ID” link in each row.
Search tests: The user can search based on the following:
Test ID:
Plant Name.
Treatment process
Test type
Date range
To clear search and view all past tests, the user can click on 'Clear'.
Sort: Tests can be sorted by the pending date by clicking on the date column.
Download test results in Excel and PDF formats using the download button.
On clicking on any "Test ID" hyperlink, the user will be redirected to the test details page. The test details page will display the summary of the submitted test along with the timelines/workflow.
A user can record test results by clicking on the “Add Test Result” link on the treatment quality card.
Clicking on the “Add Test Result” button will redirect the user to the “Add Test Result” page.
The user has to enter the below fields:
Plant Name
Treatment Process
Treatment Stage
Output Type
Quality Parameters: Based on the selections for the above, the parameters to be tested are populated in the form. At Least one parameter needs to be filled in for the submit button to be enabled. If no parameter is filled and the user clicks on the submit button, an error message is displayed saying “At Least one parameter needs to be filled to Add Test Result”.
Attachments, if any.
Once the user clicks on the ‘Submit’ button, the test results page is displayed.
Based on the benchmarks for an acceptable range of parameters defined, the user will be able to view whether the test overall and each parameter has passed or failed.