The Process Quality Management (PQM) service will help users to create, update, and search for process quality monitoring tests. The service will evaluate the uploaded test values against benchmarks and produce result (FAIL/PASS) status. Test results will be further processed for anomaly analysis. The service can perform two types of test: Manual Test (Lab), and Automatic Test (IoT-based).
Low-level design
Functional Specification
Make changes in config accordingly and restart the egov-persister-service and egov-indexer-service.
egov-persister/pqm-persister.yaml - file link
egov-indexer/pqm-service-indexer.yml - file link
Add path of indexer in the devOps (pqm-service-indexer.yml) - file link
Add path of persister in the devOps (pqm-persister.yaml) - file link
Add path of pdf data and format config files - PR link | link
MDMS Configuration
Role-Action Mapping
Path: data/pg/ACCESSCONTROL-ACTIONS-TEST/actions-test.json
Copy {
"id": 325,
"name": "Create PQM Application",
"url": "/pqm-service/v1/_create",
"displayName": "Apply PQM Appliacations",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "PQM",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 326,
"name": "Update PQM Application",
"url": "/pqm-service/v1/_update",
"displayName": "Update PQM Appliacations",
"orderNumber": 1,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "PQM",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 327,
"name": "Search PQM Application",
"url": "/pqm-service/v1/_search",
"displayName": "Search PQM Appliacations",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "PQM",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 364,
"name": "Create Plant User Mapping",
"url": "/pqm-service/plant/user/v1/_create",
"displayName": "Create plant-individual mapping",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "PQM",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 365,
"name": "Update Plant User Mapping",
"url": "/pqm-service/plant/user/v1/_update",
"displayName": "Update plant-individual mapping",
"orderNumber": 1,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "PQM",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 366,
"name": "Search Plant User Mapping",
"url": "/pqm-service/plant/user/v1/_search",
"displayName": "Search plant-individual mapping",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "PQM",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 367,
"name": "Schedule PQM Application",
"url": "/pqm-service/v1/_scheduler",
"displayName": "Schedule PQM Applications",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "PQM",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 358,
"name": "DSS Dashboard Config PQM",
"url": "/dashboard-analytics/dashboard/getDashboardConfig/pqm",
"parentModule": "",
"displayName": "DSS",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "DSS",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 21,
"name": "Workflow search",
"url": "/egov-workflow-v2/egov-wf/process/_search",
"parentModule": "",
"displayName": "Workflow search",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "egov-workflow-v2",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 359,
"name": "Event Search",
"url": "/egov-user-event/v1/events/_search",
"displayName": "Event Notification",
"orderNumber": 1,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "msea-event-notification",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 331,
"name": "Workflow transition",
"url": "/egov-workflow-v2/egov-wf/process/_transition",
"parentModule": "",
"displayName": "Workflow transition",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "egov-workflow-v2",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 351,
"name": "Search PQM Application",
"url": "/inbox/v2/_search",
"displayName": "Search PQM Applications",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "PQM",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 371,
"name": "DSS Dashboard Charts",
"url": "/dashboard-analytics/dashboard/getChartV2",
"parentModule": "",
"displayName": "DSS",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "DSS",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 65,
"name": "Inbox service V2",
"url": "/inbox/v2/_search",
"parentModule": "inbox-v2",
"displayName": "Works inbox",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "inbox-v2",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 371,
"name": "DSS Dashboard Config PQM",
"url": "/dashboard-analytics/dashboard/getDashboardConfig/pqm",
"parentModule": "",
"displayName": "DSS",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "DSS",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
"id": 391,
"name": "Download Pdf for PQM Application",
"url": "/pqm-service/v1/_downloadPdf",
"displayName": "Download Pdf for PQM Application",
"orderNumber": 0,
"enabled": false,
"serviceCode": "PQM",
"code": "null",
"path": ""
Path :- data/pg/ACCESSCONTROL-ROLEACTIONS/roleactions.json
Copy {
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 371,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 371,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"actionid": 371,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "SUPERUSER",
"actionid": 371,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "FSM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 65,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 371,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 325,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 325,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 326,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 326,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 327,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 327,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 364,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "FSM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 364,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "FSM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 365,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 365,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 366,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 366,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "FSM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 366,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"actionid": 367,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 358,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 358,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 21,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 21,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "EMPLOYEE",
"actionid": 359,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "CITIZEN",
"actionid": 359,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 359,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 359,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 331,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "SUPERUSER",
"actionid": 356,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 21,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 21,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 351,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 351,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_ADMIN",
"actionid": 391,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
"rolecode": "PQM_TP_OPERATOR",
"actionid": 391,
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pg"
Copy {
"description": "Pqm Cronjob Scheduler"
Inbox V2 Integration
Add the MDMS changes in the given path and restart the MDMS service.
Path: data/pg/inbox-v2/InboxConfiguration.json
File: Mdms file
Add the indexer file in the given path and restart the services .
Path: egov-indexer/egov-pqm-service.yml
File: file which need to add click here
Steps to legacy-index PQM
For re-indexing, refer to this link .
Postman Collection
For re-indexing, refer to this link .
Deployment Details
Deploy the latest version of PQM.
Add pqm-persister.yml file in the config folder in git and add that path in persister (the file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called persist-yml-path), and restart the egov-persister service.
If index are to be created, add the indexer config path in the indexer service (the file path is to be added in environment yaml file in param called egov-indexer-yaml-repo-path), and restart egov-indexer service.
Devops setups for new environment
Path: deploy-as-code/helm/charts/sanitation/pqm-service
Path: build/build-config.yml
Path: deploy-as-code/helm/charts/sanitation/pqm-anomaly-finder
Path: build/build-config.yml
Business Service/Workflow Configuration
Create businessService (workflow configuration) using the /businessservice/_create. Following is the product configuration for PQM:
Copy {
"RequestInfo": {
"apiId": "Rainmaker",
"action": "",
"did": 1,
"key": "",
"msgId": "20170310130900|en_IN",
"requesterId": "",
"ts": 1513579888683,
"ver": ".01",
"authToken": "71fc8bf6-4c3f-4bb3-af74-bc2fabf6252e",
"userInfo": {{adduserInfo}}
"BusinessServices": [
"tenantId": "pg",
"businessService": "PQM",
"business": "pqm",
"businessServiceSla": 432000000,
"states": [
"sla": null,
"state": null,
"applicationStatus": null,
"docUploadRequired": true,
"isStartState": true,
"isTerminateState": false,
"isStateUpdatable": true,
"actions": [
"action": "SCHEDULE",
"nextState": "SCHEDULED",
"roles": [
"sla": null,
"state": "SCHEDULED",
"applicationStatus": "SCHEDULED",
"docUploadRequired": false,
"isStartState": false,
"isTerminateState": false,
"isStateUpdatable": true,
"actions": [
"action": "SUBMIT_SAMPLE",
"nextState": "PENDINGRESULTS",
"roles": [
"sla": null,
"applicationStatus": "PENDINGRESULTS",
"docUploadRequired": false,
"isStartState": false,
"isTerminateState": false,
"isStateUpdatable": false,
"actions": [
"action": "UPDATE_RESULT",
"nextState": "SUBMITTED",
"roles": [
"sla": null,
"state": "SUBMITTED",
"applicationStatus": "SUBMITTED",
"docUploadRequired": false,
"isStartState": false,
"isTerminateState": true,
"isStateUpdatable": false,
"actions": null
PQM Landing Page Charts
File Path- https://github.com/egovernments/configs/blob/UNIFIED-QA/egov-dss-dashboards/dashboard-analytics/ChartApiConfig.json
After adding the below changes, please restart dashboard-analytics.
Copy {
"pqmTestCompliance": {
"queries": [
"module": "PQM",
"indexName": "pqm-service",
"aggrQuery": "{\"size\":0,\"aggs\":{\"total_tests\":{\"cardinality\":{\"field\":\"Data.tests.testId.keyword\"}},\"wfStatus_submitted_count\":{\"filter\":{\"term\":{\"Data.tests.wfStatus.keyword\":\"SUBMITTED\"}}}}}",
"requestQueryMap": "{\"plantCode\" : \"Data.tests.plantCode.keyword\",\"tenantId\" : \"Data.tests.tenantId\"}",
"dateRefField": "Data.tests.@timestamp"
"chartType": "metric",
"valueType": "percentage",
"action": "percentage",
"isRoundOff": true,
"drillChart": "none",
"aggregationPaths": [
"insight": {
"chartResponseMap": "pqmTestCompliance",
"action": "differenceOfNumbers",
"upwardIndicator": "positive",
"downwardIndicator": "negative",
"textMessage": "$indicator$value% than last $insightInterval",
"colorCode": "#228B22",
"insightInterval": "year",
"isRoundOff": true
"_comment": " PQM Percentage of Test Compliance"
"pqmAlerts": {
"chartName": "PQM_ANOMALY_TYPE",
"queries": [
"module": "PQM",
"requestQueryMap": "{\"plantCode\" : \"Data.pqmAnomalys.plantCode.keyword\",\"tenantId\" : \"Data.pqmAnomalys.tenantId\"}",
"dateRefField": "Data.pqmAnomalys.@timestamp",
"indexName": "pqm-anomaly-finder",
"aggrQuery": "{\"aggs\":{\"AGGR\":{\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must_not\":[{\"term\":{\"Data.tenantId.keyword\":\"pg.testing\"}}]}},\"aggs\":{\"Anomaly_type_lab_results\":{\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"terms\":{\"Data.pqmAnomalys.anomalyType.keyword\":[\"LAB_RESULTS_NOT_AS_PER_BENCHMARK\"]}}]}},\"aggs\":{\"Count\":{\"value_count\":{\"field\":\"Data.pqmAnomalys.id.keyword\"}}}},\"Anomaly_type_test_result_not_submitted\":{\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"terms\":{\"Data.pqmAnomalys.anomalyType.keyword\":[\"TEST_RESULT_NOT_SUBMITTED\"]}}]}},\"aggs\":{\"Count\":{\"value_count\":{\"field\":\"Data.pqmAnomalys.id.keyword\"}}}},\"TotalAlerts\":{\"value_count\":{\"field\":\"Data.pqmAnomalys.id.keyword\"}}}}}}"
"isMdmsEnabled": true,
"isPostResponseHandler": true,
"postAggregationTheory": "repsonseToDifferenceOfDates",
"chartType": "xtable",
"valueType": "number",
"drillChart": "xBirthDownloadByUlb",
"documentType": "_doc",
"action": "",
"plotLabel": "DDRs",
"excludedColumns": [],
"removedFields": [],
"computedFields": [],
"isRoundOff": true,
"aggregationPaths": [
"pathDataTypeMapping": [
"Anomaly_type_test_result_not_submitted": "number"
"Anomaly_type_lab_results": "number"
"TotalAlerts": "number"
"insight": {},
"_comment": ""
"pqmPercentageOfTestResultsMeetingBenchmarks": {
"queries": [
"module": "PQM",
"indexName": "pqm-service",
"aggrQuery": "{\"size\":0,\"aggs\":{\"PASSED_TESTS\":{\"filter\":{\"term\":{\"Data.tests.status.keyword\":\"PASS\"}}},\"SUBMITTED_TESTS\":{\"filter\":{\"term\":{\"Data.tests.wfStatus.keyword\":\"SUBMITTED\"}}}}}",
"requestQueryMap": "{\"plantCode\" : \"Data.tests.plantCode.keyword\",\"tenantId\" : \"Data.tests.tenantId\"}",
"dateRefField": "Data.tests.@timestamp"
"chartType": "metric",
"valueType": "percentage",
"action": "percentage",
"isRoundOff": true,
"drillChart": "none",
"aggregationPaths": [
"insight": {
"chartResponseMap": "pqmPercentageOfTestResultsMeetingBenchmarks",
"action": "differenceOfNumbers",
"upwardIndicator": "positive",
"downwardIndicator": "negative",
"textMessage": "$indicator$value% than last $insightInterval",
"colorCode": "#228B22",
"insightInterval": "year",
"isRoundOff": true
"_comment": " PQM Percentage of Test Results Meeting Benchmarks"