Deployment Guide
Build and Deployment of vehicle-tracker
Jenkins Job Builder Configuration:
Configure a Jenkins job builder to automate the build and deployment process.
Configuration File: build-config.yaml
#Vehicle tracking web app - name: 'builds/SANITATION/vehicle-tracker' build: - work-dir: 'frontend/vehicle-tracker/map_web_app/route_map' image-name: 'vehicle-tracker' dockerfile: 'frontend/vehicle-tracker/map_web_app/docker/Dockerfile'
DockerFile And Jenkins Configuration:
Create a docker file for your application
File: Dockerfile
# Docker flutter tags FROM AS build ARG WORK_DIR WORKDIR /app # copy the project files COPY ${WORK_DIR} . RUN flutter doctor RUN flutter pub get RUN flutter build web # Create runtime image FROM dwssio/nginx:mainline-alpine ENV WEB_DIR=/var/web/vehicle-tracker #RUN mkdir -p ${WEB_DIR} COPY --from=build /app/build/web/ ${WEB_DIR}/ COPY --from=build /app/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
File: Jenkinsfile
library 'ci-libs' buildPipeline(configFile: './build/build-config.yml')
Nginx Configuration:
Configure the Nginx to serve the application
File: nginx.conf
server { listen 80; underscores_in_headers on; server_tokens off; location /vehicle-tracker { root /var/web; index index.html index.htm; try_files $uri $uri/ /vehicle-tracker/index.html; } }
Helm Chart Configuration:
Create a helm chart for deployment
Files in the helm chart directory:
apiVersion: v2 name: vehicle-tracker description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes # A chart can be either an 'application' or a 'library' chart. # # Application charts are a collection of templates that can be packaged into versioned archives # to be deployed. # # Library charts provide useful utilities or functions for the chart developer. They're included as # a dependency of application charts to inject those utilities and functions into the rendering # pipeline. Library charts do not define any templates and therefore cannot be deployed. type: application # This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each time you make changes # to the chart and its templates, including the app version. version: 0.1.0 # This is the version number of the application being deployed. This version number should be # incremented each time you make changes to the application. appVersion: 1.16.0 dependencies: - name: common version: 0.0.5 repository: file://../../common
# Common Labels labels: app: "vehicle-tracker" group: "web" # Ingress Configs ingress: enabled: true context: "vehicle-tracker" namespace : egov # Init Containers Configs initContainers: {} # Container Configs image: repository: "vehicle-tracker" replicas: "1" httpPort: 80 healthChecks: enabled: true livenessProbePath: "/vehicle-tracker/" readinessProbePath: "/vehicle-tracker/" extraVolumes: | - name: js-injection configMap: name: vehicle-tracker-js-injection extraVolumeMounts: | - mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d/sub_filter.conf name: js-injection subPath: sub_filter.conf
# deployment.yaml {{- template "common.deployment" . -}}
# service.yaml {{- template "common.service" . -}}
# ingress.yaml {{- template "common.ingress" . -}}
{{- $envOverrides := index .Values (tpl .Chart.Name .) -}} {{- $_ := set . "Values" (merge .Values $envOverrides) -}} {{- if index .Values "custom-js-injection" -}} apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: {{ .Chart.Name }}-js-injection {{- if }} namespace: {{ }} {{- else }} namespace: {{ .Values.namespace }} {{- end }} data: {{- index .Values "custom-js-injection" | nindent 2 }} {{- end -}}
Add the custom js injection config in the environment directory
vehicle-tracker: custom-js-injection: | sub_filter.conf: " sub_filter '<head>' '<head> <script src= type=text/javascript></script> ';"
Push these changes to the DevOps repository in the desired environment.
Run Jenkins Job:
Trigger the Jenkins job manually or set it up to run automatically on every push to the repository.
Build and Deploy:
Jenkins will build the application using the Dockerfile, and then deploy it using the Helm chart to the desired environment.
For any more information check this repository:
DevOps changes-
Technology Stack:
Frontend: flutter : version: 3.10.5
Backend: java, spring boot
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